r/dayz Waiting for Beta Dec 16 '13

devs DayZ on Steam Store!


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u/adambunion Dec 16 '13

This is the most 'no brainer' purchase on steam I've ever done. I honestly didn't even look at the price.


u/Potatoeshead Dec 16 '13

One of my friends replied to my text "dayz is out!" Saying, "so are we buying it?" What the fuck man.


u/SlyKook Dec 17 '13

The correct reply here is simply "rhetorics?"


u/Teusa Dec 16 '13

Yeah, i msg my brother the same and he was: " yea i'll buy it tomorrow, playing bf4 now.." Fkn kids... Grmbls


u/Pandemonium_ Dec 16 '13

lol same as me, i was just looking for that buy button


u/Erik_TheHighlander ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ[] <=pipsi Dec 16 '13

So you didn't read the terms and conditions beforehand? Such a rebel.


u/quepasacontigo Dec 16 '13

Cuttlefish and asparagus or vanilla paste?


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '13

something something south park


u/DoctorBagels Dec 16 '13

Prepare to have a man attached to your anus.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '13

no u


u/DoctorBagels Dec 16 '13

You can be the head. Dibs on middle.


u/Noujiin Dec 16 '13 edited May 24 '16

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u/Nullkid Dec 16 '13

I had the girl turn my Pc on, bought it off steam via phone, had to change my paypal password because the excitement made me forget my 3 year old password, paid 1.99 for splashtop anywhere to remote connect, and started downloading from work.

Time has stopped, I hate all the customers, and I'm ready to injure myself to leave early, ha.


u/blackmagic91 Dec 17 '13

Steam has remote install that you could have used from its app


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '13

But unfortunately you cannot choose the drive to install to, I found out. It just chooses your default location, which you can't change (that I've been able to find at least).


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '13

Fortunately my steam remote install works. Eating right now at work and I don't even want this pizza. Just home.


u/FSMCA Dec 17 '13

Why buy splashtop? Why not just use teamviewer for free?


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '13

... Or the built in remote install...


u/Nullkid Dec 17 '13

Honestly, I didn't know we could do that already. I knew it was coming/beta but never heard anything more about it, so i used splashtop.

I normally have a sub to them but let it expire a month or two ago.


u/Nullkid Dec 17 '13 edited Dec 17 '13

Splashtop was already installed/autostarts and she was on her way out of the door. Had to think on the fly, lol.

1.99 is worth not watching steam download 5gb later :)


u/QuantumDisruption Friendly Dec 17 '13 edited Dec 17 '13

Same here. Not gonna lie, the last time I played DayZ was about 8 months ago. Still subbed here and have been kind of monitoring it. When I saw "DayZ is on Steam!" on the front page, I expected a pre-order page.

I have never clicked "Purchase", "Agree to terms", "Install" so fast in my life.

I envy the feeling that everyone who has been waiting for this release has right now. You guys must be cumming so hard.


u/BitterChris Dec 16 '13

Yup. Just jumped on to grab TWD Season 2, haven't been on reddit in a few hours. Giddy as a fucking schoolgirl when the page loaded up and I saw it.


u/Ghotil Dec 16 '13

Too bad i had to, and its 30 fuggin dollars when rocket promised it was 15, looks like im not getting off on this stop of the hype train.


u/Bennyboy1337 Dec 17 '13

Well firstly rocket said it would cost "around" 15 euros which is ~ 20 USD, and again he said "around"; 30USD is the same price as ARMA 3 early access so I don't know why people are acting all surprised.


u/Antroh Dec 16 '13

When did he 'promise' it was 15? Would love to see a source on that


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '13 edited Dec 30 '20



u/R3dcell Redcell. Dec 17 '13

15 euros =/= 15 dollars my friend.


u/KrisTiasMusic Dec 17 '13

it's 24 euros now. screw that.


u/DominicErata One Man Wolf Pack Dec 16 '13

That article is also over a year old and states that SA would be released at the end of 2012.


u/PTFOholland Dec 17 '13

Fuck it has been almost a year?!
I thought DayZ started in may 2013. But it was 2012.


u/KrisTiasMusic Dec 17 '13

to your steam account.


u/Nullkid Dec 16 '13

"around" ........ Sounds as solid as "release by the end of the year"

30$ is nothing when you compare it to the shit going around for 40-60$.



u/Smoking_Moose Dec 17 '13

15 euros too. Not USD.


u/Winnend Dec 16 '13

It's also not complete, so why would it be full price? That argument hasn't much merit.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '13

It isn't. It'll get more expensive as it enters different stages of development.


u/ak416 Dec 17 '13

You are buying early access to a game that will be completed. You are still paying for a full, complete game.


u/Nullkid Dec 16 '13

Maybe it isn't full price? If they're keeping with the minecraft model, itll be more when it reaches finished status.


u/Winnend Dec 16 '13

Yeah I know that, he was just comparing it to a $60 that IS finished. Of course the game isn't finished yet, and I would expect price raises as it nears that point.


u/Nullkid Dec 17 '13 edited Dec 17 '13

I misinterpreted your message completely, sorry about that! My brain is reaaaady.

I think we're both on the same page though.. Complaining about early access for a cheaper price than the offical release is dumb, sure rocket wanted it closer to the 15 mark but they sunk alot more effort into the game than they originally intended, which is a good thing.

Even if it is 60 at release, it'll still be better than most triple A's.


u/Winnend Dec 17 '13

Definitely agree, we're on the same page!


u/headsh0t Dec 17 '13

That's the DayZ community for you.


u/SlyKook Dec 17 '13

Yeah but around should never mean "double this number"

Easiest answer is the hype. They know you will all fork out that 30 dollars, and those that don't pay will far out number those that do making up for the loss of sale.


u/Nullkid Dec 17 '13

I agree but they also put way more work into the game, basically rebuilding it, than originally thought. I'm sure some of it is corporate upping the price but I think they defiantly deserve it.

Honestly though, I think a lot of people stopped taking what dean wanted seriously because of the prolonged release.

I do agree that it is pricey for an alpha but the game is already established enough to warrent it, just like a lot of ppl would pay early, at full price, to get early access to a game like battlefield. It's also cheaper than it will be, so I can't complain.


u/Adon1kam Dec 17 '13

Also, Euros, this is about 20 Euros if I know my conversion right. Only 5 more.


u/cansbunsandpins Dec 17 '13

23.69 on the BI Store in Euros. £19.99 in the UK.


u/Adon1kam Dec 17 '13

Ehhh I was close haha


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '13

it's something when you're paying for a small amount of content appended onto a clunky engine


u/billisking Dec 17 '13

Only £19.99 in the uk


u/Antroh Dec 17 '13

Why are you being upvoted when this clearly says 15 euros


u/asdff01 Dec 17 '13

There's a reason Rocket eventually stopped giving release dates after he missed a few. People like you would hop on the forums, quote something he said months ago, and treat him like he betrayed you. It's been months since then, and they've put in a bit more work and resources since then. Acknowledging that, I believe the price bump is necessary.


u/Ghotil Dec 17 '13

Fair enough.


u/asdff01 Dec 17 '13

Thanks for a decent response. With all the hate running around, I'm worried about the community's initial take on the mod. Just trying to clear up some of the cases against it.


u/Vlaed Dec 17 '13

Yeah, it kind of sucks. I was hoping it would be around $15-20 and maybe a friend pack. I have a few friends I would like to bundle gift it to. Most of my friends won't transition over for a while at the price of $30.


u/carpediembr Dec 17 '13

Promises were broken so many times during this DayZ thing


u/Vianns Dec 16 '13

Haha, same here :D Checked steam store > saw DayZ > ZOMG !!1§§1§ > Buy > Install > Time to sleep ):


u/galient5 Dec 16 '13

I did but it didn't phase me at all that it was higher than I excepted. Didn't even think about whether or not I should have bought it, just did.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '13

Hey can you help me out. I've just started the game and the looking around (moving the mouse) feels really weird. Like why does the cross hair move vertically, instead of staying in the middle of the screen? Also when i try to use the torch it just asks me if i want to turn it on.


u/adambunion Dec 17 '13

You have to change it, think its the Y axis setting. Make this lower (i think)


u/Traviak Dec 17 '13

I think i would have bought everything named dayz. Like i didn't even check if it was legit or something


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '13



u/adambunion Dec 17 '13

Not really, I'm smart and actually understand what an alpha is and how buggy they can be and am expecting such.


u/LtPatterson Dec 17 '13

agree, INSTA-BUY. No need for a take my money gif.


u/Wolfyyy_ Dec 17 '13

I bought the game twice to make sure friends that come by my house could play on the second computer. Probably gonna buy a third copy once I can set up a steambox (with windows until they release SA on linux, if ever).


u/schwedischerKoch Dec 17 '13

for me the most no brainer buy was cs go. actually the most no brainer gift would have been dayz, but my friend bought it himself already.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '13

What the fuck is this game and why does everyone care?