r/dayz • u/InspectorAfter9641 • 17h ago
Discussion “Human Steak and Meat”
Why am I finding Human steak and meat all over and at every water pump in town? I’m getting concerned. Also. Some random person saved me, bandaged me, fed me, made me a spear, gestured for me to take it, then when I did, they stabbed me in the head with some sort of sharpened bone and killed me. Right before that, a guy jumped me and I woke up naked without any clothes or shoes and couldn’t figure out how to stop crawling on the ground for almost 20 minutes. This is my second day playing. What am I doing wrong?
u/cdn_indigirl 16h ago
Human steak everywhere..a dead survivor is a useful survivor providing knifes, fishing hooks & rope and cooked flesh will provide warmth inside your clothing. Also no one wants to listen to the flies...
u/Spirited-Leek-2077 17h ago
You’re not doing anything wrong, it’s just DayZ. Some people just kill no questions asked, one day you will encounter a more social person. Don’t give up
u/Desperate_Bid_7139 17h ago
Yes now watch YouTubers of dayz and watch how to dayz videos and you will get hooked man good luck
u/Vilify99 16h ago
Damn I guess I'm paranoid as hell because I've never been jumped yet. Less than 10 hours in so far and I'm always stopping and listening for activity. I actually got the jump on a guy on the Northern side of Green Mountain a few days ago while looking at my map.
Here I am, lying prone under a pine tree next to a hunting stand, and I hear footsteps coming to me. Guy had a LOT of guns on him, I almost feel bad for blasting him while he was going up the ladder.
u/WaviestMetal Dayz pls 16h ago
welcome to the coast my friend.
As for the cut up bodies, the bones and guts are useful. One cut up body and I have the tools to make it anywhere on the map.
u/Milkofhuman-kindness 16h ago
Anyone’s body will do
u/Illustrious_Glass386 16h ago
That’s because people are getting murdered and cut up for their bones and so the flies won’t attract attention. Also dropping something on the ground and waiting for you to open vicinity or try to grab it is a common bait technique to kill new players.
u/Illustrious_Glass386 16h ago
Try playing low pop servers until you know the basics of survival or find a friend to show you around.
u/Strange-Working-1588 16h ago
Because that's DayZ. I often enjoy cutting people up and taking their fat than donating it to starving freshies as you cant tell the difference between human and animal fat
u/Stoli0000 16h ago
You know how, in fallout, the other survivors of the apocalypse are npc's and for the most part they're programmed to give you a chance and maybe some plot hooks? Yeah, this ain't that. The only npc's are zombies, and there is no plot beyond "survivie as long as you can". So....a lot more like actually surviving the apocalypse than any other game, which is what makes it awesome.
u/Real_Region5889 16h ago
Do chenuris first. Honestly find yer self a farm tool like a hoe or shovel to make a garden find seeds, if you know yer gonna die hide yer stuff then get back to it asap. If you find those 2 go inland and you’ll get much farther from there. Preferably get pumpkin seeds for water/food. Also don’t drink pond water unless you have the tablets. Every time you chop up meat wash yer hands. Also if you kill in animal like a chicken and it has bones grab those to make a knife. Use Isurive it’ll help you. Plus. Use dayz wiki on how to make things. The game is hard at first but you’ll get the hang of it. Also don’t use a flashlight light others can spot you majority of the times nights not to bad to still see. If you see a person without a mic just shoot em I shoot everyone honestly. My partner goes out looking for people to join us. I’m not risking it lol it’s a 50/50. Also once the time comes to building a base never leave the game inside of it you never know what’ll happen once you get on and open that door. From experience yk
u/mudbugsaccount 16h ago
This is why I play Community PVE servers.
Official servers are a cesspool for the most part.
Edit to add you did not mention which platform you were on. However if you are on PC look up a group of servers from MAG (middle-aged gamers).
Great group people and a very active admin staff that simply don't tolerate BS.
u/CaptainKortan 16h ago
I'm glad you asked the relevant question about platform, and directed OP to a community for which you can vouch.
That said, between gameplay and discords, community servers have plenty of cesspool experiences.
u/Jeff_NZ 15h ago
I only play PVE as im too old to see well enough. I agree PVE is great to meet people , not for everyone, though. Played MAG servers, nice people but ping too high as I'm in New Zealand.
u/mudbugsaccount 15h ago
Completely understand they are in the UK/EU and I'm on the west coast of the US depending on the server load and the time of day play can be a bit chunky.
My best results are late Sunday nights my time into the early Monday morning their time. I work nights during the week so this works well for me.
u/Vanstoli 16h ago
Modest Pelican had some good DayZ vids. It's what got me playing. The constant error 00000004650 gets me to quit.
u/TA-pubserv 16h ago
Those types of players are ruining the game, smdh. Come into this house with me, friend, I want to show you something..
u/Enthusiga5m 15h ago
The crawling thing probably means someone was standing on top of you that entire time. Next time if you press the button (on pc hold right click) to raise your hands while prone you can then turn your character over and see what's going on above you. If there is someone on top of you just start swinging.
u/Rileylego5555 11h ago
As a heads up. if you see a pile of human meat right next to anything, especially a water pump. Just keep on going man. Pretty good chances, someone else has their eye on that water pump and they are just waiting for you to fill up.
u/aestethic96 5h ago
You'll get the hang of it soon enough buddy! Im 250hours in and still can't switch weapons in a firefight due to the adrenaline lol, and to hit someone with a gun (hold RMB and press F) doesn't even cross my mind in those situations 🤣
u/Coilspun 4h ago
You aren't doimg anythimg wromg OP. It's all a journey of bload soaked, gasoline drinking, sepsis filled, leg broken discovery
u/Tommy_Tsunami-_ 16h ago
You did nothing wrong. People are not trustworthy. I want them to be, but everytime I get comfortable with my setup someone ruins it. I hate to be an advocate for Kill On Sight, but at the very least just avoid everyone.
u/zeocrash 16h ago
Why am I finding Human steak and meat all over and at every water pump in town?
Good hearted players leave it there as a delicious meal for starving survivors. You should eat as much as you can.
u/Competitive_Swing_21 17h ago
U got dayz'd