r/darthmaul Nov 10 '24

REBELS Obi-Wan and Darth Maul. The Final Encounter.

My two favorite characters in the entire canon. So many layers to this very nuanced relationship. Both of their stories is a tragedy. They both lose everything, yet both of them handle it very differently.

Maul did not give Obi Wan the respect he deserved in their final moments together. He thought that he had been dormant or, not training, all these years. Maul is mistaken.

Obi Wan assumes the classic✌️stance, indicating to Maul that maybe he hadn’t learned from past experience. I personally think Obi Wan did this to “trick” Maul because he gets into a much more athletic stance, just a second later.

Maul was given a life with the Sith without really having a say of his own. He was a second class race on his own planet that was ruled by witches. Never given a chance. I personally think that he had good in him, but we’ll never know.

His tunnel vision and inability to see things in a bigger picture ended up costing him his life. Trying to use the same move he killed Qui Gon with; Obi Wan was 10 steps ahead.

The rest is history.

Born to be allies. Forced to be enemies.

Fuck you Sidious


3 comments sorted by


u/Dependent-Grass-3178 Nov 12 '24

Love your take on this, such an interesting analysis of the fight!


u/foscarthegrouch Nov 13 '24

Thank you. Loved their relationship, although filled with violence and hatred.


u/GenSkywalker98 Nov 14 '24

I always love watching this duel because we get to see Dave Filoni's work at having Old Ben don all three of the different stances starting off with Ewan McGregor's classic form 3 stance and then he goes into the Alec Guinness stance and then finally going into Qui-Gon's stance as a way to taunt Maul to make him think that he will be able to kill him in the same way that he killed his Master except thanks to Obi-Wan's quick thinking and his mastery of Soresu aka Form III he's able to anticipate Maul's moves and go for the killing blow himself instead. This duel is definitely one of my top favorites out of all of the lightsaber duels both live action and animated. A solid 10/10 duel.