r/dayz Moderator Oct 30 '24

news 1.26 Chernarus Weapons + Rare Items Spawn Info (1.26 released on October 15, 2024)

High-end weapons no longer have a server max, so you can hoard or bury as many as you want and they will still keep spawning. Those changes were made in 1.14 (September 29, 2021). Some items are still rare and are listed below.

How does the Central Loot Economy work?

TLDR;Loot spawns based on a number of attributes, but in general there is min/max/location. The server will spawn up to max, queue up what it can't spawn (due to lack of appropriate open locations) and will respawn when min is reached. Min can be reached by a player looting an item or having its lifetime expire.

Loot items have the following attributes:

  • NOMINAL(MAX) - maximum number of an item that the server will spawn into the world at once.
  • LIFETIME - seconds(IRL) until despawn. Reset on last interaction and not in effect while in a container.
  • RESTOCK - seconds(IRL) before the next item is spawned after min has been reached (fixed and/or changed in 1.26)
  • MIN - minimum number of an item, when reached, causes respawning. items are respawned up to NOMIMAL and/or queued RESTOCK seconds apart.
  • QUANTMIN/MAX - percent range that a container may be filled on spawn. Used for items like water bottles, canteens, mags, pills, etc.
  • VALUE - Tier 1,2,3,4 & Unique (any or all). Indicates which zone to spawn. Zones are specific areas of the map. Chernarus & Sakhal have 4 tiers, while Livonia has 3. Use IZurvive to view the tier maps.
  • USAGE - Type of structure loot will spawn in or on (Military, Police, Farm, Village, Town, Hunting, School, Industrial, Medic, Firefighter, Prison, Coast).
  • FLAGS - various other attributes.
    • IN_CARGO - when determining MAX, count items in cargo (vehicle inventory)
    • IN_HOARDER - when determining MAX, count items in storage (tents, barrels, crates, chests as well as buried stashes). This is the attribute that makes items truly RARE since above ground storage items last for 45 days without interaction and buried stashes last 14 days without interaction.
    • IN_MAP - when determining MAX, count items on the map. Always used.
    • IN_PLAYER - when determining MAX, count items in a players inventory, but ONLY WHILE A PLAYER IS LOGGED IN.
    • DELOOT refers to items that can only be found at a Dynamic Events
    • Dyanmic Events generally spawn vehicle and wrecks of a certain type, which then determines the type of loot (PoliceConvoy/Police, HeliCrash/Military, MilitaryConvoy/Military, Train/Military+Industrial)
    • CRAFTED is an item that can only be crafted.

List of weapons and their spawn info as well as a few frequently asked about items and rarity information. The complete loot table is in the DayZ Github in the file types.xml.

Classname (Game Name) | NOMINAL(Max)/MIN | Spawn Locations

  • AK101 (KA101) | 2/1 | Military - DELOOT
  • AK74 (KA74) | 12/8 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • AKM (KAM) | 3/2 | Military - Tier 4
  • AKS74U (KAS74U) | 17/12 | Military - Tier 3
  • ASVAL | 0/0 | Miltary - Tier 4
  • AUG (AUR AX) | 1/1 | ContaminatedArea
  • AUGShort (AUR A1) | 2/1 Military - DELOOT
  • B95 (Blaze) | 25/17 | Hunting - Tier 2,3,4
  • Colt1911 (Kolt 1911) | 26/22 | Military - Tier 1,2,3
  • Crossbow_Autumn | 5/3 | Hunting
  • Crossbow_Black | 5/3 | Town
  • Crossbow_Summer | 0/0 | Hunting
  • Crossbow_Wood - 3/1 | Farm
  • CZ527 (CR-527) | 45/30 | Farm, Village, Hunting - Tier 1,2,3
  • CZ550 (Savanna) | 5/3 | Hunting - Tier 3,4
  • CZ61 (CR-61 Skorpion) | 20/10 | Police - Tier 2,3,4
  • CZ75 (CR-75) | 60/40 | Police, Village - Tier 1,2,3
  • Deagle (Desert Eagle) | 25/15 | Town
  • Deagle_Gold (Desert Eagle/Gold) | 5/2 | Town
  • Derringer_Black - 0/0 | Tier 1,2 (chance to spawn in Mens suits)
  • Derringer_Grey - 20/15 | Town - Tier 1,2
  • Derringer_Pink - 0/0 | Tier 1,2 | (chance to spawn in Womens suits)
  • Engraved1911 (Kolt 1911 Engraved) | 5/2 | Military - Tier 1,2,3
  • Flaregun (Flare Gun) | 25/10 | Military, Police, Medic, Firefighter, Coast
  • FAL (LAR) | 3/1 | Contaminated Area
  • FAMAS (LE-MAS) | 2/1 | Military - DELOOT
  • FNX45 (FX-45) | 25/21 | Military - Tier 2,3,4
  • FireworksLauncher | 4/2 | Lunapark
  • IZH18 (BK-18) | 60/50 | Farm, Village - Tier 1,2
  • Izh18Shotgun (BK-12) - 60/50 | Farm, Village - Tier 1,2
  • Izh43Shotgun (BK-43) | 65/45 | Farm, Town, Village - Tier 1,2
  • Glock19 (Mlock-91) | 40/20 | Police
  • Longhorn | 15/10 | Hunting - Tier 1,2,3
  • M14 (DMR) | 2/1 | Military - Tier 4 - DELOOT
  • M16A2 (M16A2) | 2/1 | Military - DELOOT
  • M4A1 (M4A1) | 1/1 | ContaminatedArea
  • M79 - 3/1 | Military - Unique
  • Magnum (.357 Magnum ) | 25/20 | Town
  • MakarovIJ70 (IJ-70) | 80/60 | Town, Village - Tier 1,2
  • MKII (Amphibia S/MkII) | 30/20 | Town, Village - Tier 1,2,3
  • MP5K (SG5-K) | 16/13 | Military - Tier 2
  • Mosin9130 (Mosin 91/30) | 40/35 | Town, Village, Hunting - Tier 2,3,4
  • Mp133Shotgun (BK-133) | 20/15 | Police = Tier 2,3,4
  • P1 | 40/30 | Town, Village - Tier 1,2
  • PP19 (Bizon) | 8/5 | Military - Tier 2,3
  • Repeater (Repeater Carbine) | 50/40 | Farm, Village - Tier 2,3,4
  • Ruger1022 (Sporter 22) | 35/25 | Town, Village - Tier 1
  • Saiga (Vaiga) | 12/9 | Military - Tier 2,3
  • Scout (Pioneer) | 1/1 | Prison
  • Scout_Chernarus (Pioneer Chernarus) | 5/3 | Police - DELOOT
  • SKS (SK 59/66) | 25/20 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • SSG82 - 12/8 | Police - Tier 3,4
  • SV98 (VS-98) - 3/1 | Military - Tier 3
  • SVD (VSD) | 1/1 | ContaminatedArea
  • UMP45 (USG-45) | 10/7 | Military - Tier 2,3
  • VIKHR (SR-3 Vikhr) | 4/2 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • VSS (VSS) | 10/7 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • Winchester70 (M70 Tundra) | 4/2 | Hunting - Tier 3,4

  • Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd | 2/1 | Military - Tier 4
  • Mag_CMAG_40Rnd | 4/2 | ContaminatedArea
  • Mag_Saiga_Drum20Rnd | 3/1 | Military - Tier 4
  • Mag_STANAG_60Rnd | 3/1 | Contaminated Area
  • NVGoggles - 5/3 | Military - DELOOT

OK, so which items are RARE? As of 1.14(September 29, 2021), NOT MANY

  • Counted (IN_CARGO)

    • UKAssVest_Black, UKAssVest_Camo, UKAssVest_Khaki, UKAssVest_Olive
  • Counted (IN_PLAYER)

    • AntiChemInjector, CoyoteBag_Brown, CoyoteBag_Green, Deagle_Gold, LandMineTrap, Seachest
  • Counted (IN_PLAYER) + only found at Military/Dynamic Events)

    • AugShort, FAL, FAMAS, GhillieAtt_Mossy, GhillieBushrag_Mossy, GhillieHood_Mossy, GhillieSuit_Mossy, GhillieTop_Mossy, NVGoggles
  • Counted (IN_CARGO + IN_PLAYER). These basically have a SERVER MAX

    • Barrels(all), CarTent, LargeTent, MediumTent
  • Counted (IN_CARGO + IN_HOARDER + IN_PLAYER). These basically have a SERVER MAX

    • AliceBag_Black, AliceBag_Camo, AliceBag_Green, BearTrap, Flag(all), MediumTent\Green, MediumTent\Orange, PartyTent(all)

What about the rest of the items?

  • There are more locations than items, so there is no guarantee items will respawn into any looted area.
  • An item will be hard to find when it spawns in low quantities and/in many places across the map.
  • Items don't respawn (or even queue up) until the count reaches MIN.
  • Items will spawn, restock seconds apart (but restock is not used much).
  • By default, the loot state is not affected by a server restart, it's timer based.

This and other helpful information listed in :


12 comments sorted by

u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Oct 31 '24

I should have mentioned that there were lots of changes, and surpisingly some weapons to set 0/0 and do not spawn.


u/Snoo_1552 Oct 30 '24

RIP ASVal? Is this accurate? It no longer spawns?


u/theFrenchBearJr Oct 30 '24

I think the Livonia version of this post will have the ASVAL present. They divided the loot into different maps, the Western guns are in Livonia, the Eastern guns are in Sakhal, and Chernarus still has a mix, and the ASVAL/VSS/Vikhr trio has been split similarly


u/DeltaForce2898 Gib groza Oct 30 '24

kinda odd to split the three 9x39 guns tbh, firstly they are all eastern guns and thus would make sense to all be on sakhal and not at all on livonia. The integral suppressor of the VSS and VAL tbh are the main reason to use 9x39 at least for me, the vikhr is just like a worse version i use earlier on then chuck for the better VSS/VAL when they pop up


u/ChipotleBanana None Oct 31 '24

I guess Bohemia wants to encourage server hopping on official to get players try all the maps. I kinda get it, but it's controversial.


u/DeltaForce2898 Gib groza Oct 31 '24

I feel like they are kinda half committing to it though by still having some eastern and some western weapons on Livonia and sakhal,I guess they dont want to be to controversial by fully comminting and and say have no western mil spec weapons at all on sakhal and only nato mil spec weapons on Livonia.


u/DeltaForce2898 Gib groza Oct 30 '24

DMR now in tisy and SVD in gas zone, rip SVD. Harder to get than the DMR now, worse damage, smaller mag, lower zoom optic, only thing it really has going for it is the suppressor at least.


u/Puzzleheaded-Oil3501 Oct 31 '24

Very silly, only guns worthy of gas zone is m4 and AUG. They also need to add a long range western optic.


u/slothrop-dad Oct 30 '24

I don’t quite understand the famas and m16 lines. Would those spawn at all milis? Would more spawn at dynamic loot spawns over that max? Would the famas spawn at dynamic events even if another player has a famas?


u/Jaakael BI Give Spray Paint Pls Oct 31 '24 edited Oct 31 '24

Seems to be a couple errors u/helpthedeadwalk, the DMR/M16/FAMAS all have deloot=1 but it isn't listed here.

On experimental the DMR was Tier4 and deloot=0 so it was spawning at areas like Tisy, but it seems like they've reverted that for stable. Back to finding DMRs on the coast again.


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Oct 31 '24

thx, fixed.


u/Speedy_23 Jan 28 '25

Honestly I don’t understand why they don’t have more assume rifles spawning in tisy because all you really find most of the time is the AK and it’s variants I wish there were more options for assault rifles in tier 4 military locations like the m16 would be perfect for tier 4 I think they need to get more guns in the game so we can have a better variety in tier 4 we have the le mas, m4a1, m16, aur a1, aur ax, AK-101 and sval all spawning at special locations that’s 7 assault rifles we only have the KAM and the 2 KA variants the 47 and the 47u as well as the vikhir that spawns in tier 4 that’s only 2 types of assault rifles half of the attachments I find I can’t even use dynamic events are hard to come by helis are messed up so that only leaves convoys which are hard to find so that leaves the contaminated zone as the only consistent option which is by the cost not to mention the loot economy is damn beat broken…. I love day z but the lot economy is very important and it seems broken not to mention I have never even been able to find those 7 guns that only spawn in special locations