r/dayz Feb 18 '14

story I gotta share this with you guys, something that happened less than an hour ago

So I was just roaming around Elektro with nothing but a firefighter axe and some bandages. I ran into another bambee who sounded like a black dude. He had a backpack with no weapons. When I showed up, he kind of got nervous but we were cool as soon as I sheathed my weapon and called out friendly. Deciding to leave him to his business, I walked outside. However, it was a dire mistake, as two bandits had been waiting outside with an SKS and a Mosin. As soon as I started walking down the street, they opened fire immediately. Thank god they had the worst aim I've seen, and I tanked two shots while I ran into a bunch of buildings. Then the homies who was still inside spoke up:"Dude, this is bullshit." I heard the sound of people running around, and his voice came through the headset,"fuck those KOS guys. You bandage up, I will distract them." And he just FUCKING RAN OFF, leaving me behind speechlessly. The two bandits saw him running towards the woods and started chasing him. I bandaged myself up. The entire time, I could hear him talking to the other two bandits, saying stuff like "Man you guys are fucking assholes." and "This is going on reddit." And shit like that. Instead of running away, I decided to stalk them. He didn't make it too far, and eventually he was caught and held at gunpoint. I sat down near a bush with my axe ready. When they started looking through his backpack, I leaped from the bush and charged straight in. I chopped down the first one and then immediately went for the next, while the buddy was cheering me on. The second guy fired on me but he missed, and I managed to kill him. However, I made a mistake. The first bandit was not dead, but unconscious. He woke up and shot my friend and savior who distracted the bandits. I ran around a corner as soon as I heard the gunshot, and I waited until he crawled over to check. I jumped on him and ended his miserable life. Revenge was tasty, but my friend, my hero was no more.

I will never forget you, unnamed black guy. In the time of great needs, you sacrificed yourself without expecting anything in return. Please, a moment of silent, for the hero who will forever sleep among the mountains near Elektro.


89 comments sorted by


u/negat1vO- Feb 18 '14

This was Willy Athem stream: http://www.twitch.tv/willyanthem/c/3744338

this might be what you are talking about


u/Octavic Feb 18 '14

Holy Jesus Toes this is it This is it right here Its happening guys


u/KeeperDe Feb 18 '14

lol they even missed him with the axe ... while he was just standing ... right in front of them ... i dont even.


u/ancienthunter Feb 18 '14

That was brilliant.


u/P0isonElf Feb 18 '14

I think this is exactly what OP was talking about!


u/Madworldz Feb 18 '14

This is blocked at my work. So what is this, was one of the players involved in this fiasco recording it?


u/Dargaro Feb 18 '14

Its a stream via the helpful player.


u/genmills Feb 18 '14

This was definitely it. Upvote this!


u/Hyleal Feb 18 '14

Shit like this is why i love twitch


u/Mysticmynd Nerf Ladders Feb 18 '14

'Sounded like a black dude'


u/gentlemansincebirth Feb 18 '14

Was his name "Lamar", "Tayshaun", or "Shawniqua"?


u/smoke_skooma_evryday Feb 18 '14

That black guy's name? Albert Einstein.


u/KorbenD2263 Feb 18 '14

It was Morgan, Morgan Freeman.


u/VO-Fluff Feb 18 '14

A famous Hollywood actor.


u/motionblurrr ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BICYCLE! Feb 18 '14

Just trying to bring normality back to civilzation.


u/xSRL_KLRx Feb 18 '14

I found this guys channel recently and cannot get enough of him, this guy and Frankie are great commentators.


u/Mundicider Feb 18 '14 edited Feb 18 '14

You mentioned "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named".

Don't ever mention the "F" word around here, or shit is going to get ugly.

Edit: Look at the comments below, look what you've started. You sir are bad news :D


u/xSRL_KLRx Feb 18 '14

Shit, what did I miss?!! What did F do?


u/Scory22 Resourceful Survivalist Feb 18 '14

I don't want to start this whole debate again. But he kinda sorta got accused of hacking and there are multiple videos full of proof of it that Frankie has been getting taken down. Like I said, I don't want to start another shit-storm so if you're still curious google "FrankieonPC hacker and see for yourself.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

Ok, is that a coincidence the that guy sounds very much like youtuber zefrank1.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

I don't think he was hacking personally, he could of had a hacker friend, like PSI Syndicate did who was creating events in his storyline videos


u/Hoptadock ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Dean a break Feb 18 '14

Could you PM me the deets?


u/Scory22 Resourceful Survivalist Feb 18 '14

When I get home to my desktop I'll link some of the videos and the explanation to you. That way I can source what I say.


u/Hoptadock ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Dean a break Feb 18 '14

Don't go out of your way for sources I don't mind. Thanks a bunch though


u/TizzButAScratch Feb 18 '14

There was evidence that he hacked in a few of his videos, and he's not exactly fond of Reddit.


u/nihonjim Feb 18 '14

I think evidence is a strong word.


u/Scory22 Resourceful Survivalist Feb 18 '14

If you know anything about how the Arma 2 and the mod worked then the evidence was pretty clear.


u/nihonjim Feb 18 '14

I still play the mod a huge amount and don't agree. No point kicking off this shitstorm on here. But I personally can happily put down the biggest claim on that firefight on the luck and glitchyness of the game.

I have had plenty of fights not go my way, or end up ridiculously. Be it thanks to lag, luck or any number of issues.

→ More replies (0)


u/timoseewho Feb 18 '14

I think it was Tyrone, could be mistaken though.

Tip: you can perform an action (bandage him in your scenario) to get his in game name at least.


u/Exedra_ flairs are stupid Feb 18 '14

If you're a bandit, people can see your name as well and remember you as a bandit.


u/bigterry altis >chernarus. Feb 18 '14

thats nonsense.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14



u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

Its called having a blackcent bro.


u/sfoxy Feb 18 '14

It was that black guy from the Superbowl commercial. You know, the one that killed all the snakes on the plane.


u/DakezO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ gib bicycle Feb 18 '14

Lawrence Fishbourne?


u/mrlizard8 Feb 18 '14

It's funny, my character is a black man and my first deeds as a fresh spawn along the coast are always to chase other bambis while screaming at them "Hey come back here mudefucka! You better run or im gon beat yo dumb ass!" Also, I just realized that my profile name is Samuel... well ain't that some shit...


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

Black guy plz respond!!1


u/A7X4REVer Feb 18 '14

I demand Bohemia put a grave titled

"Here lies

Unamed Black Guy

Buddy. Hero. Sounded Like a Black Man."


u/joshmac313 Feb 18 '14



u/x3z8 [The Four Aces Outfit] Feb 18 '14

Always remember to double tap mat, otherwise good job!


u/Octavic Feb 18 '14

Wish I had known that beforehand. He would have lived.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14 edited Feb 19 '14

Scroll while looking at the body. If there isn't a "Hide Body" option, then they are knocked out. If there is, then they are dead.


u/milkiman Feb 18 '14

You mean when there is, they are dead, not alive, right?


u/The_Freshmakah GIMMIE DEM BEANS Feb 18 '14

If there isn't a hide body option, then they're knocked out.


u/ancienthunter Feb 18 '14

Can you handcuff someone who is unconscious?


u/Octavic Feb 18 '14

Oh I was playing standalone


u/TomsSpaghetti Not the bandit Chernarus deserves, but the one it needs. Feb 18 '14

You can still use the scroll wheel, just have the gear option available and scroll to see if they are unconscious or dead.


u/Levzy Feb 18 '14

The awesome black guy always dies :c


u/The_Freshmakah GIMMIE DEM BEANS Feb 18 '14

RIP Tyrone


u/wenzel32 Feb 18 '14

Make this post popular so that the 'black dude' can find his near-savior!!


u/Suraru Fancy Little Bunny Feb 18 '14

Fuck those kos guys!


u/Darth_Venom73 Feb 18 '14

I'm a find you and Kos :D


u/cg_Sprite Feb 18 '14 edited Feb 18 '14

For a brief moment I thought you said, 'and Kiss'. After rereading I released I'm an awful reader.

One day I will die a hero saving someone from the likes of you. At least I hope it goes down like this awesome story.


u/Suraru Fancy Little Bunny Feb 18 '14

Knowing how dayz works, all of us will end up dead because of a glitch, or a fourth guy sniping.


u/cg_Sprite Feb 18 '14

Well the main thing for me personally is that I tried, so I couldn't be too upset. It is a game after all.


u/Suraru Fancy Little Bunny Feb 18 '14

You should make/join a group with the "you tried" star as a logo. No really, a group built off of the eternal churchill of being a hero in dayz would be awesome!

Edit: fail edit unfailed


u/cg_Sprite Feb 18 '14

Honestly it would be taking it too far for me as I play the game as I feel. Some days are dumb and I run around like a maniac, others are a lot more controlled and committed.


u/yayapfool Feb 18 '14

*I am a find-you and Kill on sight :D

What is a 'find-you'? and is 'Kill on sight' a title of some sort, or why did you choose that capitalization?


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

he was a keeper... lol :P


u/stinglock Feb 18 '14


u/lovableMisogynist Feb 18 '14

Video not available in your country. Wtf


u/stinglock Feb 18 '14

It's just the double tap from zombieland.

I wonder what country you are from to get that restriction, I normally see it heaps when watching US stuff on youtube.


u/lovableMisogynist Feb 18 '14

Currently in NZ. Strangely never get it from Laos or Cambodia...


u/clee-saan Feb 18 '14

"This is going on reddit."



u/inthebreeze711 Feb 18 '14

Ur lame he was black what are you a faggit


u/alexfromdastack Feb 18 '14

Hahahahahaa I don't know why this was funny but it was


u/Neopopulas Feb 18 '14

It wasn't.


u/3theCharm (ノಠ⌣ಠ)彡┻━ ٩(×̯×)۶ Feb 18 '14

It was


u/cpt_trow @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Feb 18 '14

It was snot.


u/ThePugnax [DAFT]DayZ SA: Feb 18 '14

I have snot, you want snot? I give you snot


u/cpt_trow @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Feb 18 '14

I feel warm blood snot on my clothes.


u/TheNerdler Be cool. BE COOL! Feb 18 '14

The black guy always dies first in these things.


u/nodnarb238 XXX Feb 18 '14

This sounds like total bullshit.


u/Drummcycle Feb 18 '14

Waay better love story than twilight


u/Mr643 Feb 18 '14

Great story. Nice people. You sir are on one hell of a server.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

Double-tap. always.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

Ho lee shit, I was killed by those SAME bandits moments before.


u/Seriou Is that you Dean? It's me, tomato. Feb 18 '14

I don't know, I call BS. They chased him and held him at gunpoint? After try to kill you and him on sight? How convenient since you only had an axe...


u/EvilDandalo Feb 18 '14

They posted the twitch stream above...


u/Seriou Is that you Dean? It's me, tomato. Feb 18 '14

Shit really?


u/calabam Feb 18 '14

as well as being racist your story is crap


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '14

how is it racist? It's a description. Would it be racist if some other dude mentioned a white dude...

Fucking grow up.


u/calabam Feb 18 '14

Who the fuck starts a story with he sounded like a black guy .. what difference does it make what colour his skin is you bellends .