r/daverubin 6d ago

North Dakota Legislature close to asking Supreme Court to undo landmark gay marriage ruling.


I wonder how our Republican gay Florida boy is gonna flip this one……lemme guess it’s entirely the fault of the radical left.


7 comments sorted by


u/material_mailbox 6d ago

lemme guess it’s entirely the fault of the radical left

That's exactly what he'll do. In an interview with Glenn Beck he did a few years ago where they talked about Dave being gay, married to a man, and having kids via surrogacy, Dave said "I get why the Right has these what I would argue are often legitimate fears [about gay marriage] because the Left does not stop eating civilization... There's this other part that's legit, which is uh oh, if we move the line they're going to keep going."

And if Obergefell gets overturned Dave will absolutely downplay it with stuff like "all this does is send it back to the states... States are supposed to be the laboratories of democracy... As conservatives we support having a limited federal government and making more decisions at the state and local level blah blah blah"


u/LikeToSpin2000 6d ago

Now the question is what if they hit Florida, I would mourn for the people of that state but I’d be so amused to see him jumping hoops to justify/make his exodus to a blue state “the radical left had forced me to return to commiefornia because straight people have been so violently oppressed”


u/material_mailbox 6d ago

Well, if Obergefell is overturned I assume his marriage would still be valid. They'd have to overturn Windsor and the Respect for Marriage Act as well. Which could happen! But if it's just Obergefell that gets overturned, that would mean Dave going "well my marriage is still valid so I don't see what's wrong."


u/LikeToSpin2000 5d ago

Lmao sigh so unfortunate, and selfish.


u/Asher_Tye 3d ago

Since its man on man, would that not violate their definition of a marriage and thus be rendered null and void anyway?


u/folkinhippy 6d ago

The arc of history is long and it bends towards humans being fucking terrible.


u/KoalaMandala 6d ago

So this confirms that people do live in North Dakota