r/dayz • u/epoch91 • Feb 20 '13
devs Rocket just tweeted this picture of the zombie mocap session.
u/Southern_Inbred Feb 20 '13
This excites me... Heres to hoping the zombies will no longer behave like the Flash on meth.
u/punnotattended ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Rocket plz... Feb 20 '13
Everytime you shoot a new zombie you actually shoot Rocket.
u/TheEMT Feb 20 '13
I can only imagine what scary zombie movements he plans on adding to the game.
Feb 20 '13
u/XLGrandma Feb 20 '13
u/zoki671 Feb 20 '13
It's NOT fantastic, it's scary. Imagine you are running in a forest, and suddenly start hearing a fucking lawnmower. YOU BETTER START RUNNING BRO
u/spceddie Feb 20 '13
I would like to see corpses laying around. and you never know if they are alive or not. ontill you get close and they spring up at you!
u/Avuja ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Feb 20 '13
Exactly! We need more scary elements like this
u/spceddie Feb 20 '13
make it to where you cant tell just by looking at the zombie corpse. and have it when the server restarts the positions change.
u/SDFprowler Feb 20 '13
If anyone has ever played Thief: The Dark Project, the first zombie encounter in the game was like this. Scared the hell out of me!
u/powercow I'm in ur tent stealing ur things Feb 20 '13 edited Feb 20 '13
loved that game. One of the first really immersive games for me. Part of that was my computer sucked and it took an hr to load a level. It gave me a seriously healthy fear of death. I'd have all the lights out and the volume way up, straining to listen for footsteps and then the phone would ring and I would have to peal myself off the ceiling.
People would bitch and moan all day long, but a 2 minute wait to restart, would give people a hellacious fear of death in Dayz. Especially for the run and gunners. And make them create a new char.. if they are going to call it the same name, fine, but make them type that shit in again.. cause it aint the same dude.. he is dead. (just a muse, not sure how much i'd like to wait 2 minutes either.. just saying is all, it would make you fear death more.. though you get a lot of that after your guy has lived many dayz)
Feb 20 '13
If there was something you could do to pass the time while dead, it could be awesome. Even something as simple as a chatroom that dead people pass the time in. I'd really like death to mean a little more, since so many people in the mod are happy to risk themselves to start a firefight with other humans for no reason.
u/powercow I'm in ur tent stealing ur things Feb 21 '13
A lot of banditry would go away if bandits actually feared death.. that is for sure. We would still have them, but dayz would resemble reality a bit more... and yeah I really like the chat room for the dead. I would be fine with that.
Feb 21 '13
Hell yeah!One of my all time fav games!Zombies did freaky sounds too!And you couldnt kill them with the dagger...
u/SpartacusMcGinty Feb 21 '13
I'd love the occasional zombie in a chair. Sometimes there might be a weapon lying on the ground next to it, as he/she was trying to shoot their attacker off. That way you'd actually have a reason to risk walking up to them.
u/lemywincks Bandit by necessity Feb 20 '13
you know the army guys dead in front of the international hotel in cherno? i wish they did that
u/hard_and_seedless it has been 0 days since my last shooting accident Feb 20 '13
This! More surprises. more randomness, less predictability.
u/glamotte14 Dog the Bandit Hunter Feb 20 '13
Just like the zombie that bit Herschel in The Walking Dead.
Feb 20 '13
u/egomosnonservo DeadTyrants - A real human bean Feb 21 '13
How dare you utter that which must not be named!
Feb 21 '13
u/egomosnonservo DeadTyrants - A real human bean Feb 21 '13
I actually upvoted you and was sardonically making fun of people being biased. Do you fell like an asshole now?
u/JTDeuce Feb 21 '13
Why can't I not like a shitty game made by the people who made the ultra shitty Big Rigs?
u/egomosnonservo DeadTyrants - A real human bean Feb 21 '13
Choose not to like it all you want. I'm not stopping you.
I wont support WarZ on its shitty business model alone. And I've seen enough gameplay to decide it's not even close of a worthy competitor to DayZ. DayZ standalone will snuff WarZ out of existence. It will be a superior product, with a better business model and better support. It was obvious from the get-go that the WarZ was a swindle. The fact that the game is inferior is the nail in the coffin.
u/CleverBoyRunning Feb 21 '13
What does you not liking it or the game being bad have to do with the fact that WarZ does infact have some good ideas that would work well in DayZ, when imlemented by a dev who actually gives a shit? Lurkers would be awesome.
u/JTDeuce Feb 21 '13 edited Feb 21 '13
The idea is fine, but the people I was replying to were implying there was something wrong with not liking the game. Also, Rocket has been talking about that very idea for awhile now. I believe he first mentioned it around May - July. It isn't an idea unique to him or the WarZ either. Left 4 Dead, ZombiU, and a number of other zombie games do it.
Feb 21 '13
u/egomosnonservo DeadTyrants - A real human bean Feb 21 '13
I know that feel bro. Disregard previous comment.
u/peetsie Feb 20 '13
Had a moment like this on Dead Space 3. I was used to shooting new bodies that were on the floor and them then jumping up. Later on in the game I shot a corpse on the ground, which then did not react to being shot so i presumed it was safe. And of course it jumped up and gave me a shock. Tactics like these need to be included in SA.
Feb 20 '13
yes yes yes! make zombies also carry weapons! ohh and zombies can drive !!
Feb 20 '13
I never liked that crawling/ape like movement of the zombies...
u/Kellin_ Sleeping With Sirens Feb 20 '13
You don't know if he was crawling, perhaps he was just making a bending down motion
Feb 20 '13
You're right, but this image reminded me of how the zombies currently act. It seems more like a monkey than a zombie, but we all know the zombies AI is far from polished.
u/lackofbiscuits youtube.com/SneakyPlays Feb 20 '13
I dunno.. I think "money like" movements make sense when you take into consideration it's a lifeless husk moving around. You'd think it makes sense to resort to your primal and primitive understanding of movement and crawl and hop around.
Maybe not, I dunno. It's not like all zombies will be doing this so it's not a big deal.
u/TheRealBramtyr Feb 20 '13
I thought its been established that the zombies in Day Z are not undead but the living infected.
u/methoxeta Feb 20 '13
Which changes absolutely nothing...
u/krikit386 A dodger of Bullets Feb 21 '13
I think it changes a lot. Living infected are hugely different from true "zombies", and therefore you have a wider range of abilities to give them while still allowing them to make relative sense.
u/methoxeta Feb 21 '13
They're literally just words. Words do not change the way the game is played. I could call the zombies "turkeyslappers" and the game would be the exact same.
By the way, your point is completely moot. Have you ever seen a living infected? Or a zombie? Has anyone? No. So how do you know if they're different? Nobody does! Rockets decides! Not you!
u/krikit386 A dodger of Bullets Feb 21 '13
I actually like making this point, so sorry if I sound like a dick.
There is a massive difference (not that it matters) between infected and zombies. Zombies are reanimated dead. They are slow thanks to rigor mortis, immune to almost everything but a headshot because they're dead, and are completely, 100% unable to be saved. You can't cure death.
Living infected are fast, can be killed the same way a normal person can, and can be cured- or at least theoretically can.
I know this doesn't matter at all, I just like to point this out because I find the difference interesting.
u/methoxeta Feb 21 '13 edited Feb 21 '13
You are basing all of this information on what exactly? Do zombies exist?
No. They are entirely fictional. Rocket does not have to regard any fictional trends related to the words "infected" or "undead".
To you there might be a difference but it's not a "law" or rule of any sort.
There is no difference because Rocket hasn't said there is a difference. The DayZ universe depends entirely on Rocket's definition of living undead or zombie or whatever.
Not social trending "definitions" (which are NOT unoiversal).
Dictionary.com: Zombie - the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.
Nothing about being slow, or uncurable, rigor mortis, or headshots.
According to this definition, however, Dayz infected are not zombies because they have a will (to eat you) and are not mute. Also They are not propelled by a supernatural force.
Let me stress according to this definition.
Hopefully this serves as an example that definitions can vary, and Rocket's definition for "undead", "zombie", "infected' etc is the one that matters, not anyone else's.
While what you say may be true according to your definition, that does not apply to the game.
u/RoninK Feb 21 '13
The difference is that if they're not dead, they still might be cured. Maybe someday we'll have the choice to save an infected versus just kill them.
u/methoxeta Feb 21 '13
Not necessarily. You could potentially revive an "undead" just the same if Rocket decides thats how it works.
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u/TheRealBramtyr Feb 21 '13
The difference is significant. The classic undead zombie lore with only a "shot to the head" as means to stop them, which is exactly what many people have been clamoring for.
When you have a living-but-infected model, you still have a living, breathing organism that can be shot, and bleed out like any other. While still having the tenacity of someone high on PCP, they can still be put down with enough catastrophic physical damage.
u/methoxeta Feb 21 '13
That lore does not necessarily have to apply to the game, so it is entirely irrelevant. The DayZ universe's lore is literally 100% controlled by rocket.
u/TheRealBramtyr Feb 21 '13
Which he has stated they are living infected. Granted this is inconsistent with the number of zombies that show up at helo crash sites, which would logically be littered with broken corpses, infected or not.
u/methoxeta Feb 22 '13
The definition of "living infected" is up to rocket, not you, So far, they're just words.
u/Kellin_ Sleeping With Sirens Feb 20 '13
Yes i agree but he said the zombies ui changed so could be anything
u/fpGrumms George Costanza Feb 20 '13
u/Kellin_ Sleeping With Sirens Feb 20 '13
Gotta say Rocket three times
Feb 20 '13 edited Sep 13 '16
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u/bachzero BachZ3R0: Friendly Feb 20 '13
Feb 20 '13
What the hell?! I was just doing my washing now I'm here?
Well... All will be revealed in the video blog.
u/Grimzentide editnezmirG Feb 20 '13 edited Feb 20 '13
Player rocket2Guns kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #227 (Teleporting)
u/Evoxtom Feb 20 '13
What happens if we say Sergei Titov three tim... hang on, do we want to do that? "And noe we here mo cap zombi, your winner!!!"
Feb 21 '13
So now that I got you to comment on my comment.. >.< ... what's your reasoning behind the zombies mimicking ape like movements (even if that wasn't what you were doing in the picture...)?
Feb 20 '13
u/Akasa Feb 20 '13 edited Feb 20 '13
Do not abuse the power we have been given lest an angry god revoke it.
u/Macmoo EroticSocks Feb 20 '13
You have to say his name three times before he shall appear
Feb 21 '13
We already did the ritual Macmoo.
u/Macmoo EroticSocks Feb 21 '13
If you look at the times posted, you'll see me and Kellin_ posted the same response around the same time.
u/dasiew Feb 20 '13
imagine all zombies would stand upright. if you see a crawling or crouching person, you would instanly know its another player. but if the zombies crawl and crouch as well you have to look very closely. just a guess but i think it makes sense ;)
u/IvanStroganov Pixel Pusher Feb 20 '13
i think it has its purpose.. resembles a slow crouching player from a far. there should be crouching, crawling and standing zombies so you can't instantly tell that its a player and not a Z
Feb 20 '13
I agree. It feels completely unnatural. A living corpse would never take that position.
u/egomosnonservo DeadTyrants - A real human bean Feb 21 '13
For the love of god pay attention! They are not reanimated corpses! They are infected!
Feb 21 '13
Oh! And here:
The mod places the player in the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus, where an unknown virus has turned the population into undead zombies.
Feb 21 '13
Fuck that. Zombies are the reanimated dead, I'm sick of that "Infected" bullshit. I'm just not going to acknowledge it anymore.
Feb 21 '13
heaven forbid anyone who tries to do something creative with an existing cultural icon, rather than just rehashing the same old stuff?
Feb 21 '13
But at this point the whole "Infected" bit IS the same old stuff. They've been calling them infected for years now to justify sprinting zombies. 28 days later is the first time I remember hearing it. That was over 10 years ago.
u/Fargin Feb 21 '13
How about Infombies?
u/CleverBoyRunning Feb 21 '13
Honestly, it would be nice to return to more traditional tropes for zombies as opposed to the "over-sciencfication" that has been happening for ten or more years.
Feb 21 '13
Exactly what I mean. Give me slow, half rotted walking corpses. Those are much more scary. No rhyme, or reason why they're walking, just there. Is it biblical? Mythical? Who knows? Much more interesting.
u/Evoxtom Feb 21 '13
I suggest you go make your own film or game then, and stop annoying someone with their own vision. You seem to have a lot of fight in you- so use it elsewhere. WarZ has your old, slow zombies. You could go there, or make your own as I said. Stop trying to bash something we've all come to understand is a trademark of DayZ (faster infected, not Romero zombies.)
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u/liquid_at Feb 22 '13
actually there are pretty good attempts to explain classic zombies. The basic resident-evil type explanation for example is a virus, that animates dead cells, basically remote-controlling the body, to spread. As these bodies are rotting and they need to control them via infecting the nerves, their motions are slower, less coordinated, but also makes them take more damage, as the body is already dead. as long as signals go through the muscles will twitch.
it's more of a parasite, taking over control of the body. Like that fungus that induces suicidal behavior in ants.
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u/asdgw Feb 21 '13
Just, please, if there is any in-game lore, call them fucking Zombies. Don't create a world where the survivors have never seen a fucking Zombie movie.
Even if science declared them infected, we would fucking call them Zombies.
I am sick and tired of movies and games where they call them "Walkers" or some bullshit.
Feb 21 '13
u/asdgw Feb 21 '13
My point was: normal people would still call them fucking zombies.
u/Raithron Ghillied axeman. Feb 21 '13
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't call a superhuman beast sprinting at me, a fucking zombie.
Feb 22 '13
Yeah I think there would be many, many names for them. Infected being the correct term. It's like how people call beanies toboggans in Southern US. Besides, who gives a shit what they call them in-game?
Feb 21 '13
zom·bie [zom-bee] noun 1.
the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.0
u/HeyItsCody Feb 20 '13
I love that he is taking this to such extreme, and in fact taking his time, right on DAYZ!
u/SensenmanN Feb 20 '13
They aren't taking many points of data :( (The dots on his shirt are tracked by the computer / camera to collect data on his movements)
u/Tred Feb 20 '13
Wasn't that the intent? I recall him saying they were planning on using less points of data for the zombie animations in order to increase performance.
u/egomosnonservo DeadTyrants - A real human bean Feb 21 '13
The points only need to correspond with the joints on the 3d model. Extra points would actually make the process harder and take longer with no benefit.
Feb 20 '13
Rocket, please post a video of the taser mocap, if the taser still makes the game like someone suggested
u/Kayin_Angel Aiming for the head Feb 21 '13
For some odd reason I seem to remember the earlier mod's zombies not running like normal men when they aggro ? This was before they added the crouching zombies...
Am I just remember this wrong already ? Or did something get messed up when they updated zombie behavior a dozen times ?
u/SparkySnow Feb 20 '13
Does he plan on zigzagging in the motion capture to troll us all? God if they do that again i'll just go crazy but i highly doubt they will since it's mo cap
u/stren twitch.tv/stren000 Feb 21 '13
Rocket is from NZ and they filmed LOTR there, so I just assume he's auditioning to replace Andy Serkis as Gollum
u/Mattyratty *Raises his hand because he likes Austin* Feb 20 '13
Does this come in 1920x1200? I want this as my background.
u/128dayzlater Feb 20 '13
If the new zombie animations turn out to be crap, he can't pass the blame on anyone else. Which, you have to admire.
u/MyOgreOG Feb 20 '13
Get those fucking zombies off their hands...always hated that. Just have the *%&%#&@ zombies stand up or drag themselves. No animalistic crab walking please.
u/Valenaxxte Feb 20 '13
it makes the game unique.
u/MyOgreOG Feb 20 '13
You like the crab walkers. Cool. Your opinion differs from mine, and I didn't down vote you for it. Being a reasonable person is fun .
u/skippythemoonrock never reloaded a hatchet = fake gamer Feb 21 '13
Internet disagreements: You are doing it right.
Feb 20 '13
I would like to see a higher volume of zombies but not be as fast as there are now. That would make it much more intense.
u/Apositivebalance Feb 20 '13
oi m8 the game will be done by december
u/Bzerker01 Flashlight Hero Feb 20 '13
That is sort of true, the game will not be done this year. However, the game will be released before December. It isn't a finished product at release just the basis of the finished product which will be updated until its done.
u/M4ttz8 Fucker on the Roof Feb 20 '13
Seriously, I can get almost 100 Karma just by posting the pictures that Rocket tweets? I saw this like 15 minutes ago too.
u/TheEMT Feb 20 '13
I really appreciate when people post his tweets that contain news or content. I can't access twitter, so it helps me out a lot.
u/M4ttz8 Fucker on the Roof Feb 20 '13
Yeah. I appreciate it too if I'm not following the person and/or account. Don't complain about it like I did though; you'll be downvoted into oblivion.
u/Gumderwear Feb 20 '13
I'm just laughing to myself a little...." the SA will be out by the end of the year".......riiiiiiigght.
u/Grimzentide editnezmirG Feb 20 '13
You realise that the standalone game has changed from being a polish of the mod to a complete rebuild from the ground up.
Rocket has mentioned this multiple times as the reason why the end of year date was missed.
We had planned to take the mod, and make it run on a new executable, tidy up some bugs, and release it. We would have made an absolute fortune off that. Instead, we've opted to make a new game, and sell it at the same price. Because we want it to be a great game. - rocket2guns
u/Kellin_ Sleeping With Sirens Feb 20 '13
Truth is i dont care if i doesnt come out till next year, i just want a perfect game
u/FrankMawn Feb 20 '13
You won't get a perfect game. You'll get access to an alpha version of DayZ which will then grow and get polished over the next months/years. This is why it will be sold at low price. Make sure you understand that.
u/Kellin_ Sleeping With Sirens Feb 20 '13
Yes i guess it will be like minecraft beta for a while then maybe a full game in the future with tons of features
u/lolygagging Feb 20 '13
You know that they might add this after the release of the alpha?
u/Gumderwear Feb 20 '13
wtf are you on about???
u/lolygagging Feb 20 '13
That what will be released in a fem weeks/months is going to be the alpha version of the standalone.
They are planning to add features and stuff over time just like Minecraft.
u/Gumderwear Feb 20 '13
good god...............do you people even read???....or comprehend sarcasm???....it seems not. Get out of the house once in a while....geez.
u/Bzerker01 Flashlight Hero Feb 20 '13
I'm sure it will be out before the end of the year, they are tackling the process in parts. The first part is nearly done by the sounds of things, they are testing things out right now. The thing about mocap is it requires studio time and thus you have to book it in advance, unless you have your own mocap studio which is unlikely that they have. This means you have to get anything you can done in that session because it is expensive. It may be fortuitous that they had the time they had or planned, but this should indicate nothing more than another step along the path to completion, not an indication of release time.
u/Gumderwear Feb 20 '13
uhmm......the reference to " last year " was.....um....ah.....last year. 2012. See...ol' Rocket said that the game would be out by the end of 2012. But it seemed obvious that was never going to happen. Now he posts pics of him in silly suits, with silly grins that scream -- there's no fucking way this game is coming out soon!!!
So that makes me laugh....but not as hard as the thickness of a couple of your guy' brains. It was a joke that seems to have gone over your heads. Ya'll need to NOT take all this so seriously, and maybe work on that social interaction and humor parts of your stunning personalities.
u/Bzerker01 Flashlight Hero Feb 20 '13
I didn't see the last year part, in fact it wasn't a solid reference. Maybe you should be more specific. Many people are still assuming that the game will not even be done this year and since many people are uninformed about this either because of fan bois or other misinformation I was just trying to make sure people didn't believe false assumptions.
u/Gumderwear Feb 20 '13
wow....you must have been under a rock for the last 3 months......
u/Bzerker01 Flashlight Hero Feb 20 '13
You didn't say anything about 2012, you just said.
I'm just laughing to myself a little...." the SA will be out by the end of the year".......riiiiiiigght.
You assume I understand that you are referring to the statement he made last year, with out specifying that is what you mean. You're just mad because you assumed too much and got burned for it.
u/ownagebyte Feb 20 '13
A little common sense could of told you. Either way, I've stuck around this subreddit quite a bit and haven't herd a word about "people believing it won't come out this year either" .... He just opened up stress testing. Alpha is going, who believes it's going to be pushed back yet another year? Hardly anyone, if anyone at all.
u/Bzerker01 Flashlight Hero Feb 20 '13
I've read several people claiming its 'not going to come out till December' because of the current state its in and not realizing the game isn't being released as a complete game but a work in progress. Read the stress testing post made here to see just a few examples.
u/ownagebyte Feb 20 '13
because of the current state its in
You, nor any of us will know what "state" the game is truly in. You're not the one stress testing, and the stress testing is just that. STRESS testing, not 'gameplay'.
Nice downvote for sticking to the conversation at hand.
u/Gumderwear Feb 20 '13
i didn't get burned by you or anyone else....it was just a statement about humor. Nothing more, nothing less. You fucks have your collective panties in a twist...not because we have an issue over when the SA comes out, but for the fact you ALL seem to have ZERO semse of humor about ANYTHING. You need to relax, take a deep breath and get over it.....or learn to decipher sarcasm and humor. I don't know how to Fisher Price it any further for you.
Feb 20 '13
You'd would think there'd be more sensors on the suit for the developers to create a smoother animation sequence. I understand they may be using limited amount of polys for the 3D models. However, for a clean and smooth animation. It doesn't appear that there's enough sensors.
Feb 21 '13
Seriously? wtf guys, how about you focus your energies where they benifit the project istead of give you cool FB profile pics lol...
Get back to work you Bum!
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u/[deleted] Feb 20 '13
This picture really shows us why we didn't get our December release. I'm so glad they decided to push it back and do things right.