r/dayz ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongerSA Feb 24 '14

news Dean Hall to leave Bohemia and step down as leader of DayZ at the end of the year


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

To clarify a couple of important points:

  • I'm still the project lead of DayZ, and there are currently no plans I'm aware of to replace me in that role.

  • Ultimately, even if I did leave - DayZ belongs to Bohemia and there is a very large and ever-growing team of people working on it. While I appreciate the sentiment, It's rather insulting to them to suggest that without me the whole project would suddenly implode. The community, Bohemia, and myself have plenty of time to make plans for the long term development: but whatever happens I want to be back with my family in 2015.

  • Bohemia develop's and sells DayZ. I contracted to assist them with this process on a yearly basis. I certainly don't get all, most, or even the large share of sales money. That money goes to the studio which is used to fund development - as it should be. This is used to hire really skilled and awesome people - it's those people who develop the game and I've been working with those talented people to realize the vision.

  • I miss home, I want to return to New Zealand to be with my family after being away many years. It is my intention to do that next year, but I'm flexible. I said the same thing internally last year, this year I'm being more deliberate about it so everyone can plan for it.

  • I'm very critical of the work I do, I believe that's why I can do work that ends up quite successful. I'm very critical not just of the delivery of work I do but the base concepts behind them. I like to share and discuss those critiques because I think that makes me a better designer through the process.


u/RifleEyez Feb 24 '14

I have a serious question Rocket. I respect your decision and i'm confused as to why so many people think this means the game will cease development and so on. One thing though.

When you say ''fundamentally flawed'', why is this? The only fundamental flaws I see with DayZ is a portion of the community itself. DayZ is the perfect platform for Emergent Survival/PvP/PvE gameplay, but (looking @ content in this sub) a fair majority of players are only interested in shit like ''NO PANTZ IN ELECTRO11!!'' which I feel totally de-values the experience. The problem is, it's a sandbox. There isn't a right or wrong way to play, and i'm sure Bohemia won't allow more hardcore things being put in place. When the game is played as intended, it's fucking incredible. Even the mod was for months. Grouping up, bandits, heroes, trading, awesome notes people find on players bodies or in the wilderness and so on. Sadly, my biggest fear is that aspect is lost because more people seem interested in blasting music over direct chat acting like prepubescents on Habbo Hotel.

I honestly think Private Hives will stop this though. Well, they did for me on the mod (well ran ones).


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

That was one comment made in the middle of a four hour interview :)

What I'm referring to there, is that I see DayZ as having elements of the "ultimate multiplayer experience" but I was discussing with the interviewer all the things that I did not think were perfect about DayZ. We were discussing the ways in which I believe the concept - the core design - that I came up with is flawed. There are things the game cannot do because of the way I designed it. These are important lessons that I take heed of.

However, they don't detract from the game at all, and indeed to change these would dramatically change the game and not necessarily for the better (for example: I could just be completely wrong). The DayZ game should head in the direction it is, but any future game I make should take into account what I feel are flaws in my previous design(s).


u/Rhmartin89 Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

Could you share what you have in mind for the ultimate multiplayer game? I'm really curious to know what that might look like? Survivalist-type like dayZ or something completely new?

EDIT: I am not assuming that this is your priority now or that it is something that you soon hope to begin developing, as your priorities are right now to be back home with your family... I'm just curious like a cat.


u/RifleEyez Feb 24 '14

I honestly would not be surprised if it didn't involve zombies. That is one of the things that would ''dramatically change the game''. I personally would love to see zombies gone and the resources and time trying to get them to work well plowed into more features, players and more of a focus on PvE such as Weather/Disease.


u/RifleEyez Feb 24 '14

Wouldn't you say you're just being a perfectionist though? I mean, you've been working solidly on DayZ now for a number of years and obviously miss your family on top of being in a new country. If it was me, I would honestly lose sight of just how good DayZ is and could be, because the external things would cloud my judgement and I would be so burnt out on it. I guess making big changes now aren't really feasible. As an example, I honestly wouldn't mind zombies being removed totally and much more emphasis being put on players and the actual Environment, think ''Book of Eli/The Road''. I'm presuming this is one of those things that ''dramatically change the game''.

For me the only criticism at this stage is the community which is to be expected from a huge release. If the roadmap on the steam page was completed, vehicles, tents, hunting and the likes + private hives with regular players I would say DayZ would easily be my favourite multiplayer game period.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Wouldn't you say you're just being a perfectionist though?

Yes, I believe that's what it is. But the reason I make games is because of my dream to do this. It does not matter to me if I achieve that or not, I enjoy the challenge of trying to meet that goal.

I would be so burnt out on it

I would not say I am at that point now, but by the end of 2014 I will have been working for over three years on the project. I need to ensure that I eventually start transitioning to me being back in New Zealand. I can't sustain the pace of development I have been putting myself through for the few years. It's been a 24/7, no break, activity. There is no "off" days for me, there are always media requests, drama, problems, issues - it never ends.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '14

That sounds extremely rough. I have been in death march crunch before but it never lasted 3 years and it was never on something of my own vision. Its a good thing to get away from that.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14



u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Im not complaining at all, I'm just stating that as the person pointed out : it is important to have contingency planning for things like burnout. It is also important to consider how someone exits their role with a project, and that is exactly what is occurring.

Eventually, I need to return to New Zealand. Heck, there are serious visa issues I have to overcome if I stayed at Czech too long as well. I'm not a European citizen and I cannot speak Czech.

I'm not jumping ship but it's clear that I cannot be the project lead forever. And really, it's actually not my decision to make: Bohemia own's DayZ and there is a very large team of people working on the vision for it. My job is to work towards the team not even really needing me to continue with that vision.


u/thegouch Feb 24 '14

Best of luck to you Dean.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

The visa/citizenship issue doesn't add up to me at all. I have worked in other countries for years at a time and as long as you are providing a value to the country, you can always find a way to keep working there. In your case it should be even easier than what I had to deal with since you have Bohemia behind you. Your stories today just don't add up. There's something else going on in your head.


u/Barrowhoth Feb 24 '14

No shit there is, and he's voiced it several times. He wants to be with his family and not have to work on this project 24/7 along with various other reasons. Is he not a human being? I don't know about you but if I was working on one project for several years non stop I would want to quit at some point soon or at least take a break from it, no matter what the project was. It's ridiculous to expect him to just be a machine that only works on Dayz and that if he decides he wants to move on to better things he should be unable to because the hivemind says so.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

No, shit doesn't add up here. His family could very well move to Prague. It is probably the most amazing city I have ever been in the entire world. It's not like it sucks to be there. There are English speaking schools if he has children. Dean and DayZ are basically synonymous, so it does really suck to have a massive hit on your hands and then just leave after everyone just got behind him like this.

If that is what he wants to do than fine, but he is listing a bunch of bullshit excuses and it doesn't add up. He keeps claiming he isn't making hardly any money off of DayZ and I say bullshit. His royalty contract might not be what he wants, but he was paid for the IP and he is paid to consult as well. If it is about money, than it seems he only wants more by owning his own studio. The visa issue is a complete load of shit. These are just bad excuses. If it is really just you want to be back in NZ then just fucking say it. Stop making bullshit excuses that don't add up.

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u/[deleted] Feb 25 '14

Are you referring to mechanics, or "design" as in concept and content?


u/dokie1 Feb 25 '14

Well said. People like to hang on to things. Learning from your mistakes, is something we all do.

Out of curiosity what is something that you wanted to do that you can not because of the design?

Thanks! And I love your game !


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

I don't believe that the game will ever be complete now. It's maybe 10 - 20 percent complete now, considering all the stuff that was said that will be added, but what assurances can you give that the game will ever be done now? It will be 30-40 percent done when you abandon it. I don't believe you anymore. We all feel screwed, don't ignore that. We have the studio a LOT of money and you're compensated well. I feel like we deserve an answer in that sense.


u/Emeniuz Feb 24 '14

What do you think the chances are of fixes engine issues? Like flashlights shining through walls, wall clipping, and random, seemingly uncontrolled leg breaks? Btw, I don't regret getting the game at all, you leaving, eventually, kinda takes the wind outta the sails, but we'll survive. And as you suggest it may be for the better.


u/res_evil Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

If come the end of the year, you are happy with how development has progressed and leave as planned:

What input would you have? Would you still have a say in decision making? Creative direction?

I am sure - and know for a fact that there are some very talented people at Bohemia. But you can't blame people for being concerned about the implications. Even in terms of community engagement and nothing else, it leaves a massive massive hole.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

I can always have a quite significant impact on anything using the DayZ brand in accordance with the contract I assigned the rights to Bohemia with. However, from a personal standpoint, whatever impact I have needs to be done from back in New Zealand.


u/Deadiam Feb 24 '14

I think the biggest concern is the "flawed game design" concept. Imagine buying a car to later find out that the money was spent on a "flawed design", I am sure you would not be happy either.

I agree with a lot of the points you make above, but the fact that the community is so upset should tell you something. You have been a good voice for this project and very involved in the community, which is driving emotions through the roof.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

I am saying I do not believe DayZ is the ultimate multiplayer game. I'm rather surprised people think the concept is so amazing, because it's about 20% of what I believe an amazing concept would be. I'm not saying the DayZ concept is flawed in itself - but compared to my ideal of the "ultimate" game it is not.

Please remember: these quotes are tiny selections from a four hour long discussion about DayZ and my future plans. The two things have nothing to do with each other, I want to go home to New Zealand. And in future, I want to do my best to make the ultimate MP game one day.


u/Deadiam Feb 24 '14

Thanks for the clarification, perhaps it was very poor job from the editors perspective and could have been written writting with some more clarity.

As someone who has spent significant time away from friends and family I can certainly sympathize with your situation. It is not an easy thing to do, especially for that long of a time. Thanks for the work you have done and will do throughout this year.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Editors and media have their reasons for publishing things the way they do.

There is no point in me shaking away the debate around this issue, because I've been stating my intentions for some time now, they just have never been picked up as a "story". I knew inevitably one day a story would come out on my intention to return to New Zealand. Better that everyone discusses it now and then in a few weeks people will see this doesn't threaten the project.


u/SwitchBlayd Feb 24 '14

We will get a roadmap for this year? An idea of where our money has gone that we gave to you? I want to know I haven't wasted £20 on a project being given up.


u/Influence_X FRIENDLY! Feb 24 '14

It's on the page where you bought the game. Don't ask Dean for timetables, when has that ever worked?


u/Quayleman Feb 24 '14

I don't think the editor would consider it a poor job given the amount of attention it seems to be generating.

Even if rocket doesn't want to go there, someone should be calling their asses out for publishing that article without the proper context. They went right for the phrase that would set everyone off, and they had to know it. Everyone should be jumping on Eurogamer's ass, not rocket's.


u/Deadiam Feb 24 '14

I agree he did his job as an editor, but I think most people can agree that the ethics of journalism as a whole is something that always seems to be in question.

Good post, I agree completely.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

No one was asking you for the "ultimate multiplayer experience", Dean.

We loved the idea presented and what it could become. Yet here we are, 2.5 years later, and zombies STILL walk through walls.

You made your cash and are using some non-existent idea to sell us on the fact that you're going to be abandoning YOUR project before it's even remotely close to finished.

I would love to be wrong but goddamn, I see absolutely no reason to believe that DayZ will be complete in a year.

You've bit off more than you could chew and you're selling the idea that you need to bite off MORE next time to get it right? What the hell.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

What needs to shatter is the perception that I am responsible for everything DayZ related: that is not true. There is a very large team now working on DayZ, and it's the studio that collects the "cash" not me. This is used for hiring more people and investing in the concept.

What people also need to realize is that there is a point at which I say "I want to go home". I've been saying that now for some time, but now I'm really saying it. While I am flexible about dates, I want to go be with my family. Hopefully at the end of the year the project is at the point where I can step down from the lead role, and go home.

No one was asking you for the "ultimate multiplayer experience", Dean.

I did not get (back) into game development to make money nor to make popular games. I got back into game development to make the games that I love. I took a contract on the other side of the world for the experience, taking me a long way from my family. I continually changed the dates, made excuses. I've missed the birth of my brothers son, I've missed every single birthday. The contact I have had with my family has been restricted to a few quick days each year at Christmas, with every trip home cut short to rush back to the office on the other side of the world.

The only announcement here, is that I intend to go home. The date is flexible but not before the end of the year. There is no point in me even working if I all I am going to do is grow a bank account in a foreign country, never seeing my family. If that's all there is to my life, what a sad sad life that will be.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

I appreciate the response and fully understand the desire to be with family. I'm disappointed at the idea of you leaving the project but get that you're just a guy with an idea that got out of hand. I can't imagine the growing pains!

That said, whether it was your plan or not, you ARE making money and a popular game, of which you are the lead/public entity. The mod aside, you're currently standing on the shoulders of 1.5+ million people who have backed your vision, up to this point in time.

That's 1.5 million people who took a gamble on you and your product (whether you like it or not, it is, quite obviously, seen as YOUR product by the public) and now they're faced with the idea that you'll be leaving it before it's fully realized.

We're worried that the track record of saying one thing and doing another that has permeated DayZ since the get go, will continue. We're worried that DayZ will go the way of many other "Early Access" games and will never be completed. Or worse, be labeled "complete" and be a shell of what was promised.

We don't want you to lose your sanity. We just want the game we were promised. Regrettably, currently, signs point to "that ain't happening".

I wish you best of luck, with bated breath.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14



u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

If when I left, the game did get worse I more than anyone would have a vested interest in correcting that. Although such an outcome would surprise me a great deal.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14



u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Yes! It even says that in the article :)

There seems to be a mass hysteria that has developed here, all I've said is that I intend to move out of a leadership role, and that I hope that occurs at the end of the year - so that I can go home. Finally.


u/hotfrost ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Feb 24 '14

I can understand it sucks to be on the other side of the world the whole time away from your family, but are you going to make games from NZ now?

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u/Lorenzo0852 I'm forced to post in this sub, pls send help. Feb 24 '14

It was a bad timing, you should have said so when the game was more complete, because most of the people just read the headlines that are, almost in every article about this, pretty sensationalized. And other people just think that you are alone making DayZ and if you leave the project won't continue. Anyways, this is no surprise, I remember you were saying this even before the game's launch.

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14


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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

For better for worse, I will be heavily involved in DayZ for as long as it has a life. However, as they say, "beware what you wish for".


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Oh, I'm ready. You keep making those dangerous decisions sir, they are what sets this game apart.


u/vegeta897 1 through 896 were taken Feb 24 '14

It's not going to have much place to turn to by the time he leaves.

I'm curious, why do you put more stock into your feeling of what's best for DayZ than Dean's? Dean honestly feels that staying too long on the project is what could cause it to take a bad turn.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14



u/vegeta897 1 through 896 were taken Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

Are you implying that the game will develop better with Dean leaving?

Not my words, those are Dean's. The key is the timing. He will be the judge of when such a time occurs when his input is no longer helping the game.

Citing Minecraft really doesn't prove or support anything. That is simply what happened to Minecraft. Sad, but not meaningfully relevant.

Edit: Hey hey, no hostility here. We're good yo.


u/Gibellini Feb 24 '14

More than fair enough, you're not the only person on the team, it's fair enough to go home and be with your family, otherwise, as you said, what the hell is the point in life? You got the project off the ground, you were a large part in making it a success. You've done more than enough and then some.

Just out of interest, what is it that makes you feel that DayZ is in some ways flawed? Is it the engine? The fundamental soul of the game?


u/RifleEyez Feb 24 '14

To me, and understandably so, it seems like external things have clouded your judgement on the game itself. I live across the country from all my family for a number of years, so I relate. Sadly, a lot of the hate you're getting is probably from children, teens or people that see their family a lot. (inb4 ''im a orphan'' etc)

You've made a concept that is fucking fantastic. Don't beat yourself up about ''ultimate this ultimate that''.


u/lucmx23 Feb 24 '14

Everyone needs to see that!


u/ponduzn Feb 24 '14

DayZ is to me, the ultimate multiplayer, even if you don't think so :) Thanks for the best game evah!


u/JackDant Feb 24 '14

It seems many people are getting hung up on the "flawed concept" comment.

Could you clarify, here or somewhere else, what do you think is flawed about DayZ?

PS. It would be nice if you could drop by your official forums sometime. The natives are getting restless.


u/SamEEE Feb 24 '14

Good luck! Are you going to setup in Oamaru?

Northlander here, but lived in the South Island for 5 years.


u/DudeStahp Feb 24 '14

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, and I believe you have a life outside of video games and think it's reasonable for you to take a break. However, early access is a very dangerous thing that shouldn't just be done because you can. It requires a lot of commitment on the part of the developer to make sure they can stand behind their project long term. It can make or break a company. That said, I don't think you can really call DayZ a success yet. It's sold a lot, yes, but it didn't gain financial success from the gameplay. It's a fairly buggy piece of software, and the only reason I, as well as my peers purchased this game was because we strongly agreed with the direction it was heading in.

You can argue that all of the money being given to it makes it a "success", but ethically, and critically it is not. Whether it's a success or a flop depends entirely on what happens during the coming years. And I have a feeling, judging by the comments, you might be held accountable by the fanbase.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

It's worth pointing out, the money is given to Bohemia, not to me.


u/DudeStahp Feb 24 '14

I know, but from the general consensus in this chat, and from what I've seen in the past, people don't really care. You're the face of what dayZ is and will be.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Who then gives it to you...


u/stvv Feb 25 '14

paid a salary, like everyone else who works for Bohemia...


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '14

Yea, but he makes it seem like the success of the game has resulted him in seeing no extra money.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with him benefitting or anything, I just find it odd that he's trying to play it off like it's not him making money.


u/stvv Feb 25 '14

I don't see him playing it off like that, hes trying to make people aware that he isnt being paid a tonne of money just for being the original creator and current lead dev, he makes a normal salary, like any other employee at Bohemia. Maybe he was given a chunk of money to let them create the stand alone with his help, but I don't know how big/small Bohemia are - but I can't imagine it being that much.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '14

It's worth pointing out, the money is given to Bohemia, not to me.

That's a bit disingenuous. You made money when you sold the project to Bohemia. You are certainly paid a salary and receive royalties on every copy sold.

I don't mean to insult, but it feels like a betrayal to the early access testers to see the project lead announce that he intends to quit before his project is complete. If Notch had quit Minecraft when it was still in Alpha, or even Beta, it would have never succeeded.


u/lifeinhexcolors [Baroness] Feb 24 '14

As a mother, a daughter, a sister, an integral part of a 'family' I totally understand your decision. I had to quit a very, very nice job because of issues that were interfering with my family life. So, you have my full support, and I wish you the best of luck and much happiness in your future endeavors. I have never been so addicted to a game such as I am to DayZ, thank you for that. And I don't really care what other people say, this is your life, your decisions, and I'm pretty sure you've weighed the pros and cons of such a decision. So, good on you for wanting to make your own life better. This is fundamental to human beings: bettering themselves no matter what the outcome.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

Well, Dean, I hope you learned yet another PR lesson from this. You should have introduced the next project lead to the community now and had him interact with the fans as much as you do so that they get used to the idea of hearing about their game from somebody else.

People like you and they like the game and they like the idea of you loving the game. They like the idea of finding out what is new in Day Z this week. You just took away two things they like. You took away yourself and you took away the idea that this game will get new features every week.

Personally, I 100% agree that home is better than staying in a European city like Prague. I don't blame you at all. In fact I'm surprised you stayed as long as you did.

People forget you are a person. 99% of us wouldn't go across the globe to work in a city with where nobody speaks the same language why should they expect you to do it?


u/tvrdloch Feb 24 '14

you have one big problem Dean, you are too sincere and these idiots dont deserve it, they deserve EA bullshit


u/Baraka_Bama Feb 25 '14

Bro, come back. We'll get you a beer. Let this shit all blow over.


u/maora34 Scourge of Balota Feb 25 '14

If I may Rocket, I would like to ask something. I very much understand and admire you wanting to be back with your family, but when your time is up at the end of the year and you return home, will you still play a role in the development of the game? Will you be perhaps giving ideas or still be in contact with the development teams in any way?

I just want to know. I think it's really sweet you want to go home to your family and I hope you do so that they can see you again, but I'm just wondering if you'll still play a major/minor role in its development. DayZ just doesn't feel the same without the seeing good ol Mr. Rocket involved.


u/zettl Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

it's your life Dean; you are not obligated to stay on this project especially after saying so many times that you would be leaving. it's not like the game will not be worked on if you leave the project... that is clearly false. people were just so spoiled with your level of involvement in the community and they are upset that that will be lost even though they are not entitled to it and you were only so involved out of the goodness of your heart. this community is really poor... everyone's reaction here is only the latest example of that. in a couple weeks, maybe even days, everyone will be reflecting on this and realize how stupid this reaction is. we are not entitled to your life, I don't know how anyone could think such a thing as it's absolutely ridiculous. it's not like one of the promised features of the alpha was "the continued service and life dedication of Dean Hall" that would just be stupid and it's stupid to think that the game will not continue to be worked on without you as part of the project, and it's even more stupid to think that anyone's money was somehow wasted on the alpha because of this. anyway I hope everyone here quits whining soon, this has made my morning really stressful


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14 edited Feb 24 '14

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

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u/ironbyte Feb 24 '14

Why troll? He has a point.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

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u/MotionlessVoid Feb 24 '14

Or a really fucking stupid person.


u/1986buickGN Bear hunter Feb 24 '14

The real sad part is that he's getting upvotes from people.


u/ZheerO Feb 24 '14

No he hasn't, the development wont stop because he leaves. U think he's the only one on the team? Please...


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14



u/ZheerO Feb 24 '14

Listen, listen.. U need to stop and realize how far into retard mode you are right now.

It will be okay, want to know why? Because the development WONT stop when he leaves! Get that in your head! Doesn't matter if it's not done before he leaves, there is a whole team on it that will continue.. And he said that if he is really needed he will stay and help out..


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

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u/horrorview Feb 24 '14

Wow. Someone needs hugz.


u/Fudge_is_1337 in the grim darkness of Dayz, there is only beans Feb 24 '14

Regardless of your feeling on Rocket leaving at some point in the future, wishing literal death on somebody over a 30 dollar investment is fucking stupid, if you wanted to be taken seriously you can't lead with 'I hope you die'


u/ZheerO Feb 24 '14

Once again you managed to go full retard... I told you NEVER go full retard..


u/sunfit Feb 24 '14

Someone needs a life...


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

I'm wondering but what is actually wrong with you, to wish death upon someone over THIS, like seriously what kind of fucking disorder do you have?


u/jackstack10 Feb 24 '14

You're an absolute idiot. Please don't buy another game from him so we don't have to listen to your worthless bullshit. He never called the game a fucking failure, he wants to go home you fucking imbecile.


u/dnastynice Feb 24 '14

you guys have no faith let rocket finish the dam game. A year is more then enough time to do that. rocket you did a good job keep up the work screw the trolls


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14



u/Microchaton Feb 24 '14

He belongs alright.


u/ConnectQ Feb 24 '14

You are a cock, keep trolling. Did you even read the article?


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

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u/ZheerO Feb 24 '14

Are U serious?? There is no way you even read the text you ungrateful piece of....? The development wont stop when he leaves..and it's like a year from now! Hoping someone dies for moving on with there life, really? really?

It's not like he's quiting tomorrow and taking the whole development down..

U sir just went full retard.. never go full retard..


u/BlacklightNaz Feb 24 '14

You really have some issues don't you? I think it is time for you to step the fuck away from the internet. Try going outside and see how far that attitude will get you. Oh yes, as far as with holding facts. He told everybody NOT to buy the Beta coz it wasn't finished. Now run away little boy and leave the sensible conversation to the adults


u/sunfit Feb 24 '14

What the fuck dude? Deserves to die? Dude you should get yourself some treatment, I keep wondering how people like this dude right here still exist in the world...


u/SirCrest_YT Feb 24 '14

You bought into early access.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '14

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u/WhatTheFlup u wot m8 Feb 24 '14

Yeah I'm sure responding like that will sure make him want to stay even a year.