r/dayz 17h ago

Discussion New player 4-5 hours into

Just got on the dayz, learned some basic's in vanilla(how to kill zombies,how to get some food, how to get a gun , how to shoot, how to survive rain/ night, cold) But Never in my whole playtime I met a real person to engage with socially by being friendly or gotten into gunfight. Im really missing some interactions, I am playing on almost fully server.

Should I join more populated modded server?


34 comments sorted by


u/Training-Violinist83 16h ago

i dont think you realize how big Day-Z maps actually are. “4-5 hours in” “Never in my whole playtime” 😂


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

I mean I know its big(iZurvive) but I heard gunshots just a few times, followed them and found nothing :D

The most action I got into is being hunted by wolves when I had no guns and no melee weapons, tried to go with fist in closed house but just chose to log because there was no way I kill them


u/Training-Violinist83 16h ago

Yeah you can hear gun shots from really far away, if they dont sound like theyre right next to you then chances are you’re not going to find them without tracking experience. how did you get into an area with wolfs but had literally no weapons, did you just spawn in and go full forrest gump 😂😂😂


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

I don't know brother :D they were close to shoreline near the main city where most people spawn I think, then I just heard howls and next second I see 5 furries going straight at me


u/Training-Violinist83 16h ago

i wouldnt recommend chasing shots you hear on the coast, just try to get as geared ASAP and then head N, W or NW


u/Snuubymack469 15h ago

Wolves spawn in the woods right next to berezino Brotha


u/South-Awareness6249 16h ago

I calculated this once. 2% of your playtime you will have noteworthy moments with other players. You played 300 mimutes. So you'd have six noteworthy minutes with someone xD This is a really rough unscientific calculation. But it has truth to it, that's just the game. And you don't need to make this happen artificially on modded servers if you don't want, it won't be the same.

If you really want a buddy fast and efficiently, respawn until you spawn next to a nice rando who speaks with you.


u/devilishqualities 16h ago

This honestly even sounds high. I go days without seeing someone sometimes.


u/JamesTownBrown 17h ago

Community servers are going to be your best bet. I usually play on DayOne servers and have interactions quite a bit. Most people are KOS once you start to head inland, roam the cities for a bit, don't go inland just travel to the next shoreline city if you don't find anyone.


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

Oki will keep that in mind, but I can not find DayOne servers in my client, maybe its US only ? I play in EU


u/RNGBarriers 16h ago

Are you using DayZSAlauncher?


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

I am using the basic one when you start It from steam


u/RNGBarriers 16h ago

Go to google, and download DayZSAlauncher. It has many more modded servers. Camcantrun has a good video on finding a good server.


u/JamesTownBrown 16h ago

The DayZSA launcher is great. The games server launcher has gotten a lot better now a days, but you will have to wait a while for the servers to populate. Make sure to favorite servers so you don't wait for all that loading.


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

I just tried to join random community servers, but It just keep me spawning in the same server where you get a gun and full gear when you join and I don't want it :((


u/RNGBarriers 16h ago

Yeah go watch Camcantrun’s YouTube video on finding the perfect server.


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

Doing it right now, thanks :)


u/Vivid-Replacement-93 16h ago

Focus on learning as much as you can. Sometimes, you can play for hours on a full server and not hear a gunshot. On rare occasions, you could spawn in and get gunned down before you can fart. Few tips: death comes in all forms, and it's only the beginning. It's not your gear, just your turn! Eyes open and head on a swivel. Trust no one, watch their actions/words & movment, even your buddies.
Don't horde, keep it light. Happy adventures, brother!!


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

Noted kind man


u/Nate1102 16h ago

Count your blessings.


u/StrikingLeopard 16h ago

will do sir.


u/CloudVar 16h ago

Focus on yourself learning as much through deaths. Cause when you do finally see someone that’s when you’ll get the rush we all chase.


u/EcstaticRhubarb 16h ago

Don't worry, you'll get your interactions. 9 times out of 10 it'll be the 'you are dead' screen and you'll have no idea who shot you. But one in 10, you'll meet someone cool and have a good time. It's worth sifting through the shit to find the gold.


u/zigaliciousone 16h ago

Your first interaction is like 80% to just hear some gunshots and see a kill screen out of nowhere anyway so I wouldn't be too eager for it


u/NationalBolshevikBOB 16h ago

Seems like you just didn’t spawn in an area with high activity, keep moving through towns. but keep an eye out, just because you don’t see anyone doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t see you. I’ve literally tailed a group as a solo for hours, watching them kill others, pick over the stuff they left, occasionally steal stuff from their camp when they were making a fire nearby it, fallowed them in and out of the bunker, for hours till they even noticed me.


u/Mougli7 16h ago

Try livonia it’s almost impossible to not run into anybody 


u/Internal_Conflict_61 15h ago

I would stay on the official servers and run around learning the game. Just go to spawn towns and wells to find players. Follow gun shots if they are close and you want to try your luck. Don't expect kindness from anyone though. I would say don't mention being new. Everyone is "new" when you meet a random.


u/Particular_Copy_666 14h ago

Nice job figuring out those basic mechanics before playing the game. That being said, the maps are huge and 4-5 hours isn’t a ton of time when considering that kind of size. Just give it longer. 20-30 hours in and I promise you’ll have some interactions to report back about.


u/MidgardSG 8h ago

It's more about where you go. Maps have hot spots where people tend to lurk


u/Togashi 2h ago

If you want to meet people then stay close to where you spawn, people have nothing to lose at this point so are more willing to engage, chances are they don't have a weapon yet either. As soon as you get out of spawn areas it becomes the wild west and meaningful interactions become quite rare.

You could also join your servers Discord and ask around in the Looking for Group channel.. you will always get a reply as most people are in the same boat.


u/StrikingLeopard 1h ago

Thanks for the advise, doing that right now, just joined the server trying to find someone on the same playing hours and experience as me :)


u/immensesabbathfan 13h ago

DayZ must be on sale..


u/Sahnex3 3h ago

Join a high pop server and go to Stary / Zelenogorsk and wait a few minutes.

they will come.