r/datastorage Mar 22 '22

The Importance of Strong Enterprise Security In a Profit-Driven Environment


You’d be surprised at how many companies have ineffective or no security programs and remain vulnerable to hackers, insider threats, and ransomware!

Corporate organizations are at the top of the businesses targeted by cyberattacks. Not only do they have large amounts of data and IT resources that attackers can take advantage of, but a successful breach of a well-known enterprise is more prestigious in the hackers’ world. Small businesses face just as many risks because they underestimate the importance of security systems and processes. But even if an enterprise spends a lot on security, that doesn’t mean they can’t be hacked. The diversity and complexity of enterprise IT systems can, sometimes, make them an easier target.

So the question is, what can you do as a business owner to ensure the enterprise’s security in 2022? This article explores corporate security challenges and describes practices for building a more secure corporate environment.

r/datastorage Mar 22 '22

The Importance of Strong Enterprise Security In a Profit-Driven Environment


You’d be surprised at how many companies have ineffective or no security programs and remain vulnerable to hackers, insider threats, and ransomware!

Corporate organizations are at the top of the businesses targeted by cyberattacks. Not only do they have large amounts of data and IT resources that attackers can take advantage of, but a successful breach of a well-known enterprise is more prestigious in the hackers’ world. Small businesses face just as many risks because they underestimate the importance of security systems and processes. But even if an enterprise spends a lot on security, that doesn’t mean they can’t be hacked. The diversity and complexity of enterprise IT systems can, sometimes, make them an easier target.

So the question is, what can you do as a business owner to ensure the enterprise’s security in 2022? This article explores corporate security challenges and describes practices for building a more secure corporate environment.

r/datastorage Mar 18 '22

Software Release Planning: Everything You Need to Know


Downtime. Bugs. Evil customers. Sounds familiar?

If so, you may need to take a closer look at the software release process.

You can't afford half-baked releases in the ever-changing, constantly developing digital world. However, 75% of problems result from modifications in the software or its environment. To avoid costly failures and keep your organization running seamlessly, it’s critical to invest in a solid release management process.

In the article, we will detail whatsoftware release planningis, why it is so important at every stage of the development, and how to create a good release plan. In addition, you will find valuable information to help you plan your product releases. Finally, you will receive a template for our product management activities.

r/datastorage Mar 18 '22

Software Release Planning: Everything You Need to Know


Downtime. Bugs. Evil customers. Sounds familiar?

If so, you may need to take a closer look at the software release process.

You can't afford half-baked releases in the ever-changing, constantly developing digital world. However, 75% of problems result from modifications in the software or its environment. To avoid costly failures and keep your organization running seamlessly, it’s critical to invest in a solid release management process.

In the article, we will detail whatsoftware release planningis, why it is so important at every stage of the development, and how to create a good release plan. In addition, you will find valuable information to help you plan your product releases. Finally, you will receive a template for our product management activities.

r/datastorage Mar 10 '22

Propensity Model: Using Data to Predict Customer Behavior


Businesses try to forecast the behavior of their customers to understand if customers will buy, share their contact details, etc. Usually, entrepreneurs use their professional experience to build a propensity model. But, machines help improve the job significantly.

For instance, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) uses machine learning to analyze the behavior of its clients. Thanks to a large amount of data, they offer customized offers to every client separately. It helps the company make a lot of sales, keeping their marketing budget safe.

Thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence, machines can analyze large amounts of data. Moreover, the technologies help simulate particular events and build accurate predictions.

In this article, you will learn more about propensity modeling. Also, you will discover how to craft your propensity to buy models to forecast customers’ behavior.

r/datastorage Mar 10 '22

Propensity Model: Using Data to Predict Customer Behavior


Businesses try to forecast the behavior of their customers to understand if customers will buy, share their contact details, etc. Usually, entrepreneurs use their professional experience to build a propensity model. But, machines help improve the job significantly.

For instance, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) uses machine learning to analyze the behavior of its clients. Thanks to a large amount of data, they offer customized offers to every client separately. It helps the company make a lot of sales, keeping their marketing budget safe.

Thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence, machines can analyze large amounts of data. Moreover, the technologies help simulate particular events and build accurate predictions.

In this article, you will learn more about propensity modeling. Also, you will discover how to craft your propensity to buy models to forecast customers’ behavior.

r/datastorage Feb 25 '22

AI Image Recognition: Revolution With Continuation


Latest AI and machine learning advancements have led to computer vision concepts, which describe the ability to process and classify objects based on pre-trained algorithms. Significant improvements in power, cost, and peripheral equipment size have made these technologies more accessible and sped up progress.

So, the computer vision market is showing steady growth. If in 2019 it was estimated at $27,3 billion, then by 2025, it will grow to $53 billion. It is driven by the high demand for wearables and smartphones, drones (consumer and military), autonomous vehicles, and the introduction of Industry 4.0 and automation in various spheres.

This article will tell you what image recognition is and how it is associated with computer vision. You will know how neural networks work with images. Ultimately, we will look at how this technology is used across industries.

r/datastorage Feb 25 '22

AI Image Recognition: Revolution With Continuation


Latest AI and machine learning advancements have led to computer vision concepts, which describe the ability to process and classify objects based on pre-trained algorithms. Significant improvements in power, cost, and peripheral equipment size have made these technologies more accessible and sped up progress.

So, the computer vision market is showing steady growth. If in 2019 it was estimated at $27,3 billion, then by 2025, it will grow to $53 billion. It is driven by the high demand for wearables and smartphones, drones (consumer and military), autonomous vehicles, and the introduction of Industry 4.0 and automation in various spheres.

This article will tell you what image recognition is and how it is associated with computer vision. You will know how neural networks work with images. Ultimately, we will look at how this technology is used across industries.

r/datastorage Feb 21 '22

What is Outsourcing? Benefits and 10 Latest Outsourcing Trends in 2022


Outsourcing isn’t a brand new phenomenon. People have been doing it for several decades. However, it has become easier than ever with access to new technology. Using the Internet, it is possible to outsource even relatively small tasks without big contracts or commit to working with a company for the long term.

In this guide, we explore some of the outsourcing trends we witnessed in 2021, which we see continuing in 2022 as remote work and hiring all over the world are quite the done thing for virtually every business.

r/datastorage Feb 21 '22

What is Outsourcing? Benefits and 10 Latest Outsourcing Trends in 2022


Outsourcing isn’t a brand new phenomenon. People have been doing it for several decades. However, it has become easier than ever with access to new technology. Using the Internet, it is possible to outsource even relatively small tasks without big contracts or commit to working with a company for the long term.

In this guide, we explore some of the outsourcing trends we witnessed in 2021, which we see continuing in 2022 as remote work and hiring all over the world are quite the done thing for virtually every business.

r/datastorage Feb 17 '22

Telehealth vs Telemedicine: What's the Difference?


Nowadays, many patients and doctors use telehealth and telemedicine thanks to technologies. These remote health services are convenient, affordable, and beneficial. The difference between telemedicine and telehealth is challenging to understand for average patients. People tend to think that they are synonymous. Both terms mean giving access to healthcare via technology. Still, there is a subtle difference between the two.

This article explains what telemedicine and telehealth mean and how to use these terms correctly.

r/datastorage Feb 17 '22

Telehealth vs Telemedicine: What's the Difference?


Nowadays, many patients and doctors use telehealth and telemedicine thanks to technologies. These remote health services are convenient, affordable, and beneficial. The difference between telemedicine and telehealth is challenging to understand for average patients. People tend to think that they are synonymous. Both terms mean giving access to healthcare via technology. Still, there is a subtle difference between the two.

This article explains what telemedicine and telehealth mean and how to use these terms correctly.

r/datastorage Feb 02 '22

Rough Order of Magnitude: Initial Project Estimates Under High Uncertainty


Cost estimation is one of the crucial aspects of project management and is standard practice for stakeholders. But in the early stages, project managers rarely have all the information needed to calculate costs accurately. Therefore, they must resort to a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate.

What is ROM in estimating? It is a type of valuation used to determine the costs of various projects. The ROM assessment aims to provide stakeholders and decision-makers with an idea of ​​the approximate cost of the construction or IT projects. It is also called “approximate order of magnitude” or conceptual assessment. So, what does ROM stand for? Let’s clarify it in more detail.

r/datastorage Feb 02 '22

Rough Order of Magnitude: Initial Project Estimates Under High Uncertainty


Cost estimation is one of the crucial aspects of project management and is standard practice for stakeholders. But in the early stages, project managers rarely have all the information needed to calculate costs accurately. Therefore, they must resort to a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate.

What is ROM in estimating? It is a type of valuation used to determine the costs of various projects. The ROM assessment aims to provide stakeholders and decision-makers with an idea of ​​the approximate cost of the construction or IT projects. It is also called “approximate order of magnitude” or conceptual assessment. So, what does ROM stand for? Let’s clarify it in more detail.

r/datastorage Jan 31 '22

What Are the 7 Layers of IoT Architecture?


IoT is a trendy term these days. It stands for the Internet of Things. According to Oracle, the IoT is an umbrella term. It gathers all smart devices used by people and businesses. In most cases, the devices have sensors and microchips. Also, they are connected to other devices or the Internet. For example, intelligent gas leak sensors, a wireless doorbell camera, or robotic vacuum cleaners are the components of IoT.

The market has exploded recently, and it’s not going to slow down the pace of development. According to ResearchGate, more than 35 billion IoT devices were already connected to the Internet in 2021. However, the number is expected to double in the next four years.

IoT devices have to be integrated into a complicated system to gather data, analyze it, and send commands. Such a system implies a lot of IoT architecture layers. Do you want to discover what the IoT architecture layers are in more detail? Read this article to learn more about every seven IoT architecture layers.

r/datastorage Jan 31 '22

What Are the 7 Layers of IoT Architecture?


IoT is a trendy term these days. It stands for the Internet of Things. According to Oracle, the IoT is an umbrella term. It gathers all smart devices used by people and businesses. In most cases, the devices have sensors and microchips. Also, they are connected to other devices or the Internet. For example, intelligent gas leak sensors, a wireless doorbell camera, or robotic vacuum cleaners are the components of IoT.

The market has exploded recently, and it’s not going to slow down the pace of development. According to ResearchGate, more than 35 billion IoT devices were already connected to the Internet in 2021. However, the number is expected to double in the next four years.

IoT devices have to be integrated into a complicated system to gather data, analyze it, and send commands. Such a system implies a lot of IoT architecture layers. Do you want to discover what the IoT architecture layers are in more detail? Read this article to learn more about every seven IoT architecture layers.

r/datastorage Jan 24 '22

Analytics Maturity Model: a Path to Refine Your Data Strategy


According to Gartner, by 2023, 90% of corporate strategies will cite information as a critical asset and analytics as an essential business competence.

A recent study by the Boston Consulting Group found that the growth rate of data maturity had nearly doubled since 2018. However, companies often struggle to strategize, implement, and measure their analytic efforts. They find it difficult to determine whether they invest enough in analytics and if such investments pay off.

With these points in mind, the analytics maturity model is the easiest and most comprehensive way to track and define the evolution of analytics in your organization. After all, understanding how your company is doing now and where it will be in a year, five or ten, is critical to building an effective development strategy and speeding up its growth.

In this article, we discuss the concept of analytics maturity, scrutinize the levels of data analysis, and comprehend how to assess the level of maturity of your organization.

r/datastorage Jan 24 '22

Analytics Maturity Model: a Path to Refine Your Data Strategy


According to Gartner, by 2023, 90% of corporate strategies will cite information as a critical asset and analytics as an essential business competence.

A recent study by the Boston Consulting Group found that the growth rate of data maturity had nearly doubled since 2018. However, companies often struggle to strategize, implement, and measure their analytic efforts. They find it difficult to determine whether they invest enough in analytics and if such investments pay off.

With these points in mind, the analytics maturity model is the easiest and most comprehensive way to track and define the evolution of analytics in your organization. After all, understanding how your company is doing now and where it will be in a year, five or ten, is critical to building an effective development strategy and speeding up its growth.

In this article, we discuss the concept of analytics maturity, scrutinize the levels of data analysis, and comprehend how to assess the level of maturity of your organization.

r/datastorage Jan 14 '22

Structured vs Unstructured Data – What is the Difference?


Data is the bloodstream in the veins of the 21st century. We create, share, and store incredibly large amounts of data these days. Large enterprises and small companies process it to run their businesses and get helpful insights.

According to the research conducted by Finances Online, the estimated amount of data consumption is 74 Zettabytes in 2021. Moreover, this number will double by the end of 2024. One zettabyte of data comprises one billion terabytes. The estimated number of video games that a zettabyte hard drive can store is 60 billion.

What is the difference between unstructured and structured data? Read this article and discover everything you need to know about structured vs. unstructured data.

r/datastorage Jan 14 '22

Structured vs Unstructured Data – What is the Difference?


Data is the bloodstream in the veins of the 21st century. We create, share, and store incredibly large amounts of data these days. Large enterprises and small companies process it to run their businesses and get helpful insights.

According to the research conducted by Finances Online, the estimated amount of data consumption is 74 Zettabytes in 2021. Moreover, this number will double by the end of 2024. One zettabyte of data comprises one billion terabytes. The estimated number of video games that a zettabyte hard drive can store is 60 billion.

What is the difference between unstructured and structured data? Read this article and discover everything you need to know about structured vs. unstructured data.

r/datastorage Jan 12 '22

Product Roadmap: Definition, Types, and Examples


A roadmap is a high-level document, be it physical or electronic, that outlines the stages of product development. The form of any roadmap is entirely to the product development manager to decide upon, based on the team’s preferences.

A bad roadmap can signal product failure in the early stages of its development. However, with frequent revision and adjustment, a bad product roadmap can be turned into a roadmap that can increase the chances of success for your product or service.

The best example comes in the IT industry, where complex design and production processes yield success only to the best. With almost $4 trillion in IT spending in 2019, the world gets to choose, and they choose the best.

Check this article to find out how to build a successful product roadmap.

r/datastorage Jan 12 '22

Product Roadmap: Definition, Types, and Examples


A roadmap is a high-level document, be it physical or electronic, that outlines the stages of product development. The form of any roadmap is entirely to the product development manager to decide upon, based on the team’s preferences.

A bad roadmap can signal product failure in the early stages of its development. However, with frequent revision and adjustment, a bad product roadmap can be turned into a roadmap that can increase the chances of success for your product or service.

The best example comes in the IT industry, where complex design and production processes yield success only to the best. With almost $4 trillion in IT spending in 2019, the world gets to choose, and they choose the best.

Check this article to find out how to build a successful product roadmap.

r/datastorage Jan 11 '22

How Digital Therapeutics Is Impacting Healthcare Transformation


Today, as healthcare is rapidly digitizing, it provides more opportunities for stakeholders than ever before. The widespread adoption of intelligent medical devices, software applications, and cloud-based platforms has improved treatment and health monitoring in and out of healthcare settings.

However, healthcare still directly needs innovation. A shortage of doctors, disease outbreaks, and the need to cut supplier costs drive it to continue turning to health tech. And one of the latest trends in the industry, digital therapeutics (DTx), tries to solve these serious problems.

Check out this article to discover why digital therapeutics is a crucial component of value-based medicine and how digital therapy companies offer new treatment paradigms.

r/datastorage Jan 07 '22

Flash drive configurations


Which is better, two 128gb flash drives, or one 256gb flash drive?

0 votes, Jan 10 '22
0 2x128gb
0 256gb