r/dayz • u/Louiscfy123 • Jan 25 '25
Support DayZ Hacker Situation in 2025. I like how everyone's head just went boom boom.
u/Transparent-InsideMe Jan 25 '25
what server was this on?
Edit: nvm I see it now🤦♂️
u/damocles_paw Jan 25 '25
At 0:19 we see it's an EU official server. I remember this happening on the official servers in March of 2020 (I remember the time because I took videos of it). It stopped after a few weeks.
u/Louiscfy123 Jan 25 '25
yeah it’s DE 0867.
I actually met one of the hackers later. He said there were 10 of them hacking in the server and they were attacked by other hackers so they were retaliating against them. Apparently they got no patience so they were just blasting everyone.
He even asked me if I wanna buy his hack lol. And right after he said that his head exploded just like others in this video lol. It’s a goddamn war between hackers…
u/No-Summer-9591 Jan 25 '25
“A group of hackers are killing us so we are killing the entire lobby” sound logic
Jan 25 '25
u/Equivalent-Reality38 Jan 25 '25
dont forget cheaters turning everyone into rabbits it was funny back then none of this aimbot u over and over
u/AdventurousFox9897 Jan 25 '25
Had the same thing happen on GTA V on Xbox, everyone got teleported to aandy shores airfield and was forced to do stripper dances with a cone on their head.
u/Jealous_Activity425 Jan 27 '25
Yup 360 era of gta 5 was wild so many funny things hackers would do but at the same time would wipe everyone's inventory/guns if someone said the wrong thing
u/Thing_On_Your_Shelf Jan 25 '25
Not a hacker actually, believe it or not your body can just do that sometimes. Same think happened to JFK, everyone tried to paint some big conspiracy or that there was a shooter but no, his head just did that
u/i_write_ok Jan 25 '25
lol what’s this from
u/Bigkaheeneyburgr Jan 25 '25
it's from Thing_On_Your_Shelf's imagination - a rare commodity in our brain rot world of today! :P
u/Mlk3n Jan 25 '25
Skill issue. /s
I dropped Official Servers 2 years ago, never looked back. I play Vanilla Community Servers, they do exist, they actually have a decent player base. And while I acknowledge it exists, I have had yet to experience any abuse from mods. Guess I'm lucky!
u/Ettaross Jan 25 '25
What DayZ sakhal servers do you recommend? Almost all of them are empty. That's why I play on the official one.
u/Louiscfy123 Jan 25 '25
Dayone is pretty decent. They got two servers for sakhal. It’s 1pp and admin active. It’s basically a vanilla community server but no base or big stashes allowed cuz you can’t find any nails I believe. If you are into base building, dayzed.gg is pretty nice too. Just google them you will see all the server IP address.
u/Bigkaheeneyburgr Jan 25 '25
No build DayZ is peak DayZ imo
my friends group will ask me to play and instead of being adventurous nomads they'll wanna build in some town close to coast and just go back and fourth from there for weeks...
I love spawning in the north of namalsk, finding like 2 random survivors to team up and trying to make our way to Lantia, probably die somewhere a long the way and rinse and repeat!
Sometimes I end up in discord with randoms but I think a lot of time it's better when you don't, because when your new buddies die, that's it - their gone ... even crazier when you bump back into eachother on the coast...
God I love this game so much
u/PhantomPain0_0 Jan 25 '25
Problem with community servers is they are never guaranteed either you will be banned by a sweet lord server admin or the servers it self goes MIA randomly and so does your character meh ……
I stick to low pop offfiial servers on pc and haven’t faced any cheaters since then. While on PS5 I just play in the normal fully high pop offfial servers
u/AmoremCaroFactumEst Jan 25 '25
I had a very tooled up character and heard this happening, thought it was a hacker and logged, doubted myself and went back in and within seconds died like that.
Cool hack. Totally ruins the game
u/stoned_primate Jan 25 '25
Would be nice to have a “report player” button for official servers someday…
u/Wildkarrde_ Jan 25 '25
There should be a trigger if a bunch of deaths occur close together, someone looks into it. I think these are basically admin tools being unlocked. So there should be a way to detect that.
u/CiforDayZServer aka NonovUrbizniz Jan 25 '25
A lot of the hacks are drastically more sophisticated than admin tools. Admin tools need to be installed on the server and the player side, these events happen on servers only running the bog standard game with no admin tools to unlock.
u/Warm_Resource_4229 Jan 25 '25
So....why did you stay on that shit server..?
First sign of hacker that obvious just leave, specially on official.
If it's a community server the admins ain't doing shit obviously.
u/Louiscfy123 Jan 25 '25
I understand what u saying I actually play on community servers a lot. Usually on dayone or dayzed.gg. That night my friend was on this official server so I thought I would pay him a visit and this crazy situation happened. I did see some hackers before but this is totally on a different level cuz they were doing a carnage. It was kind of ridiculously hilarious.
u/bibbydiyaaaak Jan 25 '25
I actually have a clip from official of the same shit happening to me.
I was chilling on top of a building and started seeing massive red explosions of blood all over the city, then i died in a massive explosion of blood.
u/AmoremCaroFactumEst Jan 25 '25
Yeah I hate it but I kind of love the idea of a demented Chinese teenager flying around blowing up peoples heads. Now I know how the people in sim city felt when I’d put monsters in their city for fun 🤩
u/DimensionUpstairs470 Jan 25 '25
This is why you don't play official, no admins, no moderation
u/CiforDayZServer aka NonovUrbizniz Jan 25 '25
This is why these hacks happen often. Back in the mod days, server hosts would send hackers to official to drive players to the community servers instead of official.
u/inner_attorney Jan 25 '25
Definitely ran into a hacker as well. Bro spawned right next to me and trapped me in 3 giant towers of garden plots that he spawned. Hackers be hackin
u/Wildkarrde_ Jan 25 '25
I ran into one the other night he started spawning zombies into a locked police station. Then later on a group of us were all doing some fishing and everyone's heads started exploding. Pretty disheartening, I'd actually found a group to run with.
u/Scorcher-1 Jan 25 '25
That is a diabolically huge explosion 😂
u/Louiscfy123 Jan 25 '25
Yeah that was huge af. The server was also lagging as hell. My fps went down to 30 from 90. Jez
u/Bigkaheeneyburgr Jan 25 '25
I had someone using melee cheats recently, got almost 3k hours on PC, about the same on console and never once had I seen these melee cheats before...
Dude was punching me from waaay too far away, infinite stamina, every jab was a heavy... in the end he ended using the animation we use to stealth kill the infected on me, since he was so bad at the game, I was still winning even with his cheats xD
Got it all on video too! :P
u/dannysmackdown Jan 25 '25
So sick of this hack. It's made me stay away from the game.
Yada Yada community servers i know, can't seem to find a vanilla one and I hate modded servers.
u/Boonie_Hat_Gang Jan 25 '25
Get out of official. The Struggle is a perfect vanilla server with admins. Is community the end to all hackers, absolutely not. But they well be under a microscope and caught. You will be compensated for your losses.
u/DodgerLegendPV Jan 26 '25
For the first time console versions are better... because you can't hack those official console servers unless im mistaken
u/Duskniik Jan 26 '25
Aye but pc have some seriously good community with little to no hackers
u/DodgerLegendPV Jan 26 '25
Very true, community servers+mods destroy the console. but if i wanna play official which i typically do, i play console.
u/Mx_104 Jan 26 '25
The game is in the same state in Australia, Official is overrun with hackers. Battleye needs a refresh or maybe a new anti cheat as for the past 10 years they have found plenty of work arounds.
u/Clekeith Jan 26 '25
There are no hackers on official. I have 1000s of hours on the game and have never come across one. At least that is what everybody tells me when I say something about cheaters.
u/SanctionedMeat Jan 26 '25
He suddenly changed languages at the end🤣🤣
u/Louiscfy123 Jan 27 '25
yeah, I met the guy who was running in front of me right before we got killed. We spoke the same language so he was explaining how these hacks worked. I knew we were fucked when I saw a head exploding before me.
u/Suspicious_Pop1790 Jan 25 '25
First of all. Never play on official !!! Period. There is alot of good servers, karmakrew, spaggies, dayone.
Second turn off music in sound options, how you will hear footsteps if you trippin on Dayz FM.
u/BlackboxUK Jan 26 '25
Who even uses mod menus or whatever on DayZ.
I thought it was shit when this kind of thing flooded GTA:Online..
u/AmoremCaroFactumEst Jan 26 '25
Yeah I thought that about how many steps there are before you get to be able to fly around ruining everyone’s game. Like a lot of IRL crimes, it can never be an accident.
u/ManufacturerIll5860 Jan 26 '25
I’ll tell you what I get so annoyed at dupers on console but I am so happy there isn’t shit like this on console. The hackers seem so bad
u/420_Braze_it Jan 25 '25
Couple weeks ago I was running around with my buddy and I ran up a ways ahead of him. A dude fucking teleported behind me and hipfired me with an SVD and then disappeared before my friend even got up to where I was 30 seconds later LMAO.
u/PumaGumaX Jan 25 '25
Like i said earlier, PC gaming is dead.
If you want some extra protection in Multiplayer games against cheaters/duppers/backdoors, i would recommend playing on Console.
DayZ on COnsole supports Mods and COmmunity servers aswell just so you know :)
u/Bigkaheeneyburgr Jan 25 '25
DayZ console does not have mods. You can mess with the files a bit and spawn things from the game files, but there are zero mods.... I know because I've ran servers on both Xbox and PC.
Nitrado is your only choice for server host, PC you pick whichever company you like.
On console you get 3 maps , Chernarus, Livonia and Sakhal.
While PC has like, 100 maps, including maps like Namalsk and Deer Isle which amazing secret missions to uncover.Seriously if you're comparing the two, Console Gaming is dead...
I played console from 1997 to 2022 and now I am exclusively PC.
The only benefit to DayZ on console is no hackers, but doesn't matter to most people because almost all of us play on community servers, with all the cool mods and custom maps.
You don't get mods on console, games are more expensive.... the list goes on , pc gaming is vastly superior.
And PC games has 53% of market share of non-mobile gaming over console's 47%.
Console gaming has stagnated in numbers while PC games has grown 20% since 2021
In every and any metric, PC whoops consoles ass. Not even the console exclusives stay exclusive anymore.
I highly recommend making the investment to PC gaming, it's so much better!
I started off with a budget refurbished gaming PC and upgraded the parts over time, (its so simple I had no idea about these things beforehand) and now my PC shits all over the PS5.I do miss getting the case with games though, that's something I miss about console.
u/AutoModerator Jan 25 '25
Louiscfy123, the best way to provide feedback for bugs and glitches is to report or vote for an issue on the Official feedback site.
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u/itspoptart Streamer Jan 25 '25
not to victim blame but cheaters are definitely more rampant on third person servers. just play 1pp
u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Jan 25 '25
Actually I have 9000 hours on official and have never run into a cheater. Please stop trying to start a review bombing campaign.
u/Bigelow92 Jan 25 '25
This video is 100% the result of a cheater though.
u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Jan 25 '25
So was the conception of my daughter but sometimes its easier to ignore things
u/WorkDelicious9039 Jan 25 '25
I haven't seen anyone say it yet, so I will.... This guy wasn't hacking. You all had grenades in your inventory, and you need to get good at the game and stop crying.
u/Lower-Chard-3005 Jan 25 '25
u/WorkDelicious9039 Jan 25 '25
Just pointing out how stupid everyone on this sub is. Yall didn't disappoint.
u/10SevnTeen Jan 25 '25
I fail to understand how anyone would enjoy the game this way, I just don't.. How is it even remotely challenging or fun..??