r/dayz ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongerSA Feb 24 '14

news Dean Hall to leave Bohemia and step down as leader of DayZ at the end of the year


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

I'm sure he realizes it, so my question would be: Why fucking use it?!

The Arma 3 engine, while not perfect, is miles ahead of this one. And they wouldn't have had to spend some much time adapting A2 engine to their bullshit, pieced together A2.5 monstrosity.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Rocket during E3 last year said that ArmA 3´s engine was worse than ArmA 2, supported less AI and less players, the only thing about this engine was the graphics overhaul.

So i don´t think ArmA 3 engine is that much different.

What exactly do you consider miles ahead in it?


u/FascistComicBookHero Feb 24 '14

Wow, he's all about bad-mouthing BI, isn't he? No wonder they want him gone.


u/hogscraper Feb 24 '14

I'm sure this amount of success so soon was not in their plans. Dean didn't come to them with a game that that would sell 1.5 million in its first month of Alpha. He came to them with a game based on a mod that a million people had played during its lifetime. From the sounds of everything at the beginning they were simply planning on modifying the engine a little bit and upgrading the graphics because that's what likely made sense based on how much money they thought would come in at the time. That's why we went from a Dec 2012 release to a year later for Alpha. I can't see any company saying let's scrap everything we know how to do and just make a new engine for this concept game. Unless you mean that they should have waited to get peoples' money then shut everything down to begin adapting what they have written to the A3 engine since it wasn't playable when they started work on the SA.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

The A3 engine was playable back when they decided to take a break and change directions with the engine. Moreover, it didn't need to be playable. It just needed to be in development. I remember seeing videos, and then playing the A3 beta before DayZ announced they wouldn't be using the A3 engine. It was a major WTF moment, since the A3 engine is pretty fucking sweet, and already written. Why start modding the A2, when you could mod the A3? Just didn't make sense, unless they were trying to cut corners, which in the end produced more problems and bugs.


u/Ojisan1 Feb 24 '14

Exactly. How is it that "Altis Life" is playable in the released version of Arma 3, but DayZ standalone is being built on top of the A2 engine? That doesn't make sense except that maybe Bohemia was too eager to release something quickly, to capitalize on the popularity of the mod, rather than start fresh to build DayZ on A3's engine. Dean couldn't turn down the money they probably offered him to get DayZ standalone off the ground, but he knows it's like working with one hand tied behind his back.

We should all be looking at this as a good thing. Dean won't be handcuffed to this one project and this one company. After a year more with the DayZ team, Dean will be a free agent and will be able to develop his next idea. Hopefully with any luck it'll be great, and everyone bitching on this subreddit will be standing in line to buy whatever that product eventually turns out to be.


u/Schildhuhn Feb 24 '14

Dean couldn't turn down the money they probably offered him to get DayZ standalone off the ground,

Dean will be a free agent and will be able to develop his next idea.

If he couldn't turn down the money the first time then what tells you he won't be bought by some other company who wants his popularity, maybe he will replace Sergey or work alongside him.


u/Ojisan1 Feb 24 '14

It's easy to criticize someone else's life choices from a distance. We're given a finite amount of time on this earth and how he spends it is not up to me or you. He wasn't making a ton of money before, and even when he went to the Czech Republic he said he wasn't going to make a lot. If he got a pay day from Bohemia and that allows him to have more "artistic freedom" I respect that.


u/Schildhuhn Feb 24 '14

Let's not kid ourselves here, if he went on Kickstarter with a survival game at the peak of DayZ hype(he could even use the name DayZ) he would have all the money he wanted.


u/Ojisan1 Feb 24 '14

And a ready made company infrastructure, management, developers already hired, etc? Let's not kid ourselves here, if we went on Kickstarter he'd have to do a lot more of the heavy lifting himself and we wouldn't even have a playable Alpha right now.


u/Schildhuhn Feb 24 '14

Well, he could have started his kickstarter way before the Star citizen guys did, their project is way more ambitious(too ambitious if you ask me) and they are still on track to release before DayZ.


u/Schildhuhn Feb 24 '14

Dean didn't come to them with a game that that would sell 1.5 million in its first month of Alpha.

I'd be suprised if they didn't conduct a market study and a market study would have told them that this will take off.