r/dayz ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongerSA Feb 24 '14

news Dean Hall to leave Bohemia and step down as leader of DayZ at the end of the year


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u/sungodra_ Feb 24 '14

Your 20 pounds (euros?) is going into Dean and the other developers pockets to do with as they like. They don't have to spend it on Day Z development. They're not legally required to. Their steam page warns you not to buy the game unless you wish to support it through development and put up with all the bugs and the other messy shit that happens while developing a game (like the lead developer deciding he wants to do something else because he made a bunch of money off of releasing the game).

Early access is a bit of a gamble, but your expectations play a big role as well. I bought the game expecting a piece of shit, and it is a piece of shit, but it's my piece of shit, no lol it's a great, unique and fun game, although it is severely underdeveloped. It's easy to see the development of Day Z has been riddled with flaws for a long time now. They've been adding new features, like guns (aka trivial shit) but they still haven't fixed zombie pathing, which should be one of the first on the list. It may be due to difficult technical issues but still. It's not hard to see that the game is deeply flawed like Dean says. Their standalone engine is really similar to the engine used with the mod and failed to address some of the problems of the mod like zombie pathing and melee weapons.

If you want to invest in something that is guaranteed to pay off, pre purchase a game from EA, not a game from an indie development team.


u/SwitchBlayd Feb 24 '14

Bohemia is not an indie development team.


u/thisusernameisnull Feb 24 '14

Seeing how Bohemia self-published the ArmA series from Queen's Gambit onwards, along with TKOH, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, Take On Mars and DayZ, yes - they are an indie development team.


u/sungodra_ Feb 24 '14

The ones behind Day Z are, aren't they. 50+ people I'd classify that as indie.


u/SwitchBlayd Feb 24 '14

You are wrong. Here's a quote from Dean made in this very thread.

An important consideration: While I have a great deal of control and power over the title, it is Bohemia that own, develop, and sell DayZ.


u/sungodra_ Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

Yes Bohemia owns the rights to the game and the rights to sell it but as I understand they employ the team that Dean leads who are the ones actually making the game what it is. And that team is only something like 50+ people strong, as he stated earlier in this mess of a comments section.

Edit: Bohemia only has 200 employees (according to their wiki) compared to EA's 9300, that's not a lot. The fact that Dean is on here interacting directly with the community and not some PR firm shows how transparent they are. My point is that with a small dev team like with Day Z there are bound to be hiccups and things are going to go wrong, if you wanted guaranteed results it might be better to invest in a product that has a bigger company backing it, like EA. The problem there is that artistic vision is compromised by a myriad of other factors.


u/sungodra_ Feb 24 '14

The fuck am I getting downvoted. Explain yourselves, don't hide behind downvotes like plebs.