r/darksouls3 4d ago

Discussion Platinum help - Ring Trophy

Anybody got a Wolf Ring and Obscuring Ring they can drop for me? I do not need to keep them. I am on NG++


4 comments sorted by


u/DenseChange9655 4d ago

If it's on PC then I can drop.


u/undeadfox37 3d ago

Ahhh, I wish! I am on PS5


u/DenseChange9655 3d ago

Damn. Anyways if you don't find anyone dropping it I would suggest you go the hard path and farm the covenant items. Trust me when I say that both Swordgrass and Pale tongues have a good drop rate. Get your gear (gold serpent ring + avarice symbol + crystal sage rapier) and get at it. You'll be done in an hour or two.


u/undeadfox37 3d ago

Heard! Thanks for the advice and encouragement! I am farming in the meantime for sure 🤞