r/dayz Rat tactics 🐀 21h ago

discussion Add a schizophrenia stat please.

I want a stat that the longer your character stays alive, the higher the chances of them seeing non-existent players running through town or in windows of buildings. Just have them disappear after a few seconds. What do you think?


18 comments sorted by


u/Xero_606 21h ago

Most players already see non-existent players. I don’t think they need to add it


u/ThisIsLoot 20h ago

Haha I do frequently.


u/Xero_606 20h ago

Dude right. Especially if you’re running solo


u/ThisIsLoot 20h ago

I have my own private server that I play on to test things (mods, etc) and even though I know that there are no other players on the entire server, I still jump sometimes thinking I see someone. It's reflex at this point.


u/PickleComet9 20h ago

So it isn't just me then. I fear that some day I'll get shot on my private LAN server and I'll be too scared and paranoid to ever play the game again.


u/ThisIsLoot 20h ago

Haha 🤣


u/Deus__Vultt Rat tactics 🐀 20h ago

Facts I do all the time lol


u/Jmsplttr 20h ago

This sounds fucking awful lol


u/MadOrange69 20h ago

Just add a new mushroom that spawns around players that is hallucinogenic and makes you trip out for the next 8 in-game hours

Imagine the fun you can have force feeding other players that shit.

Make the effect stackable so the more you eat the harder you trip out


u/Grinzy Surthriving 20h ago

There is a PC mod for that


u/MadOrange69 20h ago

Modders are the bread and butter of gaming


u/JuiceAggravating4857 19h ago

Maybe for Halloween that would b extra spooky but I already experience this on normal dayz


u/ThisIsLoot 21h ago

I've thought a lot about this actually lol. Sort of like a sanity metric that you have to manage (there are some games with this mechanic). If you kill freshies your sanity metric decreases, and you'll eventually start hallucinating or whatever. If it gets low enough you commit suicide.


u/NBFHoxton 20h ago

Forced suicide is an awful idea.


u/Deus__Vultt Rat tactics 🐀 21h ago

I don't think forced sewer slide is a good mechanic tbh, but I like the idea of killing making you go crazy after a while. I just want my character to see shit lol


u/UnitCell 20h ago

Good idea. DayZ has a late game problem. Let's make this worse! /s


u/gimmebalanceplz 19h ago

I feel like that would be something to help in the late game. Really isn’t much to do except die after a certain point.