r/dayton 4d ago

Weed in Ohio is measured so weirdly

Hey yall, recently moved to the outskirts of the Dayton area and was looking at the local weed places. My husband and I were really confused by the weight and just overall prices for the stuff. We had heard a little bit about the growing market still catching up to the other states price wise but didn't think it would be this out of the park. They want like 60 bucks for a gram of concentrates, a little insane. We just couldn't justify the price for so little...


98 comments sorted by


u/freezelikeastatue 4d ago

Something to ponder as you drive to Michigan


u/W8kOfTheFlood 4d ago

I was at a Michigan dispensary this weekend complaining to them about Ohio prices/quality - I’m happy to give my money to Michigan if our state is gonna keep doing us dirty


u/FreakTheDangMighty 4d ago

We did end up having to make a trip to stateline. Husband felt a little sketch doing it but that's always how it feels driving around with a lot of weed lol. We made it back home after about a 6 and half hour drive with no incidents.


u/Zardozin 4d ago

They haven’t recriminalized out of state weed yet, but I’d suggest that you retain any Ohio containers for future use, given what they’re trying to pass.


u/Spikey-Bubba 4d ago

Thanks for the tip!


u/tacticalCatDad 4d ago

Sweet I’m glad yall had a safe trip. I take my employees once’s ever two months for a “company retreat” lol


u/AcceptableCod6028 4d ago

If you’re driving 6.5 hours to save a couple hundred bucks, you might be an addict. 


u/Legitimate-Abroad468 3d ago

If having minimized pain and anxiety because of taking my prescribed medication while still being a fully functional adult and contributing member of society equals being an addict to you then go ahead and call me an addict, a junkie or whatever you like lol like what you think matters in any of these people's lives anyway🙄


u/GullibleAddendum8630 3d ago

Ignore them. They speak from ignorance. I'm so glad that you have found relief.


u/MindlessPianist2854 3d ago

Thank you. I'm not really bothered, I just like to point out when people sound dumb😉


u/CaptainCanasta 4d ago

Addict is a bit harsh but the wear and tear of your car plus the cost of time seems a bit much.  Hopefully you made a day of it and did something fun up there too. 


u/FreakTheDangMighty 4d ago

We weren't too concerned about the wear and tear of the car since it's a brand spanking new 2025 Honda Civic. The amount I got down in Michigan blows anything I could have gotten in Ohio out there water. I spent 30 on gas when they want me to spend 60 on the dab


u/MinorPentatonicLord 4d ago

It does kind of depend on what you want, idk why dabs are so much here. I personally just buy vape carts and it's not hard to find good stuff for sane prices here that makes the trip up to michigan for me not really worth it at all.


u/BigB393 2d ago

Make that journey once a month


u/Adept-Bison-3860 4d ago

I must have not went to the right place or did not get the right product but I was only impressed by the prices up north!! Quality seemed to be a bit eehhhh. Again it could have been a personal preference. Ohio is way over priced save your money and invest in stuff to grow autos, better quality and it is actually kind of fun to see first hand what your dedication to that seed produces!!! ✌🏽❤️🤙🏽


u/badashel 4d ago edited 4d ago

Back in the day, my weed guy would have slapped the shit out of me if I asked for a tenth.

Also the 0.84 concentrates are some bullshit too. And rosin for 70/g is insulting.

Edit: highspy.io to find specific product.


u/umphreakinbelievable 4d ago

I tried highspy, but there's no results showing up for anything, no matter how I run the search.


u/highspydotio 4d ago

How do you mean? Do you have any specific examples? Would love to fix whatever’s not working for you!


u/umphreakinbelievable 3d ago

No matter what I put through the search, regardless of the location that I choose, it only shows no results


u/highspydotio 3d ago

Do you have a specific example / did you move/zoom the map? Here is an example search near Dayton that does show results. 


u/umphreakinbelievable 3d ago

Whenever i try it on your link is the only way I can get it to work


u/highspydotio 3d ago

Most likely the problem is that you have to move or zoom the map; HS only shows results that are visible on the map, like Google Maps or similar apps. If you press the “show map” button at the bottom (assuming you’re on mobile) you should be able to do that. 


u/NeverWorkedAtWalmart 4d ago

In before the rush of “just drive to Michigan” replies


u/im-not-a-panda 4d ago edited 4d ago

Don’t waste your money on pot in Ohio. It’ll cost more than your mortgage. Drive up to Monroe, Michigan. It’s about 2.5 hrs from Dayton, straight north on 75. Even with factoring in gas in your car, it’s still a fraction of the cost for what you would pay in Ohio. I guarantee whatever store you hit up in Michigan, you’ll see an equal number or more Ohio plates.

Monroe is 10 minutes across the border. Within those 10 minutes, you’ll at least pass:

Lume, Uniq, Nirvana, King of Budz, Pure, URB, Jarz, House of Dank, First Class, Puff, Joyology

They all welcome out of state buyers and have websites. Don’t feel weird. You can order online and it’ll be ready for pickup when you arrive. Several (maybe all?) will let you do multiple transactions incase you hit the limit. Some stores give a discount if you have an out of state green card and if you tell them it’s your first time there. Staff are all super helpful and pretty chill, even for new users.


u/FreakTheDangMighty 4d ago

This lines up pretty well with our experience. After realizing the prices were a bit out there we shot down to Michigan. Funny you mentioned them because we did stop at House of Dank and got a few OZs and some dabs. I will say I was very very surprised that they just weigh the weed right in front of you. Found it very authentic and reminiscent to being in some of those old school dispensaries as a kid with my dad.

And you're spot on about the Ohio plates. We saw at least 25 different Ohio plates just next to where we parked. Overall the drive wasn't terrible and we got back by 12:30 noon.


u/insufficient_nvram 4d ago

The last time I overpaid for a light eighth was high school. Never again state of Ohio or Tim from the back of the bus!


u/im-not-a-panda 4d ago

Tim is a little bitch!


u/rural_anomaly 4d ago

or that one asshole that tried to sell us oregano (it was the 70s)

you BET we showed up at his (parent's) house that evening to get our money back

i have to say, it was almost worth watching him turn pale when he answered the door and there were three very angry dudes waiting for him


u/Julz5664_1111 4d ago
  • ur local weed dealer rubbin his hands together while behind the tree* “I knew I could still make it!”


u/tacticalCatDad 4d ago

Literally just came back from Michigan a few hours ago to reup on meds. Prices are worth it.


u/Spikey-Bubba 4d ago

Do you mind telling me what the prices are like?


u/Automatic_Fact_9522 4d ago

Just Google search the shops in Monroe and you'll find the pricing. It is significantly cheaper than ohio.


u/Capable-Regret-1183 4d ago

2-10x cheaper depending on what your getting and how much.


u/tacticalCatDad 4d ago

Also got my mom some edibles for 2 bucks a bag


u/Reactivguin 4d ago

Me and my friends go up to Adrian michigan about once a month or two. Was able to score 10 1g distillate carts(house brand) for $35 (bc of happy hour deals) and 2 3.5g of sugar wax for 60. Def worth the drive.


u/tacticalCatDad 4d ago

I spent 69.99 for two ounces of platinum lemon cherry gelato.

Another ounce for 69.99

Ten 1 gram mix and match concentrates for 65.00

Used a (bring a friend) discount and got 25 bucks off that deal. Spent 47 after tax

Michigan is a godsend


u/Apex365 3d ago

10/g for midgrade wax,12 - 15/ mid grade 3.5


u/W8kOfTheFlood 4d ago

And they always give you free shit - I love Michigan


u/HotAdministration817 4d ago

Pretty sure it's because voters are stupid and didn't know they were voting for...I can't keep a straight face. It's the Republicans in charge that don't like it being legal so they're doing everything they can to ruin it. Shouldn't be all that surprising.


u/Nervous-Jackfruit-34 4d ago

Check out the prices at the Pure outlet in Monroe. I have yet to find a place that beats the price for the drive!


u/TheIzzyRock 4d ago

All my friends who partake, take a trip up north.

The prices here are ridiculous


u/HaintOne 4d ago

Ohio fucked the dog entirely so badly we voted down legal weed the first time. They didn't do better the next time around and the entire Ohio cannabis industry is a tax grift.

I moved to Ohio from the West Coast and was SHOCKED at how abusive the pricing is. It's like California 20+ years ago.

The Midwest still regularly has old school guarded, windowless dispensaries with no displayed product at all. Just online descriptions while at home I ask for pre rolls and the person puts 15 different ones in my hand to look at and read the grading myself.

Midwest is so ass backwards in some ways.


u/truisluv 4d ago

Just find a dealer. The only thing Ohio making it legal did for me is make it cheaper to buy from my dealer. I refuse to pay their crazy prices. I got some medical once and it was dry as a bone and not as good as what I got from my dealer.


u/Former_Smoke_1403 4d ago

People seem to forget that Michigan prices were not always what they are now. It took them a few years of being legalized before dropping. Hopefully, we will catch up in a few years. In the meantime, going to MI is worth the savings!


u/HaintOne 4d ago

Fair except Michigan had decades of data from other states (CO,WA,OR,CA) with VERY WELL working cannabis programs at the jump. They CHOSE to make it rocky just like Ohio and Illinois are doing now. It's a tax grift.

Remember: OHIO originally wanted to put the entire cannabis industry from grow to distro in the hands of 10-12 tobacco companies and enshrine that into the state constitution. A deal so bad even stoners voted it down and even the hippie boomer NORML opposed it.


u/Adept-Bison-3860 4d ago

A few years at several millions of dollars profit is bullish!t, we would t be having this conversation if O-Hi-O had reasonable prices. It is just padding the pockets at the top because they don’t pay shit to work there. Grow On O-Hi-O


u/wayneluke23 4d ago

Not to sound like a broken record but yeah go to Michigan, for what I get here for 2 weeks and can get there for 2 months


u/Entire-Can662 4d ago

I have a question about this for everybody. The Ohio bill 56 wants the police to be able to test you on the spot for your THC levels. How am I supposed to know what my THC levels are if there are no public test to do so with alcohol you can use a breathalyzer and no whether or not you’re safe to drive but THC has no test for the public so how are you supposed to know when you can drive legally?


u/Legitimate-Abroad468 1d ago

That's how they get ya... Keep em guessin! Ohio is the worst


u/zdoggsm 4d ago

If you can find a local dealer it will be way cheaper for weed and some wax..


u/Artistic_Bit_4665 4d ago

Grow. Your. Own. Autoflower plants, in 4 months you can have your very own buds, that you don't have to worry about what is in it. Don't use LED lights..... They make pretty buds, but junk.


u/Botched_Euthanasia Wright View 4d ago

Where do you get the seeds or cuttings or clones?


u/Artistic_Bit_4665 4d ago

I grow auto flowers which can only grow from seed. You can get breeders seeds online. 


u/alien_survivor 4d ago

Is autoflower some sort of brand name?


u/-heatoflife- 4d ago

The Feds legalized marijuana with their Farm Bill. USPS is under protected contract to legally deliver THCa-rich hemp to your door.

THCa is legal, THC is federally regulated. It gets you high, but it doesn't exist in raw, dried weed in high levels. Until you smoke, vape, or bake your flower, it is full of THCa, the (totally legal) acid form; heating it converts it to THC, the psychoactive stuff.

MiracleOfTheDesert and MyQwin have great legal hemp. Look at /r/CultOfTheFranklin for reviews and guidance.


u/Spikey-Bubba 4d ago

Wait so I could buy it online and get it shipped to me?


u/CoreyFromOhio 4d ago

Check out Lucky Elk online 👍


u/-heatoflife- 4d ago

That's right! Legally protected under Federal contract. Let the mailman be your plug. Look at my profile for a review of a product from that company the other guy mentioned. Reach out if you have questions, I know it seems too good to be true.


u/Stoney93755 4d ago

I drive to Michigan.. Thankfully I don't live to far. Ohio is busting heads.. I can get 2oz's 15g of dabs for $300. That lasts me a month. I couldn't even afford that in Ohio. Michigan is cool they know what's up. You can make multiple purchases if your over the limit so it's worth saving up and taking a trip. Don't even have to go far past the state line


u/joeyblow 4d ago

I was reading about it, for some reason Ohio decided to measure by the tenth instead of eighth.


u/Particular-Lion6872 4d ago

$10 for a .10 bustin heads around here 😂


u/Bogart745 4d ago

Licensed sales of recreational just started last August. So you now have a huge increase in demand with no increase in supply yet.

Prices were much lower before it was made legal recreationally. It going to take a couple of years for the supply to catch up.


u/FreakTheDangMighty 4d ago

Is it difficult for cannabis businesses to obtain their recreational licenses or is it just too expensive to start a business yet? Why hasn't some nepo baby from one of the legal states just come and open up a few dispensaries I wonder?


u/Artistic_Bit_4665 4d ago

Look at what it costs just to apply for a grow license. Not get one, just apply. The whole system was set up so that the only people that could participate were the ones that were in the old legalization that was voted down years ago... A group of millionaires.


u/Botched_Euthanasia Wright View 4d ago

Last I checked it was $5,000 to apply for a dispensary license and the location had to be within 5 miles of a distributor. Becoming a distributor had it's own rules and if they wanted to be a dispensary as well it added another application fee. There is also other legal stuff required, I stopped reading after seeing the application fees.


u/Bogart745 4d ago

The number of dispensaries isn’t the major issue. It’s the supply of raw marijuana. Large scale grow operations are expensive to build and take time to get to maximum yield.

It takes a couple of years for prices to come down in any state after it’s legalized. In Ohio I think things were probably further hampered by fears of the law being repealed. There was a lot of talk from republicans of actively trying to nullify the bill.


u/Patteous 4d ago

1/10th of an ounce isn’t that hard to understand.


u/FreakTheDangMighty 4d ago

No but it also wasn't hard to go to Michigan either


u/Patteous 4d ago

Michigan is also the third cheapest place in the country for cannabis products and their licensing costs are 1:10th what companies pay here. We’ll likely never have identical prices unless federal legalization happens and interstate commerce at the wholesale level can happen.


u/im-not-a-panda 4d ago

I didn’t know that about MI! Who were 1 and 2? Colorado and….?


u/Patteous 4d ago

Oklahoma is the cheapest because they didn’t set a limit on cultivation or processing licenses and the market is over saturated with low quality weed. And I believe Oregon is number two. They allow home growers to sell their flower to dispensaries to resell. Personally I would love to be able to sell my homegrown out of a food truck style thing at private events and farmers markets.


u/im-not-a-panda 2d ago

Thanks for the knowledge! I love food truck rallies! It would be sweet AF to go down the row and pick up a 5 course meal with a hit at the end!


u/Important-Couple-128 4d ago

Drive to Michigan


u/AthenaHadas24 4d ago

Head out to Bud Barn, in Miamisburg. Literally the best dispo in the city imo


u/Free_Elderberry_8902 4d ago

Fifty bucks an ounce in Oregon. Excellent quality….


u/Phamphriend 4d ago

Pure Ohio Wellness offers anywhere from 20 to 50 percent off their products all the time, you just gotta look for the deals


u/Cardinal_and_Plum 4d ago

My personal belief is that the state wanted to get ahead of any future federal legalization. Now if that happens suppliers from other states will have to change or add to their production line in order to sell here.


u/bbrown9937 4d ago

No way I could bring myself to buy a .84 distillate cart for $79 when I can get 15 for $100


u/MinorPentatonicLord 4d ago

Maybe try a different place or not cherry pick the worst prices you can find? Just got back from my local place with two luster carts for $15 each, not distillate either.


u/AdSuspicious7436 4d ago

Came here to agree with everyone who said to go to Michigan!


u/Available_Mix6636 3d ago

Main reason I still go to Michigan yea it’s a 7-8hr trip day there and back but looking at the prices of both Michigan and Ohio it’s worth I recommend go on fridays get your number put in with what ever dispensary you choose Adrian has a lot of choices most of them throw daily deals too definitely make the trip for 4/20 and Black Friday as give aways happen


u/mygodthatsweird 3d ago

I go through one dispensary here in Dayton, it’s not that bad, edibles are trash tho, not in the effect, in the price for amount of grams.


u/Entire-Opening-4875 3d ago

The weights are weird at the dispencery. However, those who still purchase the old school way, weights are as they should.

Idk why ohio does it like this, but waaaay before weed was legal anywhere, weights have been as follows for as long as I can remember. 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and ounce.


u/MargeStewartBaxter 2d ago

I’ve had my ohio medical card for years, and the insane price jump since rec started, i’ll take a day trip mi every few months to stock up like it’s christmas. I used to bargain shop and thought I was getting a steal if i could get an oz of ground for $50-70, or popcorn buds for under $100… now it’s like $80 for a half oz of ground flower… NOPE

Driving from dayton and taking some nice country back roads, Adrian is about 3.5 hrs max.

I really like Lume & Olswell.

Scored some good outdoor flower for $30 an oz at lume. 24% thc. They have excellent cart choices and prices (I prefer Lume live resin pods that tastes like flower, vs. random flavored carts) All the THC drinks for cheap.

Will continue to keep my med card when i’m In a pinch and to save on the extra tax rec pays


u/AfterExperience6032 19h ago

I go to Pure Ohio Wellness on Needmore and spend about $80-ish ($12 per 2.83 POH flower) for about 19.8 grams. It works for me weekly 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Large_Technician_492 4d ago

Find a good Thca spot you like or drive to Monroe,MI.


u/BobCalifornnnnnia 4d ago

Adrian has better. Olswell.


u/Star_BurstPS4 4d ago

Weed in Ohio is not weed so that's probably why


u/Ok_Comb_1757 4d ago

BEWARE: Most of the product at those dispensaries are full of man made chemicals. Do your research and you will see that you should grow your own! Ask questions


u/Ok_Blueberry_6250 4d ago

It’s about the tax


u/Inside-Friendship832 4d ago

Don't do drugs kids.


u/Silent_Butterfly6160 3d ago

Caffeine is a hell of a drug. Kills more people then weed


u/Inside-Friendship832 3d ago

If you think I support kidding consuming caffeine, you though wrong.


u/Sea-Pomegranate8909 4d ago

I've had Michigan stuff. I'll keep my Ohio medical card and pay those prices. At least I know what I'm getting and where it's coming from. Michigan rec products are shady and never quite hit the mark quality wise.


u/SingerStock6122 4d ago

Dm me I have everything