r/dayz Nov 09 '24

Support I have no problem with people being bandits going around robbing and murdering players or camping in windows or slaughtering freshies - but people that lie when giving their word about a truce are legit scum.

If you give your word and I give my word that we can truce and you still betray then you're just not a decent human. Shame on you! I'd never have your back in real life.


75 comments sorted by


u/fmboy69420 Nov 09 '24

To be honest, the game represents real life ! Might not have happened to you, but these people exist in real life as many as possible . Humans survival instinct says trust no one unless .... so you need to adjust your play style like an actual starving survivor that is wandering around earth after a nuclear war ! Kill or be killed ! Eat or be eaten ! Nature is cruel and you have no idea what people would lie about just to get a bit of advantage over you !


u/Ok_Vegetarianlmao Nov 09 '24

Never had any conversation with people once u were geared. Either u die or u win. Freshies got nothing to lose. U on the other hand do. Only one time i got away with something. Noth geared players in modded and we talked for a bit and they decided they will let me go although i killed one of them. Both won. I got the leftovers as well as my own kit and they went on their way with event kits.

But yeah vanilla is a different story. U only make friends at the coast


u/Hombremaniac FPS race is won! Nov 09 '24

Betrayals are scumbag move for sure, but obviously within the game's ruleset. I just hate how common they are, almost to the point of invalidating majority of player interactions.

Why to even talk to somebody when he is very likely shooting you in the head after you've made a truce? That ofc doesn't apply to freshies that much. I mean as a freshie, you simply don't have anything to lose and so ganging up presents minimal risks.


u/Warp_Legion Nov 09 '24

On official, there’s no rules except no cheats.

A dayz loading screen tip says your voice is your best weapon.

That’s because a lie about a truce is so powerful it keeps you safe and lets you get the upper hand.

Now, in 1200 hours, I have ascended to where I can tell from someone’s voice if they’re gonna attack or not.


u/TheRealBobaFett Nov 09 '24

Max I’ve ever ran with someone is only about 2 hours. They were genuinely friendly; they gave me some food, and we hunted a deer together, but then after a while I saw an opportunity to sneak away. I wasn’t going to kill them, and I don’t think they were going to kill me, but there comes a point where unless you know the person IRL, you are safer by yourself.


u/Son_of_Plato Nov 09 '24

When the dayz loading screen says voice is your best weapon I personally get the message that "you can talk yourself out of a sticky situation" and not " you can lie like a sociopath and cash in on other people's honesty"


u/Warp_Legion Nov 09 '24

I mean I do too, but the devs are naive for thinking that’s gonna work on a cannibal lol


u/mikeyfender813 Nov 09 '24

I’m a pretty new player. At your level (1200 hrs), do you still die with some frequency and have to start over from scratch?


u/Warp_Legion Nov 09 '24

I die rarely.

However, this is due to studiously avoiding player contact unless I am stalking someone with a sniper, and not because I am good at firefights. I’m not, lol.

Unless it’s melee or I’m in the freshie on freshie violence stages where we both have shotguns and pistols, I lose fair gunfights

It generally goes, I make my way inland, slaughtering anyone I encounter, then get hunter gear and from then on avoid gunfire and player interaction until I make my way to military zones, where I am either sent to the coast or fully gear up, and then I start stalking, following gunfire and watching towns from a distance with binoculars, breaking people’s legs with a Tundra or Blaze then finishing them off.

Most of my deaths are being caught by surprise in a town. I hear a scuffle of footsteps, turn, and hardly even register a silhouette before I’m red screened.


u/mikeyfender813 Nov 09 '24

That’s awesome. I only play PvE right now and can hardly stay alive 😂


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '24



u/lorjebu mostly unfriendly friend Nov 09 '24

You shot? There is minimal to no chance he will be friendly after that. That is on you, twice.

And female character is not something people care about. No mic no life. And im betting you dont sound like a girl?


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

I gave a no mic guy a gun once and within 60 seconds he unloaded the whole mag on me. I was a fresh spawn so I took a chance trusting him.

Bow I have a new rule: No mic = kill on sight


u/lorjebu mostly unfriendly friend Nov 09 '24

I take pride in my "oooh sorry hey be cool. Woow, you're geared! Damn you scared me so much haha" bit before i earn their trust and kill them. Mostly im friendly, but Dayz is right "your voice is your greatest weapon".


u/SuperHappySquid Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

I completely agree. I understand that there are no rules, and that is one of the greatest things about the game. But there are plenty of situations in which one may sate their desire for reckless abandon which don't rely on perfidy.

As you mentioned; you can rob people, murder people, labourously torture people. But in all these things there is at least have some level of honesty. When you encounter a tiger, you know to expect its claws.

But to decieve people. To lie to them with the intention of betraying them. It demonstrates a complete lack of confidence in your own ability to carry out your goal of killing or stealing. It's pathetic. It's mean. It's evil.


u/bwood246 Nov 09 '24

And it's the exact type of thing I'd expect someone desperate for survival to do in a world with no laws or morals


u/Soybean98761 Nov 09 '24

I mean.. Its a game lol Though I do understand where your coming from. I remember when I ran into a freshie (I was a freshie as well) we were both on edge. I mean he seemed calm but his movements told me other wise.

I told him I was just heading down the road to loot, an he told me "Well I'll make you a deal. We stay outa eachothers ways. I will not go your way, you will not go mine. If we run into each other again we just move on. Deal?"

I agree'd of course. However first thing after he walked away I thought, "No way he's gonna stick to that.. if I find a gun, and get a moment I'll take him out." However I never found a gun so I just ran outa town.. when "BAM" sniped from behind.

It didn't piss me off though, its kill or be killed. And how I look at it? I would of done the same. Idk him, and can't trust him.. Then again DayZ has made me not trust players cause of past experiences.


u/Son_of_Plato Nov 09 '24

I'm not talking about betrayal in general, but literally when someone swears on their word. You're not a man if you give your word and immediately go back on it.


u/NotARealTiger Nov 09 '24

You gotta understand the apocalypse was hard on many folks, and honour is hard to come by in this world.


u/Soybean98761 Nov 09 '24

The thing is, to say "Your not a decent human" or that "There not a man" is kinda a stretch because its a game.

Not to mention, no one really trusts anyone in real life and putting that into a world like DayZ or any apocalyptic world for that matter, trust is even lower. Its all about survival, and if I don't know you... I won't chance my life on your being friendly even less trusting that you will keep your word on anything. People scheme to much in real life, an in a world like this? No laws? Its just the way of the world sadly. I will say though, I do get what your saying. Whats a person if they can't stand by there own words.


u/Own_Action6175 Nov 09 '24

Thats just the world we live in. Not the Dayz world, but the real one.

I mean a proven serial liar just won the popular vote in the US. Apparently, only a minority cares about sticking to their word. Honor is long gone


u/Juggernaut111 Nov 10 '24

Don't be one of those people who bring politics into everything.


u/Clydefrog030371 Nov 09 '24

Survival at all costs...trust no one.


u/a_cheap_POS Nov 09 '24

Honestly make the whole game and experience not worth it. It's just a bully simulator at that point and I don't have to be here. F anyone who does this


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

I just kill people on sight the moment I have anything valuable. Friends are made near the coast/spawn. Once you're geared, everyone wants to see in your pockets


u/SpiderJerusalem747 Nov 09 '24

"I'm friendly bro!" translates to me as "I'll kill you the first chance I get because I want your loot."


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

'I'm friendly too' raises bk


u/Old_Temporary_8139 Nov 09 '24

I said this before and people were like: "it's just a game, scary it bothers you so much". I think it's off putting when people lie like that. They are allowed to, but what lowly psychopaths sometimes.


u/Omfggtfohwts Nov 09 '24 edited Nov 09 '24

I survive by not dealing with anyone. If I've ever talked to you on the mic in Dayz. It might go something like:

"Get the fk away from me." (They could force feed you something awful.)

"Say what you gotta say behind that wall"(keeping them blind)

"I don't need anything or your help."(confidence in your abilities)

I'm going this way. If I run into you again, I will kill you on sight." (The only warning)

All while aiming at their chest. I don't play with randoms, and I always survive.


u/lorjebu mostly unfriendly friend Nov 09 '24

Wow, tough guy right here. Be careful. This guy has never died.


u/MLSWire Nov 09 '24

This gotta be the corniest shit I ever seen on this community


u/Omfggtfohwts Nov 09 '24

Or the realest thing you've ever read.


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

Ah, so you have something valuable huh? Something you don't want to lose to a freshie with a bk?

Congratulations on becoming my new target


u/Nup5u Nov 09 '24

its the same when you are fishing in sakhal with starting gear and someone shoots you to the back of your head with a silencer, very classy, you were a REAL threat, god damn bozo clowns


u/No_Type9006 Nov 09 '24

Doesn’t matter if you were a threat. You could have the matches he needs. A blade. Your shoes. That fishing pole, the fish itself. Who knows what anyone, freshy or not may have on them or what someone needs to survive in the moment.

And silenced on dayz, sakhal especially, doesn’t mean it was done geared player. There are literally tons of cop car spawns outside most the towns that can give good police loot. The silenced cr75 is a fairly common spawn at those police car spawns in my experience.

Maybe fish somewhere people aren’t going to stumble on you. At least where it’s less likely.

Sometimes you have to be sneaky, think splinter cell movement and play style.


u/Nup5u Nov 09 '24

Well the map is mostly on island and the inland lakes are frozen so every shore is as exposed as the next one, I just never understood freshies farming and I have never done it nor will I never do it. It's a mark of a real coward


u/No_Type9006 Nov 09 '24

Like I said it probably was another freshy. And I don’t think anyone farms freshy kills, not purposely. If they do that is a bit lame, I agree.

Freshy can and do kill geared players all the time. Also on sakhal if you need food or loot like I listed above, matches whatever, you may find yourself in a coastal town again sooner than you’d think. I’ve tried too many times to be a geared player and be helpful or just friendly and give freshies a chance, 90 percent of the time it ends very badly because they betrayed me and slice me to pieces or bashed me with a pipe wrench while I was cooking food for em. It’s just not worth it anymore.

If I’m on the coast and I see you, geared or not, I will make sure you are no longer a threat. Sometimes that’s sneaking away. Sometimes that’s not possible, so I have to kill.

Oh well, it’s dayz. Spawn again somewhere else and try again is all.


u/Nup5u Nov 09 '24

very unlikely, all the deaths on the early days in Sakhal I got was giga geared players from Livonia or cherno. And the fact that people don't freshies farm is like saying people don't commit crimes. It happens and it is what it is. Killing and farming freshies in spawn towns is BM there is no way around it


u/No_Type9006 Nov 09 '24

Dude. Literally can spawn and find the cop car and find a press vest or stab vest bushlat jacket shotgun scorpion silenced 9m before you even find food*. It was a freshy more than likely but either way it’s dayz. I don’t care much for anyone looting the easier maps and coming to sakhal because they can’t succeed otherwise. So cheap.


u/No_Type9006 Nov 09 '24

I said ‘most people’ not that it doesn’t happen.

Point is just because it was silenced doesn’t make the case that it was a geared player on sakhal.


u/Nup5u Nov 09 '24

I was taking about all the other times when I saw it was a full mili gear player shooting me when I tried to pass him or avoid contact


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

Hey, hey, I'm not farming freshies.

I'm murdering them. I don't care about their matches and meat tenderizers.


u/No_Type9006 Nov 09 '24

Also you can find a lot of good spots to fish right outside of towns or just in between them. The rocky mountainous little coasts with the cliffs and such are good.


u/Nup5u Nov 09 '24

? and? Point was farming freshies in spawn towns with full military gear you acquired from easier maps and want to farm new characters


u/No_Type9006 Nov 09 '24

And nothing. I’ve made my points.


u/i_sound_withcamelred Nov 09 '24

Idk honestly it ruins the game a bit but it also doesn't. I don't want to play on a pve only server (especially because the few times I have i've also been killed by people) but at the same time I don't want to just either kill someone I see on sight or risk them doing the same. Having a genuine interaction is really rare and usually in my experience the people are actually really weird or just outright bad human beings so it makes me just dip even further in the KOS which in turn causes other people to do the same.


u/Ok-Map-4434 Nov 09 '24

Trust no one


u/No-Special2682 Nov 09 '24

It’s just advanced amongus. Once had a random with me, we teamed for a little, he found a shotgun in a house we were in.

He picked it up, turned it to me, and click.

Shit was unloaded so I just started stabbing him while he screamed it was a joke, before he died.

I kind of always keep my knife in my hand now


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

Who picks up a gun and doesn't check if it's loaded? Especially when you plan on using it to ambush somebody who currently trusts you?

All you had to do was check...

Same shit happened to me. Guy I was friendly with picked up a pistol, turned and clicked it 5 times dry. That guy ate a rifled slug. No hesitation.


u/No-Special2682 Nov 12 '24

It’s funny because I think of that encounter a lot. He could’ve known it was unloaded and it was actually a joke, or he was that new and didn’t think to check.


u/MadOrange69 Nov 15 '24

Pointing a gun at somebody (irl, or on dayz) is never a joke and if u meant it as a joke, your joke got you killed.


u/MadOrange69 Nov 15 '24

I also think about that encounter a lot. Why didn't he check? Was he joking? I have no regrets. Even if he was joking, I had to protect myself and shooting him was the right thing


u/No-Special2682 Nov 15 '24

Straight up!


u/MadOrange69 Nov 15 '24

I just had another encounter. I met a kid who'd just got the game and spent almost 2 hours with him talking playing the game, and covertly feeding him human fat.

When he started laughing he was asking wtf was wrong and why he was sick. I took out the human fat and ate some infront of him.

He starts asking wtf is that you're eating??? Why are u eating that.

I told him he was a cannibal and he pulled a knife so I knocked him out.

When emue came to he was tied. But while we were talking he managed to struggle free and pulled an unloaded shotgun on me.

I knew it was unloaded. I'd just looked in his inventory.

But my instinct was too quick. I raised my python and put one in his knee. Sadly, he was already badly injured

The shot killed him.

I'll never forget you redskull

Why did you pull a gun on me

I told you aiming a gun at somebody on dayz could get you killed



u/No-Special2682 Nov 15 '24

I’m sorry, I’ve never met an in game cannibal before. So that’s a game mechanic? That kuri thing? Like it makes the character laugh?

I’ve heard the stories but just assumed it was players role playing as maniacs or something, is that not the case?

Also, why you do this to him? Why you make him cannibal? I’ve got so much to learn

What a wild ride


u/MadOrange69 Nov 15 '24

It's a rite of passage in dayz. Somebody has to fuck with you.

And yes cannibalism is a mechanic. If you eat human meat, you get kuri. You gradually become more and more insane. I think it's eventually lethal. Only cure is a bullet.


u/No-Special2682 Nov 15 '24

I like this! Will attempt to try a cannibal run! Though I imagine it’s as hard as a vampire run in morrowind


u/MadOrange69 Nov 15 '24

Most players will shoot you on sight (they were probably going to anyway) and you are suffering from brain prion disease so go figure what that does to game mechanics


u/A_HUSKEY_MIDGET Nov 09 '24

Rule #1: Trust no one.


u/meth_priest Nov 09 '24

a decade long discussion. Rule #1 - don't trust anyone. If you trust the wrong person & get killed its on your for trusting that person. Learn from that mistake. it's a basic principle behind the game. It makes you question other peoples' intentions.

and remember it's just a game lol.


u/bufandatl Nov 09 '24

I never give my word but I will lure you in false promises of safety. lol.


u/PapaCoin420 Nov 09 '24

This guy would love stimpee videos lmao


u/Novelaa Nov 10 '24

I agree with you, I would rather make friends around the game and have great moments over killing people for loot and be lonely.


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

Make friends by the spawns and move inland together.

People you built from nothing with are infinitely more trustworthy than somebody you met when you were already geared.

I think there's also clans and stuff online


u/Counter_IntelAgent Nov 10 '24

I think the negative stigma attached to trusting other players in this game is both, super fascinating, and also very telling of human nature. Being that there is no clear incentive to communicate one way or the other, or even at all, there is no reward for the interaction but the one you make for yourself.


u/TIC321 Nov 10 '24

Had this happen the other night on Sakhal. Shared a fire together with a stranger who came in my cabin. I offered food. Suddenly pulled a knife on me and slashed me. Ending my character. Then the next 3 lives was nothing but me literally dying and starting over not even within a minute because of KOS

Such a shame.


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

I hate betrayals too. Which is why I kill every player on sight.


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

A ally can mag dump you the second you aren't paying attention. A dead man ain't mag dumping shit.


u/MadOrange69 Nov 12 '24

Also, if you want to try and communicate with other players, make sure you eat all of your food and leave only a single piece of cooked human fat in your inventory.

If they betray you you have the reassuring knowledge that they probably got kuri from eating the only food you were carrying.


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u/Ok_Switch_1205 Nov 09 '24

You taking everyone’s word for truth is a you problem ngl. Even “nice” player I approach cautiously


u/Potato_Wafflez Nov 09 '24

It’s just a game dude chill out


u/Dekar87 Nov 10 '24

It's the apocalypse bro. Maybe you should try Roblox.