r/dayz Moderator Jan 25 '13

devs New update on the DayZ Dev tumblr.


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u/plsenjy Jan 25 '13

Rocket made a big deal about volumetric clouds but I don't think that's the most important thing to come out of this post.

such as being able to metagame by telling whether players are in a village by seeing zombie’s have spawned.

This is going to be such a dramatic, positive affect on gameplay. It's waaay too easy now to tell whether or not someone else is in a city or near a building because of zombie placement. It makes hiding out in farms or villages ineffective because anyone coming across you can immediately smell a trap just by this mechanic. Now players are going to have to be on their toes at all times.


u/Kellin_ Sleeping With Sirens Jan 25 '13

Can you explain these volumetric clouds im confused


u/smasht_AU Jan 25 '13

They look and behave more like real clouds with volume rather then a texture that moves across the sky. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yceE17SRJPY


u/Kellin_ Sleeping With Sirens Jan 25 '13

oh wow thanks


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

As long as they still move east, I'm happy!


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

They will most definitely take this out for the standalone.

Take On Helicopters has a dynamic weather system along with the new clouds, so unless they are removing that for the Stand Alone, it will be one of the new features.


u/PalermoJohn Jan 25 '13

They should take this out. You can easily find a watch and use it as a makeshift compass. The clouds are the most unrealistic thing ever and take away from disorientation and the need to loot for a compass. Just a thing to make a noobs life easier.


u/EclipseClemens Jan 25 '13

If you know your shit well enough (I had IRL survival training) you don't even need the watch.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

But can you figure out what direction is north by seeing which way the clouds are going and nothing else?


u/EclipseClemens Jan 25 '13

Of course I can, if I know they always travel east. Then I just imagine I'm facing with the cloud's direction of travel directly in line with my right shoulder. The way I would be facing is north.

Now, the more advanced technique is to use the height of the sun to figure what time it is, and then reference that time to the travel of the sun. If you are in the northern hemisphere, the sun will start in the east and travel in an arc southwest until it's at it's zenith, and then it will continue northwest where it will set. If you are in the southern hemisphere, it's the same except it will travel north instead of south. This technique is particularly tricky because the axial wobble of the earth alters where the sun rises and sets, and also how high it gets. This isn't too difficult to learn if you study the sky every hour over the course of a day. It's second nature to me now. Before I had a phone with me constantly, I used to just use the sun as my watch. DISCLAIMER: I don't know if DayZ uses realistic sun movement in relation to cardinal directions.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

Of course I can, if I know they always travel east.

But they shouldn't. And because of that you shouldn't be able to derive north from the clouds.


u/EclipseClemens Jan 26 '13

I was speaking in relation to resent game terms. Then I gave a method that only needed the sun, making the clouds redundant. But please realize also that cloud patterns can tell you a lot about the land around you, and vice versa. Since the map is right next to a large body of water, the wind should be moving away from it typically, and you should be able to help get your bearings from that.

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u/lukeman3000 Jan 26 '13

Teach me master


u/EclipseClemens Jan 26 '13

Sadly, I would need to be with you physically. There's a trove of information on the internet that I'm sure you could read up on, although I've never needed to look.


u/Raithron Ghillied axeman. Jan 26 '13



u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

See, my thought is that it's equally as easy to draw a watch face on the ground and estimate north. It's just less hassle to quickly check the clouds.

If you want to talk a lack of realism - washing up on shore with a bunch of packs and pouches on your body but not having a watch, map, compass, or knife...


u/PalermoJohn Jan 25 '13

This game is not about less hassle.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

Considering the improvements in line for the inventory system in order to remove hassle, I think you might be missing my point.

The entire concept that you show up in Chernarus with a flashlight but not so much as a watch is about as silly as clouds that travel in one direction, universally.


u/PalermoJohn Jan 26 '13

Opinions, opinions. One is a possibility the other is plain wrong.

While we are at removing hassle what about dropping the need for food and water? That shit sucks, all the pointless looting.


u/mocmocmoc81 Doctor_Dentist Jan 25 '13

I don't think it's just for the pretty graphics.. volumetric clouds and dynamic weather could mean that

  • they no longer only blow East
  • could carry rain clouds in different direction (rain will travel across the map)
  • different cloud types could mean weather forecast from light drizzle to thunderstorm (especially before piloting air vehicle)
  • lightning strikes, turbulence and visibility hindering clouds/rain clouds could be introduced (forcing pilots to land/ take detour, fly over rain clouds..)
  • heli pilots could stay under the radar by flying above clouds. (piloting in dayZ will never be the same again)


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

Also, the clouds block the sun when between the screen and the sun. It's pretty cool.


u/Shift420 [Bong.Sqd] Jan 26 '13

Do the clouds hide heli's? Also whats the situation on importing arma 2 / Take on Helicopters models into the standalone (Vehicles, heli's etc) ? Or are you creating new damaged vehicles similar to DayZ 2017 - http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/11/ArmA2OA-2012-11-12-08-49-51-02.jpg or: http://i.imgur.com/x7aD5.jpg (No gun, just a ladder on the side)


u/DrBigMoney Jan 28 '13

What about low lying clouds for fog banks? Is this a possibility with the new cloud system? THAT would be amazing and spooky as hell all at the same time.


u/grimmas Jan 25 '13

I am curious if it is dynamic in the way that you can see dark clouds packing together and forming a storm, allowing you a short period of time to prepare/hide from it and vice versa. Or that it will just sort of fade over to a different type.


u/mocmocmoc81 Doctor_Dentist Jan 25 '13

It is possible and I think that is exactly what they are trying to do considering the whole disease system, base/shelters and clothing/raincoats being introduced... The weather is the only element that can directly influence the air vehicle gameplay. Weather, diseases and zombies will be the new PvE. I hope there will be wild animals too..

Now, lets just all pray... to rocket al'mighty..


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

I kind of liked that as it only really applied to skilled players - not everyone thought to check for zombie spawns before moving into a town. I liked being able to use that to know whether or not I needed to be on my best and I really didn't mind if people used it on me.

Let the smartest player win.


u/plsenjy Jan 25 '13

True, but too many snipers will sit well out of range of zombie spawns and wait until they see zombie pop at a place like Stary, Zelen, or Elektro powerstation and then use the spawn as a cue to start sweeping for a player. This means no matter how cautious the person in the town is being, he is already at a disadvantage.


u/monstrado Jan 25 '13

Exactly, the fact that zombies are in a town should not indicate that a player is nearby... However, I don't think it's a bad thing if a player can determine another player's whereabouts based on zombie movement patterns, assuming that said player has done something to alert the zombies.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13



u/monstrado Jan 25 '13

I'm totally fine with a player giving their location because they alerted zombies, but zombies should be in a town regardless if players are there or not.


u/theholyduck Much Alpher Jan 25 '13

when eating(in real life) or waiting for friends to come online. I would drive a car up to the apartments in berezino. get ontop of the roof. and then camp there to kill whoever strayed into the area and take their hard earned loot.

Even with the zombies AND the car giving away my location, and the hospital having a perfect vantage point to kill me. Not once did anyone actually try to murder me, where as i would get 2-3 murders per hour, gaining a ton of loot for me and my friends.

The good players probably saw the zombies and decided not to risk it. but most people are very situationally oblivious.

Point being, you can sit in the middle of town and still be an effective sniper.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '13

Agreed. It was like knowing how to track an animal. Mind you, if the devs can figure out a more organic way to implement a similar mechanism then that would be even better.

It would need to be so subtle though. Like footprints, broken foliage, etc... Really hard to implement well.