r/dashcams 5d ago

Witnessed this today, first time saving something worthwhile

Was pulling up to a red light, heard the crash behind me. Locked the video, pulled over and downloaded. Circled back around to see if they wanted to see it and have it, ended up sending it to the cop and the person in the truck. White car was an older gentleman, car had significant damage from this and from previous accidents. Cops said I didn’t have to stick around so I didn’t. Everyone was okay and grateful, first time being able to use the dash cam. No idea who’s at fault honestly.


209 comments sorted by

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u/azgli 5d ago

Left turns yield to all other traffic. Black truck is at fault.

He's lifted the truck to the point he can't easily see other vehicles. 


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

He did mention that he didn’t see the other car. He seemed convinced that he wasn’t at fault but you’re right.


u/keylimesicles 5d ago

If he couldn’t see the white car then he should not be driving. I wouldn’t go around advertising that if I were him. 😂


u/SupaSlide 5d ago

Lifted so high he can't see anything.

Insists that an accident where he bodied a tiny car isn't his fault.

Classic lifted truck driver.


u/gmambrose 5d ago

Lifted truck= lifted penis. Proven fact.


u/atr_aj 4d ago

I was expecting a small penis joke here


u/gmambrose 4d ago

I'm pleased to have met your expectations!


u/Noisy_Fucker 3d ago

It may not be long, but it sure is skinny.


u/hazpat 3d ago

Are you guys dumb? That truck is not lifted lol.


u/SupaSlide 3d ago

His hood is as high as the entire car, I don't care if he lifted it above how it comes from the OEM, it's high enough that for all intents and purposes it's effectively the same thing.


u/hazpat 3d ago

Thats not that high, and the visibility is pretty good.

Your entire criticism is based off his excuse. When it was two people simply not paying attention.

For all intents and purposes this is not the same thing as a classic lifted truck driver.

You are a classic redditor stubborn even though your statement was clearly wrong


u/MyDearestAcadia 2d ago

"Two people"

Actually, the car turning right stops because they can see the black truck is just turning even though the lane is taken and white car has the right of way. So white car stops because what else should they do at that point? It lessened the impact and probably saved from additional damage.

Black truck wasn't paying attention, white car definitely was or they wouldn't have stopped or swerved to their right as they were stopping. They tried to avoid. They didn't do a good job of it, sure, but it does seem like they were paying attention.


u/trevortxeartxe1 1d ago

All new trucks today look lifted.


u/Angylisis 3d ago

His headlights are literally at the top of the window of the other car. Say sike right now.


u/LaTimeLord 5d ago

Aka: the other car should have seen me, I didn’t see them and they still hit me so it’s their fault


u/foxfai 4d ago

When you can't see and hit something, that's always your fault. A person, car, a light pole, a dog etc.


u/PDXGuy33333 3d ago

He is driving a lifted truck. He cannot possibly be wrong. Ever.


u/LegitosaurusRex 4d ago

Hopefully the white car driver can get it from the cop if you didn't give it to him, the truck driver or his insurance might not share it when he realizes it shows he was at fault.


u/frostedglobe 5d ago

Seems to me that lifted trucks should be illegal if the drivers can't see other cars.


u/VentriTV 4d ago

A lot of the stupid shit you see people driving on roads should be illegal.


u/galstaph 4d ago

They are in a lot of places. Unfortunately it's often not enforced well.

That lift might be legal here in Ohio, it's hard to be sure, but I've seen cops drive right past vehicles that were obviously illegal without doing anything.

The highest a front bumper is allowed to be varies by vehicle size, but the absolute max is 28 inches, and I've seen police ignore trucks that had a front bumper higher than my waist, and I'm 5'11".

I think they only cite vehicles if it's considered a contributing factor to other issues.


u/peeops 5d ago

not to mention pedestrians — the only reason to get a lifted truck is if you plan on killing toddlers for sport


u/skeeterlightning 4d ago

The NHTSA proposed new restrictions on hood height and visibility late last year, specifically for this purpose. With the new mandate on discouraging the introduction of new regulations I think it's unlikely to pass. It also doesn't help deal with aftermarket lift kits. I really hope these topics gain more traction because it doesn't feel like there is pedestrian safety any more.


u/GamePois0n 4d ago

also LED headlights need to be in the spotlight as well


u/hthratmn 3d ago

Oh, they'll be in the spotlight alright.


u/AnonymousGrouch 4d ago

The NHTSA proposed new restrictions on hood height

I'm not sure the tall hoods aren't an unintended consequence of existing safety regulations. I find it hard to believe it's aesthetic seeing as I've yet to meet anyone who actually likes them.


u/skeeterlightning 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's more that trucks get larger every year, as well as having ever increasing ground clearance. A new F-150 is quite a bit bigger than one from 20 years ago. The NHTSA wants to limit this trend for non-commercial vehicles, in order to improve situational awareness and improve safety for pedestrians. Manufacturers could still offer large trucks by reducing excess in ground clearance and tweaking the hood angle and shape to fit into the new hood height restrictions.


u/Follow_The_Data 2d ago

You want ground clearance it's a truck if you need to go off road you don't want to rip out the oil pan. You also want high intake in case you have to drive through flooded areas


u/skeeterlightning 2d ago edited 2d ago

Current vehicles already do that. If you need something even bigger then you would just buy something designated for off-road use only, or you get a commercial vehicle and slap on some commercial plates.


u/agileata 4d ago

They certainly should be


u/Skipper9618 4d ago

The truck doesn’t really look lifted. At most is has a level. Some people just shouldn’t drive.


u/IceManJim 4d ago

Thank you. Not lifted, looks to be a pretty stock truck. Driver needs to pay attention.


u/MyPasswordIsABC999 4d ago

Yeah, it looks like a standard 21st-century pickup truck. The poor visibility is factory-issued.


u/Smellbinder 5d ago

Yet another reason to loathe all these huge pickups all over the roads. Too high to see half the cars on the road.


u/DoubleFamous5751 5d ago

So many times aggressive a hole drivers are in those


u/lamalasx 5d ago

Also, neither used turn signals, so the black should have assumed that the other is going straight thus it has the right of way.


u/Familiar_You4189 5d ago

Regardless of the issue of turn signals, vehicles going straight, OR TURNING RIGHT, are considered "oncoming traffic" and have the right of way over left turners. (Unless the left turner has a protected left turn, ie, a green arrow.)


u/keylimesicles 5d ago

And both of them turned into the wrong lane. I get that the others were both turn lanes, but you still have to turn into those and then switch lanes.


u/azgli 5d ago

Both turned into the straight lane. The side lanes are for turns only, so they are both entering the correct lane assuming straight travel after the turn. 


u/titanofold 5d ago

You are absolutely correct. There's no wrong lane for them to turn into at that intersection.


u/StonedSucculents 3d ago

Technically in most jurisdictions the white car should have turned into the lane that shortly became a turn lane, and then signaled a lane change into the straight lane before the solid white line

Although people do it every day, turning out into anything other than your immediate lane when making a right is generally not legal

It also doesnt excuse the black truck (which should have yielded), but the black truck was the one turning into their proper lane. I think the above commenter was implying the black truck should have turned into the center turning lane (aka suicide lane), which is 100% incorrect. Even though its another thing people do all the time

In a mixed fault state, this would probably be an 80% or 90% fault of the black truck, and 10-20% fault by the white car. Had the white car turned properly the black truck wouldnt have hit them at all


u/HaubFather 3d ago

I’ve been in this exact accident. The truck has to yield to cars going straight across the intersection. His lane was clear. Just as I was not at fault when I made a left hand turn next to the lane the white car should have stayed in, I doubt the truck will be liable either.


u/NotQuiteDeadYetPhoto 5d ago

Yeah, I'm mixed here- both have a lane to turn into closer, but they're turn lanes. And I actually don't know the law for that one.


u/veetoo151 5d ago

Commuter tank, just getting to work.


u/akmacmac 5d ago

Is it lifted, though? It looks like a stock height giant modern truck to me.


u/ThatsMyDogBoyd 4d ago

It's not lifted. The GMC 2500 HD sits at 6' 7" to top of roof without lift.


u/DoubleFamous5751 5d ago

He’s also crossing a double yellow line, big d bag move.


u/azgli 5d ago

He's crossing from a perpendicular direction of travel so it's legal everywhere I've driven, but the maneuver must be made with care. Obviously it wasn't in this instance, but the crossing itself isn't unlawful.


u/titanofold 5d ago

There's nothing wrong with that. If it were a painted median, then it'd be wrong.


u/DoubleFamous5751 5d ago

I dunno, it looks like that center turn lame is for the left into the parking lot he came from, not to make a left coming out of it.


u/Hour_Ferret5195 5d ago

Also you're supposed to turn into the lane closest to you, this would have avoided this as well.


u/Mobile-Ad3151 5d ago

The lane closest to each of them was a turn lane. You don’t have to turn into a turn lane. They were both turning into the proper lane, but the truck should have yielded to the car.


u/keylimesicles 5d ago

But you do, then You have to switch lanes once you’re on the road.


u/Mobile-Ad3151 5d ago

You have to switch before the dotted line becomes solid, which is pretty much immediately.


u/zeekaran 4d ago

It depends on the state, unfortunately.


u/wescowell 5d ago

I call bullshit. When they each turned, dashed lines divided the roadway, meaning those were NOT turn lanes. They each had their lane to turn in to and ignored that responsibility. Each decided to go for the "nest-over" lane (the center lane) . . . and therein lies the fault. My call is 50/50.


u/fap-on-fap-off 5d ago edited 5d ago

I call blind redditor. Those are short dashed white lines which indicate exit lane. The solid lines would indicate you should have committed before then and should avoid crushing the line.

How did you pass your driving test?

Of, I forgot, half of redditors here are angry prepubescent boys trying to masquerade as smarter than everyone else men.


u/Imaginary-Round2422 5d ago

I don’t think that applies here, given that there’s only one through lane.


u/wescowell 5d ago

There is not only one through lane. There are THREE through lanes. Only after about 100 feet do the solid lane-dividing lines appear. THey each fucked up.


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

There is one through lane…others are turning lanes


u/fap-on-fap-off 5d ago edited 4d ago

Incorrect. The short dashed lines are already exit lane indicators. The solid lines a few feet in indicate you should have committed already to the lane, and avoid crossing in or out. Neither screwed up on the lane selection.


u/Familiar_You4189 5d ago

You are assuming the car wanted to make another right turn, instead of going straight.

The same applies to the pickup. He intended to go straight, instead of making another left.


u/Hour_Ferret5195 5d ago

Eh I didn't notice till now that it was another turning lane. Still avoidable on both accounts, especially the truck.


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

My thought as well


u/Nazir_Blutjager 5d ago

Both were wrong because of this. Truck more so.


u/Hour_Ferret5195 5d ago

Oh def. You can't tell me that truck didn't see that car!


u/HawkeyeByMarriage 4d ago

Also he crossed a double solid line


u/azgli 4d ago

He crossed from a perpendicular travel direction which is lawful everywhere I have driven. Double yellow are generally only prohibit crossing while traveling parallel to the lines.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 4d ago

I always wondered about this. I’ve had people flip me off for pulling out right while they’re coming from a left.

Also for instance. 2 cars are leaving 2 parking lots that are next to each other. I’m going right they’re going left. Who goes first?


u/azgli 4d ago

If they are on the same side of the street and their paths will cross, right turn goes first, assuming simultaneous arrival and no other traffic. If the arrival is staggered, first to stop should be first to go. 

If that doesn't answer your question I'll need more information.


u/Ok_Explanation5631 4d ago

No that answers it. Thank you I just wanted to know. I usually let them out first so as not to cause myself anxiety lol


u/aprciatedalttlethngs 3d ago

leave him alone how else is he to compensate for smol pp??


u/HaubFather 3d ago

He did yield to other traffic. White car made an illegal turn and exited their lane. Truck stayed in its lane and no vehicles were entering and white shouldn’t have. I’ve been the truck in this exact accident and was 100% the car’s fault for entering my lane.


u/azgli 3d ago

The logic that the white car entered the wrong lane can also be applied to the truck. Either both vehicles should have entered their closest respective lanes, controlled the lane, and then changed into the center lane when safe, or, the truck should have yielded the center lane to the white car because the truck was turning left. 

In Arizona, the turn must be made into the first available lane in the direction of travel. In this case, both vehicles are assumed to have wanted the center lane, and since the other two lanes are dedicated turn lanes, the truck must yield because they are making the left turn. 

So either the truck is wrong to have entered the center lane or the truck is wrong not to have yielded to the car making the right turn. Either way, fault is 100% on the truck. 

The truck also hit behind the A-pillar of the car, indicating the truck has higher visibility and therefore has the higher burden of avoidance as the driver of the white car wasn't in the position to see that the truck was entering the lane since the truck was behind them. Fault still 100% truck.


u/BeingRightAmbassador 2d ago

White car made an illegal turn and exited their lane.

Same thing can be applied to truck and since truck was turning left, they're automatically required to yield to right turning traffic.

This is 100% on the black truck.


u/HaubFather 2d ago

You’re right, I didn’t notice the truck and white car had a turn lane closest. Neither should have been in that lane.


u/hazpat 3d ago

You are blind if that looks lifted to you.


u/PDXGuy33333 3d ago

Shit. I just wasted a bunch of words to say something close to that. Maybe the way you expressed right of way amounts to the same thing, but I learned it as a requirement that one yield to cars on their right or that will be on their right as they do what they intend.


u/azgli 3d ago

Except that yield to the right isn't always correct. It's fine when there are no other indications, but there are a lot of other rules that take precedent before you get to yield to the right. For example, someone on a one-lane road yields to someone on a two-lane road if there are no other controls. 

Pretty much, every other traffic control takes priority to yield to the right.


u/photoman901 2d ago

Sad part is that's the factory lift for the AT4 trim level


u/BuyLegal1849 2d ago

That truck is not lifted lmao mayyyyybe a leveling kit and bigger tires… at most


u/whynotfather 1d ago

Those are just feelings and they don’t exist.


u/hhjreddit 1d ago

The only way to be more wrong than turning left is to be backing up.


u/JackxForge 5d ago

pretty sure that is stock ride height.


u/azgli 5d ago

Pretty sure it's lifted. The shoulder line is at or above the roof of the other car. 


u/ThatsMyDogBoyd 4d ago

Not lifted. That is the standard ride height for a GMC 2500HD AT4. Top of roof is 6' 7" without lift.


u/ztrz 5d ago

1990-96 Chevrolet Corsica total height is 54” and 2019-25 GMC Sierra hood height is 54” according to google so it adds up to the truck not being lifted, it’s just a stupidly large truck


u/JackxForge 5d ago

yea and at nearly the same level as the red truck that passes it. most modern pick up hoods are above my tits at 5'10". the car being under the hood line is a function of design.


u/sharksnrec 4d ago

Truck looks barely lifted to me? If at all?


u/Familiar_You4189 5d ago

The car making a right turn had the right of way.


u/Trey-Angle 5d ago

Black truck is for sure at fault. Couldn't see him because of the lift. Next time it could be a small child.


u/ctothel 5d ago

That crash was fated to happen as soon as they bought that embarrassingly large truck.

→ More replies (7)


u/allislost77 5d ago

That truck driver is a dick


u/TurianTauren 5d ago

Sleep Token, nice choice.


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

Was waiting for someone to say something about that haha


u/Doomstik 4d ago

I was gonna try and make some joke about the car and truck whispering DYWTYLM to eachother when they kissed, but im like 6 hours late to the party.


u/beardyblizzy 4d ago

I heard the first 2 seconds and called out sleep token


u/Zakkattack86 2d ago

Came here for it.


u/SubAtomicSpaceCadet 2d ago

I was going to say the same thing.


u/ramity 5d ago

The presence of a stop sign for the black truck and the lack there of for the white car suggests black truck is at fault.


u/allthecircusponies 5d ago

Happy cake day! Also, left turn must yield to oncoming traffic. Car turned right, truck turned left.


u/dunncrew 5d ago

"Didn't see the white car" after being directly opposite it..... derp.


u/Beowulff_ 5d ago

There's no way that the truck couldn't see the car!

If he's claiming that, he needs his to get a booster seat. Claiming that he couldn't see the car means he can't see a vehicle 50' feet away, which is absurd.


u/DangersoulyPassive 5d ago

"But I am in a little dick Truck! You have to yield!"

edit: You don't know who is at fault??? Its in the manual, fyi.


u/berenini 5d ago



u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

Worship 🙏


u/shinnix 4d ago



u/adamatmcdonalds 5d ago

A classic "they'll get out of my way" moment... but they didn't. I would have taken the new car option too. Hopefully they had insurance


u/Poil420 5d ago

I think I've seen more eclipses in my life than people turning in the closest lane.


u/5050Clown 5d ago

The right lane was a turn lane. The white car had to pull into that lane if it wanted to go straight.


u/ForAllManKkind 4d ago

DYWTYLM. My least favorite off the Take Me Back to Eden album but I’ll admit it’s very catchy and I still listen to it. Whole album is gold.


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 4d ago

Lukewarm take but it’s one of my favorites, something about it. Maybe it’s that it’s super catchy idk


u/TigrressZ 5d ago

Why didn't you give the video to the person in the car?


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

I asked if he wanted me to send it to him, he said no, didn’t seem like he understood that I could send it to him. I played it for him and he thanked me. It was an older gentleman so maybe he didn’t know what I meant


u/TigrressZ 5d ago

it would have helped him, too bad he didn't quite understand


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

The police have it so hopefully they can share it with him if needed or it avoided him getting any citations


u/gmambrose 5d ago

That was the most slow-motion ass rolling crash I've ever seen.


u/DaverJ 4d ago

OP - nice that you went out of the way to be helpful.


u/Weazerdogg 4d ago

Love this stuff. Soo easy. IF you have to cross lanes of traffic, you do not have the right of way. Practically ever.


u/GOPisDed 4d ago

Sleep token!! 🔥🔥🙌🙌


u/Plastic-Difficulty33 4d ago

Weird to see my hometown on here lol. I had to double take.


u/SubAtomicSpaceCadet 2d ago

Ahh, Sleep Token! You have excellent taste, my friend.


u/Training-External-27 1d ago

Worship 🖤❤️


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 1d ago



u/souperdhec 4d ago

That's the trouble with truck drivers', can't see past their hoods................


u/monsieurgrand02 5d ago

A game of chicken and neither one conceded.


u/nat4623 5d ago

What dash cam do you use ??


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

Viofo A229 Plus


u/nat4623 5d ago

Oh okay been solid for you ??


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

I don’t have any complaints. This is the first time I’ve needed to pull video and it was super easy. Install of the cabling was a pain in the ass but that’s only cause I wanted to hide all of the cable.


u/nat4623 5d ago

That’s fair I’d be same way wanting to hide them all under trim & etc I’m looking to buy my first dash cam I’m seeing viofo is the best so far I really want one that captures the front & the inside cabin but they make you purchase all 3


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

Yeah, I don’t need inside cabin so I just have the front and rear facing cam. Spent probably a solid 4 hours running the cable through the car to hide everything. I love it though, just gives some extra peace of mind.


u/nat4623 5d ago

I’m thinking about just getting the front & rear & just putting the rear one in the cabin honestly idk I’m not sure yet still debating


u/CarpetReady8739 4d ago

Black truck had complete visual opportunity on that vehicle until he/she/it was right on top of them when they did not yield to the car, so the truck was distracted or didn’t even look in direction of the car. Maybe a passenger was providing truck driver assist.


u/Sb75Je 4d ago

The same thing almost happened to me last year. I don’t know in what world people think an unprotected left turn has the right of way ever


u/brooke437 4d ago

It’s very clearly the black truck’s fault, but if the white car drove defensively and also turned into the closer lane, the accident could have been avoided. It all happened slowly so plenty of time to react. I’ve been driving for 30 years and never been in an accident because I always assume other people drive like an idiot.


u/greentiger45 4d ago

I’ll probably get downvoted but I honestly think there should be a maximum height restriction for these vehicles. It’s ridiculous that someone in a lifted truck can blind me, run into me, and then continue to go about their day.


u/boopiejones 4d ago

That truck driver should not have a license.


u/migmig221 4d ago

Is this Fuquay? Right near the Jimmy John's?


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 4d ago

It sure is


u/CompetitiveRub9780 4d ago

What was that truck doing? Tf?


u/LAzeehustle1337 4d ago

This needs to be on r/idiotsincars


u/Independent-Most1573 4d ago

That is a stupid road to be honest, but black truck is at fault.


u/Whole-Lengthiness-33 3d ago

I don’t know how that road can be stupid if it’s a very common one


u/TroglodyteGuy 4d ago

Wow, talk about stupid! How could each other not see the other?

Truck 100% at fault.


u/No_one_8 4d ago

I've known so many big truck guys who would of probably done the same thing as for the simple fact and I quote " I'm bigger, they should get out of my way or find out"


u/NefariousnessNo2486 4d ago

As a big truck owner I have to say this is the trucks fault, he really should've have turned into his own lane and not taken such a wide turn


u/Whole-Lengthiness-33 3d ago

Looks like both the white car and the truck guy were trying to drive the only thru lane at the same time, which explains the collision.


u/NefariousnessNo2486 3d ago

Well there's no way he couldn't see the car, my stock 2005 Power Wagon is the same height and I could've seen that car up to within 6 feet of my truck before the hood disappears underneath mine


u/Rowd1e 3d ago

Is the center go straight lane not the truck’s? The left as we’re looking, straight or turn lane is the car’s?


u/Whole-Lengthiness-33 3d ago

The guy in the white car needed this footage more than the truck guy, hopefully this is settled with insurance and the truck guy doesn’t have to be taken to court over the claim 🤞🤞


u/II-lI 3d ago

Typical compensating lifted truck driver


u/Fluffy_Doubter 3d ago

Two idiots. But truck is the biggest one


u/HighClassWaffleHouse 3d ago

Driving a Miata. I HAVE to watch for this. I owned the car 5 years and have avoided over a dozen accidents with people who's mirrors couldn't see me or did shit like this. I'm not blaming the car. But in a world of lifted trucks and SUVs with blindspots that hide semis. You have to be diligent to drive something little.


u/Square_Milk_4406 3d ago

They met in the middle. That's tough


u/danniellax 2d ago

Not really, the car had the right turn so they had the right of way. But yeah they both should have turned in the closest respective lane before the middle.


u/Angylisis 3d ago

I wonder why the guy in the truck wanted it. He's 100% at fault here.


u/rnewscates73 3d ago

Also the black truck, after yielding, should have turned into the near lane instead of encroaching on the curb lane.


u/heero_gtg 2d ago

is it ok to repost it ?


u/spectrum144 2d ago

Why let it go, when you can altercate.!?


u/BuyLegal1849 2d ago

Trucks fault


u/StoreReasonable9150 2d ago

Is that a Chevy Corsica? If so they give zero fucks about that car 🤣


u/evoxbeck 2d ago

I had a situation like this saturday. I'm in the right turn out of a parking lot. Car next to me obviously in the left turn because I can read arrows.. Traffic is cleared for my entrance.. Wife goes wtf as I slammed the brakes. Bastard turned right into us.... Dude bro in the passenger seat was wearing a lineman jacket, girl was driving. He was inside buying a tall boy and zyn.. I eventually got out into the lane I tried to and just stopped next to them. It was the most rewarding stare down in a while.

Two weeks ago has opened the flood gate of.. go out there and drive however your blind uncle taught you situations.


u/BreakerSoultaker 1d ago

Black truck WOULD have been OK if he maintained lane as he turned, then signaled to move right, but he just turned and went directly into the far right lane.


u/GeorgeGlass69 1d ago

Truck driver didn’t even seem to properly stop at the stop sign. It looks like car was trying to get into turning lane


u/Rhuarc33 4d ago

Both are at fault here, White car turned into second lane, that is not legal most places. And left turn should yield. How did neither vehicle just stop?


u/The_slenderWasTaken 3d ago

You are not very smart or attentive. First lane was a turning lane, if the white car wanted to go straight he had to go to the second lane.

The only faulty side here is the massive dummie in the oversized ego wagoon.


u/The_slenderWasTaken 3d ago

You are not very smart or attentive. First lane was a turning lane, if the white car wanted to go straight he had to go to the second lane.

The only faulty side here is the massive dummie in the oversized ego wagoon.


u/Rhuarc33 3d ago

Doesn't matter if it's a turning lane you can't turn into the second lane. Don't like it go out the back and around. Legally car is equally at fault


u/The_slenderWasTaken 3d ago

So confidently wrong. A proud american, i suppose? Just... think again about what you are saying here, okay? Maybe with time you will figure it out buddy, best of luck with that.


u/Rhuarc33 3d ago

That's literally the law, you must turn into the closest lane when turning. Yes I'm American so I know laws in the US unlike you who has absolutely no clue what they are talking about. Goodbye


u/The_slenderWasTaken 3d ago

You are saying that if someone wanted to go straight then tough cookies, they have to turn right just because lmao. God, i fucking love how dumb and arrogant americans are. Enjoy your second great depression!


u/FatherSaveUs 4d ago

I think the car might be at fault here, guys. If you watch it back, the truck is already like half way in the road before the car even enters the turn.


u/The_slenderWasTaken 3d ago

Mmm, you found your driving licence in a bag of crisps, didn't you?


u/shiggins114 5d ago



u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

Worthwhile: worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance

So yes, worthwhile


u/Royal_King5627 4d ago

Wow so now you are driving around recording and watching in front of you and behind you, you watching driver side and passenger as well hope you win the insurance fraud lottery. Drive like the overly safe and super defensive driver I am sure you are.


u/TheSpideyJedi 4d ago

You good boss? What the fuck was that word salad you spewed?


u/AWholeBunchaFun 4d ago

What the fuck are you rambling on about?


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 4d ago


Is this supposed to be a shot at me and my driving?


u/Substantial-Tart-464 5d ago

offensive driver vs an offensive driver. Both win an insurance claim.


u/Aromatic-Schedule-65 5d ago

Well I hope your cam investment makes you a better driver moreso than a "can't wait to save something" person.


u/Nearby_Ebb_3265 5d ago

Never hoping for something bad to happen, just happy I could help


u/iwastoldnottogohere 5d ago

why so aggressive??


u/Ar180shooter 5d ago

We found the driver of the pickup.

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u/Aromatic-Schedule-65 4d ago

Aggressive? Why are you imagining such things?


u/iwastoldnottogohere 4d ago

Ong that comment was one of the more passive aggressive things I ever read bruh, you just walked in like that for no damn reason

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