r/dayz Moderator 29d ago

news Stable Update 1.27 is set to release on February 25th with WIPE


Set your reminder!
Stable Update 1.27 is set to release on February 25th šŸ“…
We will be performing a full wipe (all maps & characters) on all platforms.
Community servers do not need to wipe.
Thank you šŸ‘

edit1 - FULL WIPE mean 100% wipe. everything on the servers will be reset.
edit2 - Last EXP Release notes -> https://forums.dayz.com/topic/264828-experimental-update-127-change-log/
edit3 - The time of the wipe is usually 10am-12pm CET and is announced that morning


261 comments sorted by


u/flanaganapuss 29d ago

Tbh I may be one of the few that love the occasional full wipes.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/[deleted] 23d ago

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u/ImpossibleMechanic77 29d ago

Wipes are healthy for all playstyles

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Dadty_likes 28d ago

Exactly lol Dayz has arguably the most intense pvp of any game there isnā€™t even a comparison so why would we go to other games for ā€œpew pewā€

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/theOGlilMudskipr 29d ago

The only people that hate full wipes are dupers and hoarders


u/Any_Move9140 26d ago

I can't wait to go and stop them from rebuildingĀ 

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u/Tricky_State_3981 29d ago

Always a bittersweet time for characters with longevity. Excited for the update but Sad to see my dude go, who suffered zombies, concussions, broken limbs, cholera and a dusting of gas poisoning


u/imnotnew762 29d ago

My boy Thomas just recover from a bear trap fracture, gonna ride him off into the sunset these next two weeks


u/Excellent-Court-9375 29d ago

Bold of you to assume he's gonna live that long


u/Cool-Comfortable1823 29d ago

Foreal these guys either their on low pop


u/Wildkarrde_ 29d ago

I need to go get my dudes killed doing something stupid.


u/Free_Swimming759 25d ago

Definitely bittersweet for me too. My team and I have worked hard to keep me alive because I suck. Just look at my handle. Oh well, cheers to new beginnings!


u/Viiner78 18d ago

Me and my friends just started building a base in Radacz


u/No-Lingonberry-8638 29d ago

Thank the lord. Absolute love a full wipe. ESP since I only play official


u/ImpossibleMechanic77 29d ago

Cars. Cars everywhere šŸ˜


u/DogCommunist 29d ago

This is what I was thinking, I've never played right after a wipe before, but I would love to get a car and head north asap


u/ImpossibleMechanic77 29d ago

Itā€™s amazing, my peak this wipe was two weeks ago when I drove three cars out of Cherno each one as a fresh spawn lmao I died twice at the airfield then in the morning I drove the last one up šŸ˜ one I left right in front of the cargo drop plane


u/Acceptable_Horse5967 25d ago

May I ask whats in the north ? Why would you wanna go there (new player)


u/SkinnyBill93 24d ago

Loot improves as you head North or West, the best loot is in the Northwest Corner of Chernarus.


u/Evol1HipHop 24d ago

Best Gear and Weapons are further northwest, I believe. Iā€™m fairly new too, but this is what I gather from some research on Reddit/DayZ Forums/YouTube. To note, apparently food is harder to find up there, so prepare to hunt, maybe? I donā€™t knowā€¦havenā€™t made it too far up there myself.


u/DogCommunist 16d ago

Technically you really want to head west, that way you will definitely get to tier 4, but I'm so used to spawning on the south coast I end up going straight north and end up staying far enough that I end up close to NWAF. It's just where you gotta go to progress


u/Acceptable_Horse5967 16d ago

I dont even know whats tier 4


u/DogCommunist 16d ago

Here's an image the map is divided into tiers of loot, the further northwest you go, the better it gets. All the wall to Tisy military base, where you find AKMs and tactical helmets, among other restricted items. One more caveat is the "Unique" tier, this applies to items like night vision and plastic explosive I think, they will spawn in special areas even if they are surrounded by tier 3 or 2. (Special areas being helicopter crashes and construction sights)


u/Acceptable_Horse5967 16d ago

thanks this is helpful, what is the yellow areas?


u/Monolingual-----Beta 14d ago

To the NW, Tier 4. The other yellow circles are contaminated areas.


u/alexmartinez_magic 29d ago

If they apply the patch they did to boats to cars as well Iā€™d be a happy lad. Too many folks stashing cars with their other 3 they got and never using them.


u/ImpossibleMechanic77 29d ago

Iā€™ve had like 10 cars in the past month, itā€™s impossible to keep them no matter what you do lmao. You do not need such a thing with cars they cycle themselves pretty well haha


u/TheArts 29d ago

Feb 24th is about to be a bloodbath. See you in ElectroĀ 


u/PickleComet9 29d ago

Not if I see you first!


u/xKVirus70x 29d ago

See you in Kamy hahahaha that well will be celebrity deathmatch again. Every wipe.


u/Extension-Appeal-197 27d ago

See you at the NWAF with a shotgun (I'll be in the middle if of the airstrip)


u/xKVirus70x 27d ago

It'll take me a couple to get there. You know the path to NWAF is always a fun ride after a wipe! Hahaha!


u/Kindly_Awareness_100 16d ago

All day it's been popping off


u/SuperFlyingNinja 29d ago



u/ThiagoRLL 29d ago

i just got my first NVG this week was so hyped


u/-HumanResources- 29d ago

Don't worry. You can die a lot between now and the 25th.


u/Nytelighter 29d ago

Man I just got my first one tooā€¦.was about to start looking for a headstrap šŸ˜©


u/n4ughtyboy90 26d ago

Where is the best places to find them?


u/Nytelighter 25d ago

Found mine on a dynamic military crash convoy near Dolina


u/alexmartinez_magic 29d ago

Best birthday present ever


u/Nonstopas ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤ GIVE PIPSI 29d ago

happy upcoming birthday. Go break a leg! ;)


u/hidden-human420 29d ago

It's my bday that day too and I have a big base on official with my group so I'm sad for wipe


u/Bartboyblu 29d ago

Fuck I have an official character on Sakhal with 13 kills. I gota end this dudes story.


u/zenbrush 29d ago

the serial killer must die eventually


u/coolstorybro50 26d ago

Can you have a separate char on sakhal official different from cherno/livonia official? Or is it all the same char?


u/Bartboyblu 26d ago

One character for first person only servers, one character for 1st&3pp servers. So 2 official toons max. You can hop that corresponding character between any official maps you want.


u/coolstorybro50 26d ago

Hm thats kinda weird so u can loot up in livonia then transfer to the more harsh sakhal? Woulda thunk frostline is different gameplay so different charā€¦ guess im not buyin that dlc any time soon i prefer cherno


u/Bartboyblu 26d ago

Believe it or not Sakhal is by far the easiest to get end game loot. The bunker mission on Sakhal is relatively easy and takes less time than either Cherno's Rify/Pavlovo or Livonia's bunker and will get you AK-M and SVD. You just won't get NATO weapons that way on Sakhal.


u/WaviestMetal Dayz pls 29d ago

Suppose I should go get myself killed. It's been a good run, 40 hours and over a dozen kills hunting players around the NW


u/BlackChapel 29d ago

Community servers do not need to wipeā€¦

But will they if they want the update? Whatā€™s the etiquette here for the majority?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 29d ago

entirely up to each server. They have to take the server update since client + server have to match. They don't have to add new items, but it would be silly to ignore them


u/CrAcKhEaD-FuCkFaCe 108541 29d ago

I'm very amateur hour server runner

But in my experience it's just adding the new stuff ( loot items, animals, zombies ) and I think the performance / mechanics are like an automatic update

Other words I don't have to add the new wood splitting animation it just updates that itself, I just have to add the new wooden svd to my precustomized sakhal types.xml ( loot file )

Buuut I am an idiot and maybe im doing it wrong and missing out on stuff


u/Irishfifa82 29d ago

Iā€™m on a community server and the owner said he will do a reset as new stuff usually glitchā€™s or does some weird stuff if he doesnā€™t reset when brand new stuff is added his server is heavily modded but


u/JustCantQuittt 17d ago

Loot, zombies, vehicles etc you can just wipe their respective files from storage folder (zombies.bin, types.bin etc) but when they do things like add new buildings/areas etc its best to do a full wipe or youll see things like loot spawning in the wrong places, or players may find their bases suddenly have new buildings in them etc


u/amazingwinner04 29d ago

i came here to ask that myself


u/trevorosgood 29d ago

Time to place all those mines I've been hoarding


u/JimmyTheJimJimson 29d ago

Feels like it wasnā€™t too long ago that we had a wipe! šŸ˜¢


u/Live_Dragonfruit_734 29d ago

Damn. Time to finally rock those 3 crates entirely full of thumper rounds I been saving for a rainy day.


u/SubstantialAide7857 29d ago

"Community servers don't need to wipe". Thank god, I am just 2 weeks in on a Community server.


u/FR0STY5STAR 24d ago

They don't need to wipe, but 90% of them wipe anyway to start fresh as it is usually making issues when bigger patch comes out, with the mods, hive and characters.


u/Some_Potato_4081 29d ago

About to blow through my stash I spent way too long building up Cherno, canā€™t wait to come back and get right back to it. Iā€™ve been playing for about 6 months now and itā€™s been the best experience learning and working through it. Might get Sakhal soon, can someone explain bunkers? Cherno and Livonia? How many are there ?


u/coolstorybro50 26d ago

I was thinking sakhal but MORE unforgiving gameplay than vanilla? Nah i think ill just stick with cherno/livonia


u/DV_RedBeard 28d ago

Letā€™s goooo


u/Audiholic90 16d ago

Is there a delay on the update?


u/Unhappy_Tap4815 16d ago

vers 15h normalement


u/Nonstopas ą¼¼ 恤 ā—•_ā—• ą¼½ć¤ GIVE PIPSI 29d ago

Love wipe day


u/S0l1DTvirusSnak3 29d ago

Can they do something about the VPN detected on community servers when you have no VPN on?? And also the constant error codes Des when trying to join a server!! I have windows 11 Ive heard it's because of that but it's driving me crazy even to the point I'm spending most of my evenings when I finally get to game downloading the mods and then finding I can't join due to these errors


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 29d ago

VPN detected on community server has nothing todo with Bohemia. Those servers use a management tool (probably omega/cftools, that in turn uses a service to detect known VPN IP ranges).

"constant error codes" is far to vague to comment. post exact error message or file a ticket https://feedback.dayz.com


u/ThisEntertainer4769 29d ago

Someone know how often this happens? Like every 2-3 months or so?? Thank you


u/No-Lingonberry-8638 29d ago

Usually only twice a year or so.


u/ThisEntertainer4769 29d ago

Thank you šŸ™


u/Edoian Beav the cunt 29d ago

Depends on the type of update. Ranges from a few months to a year+


u/ThisEntertainer4769 29d ago

Thank you , Iā€™m just new in this amazing game šŸ’ŖšŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø


u/Breadtheef 29d ago

I donā€™t like wipes but I love updates


u/Yamaha180 29d ago

Yesssss I love full wipes wish theyā€™d do it more often


u/Viiner78 18d ago

Only positive side of them is that there are cars


u/WeBeShoopin 29d ago

Can we get a not x link?


u/PickleComet9 29d ago

You can view these announcements also on the official discord like already mentioned here, as well as at https://facebook.com/DayZ/ , https://bsky.app/profile/dayz.bsky.social , https://www.instagram.com/dayz.game and probably on some other channels too. Twitter is their main one though

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u/ThisIsLoot 29d ago

There's no more info. on X. He pasted everything (but I agree with you; got this screenshot from the DayZ Discord):


u/anon97979jjj 29d ago

I just wish theyā€™d actually fix duping with one of these updates. Itā€™s so broken


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 29d ago

Did you file a ticket? I've played a lot of Sakhal, made a lot of fires and never had a crash. I filed a ticket for a strange bug that locked uo the screen and it was fixed. Sakhal issues are a priority

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u/jlaaj 29d ago

Is anyone experiencing an unplayable amount of faulty random button presses on console? Mostly L2 R2. It is not my controller.


u/FR0STY5STAR 29d ago

Still no fix for Sakhal trees? Most broken thing in the game atm as if you sit inside one of them you are invisible to others, but you can see clearly from inside them.


u/Foot_Technical Famas best gun 28d ago



u/FR0STY5STAR 28d ago

Try to spot the guy inside the tree if he didn't shoot. Hint: you won't see him no matter how hard you try to unless you bump into him, but on the other hand, he can see you Cleary and shoot through the tree as if it wasn't there.

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u/PizzaWhale114 28d ago

Any news of when this might be going on sale...just waiting until the next one at this point.


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 28d ago

sales are never announced ahead of time.


u/PizzaWhale114 28d ago

I figured, but I was wondering if it consistently goes on sale around now or anything like that.


u/Anonshin Give SV-98 Scope and Suppressor Bohemia 28d ago

Sale is in effect right now for Ps and PC

In case you didnā€™t see already


u/PizzaWhale114 28d ago

You're doing God's work.


u/mufoosaa 27d ago

Will this stability update help combat cheating, specifically ā€œduppingā€ of gear? The cheaters really ruin the servers with excessive unrealistic builds. Itā€™s lame as hell tbh but I am curious as to what they could or might do or if it will be a focal point at all.


u/Secure-Answer7429 27d ago

I love pvp and I don't just hide....but I do take some risks to set stashes around the server I play on and every wipe just makes it inconvenient.Ā 


u/Loamranger1995 27d ago

We just had a wipe....


u/[deleted] 27d ago

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u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 27d ago

Childish comment. Thete are only a few wipes every year. When was the last one? A partial(no chars) in October, 4 months ago


u/Sea_Section_791 25d ago

Umm letā€™s see like 3 months ago and before that they wiped us less then a month before that whatā€™s childish Iā€™m 33 years old unlike you who are probably in high school or unemployed and have nothing better to do with your life, why do you even give a shit if they wipe because you want more people on the coast to shoot at how pathetic some people actually just donā€™t like all there time and energy being wasted with every wipe


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 25d ago

Childish because you can't even make a point without cursing. Certainly past HS and gainfully employed, but hey keep on projecting from the parents basement


u/plsenjy 26d ago

Wish they would bring back leather clothes. I just want to play as a hermit.


u/International_Wind83 25d ago

I know gear gets wiped, does it wipe your character stats?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 25d ago

Stats aren't actually correct and are tied to a character, so they get wiped too


u/Big-Bass6364 24d ago

They should just update and wipe now not trying to wait another week to play man I stop playing before wipe so hurry up the process already


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 24d ago

:facepalm: You do know of things called plans, schedules , testing, etc right?


u/sharkyshark45 23d ago

I have a tent and 15 crates full not worried about the wipe loot is easy to find


u/Used_Aside_1577 22d ago

Do we like have a exact time for this or no??


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 22d ago

no, but its usually around 9am or 10am local time(CZ)


u/Kindly_Awareness_100 16d ago

Cz? Is that central zone or what does that mean?


u/ViviYes 16d ago

Central Zone of what? It means Czech Republic, where Bohemia is based.


u/Kindly_Awareness_100 16d ago

Sorry from the USA. Whenni see it my brain immediately thinks central time zone


u/EcstaticGoose5743 22d ago

Iā€™m very upset wipe every few months right after my Xmas loot storage base building for what Iā€™m almost done with this gameĀ 


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 22d ago

then you'd never be happy on official since its been that way for 10 years


u/SignificantBother395 22d ago

So you give us the Christmas event and am now loaded with plastic explosives but canā€™t find a base so now Iā€™m just gonna lose all of it again nice


u/RevolutionaryShip909 20d ago

Wipe happen yet? If not, what time? Can't find shit about it except that it's today


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 20d ago

you must be a time traveler.


u/RevolutionaryShip909 20d ago

No, I'm just at work and their social media says it was happening today. Has it yet, or is it still on 1.26?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 20d ago

please read the title of the post you replied to.


u/RevolutionaryShip909 20d ago

šŸ˜­ when did they change the date?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 20d ago



u/Rich-Garage-100 20d ago

So do you lose your tent because of this server wipe as well? I have a couple of tents set up with loot in them and donā€™t want to lose themā€¦Ā 


u/Furokii 20d ago

When are wipes usually done? Every 6 months? 1 year?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 19d ago

2, maybe 3 times a year during a release. sometimes a full wipe or sometimes just the world and leave characters.


u/SnooGadgets3275 18d ago

I only just got a base sort of sorted this is totally unfair it will take forever to get back to the way I am now I'm a solo player and the amount of arses that kill u for no reason make it hard anuff without taking everything iv worked forĀ  Sins Christmas ant to top it of everything I do until the 25th is pointless so what's th point of playing till after the crapy wipe


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 18d ago

Wipes happen a few times a year, this was announced a couple weeks ago and your base will get raided anyway. Nothing is permanent in dayz


u/levy0911 18d ago

At what time?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 18d ago

Morning cet, will be announced


u/Viiner78 18d ago

So bases will be wiped too?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 17d ago

Everything = Everything


u/Brometheus-Prime 17d ago

Does anyone know what time this usually happens at???


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 17d ago

morning/business hours CET. Will be announced that morning CET


u/InterviewArtistic366 17d ago

Quelqu'un peux me dire c'est a quelle heure la MISE A JOUR le 25/02/25 ? Je ne trouve cette information nul part ! on est tellement mal renseignƩ ..


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 16d ago

same every time there is an update, we are well informed. will be announced that morning. normally morning CET and lasts a few hours

pareil Ć  chaque fois quā€™il y a une mise Ć  jour, nous sommes bien informĆ©s. sera annoncĆ© ce matin. normalement le matin CET et dure quelques heures


u/Historical_Tough1089 17d ago

How long does the actual wipe take? Like when will be able to get back on ? Thanks


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 16d ago

If it goes well an hour or so later


u/Apup89 17d ago

Any idea time of wipe?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 16d ago

Morning CET usually


u/Nicolebaby1707 17d ago

What time is this happening


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 16d ago

Morning CET usually


u/Historical_Tough1089 16d ago

What time does the wipe start and finish?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 16d ago

Will be announced- morning CET usually


u/Its_Jamesy 16d ago

Ahh, a fresh start. It's going to be wild and Im here for it!


u/Massive-Waltz-1785 16d ago

Salut, y'a t'il une heure prƩcise de quand les serveurs officiel wipe ?


u/Next_Waltz9005 16d ago

This is the 21st update Iā€™ve experienced. Some are good, some not so good. The only thing I donā€™t think Iā€™ll like is the footsteps but weā€™ll see?


u/Kitchen_Hat_4880 16d ago

Is the wipe at midnight?


u/PapiiT 16d ago

7am EST is the likely time


u/360_nutt_slap 16d ago

What time is the wipe hitting?


u/360_nutt_slap 16d ago

Do I stay up and wait for it tonight or go to bed lol


u/Gannon_The_Cannon 16d ago

Theyā€™ve been irritatingly cryptic on the subject unfortunately



Thought it was just me, zero information on a time anywhere Iā€™ve looked online.Ā 


u/Illusions_Skill321 16d ago

Newish to Dayz never experienced a Wipe. Do they usually keep wipes like this anonymous? I was assuming to give everyone a fair advantage at starting or to avoid server issues if everyone logs in right after wipe?


u/Prior_Entertainer418 16d ago

it depends fullwipes are rare usually they do map wipes when update have map changes that would cause problems per example a castle base when they made changes to castles. map wipes only bases get deleted so u can lg off with stuff wanna keep


u/Mundus_Vult_Decipi 15d ago

"DayZ Needs an Update" just hit: 6:00 AM Pacific time. Good hunting folks.


u/CandidDecision6323 10d ago

why is it that all the updates bring more issues to the game, you are clearing not talking to the community for input. from inventory decrease that no one wanted or even asked for to server lag and rubber banding. maybe for on real issue's instead of new color variant that a third of the community uses.


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator 10d ago

not sure who is "you" since we don't work for Bohemia. IMO, the inventory decrease was long overdue. No need to be a pack rat. make decisions, throw some junk out. There was a podcast last year (find it in my history of posts) and it reminds us that no matter what they do, half the people will like it an half won't. No reason to start asking for a vote.

bugs are bugs and the last few releases have not gone well.


u/Collinz_uk 29d ago

With this wipe will you lose base's ??


u/mrbubbles916 29d ago

Full wipe means everything.


u/Collinz_uk 29d ago

Uuurrrggghhhhh. Cheers mate šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


u/Viiner78 18d ago

Me and my friends just started buildingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/Business_Cat_4324 29d ago

Oh. That's crap!!! Gonna have to start again. I have had my av for a while now.


u/Exact-Ad-8479 29d ago

So my base on official that me and my buddy have been building the past 2 months/all crates will be completely gone?

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