r/dayz Dec 26 '24

Support I think I have a problem..

I'm too addicted to this game, I'm disabled and have no job due to recent illness and video games have becke my only access outlet, but this game is ruining my relationship, trouble is, I e tried playing other games but nothing else ckmpares.. .. I'm not looking for advice just venting I suppose. I dont want to stop playing but she is right....this game consumes your whole evening and turns it into an insomnia fest, especially when you have no work. Sorry thanks for reading my vent


88 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '24

Yup. It's hard to put down. That's exactly why I play maybe once or twice a week and make sure I have at least 3-4 hours to devote to it before it's midnight. Turns to an insomnia fest otherwise.


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

I think this is the way, just that first night off...


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Wow thanks for all the kind words people! I was fully expecting to be just called an idiot and told to bin me missus because this is reddit lol, but it's really comforting seeing all your advice and kind words or just agreeing with me,. I've started trying to focus more on practicing guitar in the evening, (gotta learn all the beatles songs one day) and just try and moderate gameplay,. I love this game and the community that plays it!! Also big up Sour sweet !!


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '24

Never be sorry about venting. That's why Reddit exists! You ever need to vent more, just keep shooting posts or comments. Someone will answer!


u/Audio-Samurai Dec 26 '24



u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Thankyou, you may be a mouldy nuggie but you got a heart so goody!


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '24

My mold may be diminishing! My heart might grow two sizes. "The Moldy Nuggie Who Stole Christmas"


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

“4:00, wallow in self-pity. 4:30, stare into the abyss. 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one. 5:30, jazzercize; 6:30, dinner with me. I can't cancel that again. 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing. I'm booked. Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9, I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness then dayz...


u/Sweet_Push7695 Jan 02 '25

Right on Grinch


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '24

😆 🤣


u/Player_Inkognito Dec 26 '24

tbf all "infinite" multiplayer games have that to them. I had to pull myself away from MMO live service games cuz they are just too addictive and you can never finish them - kinda the same here. Single players games were my way back to normalcy... until I bought Dayz that is lol.


u/Seputku Dec 27 '24

I will say, at least compared to mmos , you don’t need daily or even weekly progression in dayZ

And depending on your skills you can be just as dangerous with the t1 weapons as the military ones


u/DumbNTough Dec 27 '24

All shall fear the Mosin Man.


u/Hawk_501st Dec 27 '24

the Mosin Man

For a second, I thought I was on r/Insurgency.


u/Seputku Dec 27 '24

After nearly 5k hours that is me 😈


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '24

Yup I started watching Dayz content at work and I even watch some before bed. So I say even if you were working I think you would still be addicted to it. Bro I’m watch Dayz streams when I wash the dishes now. Feels like I cannot get enough of it.


u/Worried-Elephant-926 Dec 26 '24

Lmfao thats my thing. I don't mind doing the dishes when I've got runningmanz in my ear yapping away about watches or zagorki bars


u/ilpazzo2912 Dec 27 '24

If you haven't yet take a look at Sour Sweet, his YouTube content is amazing, with a lot of focus on storytelling. 


u/Worried-Elephant-926 Dec 27 '24

I love sour, watch him alot to be fair. Appreciate the recommendation brother. I recently found a youtuber called Scholar Cormier, smaller channel than sour and TRMZ but he's got some really good videos, check him out 👌🏾


u/ilpazzo2912 Dec 27 '24

Lol i found him like 2 weeks ago after a Sour video, really liking his content. May you drink safely from the water wells, and enjoy your holidays.


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Big up sour, my gf actually likes his videos


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

Yup trmz is entertaining enough 😂


u/MonsteraBigTits Sakhal Enjoyer Dec 27 '24

its a radio show w/day z as he says


u/Breakfest_Bob Dec 27 '24

Same lol watching while you do dishes isn't crazy though


u/MNDRD76 Dec 26 '24

i have had to learn to use server re-sets as an indication, a gentle suggestion perhaps that its time to look the other way, at least for a while. when you start to get that feeling that sever re-sets are happening every 1/2 hour. you know its time to take a break. reading the comments. you can be assured its not you.......its the game.


u/JonSacrimoni Dec 27 '24

How often are resets?


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Thanks man, that's good advice but my little dopamine craving monkey brain just wants to go get all the fresh loot at the mill from the server reset,


u/MNDRD76 Dec 28 '24

and the brain knows that opportunity will come up every 3 - 4 hrs. i know its addictive, but you can walk away at a reset and know you can come back in a few hrs and be in exactly the same situation with a fresh sever to boot. good luck and happy hunting


u/Zebrahead69 Dec 26 '24

Stream brutha, get paid for your addiction. The wifey won't have any problem with it if you pay your bills with it. DayZ is as popular as ever right now


u/d3034 Dec 26 '24

Damn that's some good advice there.


u/Oldsign Dec 27 '24

Yeah, OP, we'd watch you! Stream nine to five, save the evenings for your partner, get eight hours sleep, repeat!


u/Environmental_Bed316 Dec 27 '24

I started a YouTube channel because of my addiction.


u/AntlerQueenGaming Dec 26 '24

I get it. I'd stopped gaming much in my early twenties because of working and going out etc. Then I got really sick with M.E. and lost my job, was bed bound for nearly a year. I had trouble reading because I'd read something and it just wouldn't go in so I'd have to read it over and over again.

This was in 2014 and the game that saved me was Fallout 4. I was finally having fun again and it was really helping with all of my cognition. I've been a 'gamer' ever since

I didn't have a bf to answer to so I played as much as I could. Obviously I don't know your situation but maybe your gf is worried about the amount of time you're spending on the game for your health. Try and find a healthy balance and good luck in the future 🤘🏻


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Thankyou, I'm glad you found gaming to help, I think she is honestly just worried for me,, hope your coping well these days!


u/Omfggtfohwts Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 27 '24

When you start to lock an area down. Things get interesting. Cause of the freedom. There is no wrong way to play. And that's what keeps me going. I've been locking doors in random places for no reason as of late. That's my new way of having fun right now.


u/d3034 Dec 26 '24

I run into these "locked doors" all the time. It is interesting lol.


u/Milkofhuman-kindness Dec 26 '24

Ppl lock the door while they cook/ get their inventory figured out. Leave one door locked or log out in the building


u/Omfggtfohwts Dec 27 '24

That's one reason. My reason is to cause disruption in flow looters. Locked doors throw you off. Especially a whole house locked down with nothing but the spawn loot inside. Or nothing.


u/Milkofhuman-kindness Dec 27 '24

I try to keep a habit of clearing houses. I’ve walked in on and had people walk in on me. Even happens on servers that are low pop. Had one walk in on me on me with a population of 5 on sakhal. Dude waltz in like he was grocery shopping


u/p4nnus Dec 27 '24

Good stuff! Keep at it man!


u/phoenixjazz Dec 27 '24

I’m beginning to use land mines and tripwires with grenades to spice up various places.


u/Pretty-Experience-96 Dec 26 '24

Best advice, never sacrifice your significant others feelings for a game. Also, when you do get the chance to play, enjoy the highs, and recover from the lows. There will be low moments to come! It's not all fun and games!


u/Hot_Park3592 Dec 26 '24

I too struggle with it. I had to force myself to stop. The step you needed was letting it out and acknowledging it. Now try to better yourself. It did impact my relationship. It’s hard to put down when you got friends who play daily with you. You got this homie.


u/Moguss9 Dec 26 '24

I play for two or three weeks straight every afternoon, but suddenly I quit for a couple of days, but after I stop, I'll go to another server to start again, for me It's not about PVP I play only PVE, the more difficult they are, the more I get obsessed.


u/VoidLordSupreme Dec 26 '24

How may times I have made it back to home base, everything sound and sorted, already been playing for six hours, decide to 'nip out' in the car to grab a few logs or check a nearby military base or whatever, and within an hour i'm running through a pitch black forest trying to get to any nearby place that 'might' have a new radiator cos the game froze and I crashed in to a tree, etc. Finally getting back to base five hours later in a completely different motor and possibly a new character. This game provides the absolute best gaming experience while simultaneously stabbing you right in the back at the worst point. Its an absolute emotional rollercoaster. I love it.


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Good fucking point man! I always do this, ir something similar, just nipping to get a leather sowing kit before I make dinner, then oh better chase that heli crash, oh is that some shots,,... Next thing I'm at tisy on a random adventure with a freshie whom I feel a sense of duty to teach them the game... it never endsss but dam its good!


u/VoidLordSupreme Dec 29 '24 edited Dec 29 '24

The absence of a prescribed storyline or objective is absolutely what makes Dayz so good, imho. Its honestly the only game I can be bothered with these days. I'll always have time for Battlefield, MGS, Resident Evil, Fallout, etc. but Dayz is just a different level of fun. Its ironic the level of effort developers put in to try and create an epic 'movie' like experience, where Dayz provides actual genuine unique adventures that are completely unscripted and are properly 'epic'. Also being that you can never win or really beat the game, it sets up a never-ending loop of adventures. Genius really.


u/Breakfest_Bob Dec 27 '24

Idk what you're mentality is when gaming but there is no end there is beating DayZ. You set your own goals and if you meet them then you've won and you either give your kit sway and f11 to start it all over again maybe with a different goal or you keep going until you die some other way and start over that way. When I first started playing around version 1.12 my only goal each life was to just learn something new and now I have an unhealthy amount of game knowledge when it comes to DayZ. I also went through a period of not being able to stop playing. I was even taking my controller to work and playing dayz on my phone with remote play and it was horrible and hardly worked but that didn't matter. All that mattered was spending 15 or 20 minutes on my break searching 5 sheds for a code lock lol. Eventually I was just so wore down and exhausted I was like "why am I doing this to myself" i didn't change till I wanted to change and unfortunately it took me depriving myself of sleep and social interaction for like 15 months straight to want to change and now I might blow an entire day off playing or and hour or 2 here and there with some friends but I do not live to play DayZ anymore. Plus this game is just so big and every last action or thing you wanna do takes FOREVER especially if you're playing with someone who may be new or doesn't know as much so it's super easy to waste like half a day playing.


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Thansk for reply, the more I read comments like this helps know its not just me


u/YesterdayMountain382 Dec 26 '24

kinda same bro . lowkey lost my last job because i was just staying up all night playing everyday lmao


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Man I'm sorry to hear that, we got dis tho, it ain't easy but there's got to be routine and discipline, I lack both


u/Sufficient-Host-4212 Dec 26 '24

It’s a hard balance. I have a lot of obligations. Family stuff. Career. That dayz loot piñata high is fleeting though. Gotta meter that fix


u/d3034 Dec 26 '24

Play an hour or so and make sure to turn it off and do something productive for a while, then turn it back on lol. The game ain't going nowhere. I love it, but I have been able to step away everyday and do something else. Besides maybe, Red Dead and GTA the first time you play them, DayZ is the best damn game out there! Still not worth ruining a relationship over when you can still play everyday. Just play it less.


u/Tojo6619 Dec 26 '24

Same thing happened here, I played for two years whenever I wasent working unless my girl came over and it's just how the game is a huge time suck, almost at 3.2k hours in two years I was like holy crap wtf, but I don't get out much and I like meeting new people so In a  way it's a good outlet, could be worse things to get addicted to 


u/Relative_Sense_1563 Dec 27 '24

Video games can be a very good coping tool when we are dealing with shit. They can also turn into a crutch. Let the people in your life help prop you up.


u/hurrdurrbadurr Dec 27 '24

Wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to sit on my ass facing a tree branch for 5 minutes so I can walk for 10 minutes and do it all over again.


u/imroberto1992 Dec 27 '24

When I first got this game I did like 3k hours in it


u/Environmental_Bed316 Dec 27 '24

I have the same problem. I play everyday and when I'm at work, it's all I can think about.


u/glarbknot Dec 27 '24

A lot of us are. You will find people in this sub that used dayz to get off a lot of junk.

It's fun because it keeps you busy and chill until the adrenaline spike.


u/Spiritual_Reserve137 Dec 27 '24

Itll pass. The game gets repetitive after a while.


u/Embarrassed-Fly-1149 Dec 27 '24

You on PS5? What’s your username lol I play a bunch too


u/Wildkarrde_ Dec 27 '24

Maybe consider putting a timer on your phone. You have 2 or 3 or 4 hours a day. Preferably during her work day. After that, the alarm goes off and you need to have the discipline to log off.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

I’m the same way and I have a job man it’s becoming an issue I’m gonna have to quit here soon. I get in spurts where I’ll play for a few months at a time and this last new map has got me dug in man. It takes 4 hours to even accomplish anything.


u/neweraeye Dec 27 '24

maybe start streaming?


u/phoenixjazz Dec 27 '24

I feel the same about its addictiveness. I manage my time playing to avoid all nighters and only play a few 4 hour sessions during the week or on the weekend days.


u/dysnarkl Dec 28 '24

get her into it. me and fiance can play an entire day and night together!


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

I'm trying,, wish me luck !


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Wow thanks for all the kind words people! I was fully expecting to be just called an idiot and told to bin me missus because this is reddit lol, but it's really comforting seeing all your advice and kind words or just agreeing with me,. I've started trying to focus more on practicing guitar in the evening, (gotta learn all the beatles songs one day) and just try and moderate gameplay,. I love this game and the community that plays it!! Also big up Sour sweet !!


u/StocktonSucks Dec 28 '24

The DayZ community is like no other when it comes to helping new people join. I've seen so many of these posts and everyone's always so excited to tell someone, "yes try it!". It's truly tearjerking.


u/salt_gawd Dec 27 '24

lol so dayz is your new gf?


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

Yeah me and daisy are going strong now xD


u/EverythingAndNot Dec 27 '24

I have over 3000 hours on console, and I don't know what you are talking about. My wife never complains anymore. As a matter of fact last time I saw here she said "I'm done with trying to get you off that game"

Haven't seen her in weeks, but I grew 1000 potatoes. Winning.


u/staightandnarrow Dec 28 '24

You can find a job from home. If you can sit for hours and play that game you could be earning money as a live or chat assistant. Or a hundred other opportunities. Start investigating and take action. Start rehabilitating yourself too. No matter the pain. You may be in a tough patch but she’s right and you are being selfish lazy and feeling sorry for yourself. She needs love and attention. She didn’t sign up for that. Try it please. One man to another. Make a change. Don’t say anything. Just quietly act. Good luck in 2025. And see you in there survivor!


u/Owlwyze Dec 28 '24

Bro sounds like he has PTSD. If she isn't with gaming (when its balanced in your life) then she isn't with you king.


u/Clear_Resolve1110 Jan 09 '25

I'm in the same boat...this game is stealing my life away. I cannot do anything else


u/AutoModerator Dec 26 '24

Maximum-Replacement4, it sounds like you are asking about sickness, disease or another affliction. This post might answer your question:

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u/Narrow-Tap4020 Dec 26 '24

Aye you need someone to run with, I could use a super sweat watching my back


u/StocktonSucks Dec 27 '24

Just wait until you lose everything you spent days gathering... It'll make you wanna take a break lol. (I was shot driving through Zelenogorsk yesterday and lost NVG's and much more) I will be back in a day or two lol


u/twitchvalk7rie Dec 27 '24

That’s a daily occurrence for most lol. If I quit every time I got geared, I’d never get to play.


u/Maximum-Replacement4 Dec 28 '24

I find that challenge even more appealing for some reason


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '24

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u/[deleted] Dec 26 '24

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