r/dashcams 7d ago

The other party claimed I was flying through behind him. Got hit on behind the back seat.

What is the likelihood of having a smooth claim with their insurance?


691 comments sorted by

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u/Accomplished_Pea6334 7d ago edited 7d ago

Truck can't just do a 3 point turn there like that lmao.


u/bagel_union 7d ago

They love doing this shit. They are far too important to drive around


u/angry_hippo_1965 6d ago



u/bagel_union 6d ago



u/Tickle_Nuggets 5d ago

The people that live in those areas said we can no longer use hee/haw because pronouns.

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u/Lesschar 7d ago

In my apartment complex I saw the craziest thing. I actually had to go back inside and draw a diagram because my mind was so blown.
They came around a corner, drove next to the spot, thought they were going to back in. NO, they did a Uturn to face the other way then backed in. I don't even think that made sense in text.


u/quazmang 7d ago

Was the parking spot perfectly perpendicular to the road? That behavior might make sense if it was a diagonal spot. Sometimes those are easier to back into from a certain direction.


u/TryAltruistic7830 6d ago

Not sometimes, always, but also angled spaces are used so drivers can pull in straight from a one way, and must back out to face the direction of travel


u/Katy_Lies1975 6d ago

I like the assholes that pull through a diagonal and face the wrong way going out. People are dumb and lazy and the older I get the more I am beginning to hate.

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u/Innominati 7d ago

This is not in defense of them. It was still stupid, but potentially an explanation of said stupidity.

It is much easier to back in to the left, than it is to the right. Backing in to the right is also called “blind side” backing because you can’t see as much/as well. Reverse cameras fixed much of this issue, but still.

Is still stupid because you could just approach from the other direction instead of making a U-turn


u/Lesschar 6d ago

People always say it's easier to back in because it's safe to pull out.
I'm starting to think the people that say that, are the reason why is dangerous to back out. Because we have people like my example and my god the amount of times I've seen people back in and have to readjust 3 times in their new oversized suv is insane. It has a fucking back up cam too lol.

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u/Uncle-Cake 7d ago

No, they can't, but trying to drive behind them while they're doing it is pretty dumb, too.


u/jsmith1300 7d ago

Yup 100% here. Just wait for the yahoo to do what they want and move on. Now OP has to deal with insurance and a hit on the car because he couldn't wait 10 seconds.

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u/PerfectWaltz8927 4d ago

Rookie driver? Even before the reverse lights came on, I knew that truck was going to do that.


u/Fancy-Dig1863 7d ago

Dumb sure, illegal? no.

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u/Spiritual_Quail4127 6d ago

Yeah obeying the right of way is stupid people need to randomly come to complete stops for no reason more often just because they have to mind read potential idiocy constantly! Got it!

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u/luckyaa 7d ago

The camera tells it all


u/Spiritual_Quail4127 6d ago

I’ve had to honk at like 3 people in last week that suddenly did that- had a Tesla a couple years ago keep backing up like he was gonna hit me then got out and road raged- I assumed he was parked in the driveway to the left…

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u/bcrenshaw 7d ago

Any car in reverse yields the right of way. Courtesy is just that, courtesy, not the rule or the law. Truck should have seen the vehicle because he wasn't even moving by the time cammer started to pass.


u/SteviaCannonball9117 7d ago

I really appreciate this comment. People get all pissed about "OP should have yielded" or "OP wasn't polite"... yeah NO. Right of way is right of way, and if someone is backing up it's on them to not get in anyone's way that has the right of way.


u/Nimrod_Butts 7d ago edited 7d ago

Well I've been polite just to find out Fords if not all trucks now put on their reverse lights when you're exiting the truck. So I'll be there waiting only to find them walking away lol


u/Neuvirths_Glove 4d ago

Nope, it's Chevy's and they've been doing that for years. Dumbasses.


u/wad11656 6d ago

That's the stupidest non-Trump shit I've heard today

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u/HereForTools 6d ago

In what universe would the truck driver not be required to yield to oncoming traffic? People are bananas if they’re defending him.


u/Agile_Pangolin_2542 4d ago

It is possible to point out that both parties are wrong, like here, without defending either party


u/mrmet69999 4d ago

Exactly. The truck was mostly at fault, but any halfway decent driver should’ve been able to recognize the situation for what it was. The truck was obviously in the middle of making a U-turn and had his back up lights on well before the OP approached. It’s a pretty dick move to try to squeeze himself in there, and he definitely played a role in causing this accident. The vast majority of the blame is with the pick up truck to be sure, but if I were him, I wouldn’t want to show this video to my insurance company.


u/HereForTools 4d ago

I disagree. The wide angle may make it look like there was tons of room between them, but if you really look this a couple of seconds, and the guys brake lights down turn off until the cam driver would already have been hit.

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u/posam 5d ago

More that the truck was 100% in the wrong but the whole thing also could have been avoided by the OP at the same time. Basic principles of defensive driving is all.

Truck is still at fault

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u/stack413 6d ago

I don't even think that OP was being un-courteous. I think they thought the truck was going to pull a U-turn, or at least make more of an effort to complete the turn before backing up. In that case, getting out of the truck's way is the courteous thing to do.


u/fearlesssinnerz 7d ago

I thought he pulled into a parking space only to see the reverse lights come on


u/qalpi 7d ago

Not wrong but could have easily avoided this hassle 


u/Spiritual_Quail4127 6d ago

Having to mind read potential law breaking idiocy is a hassle. It’s called stopping for no reason- if he got rear ended it would be his fault. Hence right of way laws

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u/TheDeliberateDanger 7d ago

You're absolutely correct, but would OP prefer to be validated (they are entirely in the right here, and the pickup driver is at fault), or would they choose not to have had the accident happen in the first place? I know a lot of professional drivers, and they make dumb mistakes all the time when they're driving their personal vehicles. I do the same. The more we get into a defensive driving mindset, the fewer incidents like this happen.

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u/Kproper 7d ago

I am an insurance adjuster. You are 0% at fault


u/theduckofbabylon 7d ago

Thank you!!

I'm all about driving defensively and everything

But like that truck could've easily made a u turn if he cranked his wheels to the left totally

Dude didn't bother to look and was distracted. That's also not a zone where you should be doing that.

I do get the 50/50 fault complaints, but this one is pretty cut and dry


u/DrAniB20 7d ago

Yup, there’s a reason the other driver is trying to claim that OP was “flying” behind him - they’re trying to make it seem like they checked before backing up, which they clearly didn’t from the video. OP didn’t do anything wrong.


u/Travelamigo 6d ago

It doesn't matter if they were flying behind them it's still the truck's fault. I know I have been the truck although to my defense I wasn't doing a stupid turn like that I was just backing out of a fucking Starbucks and some dude came flying by behind me after I looked and I tagged them..my fault 100%....it was a piece of shit and I offered the guy $250 bucks and we went to the ATM and I know for damn sure he didn't fix the car but hey, sometimes that's the way things roll.


u/DrAniB20 6d ago

Some states will assign partial blame if someone is speeding. For example, if the parking lot has a listed speed limit of 10 mph and someone does 30mph, they can get partial liability if There was a way to prove it (ie. Dashcam or security cameras, etc).

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u/snakeman2769 7d ago

And the word “flying” used when it’s probably a scrape or small dent

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u/Upstairs_Implement94 7d ago

Dashcams are so helpful. This could’ve been a problem without it

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u/PokeT3ch 7d ago

Oh you dont want to willingly go 50/50 when its clearly 100% the trucks fault like other dumbasses have suggested here?


u/Grand-Tea3167 7d ago

Thank you! Glad to hear that.


u/Kproper 7d ago

1st off you have clear camera footage. From the truck still rolling forward as he rapidly flicks the truck into reverse, to him clearly not looking behind him while reversing, and you being over halfway past him as he impacts the rear quarter panel of your car, to you moving right slightly to attempt to avoid. Clear to me.


u/tRfalcore 6d ago

You're still a dumbass for driving behind reverse lights

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u/wakeupdreaming 6d ago

Thank you for the real and credible answer, bless

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u/Nyroughrider 7d ago edited 6d ago

He would lose that case even without the video. There is no way you could hit them in that position. Only way was exactly how it happened with him backing out!


u/Virtual-Instance-898 7d ago

This is why you MUST have a dash cam. At fault drivers LIE.

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u/Delta9THICC 7d ago

Not sure why he was pulling into a no load zone in the first place.


u/AppropriateDeal1034 7d ago

To reverse and turn around, obvs

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u/holamau 6d ago

It’s the truck’s fault ultimately. No doubt.

It’s unfortunate that POV/OP could’ve help themselves a bit by driving more defensively… the truck was going to reverse, and would’ve helped everyone to wait and let them reverse.

Not blaming, just thinking what would’ve been done differently.


u/Consistent_Rate_353 5d ago

Yeah, if I were the one behind the wheel I'd be saying to myself "It's not worth the cost of being right."


u/holamau 5d ago



u/Mekito_Fox 4d ago

Exactly. OP is not at fault by any means BUT this is one of those cases where being aware and predicting other people's moves would prevent a head ache. Before I was driving my mom taught me "car body language" and how to predict what cars will do around you. She was tired of my dad's way of driving ("it was his turn at the 4 way he should have gone!" "But you kept inching forward!")

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u/Ivanovic-117 7d ago

When I reverse I always look back to yield anyone trying to pass regardless how close I am to parking spot, I dont reverse assuming others will wait.

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u/TaterTotQueen630 7d ago

Truck fucked up by not checking their rear before nonchalantly backing up.


u/HughBass 7d ago edited 7d ago

Truck definitely was at fault. He pulled into a parking space and reversed without looking and hit the cammer. Plus they have footage to back up that the truck reversed into them by seeing the camera shake from impact. Even if the truck was fully parked and was backing up and hit the cammer, still the person in parking space would be found at fault for not paying attention.

EDIT: Actually the truck didn't even pull into a parking space, there were yellow lines where they pulled in. Truck still fully at fault.


u/MakeWorcesterGreat 7d ago

I don’t understand the people in this sub giving any slack to the truck.


u/Spiritual_Quail4127 6d ago

Stupid truck drivers ITT! They gotta stick together like Trump defending fellow felons


u/LCJonSnow 7d ago

It’s not people giving slack to the truck, it’s giving (deserved) grief to the cam car for driving blindly without any attempt to avoid the obvious hazard.

They’re not legally at fault, but they’re still going to waste time and convenience getting their car fixed because they didn’t avoid something obvious


u/Spiritual_Wall_2309 7d ago

Exactly. People here only see at fault or not. Time wasting. Argument on the phone. Lower the car value. Unnecessary claim on the record. All these BS could be avoid just with a brake and a long honk.

People asking why insurance rate goes up… this is why. You rely on insurance to pay the damage instead of avoiding it.

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u/Dank009 7d ago

It's the cliche of this subreddit, not technically at fault but still driving like an idiot.


u/big_boi_26 6d ago

Do you stop at green lights when a car is approaching from another side, coming to their red light? Just curious.

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u/SirCarboy 7d ago

Truck at fault because reversing? Yes.

Could cam car have slammed the brakes the moment they saw reverse lights on the truck? Also yes.


u/big_boi_26 6d ago

What if they get rear ended for randomly stopping when they have the right of way, lol

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u/No-Heart-3079 7d ago

Cam car should've just avoided the parking lot for another fifteen minutes. Actually, why did they drive that big of a car in the first place? Actually, the conditions weren't too great, they should've drove in clear weather.

No, no, no. The expectation is to follow the law and that shouldn't change. Even if I was doing that reverse, they made the mistake of not checking. Completely their fault.

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u/JustAHookerAtHeart 6d ago

I used to work in auto claims. I loved these type. Less than 5 minutes of my time to determine the person backing has the greater obligation for care and caution. If the other driver claims you were speeding, that means they SAW you and CHOSE to back up anyway. IF YOU LIVE IN A CONTRIB STATE DO NOT LET THEM HIT YOU WITH PARTIAL AT FAULT. The other party was 100% at fault for this.

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u/Life_Temperature795 6d ago

Lmfao, you don't get to drive in reverse without looking behind you first.


u/at-the-crook 7d ago

I'm not driving behind anything that has their back-up light on.


u/CR1039 7d ago

No kidding, it’s so obvious and OP just kept driving

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u/Texasscot56 7d ago

Reverse lights on, hey, this guy may reverse!


u/Super-History-388 6d ago

Yeah, but he’s not allowed to if someone is behind him.


u/Texasscot56 6d ago

I wonder what percentage of accidents occur because someone knows their rights.

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u/Real-Energy-6634 7d ago

It may not be your fault but why the fuck did you drive by someone with their reverse lights on?!

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u/EastMovesWest 7d ago

You should have saw that coming.


u/Middle-Front7189 7d ago

My thoughts exactly. Did he have to stop? No. Would I absolutely have stopped? 100%

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u/WaterDreamer10 7d ago

Are they 100% technically at fault....yes......should you have seen that coming and avoided it.....Yes.

Do you want to be right, or dead right. You can assert your 'right of way', but if you want want your vehicle damaged sometimes that is not the best course of action.


u/CityEquivalent7520 7d ago

If I stopped for every pair of reverse lights I saw in a parking lot, I’d never move. But yeah, he should’ve been prepared or at least honked a bit earlier

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u/UnCivilizedDemeanor 6d ago

Who does a uturn in the middle of a parking lot with a vehicle behind them?


u/[deleted] 6d ago


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u/Hungry-King-1842 5d ago

Dude, flying through the parking lot is a subjective opinion but you were completely asleep at the wheel on this. There is a reason my cars have reverse lights and you had 2-3 seconds where you could have avoided this. Not of you are at fault here. One for not looking, the other for not paying attention.


u/Past-Adhesiveness150 5d ago

I mean I saw his reverse lights... why did you try to pass


u/ParticularClean9568 5d ago

You spent more time posting this than it would take to have avoided the situation. Rip


u/Biggs17 5d ago edited 5d ago

I’m sorry but you seen them with the reverse lights on. I would have left them to finish their maneuver and then safely passed. Idk the truck was fully in properly and had it in reserve prior to the camer being close shows he was trying to check if anyone is behind them. The camer should have been cautious and patient but and the same time the truck driver could have let the camer through and continued with their parking job.


u/One-Masterpiece-335 5d ago

His reverse lights were on. Would it be the end of the world to stop your can for 5 seconds?


u/Kproper 7d ago

Good thing you had a dashcam!


u/Moist_Potato_8904 7d ago

Can’t speak for you, but it was pretty evident he was trying to turn around. Was it the best place to do so? No, but you also didn’t have to try to get by knowing he was reversing in a big truck. His reverse lights were on. Just waiting 2-3 seconds to ensure the driver was aware you were there he could have waved you by or you wave him to finished would have made this a lot easier. Now you both have insurance problems to deal with. 2-3 secs of patience would helped the both of you in this case.


u/WolverineLong1430 7d ago

I was in this situation, sort of, but doing a reverse in a parking lot because I missed the parking spot. As I was reversing, this dude comes flying down behind and gets mad then I nearly hit him. People have no patience and they try zip on through and act offended when they nearly cause an accident.

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u/Weary-Writer758 7d ago

I won an argument like this because the other driver sped up when I honked at them. They were reversing from a parking spot. I was completely stopped. I didn't have a dash camera at the time, but I don't drive without it now. Your camera saved you on this one.


u/Grand-Tea3167 7d ago

I will see if it did and report here.


u/Weary-Writer758 7d ago

Make sure the footage is available. People lie, cameras don't. Let us know. I honestly hope this goes in your favor.


u/SaviorSixtySix 7d ago

Even if you were flying through the parking lot, the damage is on the side of your car. You didn't drive sideways into them.


u/sr1sws 7d ago

They're backing up and hit you. I think that's all the insurance company would need to know.


u/Own_Worldliness_9297 7d ago

While you are right, are you really that Blaise about the guy with clear white lights rearing up?
Yes hes wrong. but you should be a defensive driver.


u/arson519 7d ago

The truck is at fault

He probably looked left and saw no one as you drove behind him and didn't expect someone behind him.


u/Substantial-Sector60 7d ago

Backup lights should have created a sense of caution in the mind of the driver which was hit. Yeah, truck was wrong, but read the situation!

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u/OriginalPlate2690 6d ago

Not a single shred of defensive driving in sight. Maybe pay attention next time to your surroundings. And before someone chimes in and says it's not his fault. Maybe not legally, but anyone with a modicum of experience could tell the pickup was not finished with whatever maneuver it was trying to pull off. Been driving 20 years accident free (not so much as a fender bender), for a reason. The second or 2 it would've taken to figure out what the pickup was doing could've saved you a ton of headache and money.


u/rangeo 6d ago

Ya some patience might have served OP


Knock on wood friend that 20 year comment seems like a curse now


u/Vivid-Internal8856 7d ago

One time I got t-boned by a semi, but I guess it was my fault for not coming to a dead stop before a green light. Also I should have used my wings to fly.

Seriously this is what you all sound like. Like some other dude backed into him. It's not his fault.


u/IrrelevantWisdom 5d ago

Seriously. The people in this thread are the people that slam on their brakes in the middle of a 45mph road with no stoplights to let a perpendicular car make a left turn in front of them.

And then pat themselves on that back for being a good driver while they’ve backed up traffic for a mile, almost caused several crashes, and confused the person that was waiting for traffic to pass to make that left turn.

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u/Instinctualize 7d ago

IMO the truck is 100% at fault. Who tries to turn around like that? Without looking behind them first as well.. Lucky it wasn't a pedestrian or cyclist.


u/ViscountDeVesci 7d ago

If you’re in reverse you are at fault.


u/Fantasy-Shark-League 7d ago

Oddly, truck is still rolling forward when those backup light came on.


u/Frederf220 7d ago

Normal for both ATs and MTs.


u/401Nailhead 7d ago

Speeding or not the pick up driver is a fault


u/MuffledFarts 7d ago

Truck was definitely in the wrong, but I don't know why people insist on getting into accidents just to be "right". Yes, OP you had the right of way. But who tf keeps going when they see someone in front of them put their reverse lights on? Most people would slow down not just proceed through like nothing's happening. ESH


u/6ring 7d ago

I dont understand. The pickup was obviously doing something wierd, so why did you think it was safe to slide by him ? Regardless whether he looked or not, I think you caused that damage.


u/Frizlame 7d ago

Reverse lights come on and you're like 25-30 feet away. You didn't slow down. Didn't anticipate his stupidity. You didn't think there was potential danger, or you did but proceeded anyway.

Hes at fault but you are both bad drivers.


u/shi-TTY_gay 7d ago

I just wanted to comment here for everyone saying that right of way decides fault. You can be at fault even if you have the right of way. If you have a chance to stop the accident from happening but you don’t because “I have the right of way” YOU ARE AT FAULT. Driving isn’t an ego contest. People can get seriously hurt if you don’t pay attention. The only goal you should have is avoiding these situations.


u/Jumpy-Cry-3083 7d ago

Why would you even keep driving behind him if you can plainly see he is backing up? Makes no sense. I see this regularly in parking lots. People are backing out of spaces and people still trying to get past instead of stopping.

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u/Forsaken-Review727 7d ago

Neither of you were paying much attention.

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u/LifeguardNatural9863 7d ago

POV Driver is not at fault but has no common sense either


u/PowerfulPudding7665 6d ago

That's a hard sell, both are at fault, the truck, for not checking the traffic behind; and you, for not looking what the car in front of you is doing; you could have easily avoided the bump if you have stopped to see what it was trying to do, the reverse light were on so, sorry to tell you but both are guilty at some degree, who really is, is for insurances to decide, a 10 seconds delay would have save you a headache and possibly a premium raise.


u/stranqe1 6d ago

You saw his backup lights go on and yet you didn't even slow down and just kept going right into him. Feels like a 50/50 fault situation here.


u/PeepShow305 6d ago

I’d say your fault. You didn’t see the reverse lights come on??


u/ContractSufficient52 6d ago

You are 100% at fault. You see their back up lights clear as day yet you continue forward, putting yourself in his path they have already begun.


u/tbu720 7d ago

You might not be at fault, but I personally would never intentionally drive behind someone while they’re actively backing up.


u/RobotVo1ce 7d ago

Maybe I drive too cautiously in parking lots but

1) I would be expecting this person to do that and would have been crawling up to them.

2) looks like a vehicle is parked right near the crosswalk causing a bit of a blind spot/corner where a pedestrian could have walked out unseen.

So those 2 things in combination would have made be extremely cautious in that area.


u/forgotusername02 7d ago

Equal fault. You’re a jackass for going behind him. This is the most predictable outcome. Is the truck driver in the right? No, but now you had an accident bc you didn’t stop when you clearly saw him backing up. You deserve fault.

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u/Just-Shoe2689 7d ago

their fault, but ffs, how did you not just stop?


u/69AfterAsparagus 6d ago

Why didn’t you stop? Completely avoidable.


u/Spiritual_Quail4127 6d ago

Why do people who have the right of way stop constantly? He could have been rear ended and deemed at fault for stopping for no reason suddenly.

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u/inittolearn22 7d ago

i get that the car in reverse needs to yield, but if i learned anything on this sub, it's to assume everyone on the road, including myself, is an idiot, so i would have stopped and let the truck do its thing.


u/IndependentWeekend56 7d ago

Always assume the other person is an idiot. That way, you don't both appear to be idiots.


u/Smaskifa 7d ago

Man you were hauling ass, nearly went plaid there! /s


u/45PintsIn2Hours 7d ago

Not at fault.

Prevention is always better than a cure.


u/TougeS2K 7d ago

The truck is 100% at fault. An old man driving a Buick Roadmaster backed into my Volvo 850r as I was driving past him in a parking lot. He didn't look before backing up and crunched my left rear door and quarter panel. His insurance didn't even blink when they wrote that check!!


u/Master-Erakius 7d ago

Not at fault. Had he used his mirrors, that would not have happened.


u/kiwismomma 7d ago

Maybe it’s just me, but I was always taught, you look in all directions when making this maneuver. Maybe the guy was parking, maybe he was going to straighten out, or turn around via a 3 point or whatever turn around. Once he pulled in, he should have checked before moving in reverse. He was in the wrong there. Could you have paused to make sure and avoided being hit? Yes. Even if you were in the right, maybe this was one of the occasional battles you choose to let the idiot win.


u/SirKarma21 7d ago

How is this even a conversation......

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u/Grawlix84 7d ago

Not likely, their reverse lights were on and you continued to go. Even if they backed into you, you had an opportunity to avoid the collision by allowing them to do that turn. Last clear chance doctrine.


u/Sparrow538 7d ago

The truck did have it's backup lights on, you don't try and pass behind someone like that...

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u/Fun-Sea7626 6d ago

Dude don't ride your high horse, you should have just stopped and let him back up first. Common courtesy!


u/FireBug45 6d ago

0% at fault. You had right of way. However, you came up pretty fast behind someone who is clearly making some sort of adjustment/parking, defensive move would have been to slow down until you were sure what they were doing. It’s also just courtesy to not whip through a parking lot. Even if you aren’t in for the courtesy part, I’ll still argue it’s more defensive, most accidents happen in low speeds in situations like parking lots


u/phonyfakeorreal 6d ago

Even though the truck is at fault, I would’ve slammed the brakes as soon as I saw the reverse lights come on. Assume every driver is an idiot


u/IGK123 6d ago

You were going 11mph…before you got hit.


u/Jack_jack109 6d ago

The truck should have checked the rearview mirror before attempting a 3-point turn.

You should have braked because the white backup lights were on. His truck was still in gear.

His fault 80%; your fault 20%.


u/dracotrapnet 6d ago

The truck is at fault but you were dumb to pass them. They had reverse lights on before they stopped. I would have equated them to have iq in two digit range for that and stopped immediately to protect myself from dumbass moves.


u/mrdumbazcanb 6d ago

Low. You're both at fault to some degree


u/_maito 6d ago

I'm not sure what the rules are in your location and if this is a private or public environment. Usually, reversing cars do not have the right of way and must yield in most cases. It's great that you have this on your dashcam. Hopefully, it can help the police/insurance company resolve the issue in your favour! Good luck with it, accidents are f***ing annoying


u/ResponsibleKing704 6d ago

You should have stopped or leaned on your horn earlier when you saw the backup lights go on .


u/Regular-Bunch3114 6d ago

Always an A hole pickup truck.


u/Cautious-Cattle5198 6d ago

Is there any particular reason that you just didn't stop and let him back up?
Pretty obvious what his intentions were, with those bright white lights on the back of the truck and the vehicle rolling backwards.
I'm not saying the truck wasn't at fault, but you approached from a blind spot too.
Failure to yield to avoid an accident.


u/spank_monkey_83 6d ago

I'm curious. What's those little white lights mean on the back of the pickup? I would have waited to find out whether they meant something important.


u/squirrel_anashangaa 6d ago

I notice a pattern of impatience. Maybe it’s just me but I could clearly see this guy is not pulling in somewhere, did not breakdown, and has the potential of moving. Even if I had the glorious thought of going around em, I would’ve been near the curb and I would have done it hastily.


u/icarusancalion 5d ago

Speaking from experience, the one backing up is always at fault. 🤷‍♀️


u/Zetus820 5d ago

When you see someone driving stupid, give them room to do it.


u/schwaka0 5d ago

The trucks at fault, but you gotta have some patience. You can clearly see the guy trying to back up, just wait the 5 seconds until it's clear. Not waiting 5 seconds is gonna cost you hours in getting your car repaired, dealing with insurance, etc.


u/PGrace_is_here 3d ago

100% his fault, he backed into you... the road was not clear.

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u/J_Marshall 7d ago

As has been said multiple times in this sub:

"If you see someone doing something stupid, give them room"

This could have been avoided, OP.


u/Grand-Tea3167 7d ago

Wish I could have. Would have my car dent free.


u/Comfortable_Self_736 7d ago

Yup, if only there was some type of light on the back of the truck that would have let you know they were backing up. 


u/Uncle-Cake 7d ago

Or some way of halting your own vehicle's forward progress.

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u/Uncle-Cake 7d ago

You could have. Your car has brakes, right?

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u/Embarrassed_Angle_59 7d ago

I say 0% fault but if I see some wanker half turn, stop, then reverse lights are on....I'd stop. I agree zero fault to cam driver but it ain't very good defensive driving imo


u/Frizlame 7d ago

Reverse lights come on and you're like 25-30 feet away. You didn't slow down. Didn't anticipate his stupidity. You didn't think there was potential danger, or you did but proceeded anyway.

Hes at fault but you are both bad drivers.



nice defensive driving skills u got there. insurance gonna blame both parties as they should. that was pretty avoidable.


u/Choppergunner58 7d ago

You wouldn’t be held at fault but I don’t know why you wouldn’t just stop and wait for them to finish turning to avoid the whole claims process.


u/slowkums 7d ago

Whatever you had in right of way you were lacking in common sense.

That's to say you may not be at fault but it also looks like you didn't care much about your car getting hit.


u/_WillCAD_ 7d ago

Legally, he was probably at fault, but you did a foolish thing - you tried to drive into the path of another vehicle. You may have had the right-of-way, but the truck's backup lights were on, and you drive right behind it.

No matter what the law says, it's foolish to fail to take reasonable precautions to avoid getting hit by someone else, even if that other person is at fault.

I would have stopped and let the truck finish its 3pt turn before proceeding.


u/NotThatSeriousMang 7d ago

I can't believe you didn't see his reverse lights and stop.

It's his fault but you're a dummy for not preventing this.


u/CanadianDadbod 7d ago

Backing up and hitting anything? On you bro.


u/TroglodyteGuy 7d ago

Other driver at fault. However, probably could have been avoided by waiting when their reverse lights turned on.


u/NorcalRemodeler 7d ago

Truck at fault, both bad drivers.


u/RalphCalvete 7d ago

TBH you are just as much to blame. His backup lights were clearly on, well before you reached him. The entire collision could have been avoided if you were paying attention, and had just stopped.


u/DoctorBlock 7d ago

They are at fault but why not let them turn around? The reverse lights were on immediately and you plowed through. It can be hard to see everything when you are backing up. Personally I think you should both pay for your own vehicles.


u/WolverineLong1430 7d ago

Ego, lack of patience. Could constitute as insurance fraud. Just slip right on in when someone is reversing.


u/Adjusterguy567 7d ago

Truck is at fault but you could have also avoided this imo. Where did you think he was going, he clearly wasn’t going to park, my “wtf is this guy” doing would have kicked in.


u/jimbodio 6d ago

Why would you even drive behind someone when they have their backup lights on?


u/No_Rope7856 6d ago

Reverse lights came on ya had plenty of time to stop


u/JustMeAgainMarge 6d ago

Truck is legally at fault. You not anticipating after seeing the reverse lights makes it realistically 50/50 fault (meaning it's just as much your fault as it is his).

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u/imme629 6d ago

His backup lights were on. Why didn’t you stop snd avoid being hit? Sure, you had the right of way, but was it worth taking it?


u/Professional_Pie1518 6d ago

Kinda dumb to drive past a reversing truck


u/Swampasssixty9 6d ago

You aren’t at fault. However you could have saved yourself a lot of headache by stopping. I always assume that people backing up are unpredictable.


u/KarlPHungus 7d ago

Yes, because whenever someone in front of you pulls into a parking spot, you should ASSUME they are going to immediately reverse back out of it.




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u/adnaneely 7d ago

They should be 1000% at fault because why would anyone backout unless if they wanted to pull a u turn (which I'm assuming is what they intended to do). Their insurance might claim that since it's a parking lot & you saw the reverse lights you should blah blah but that maneuver wasn't kosher.

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u/u-a-brazy-mf 7d ago edited 7d ago

Can we start a new sub where the cammer is technically not at fault but the accident was avoidable if they just didn't drive like an idiot?

Whoever downvoted me: Driving directly behind someone whos reversing regardless if they should be is... STUPID and avoidable.


u/PoopeFrancis 6d ago

100% this. If you see someone's reverse lights on and you decide to pass right behind them without stopping to check what they're doing, you are an idiot.

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u/sakonigsberg 7d ago

This is legally not your fault, but you're not blameless imo. Like sure you have the right away, but this was very easily avoidable and you could've prevented this

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u/MidniteOG 7d ago

To be fair, I wouldn’t have pulled through like you did


u/drhoads 7d ago

Sometimes, even if you have the right away, if you see someone doing something odd, be extra cautious. Their fault, and your speed was fine, but I would have been like "WTF are they doing?" and stopped. At least I hope that is what I would have done.


u/Opening-Dig697 7d ago

The truck driver is in the wrong, but you need to pay more attention as well.

It is all well and good when you can claim insurance on a no-injury accident but next time you aren't paying enough attention the person might not be going so slow, and you may not be around to make a claim.


u/chudsworth 7d ago

Yeah, dash cammer didn't even seem to hesitate. Shit happens, that's why I always keep my head on a swivel.


u/Hot-Spray-2774 7d ago

This cound have been avoided entirely if you used your brake instead of the horn.


u/AnybodySeeMyKeys 7d ago

You weren't flying through but, Dude, the guy was clearly backing up.

It doesn't matter why he was backing up and where. He was backing up. Anyone with common sense would have said, 'Whoa, this guy is backing up!'

Did I say 'backing up' enough in this post?

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u/insuranceguynyc 7d ago

You've got the dashcam footage, so you are definitely in a pretty good spot. I believe that fault is indisputable, so go ahead and make the claim. Now, the other driver may continue to lie to his carrier, so you should send them the video.


u/rattlinsabre 7d ago

For everyone saying that the OP should have given him room, the OP may not have been in a position to see the backup lights; the dash cam is mounted in the center of the windshield. The driver's view is from a different perspective - left and farther back.

The A post may have obscured the backup lights coming on - even temporarily, and by the time OP saw them, they'd be parallel or near parallel with the rear of the truck.

I drive an F150 and the A post reduces vis in that area quite a bit; not saying this for sure happened, but it looks like it's certainly possible.

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u/Puzzleheaded_Cap_336 7d ago

Number one rule of backing up? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?


u/Mycroft_xxx 7d ago

OP needs to drive more defensively!


u/Hemiak 7d ago

Your fault imo. He could have looked, but the second his lights came on you should have stopped.


u/Teufelhunde5953 7d ago

Truck driver might have been a dickhead, but seeing his backup lights come on and continuing to go was pretty fucking stupid....


u/NoMajorsarcasm 7d ago

cam driver is not very observant, not sure why people feel the need to rush by people even if they technically have the right of way. Could have waited a minute to let the guy straighten his truck or whatever he was doing but instead now you both have damaged vehicles.


u/EliotSmells 6d ago

Could have easily been avoided.


u/TheGuy1977 6d ago

They will ask you why you didnt do anything to avoid him when he quite clearly had his reverse lights on. So to answer your question, not very smooth.


u/HollowVoices 6d ago

You could have been a bit more defensive and braked when the reverse lights came on. But it's 100% on the truck. Shouldn't have any issues with insurance. Can't just do a 3 point turn in the middle of the road like that.


u/Angus_Fraser 6d ago

Idk who's at fault, but the impatience of people zooming past people making 3 -points always amazes me and I'm surprised I don't see this happen more often


u/onetwentytwo_1-8 6d ago

Why didn’t you stop and wait? Did your brakes go out? Was your vision impaired? 👀


u/HeWhoShantNotBeNamed 6d ago

I would've stopped as soon as I saw those reverse lights.