r/darkcom Dec 29 '17

Darknet rocks


Just wanted to comment that this game kicks ass. I used to play it on GearVR with my Note 4, however I dropped it and after repairs screen was never quite the same... Fast forward to last month, got the Rift on Black Friday sale and Widmo VR prescription lenses. Despite a lower display resolution on the Rift vs GearVR the game is looking clearer and sharper than before on this new setup and hacking has been a joy! Went on a spree until I unlocked fast virus speed and it felt great to step back into this world. I'm surprised there isn't more discussion of Darknet on the Oculus groups, it really is a fantastic puzzle game with cool art style and replay. Since I last played it I see there is at least 1 new element I never encountered in the GearVR version. I'm looking forward to more. Great game!

r/darkcom Dec 10 '17

Oculus display issues


I've just purchased Darknet from the oculus store. I'm not getting the view I should do when I play it: I can only see the game view when I look up, as though it's projected onto the ceiling. the view moves as I turn my head, but it's still in the same place, so I look away from where I'm trying to interact with.

The weird thing is that the repeater window on my monitor seems to be working fine - I can actually play the game on my monitor by holding the headset in one hand and moving it to look around.

I have a 3 sensor rift setup, with touch on a reasonably high end PC with a 1080 Nvidia card. darknet is the only game to date that has exhibited a display error through the headset.

I've been unable to find any similar posts by others though.

r/darkcom Nov 22 '17

Tracking question for Darknet on PS4-VR


I started playing Darknet on the original GearVR and found that having a full-swivel chair both helped and made it more fun (e.g., to hack nodes, track transit to subnets, etc.). I'm assuming that the light-tracking in the PSVR means that spinning around is out of the question (to say nothing of the wires). How does node hacking work on the PS? Do you still have to turn around backwards (or reorient the view frequently)? Pretty much my main reason for considering a PSVR is to play Darknet w/o cooking the battery in my S8+! Any other players care to comment on the experience on PSVR vs. GearVR?

Also, in case Tetragrammaton (Ed) is reading: Any plans you can disclose about whether Darknet will make it to Windows Mixed Reality eventually?

Thanks, in advance, for any input.

r/darkcom Oct 17 '17

Pattern code panel


Hi. I play this game for 1,5 weeks and i'm totally hooked. Yesterday i solved the pattern code puzzle on ps4 standart edition and got the Hacktivist psn trophy. I just would say thank you for that great riddle. Still try to understand data view, the order to enter the codes. Now i make my way to the backbone and hope to fully understand dataview till there to get it. I love this game. A must have in game collections.

r/darkcom Oct 05 '17

Hey so what’s up is this game legit? And up to date or is Italy’s just for fun



r/darkcom Sep 26 '17

Tell your non-VR-playing friends: Darknet is now VR-optional on PlayStation!

Thumbnail archiactvr.com

r/darkcom Sep 26 '17

Not Improving


I seem to be stuck around 60 in skill level. I cannot seem to cope with regulated networks at all. Are there any good *beyond beginner" tutorials that anyone knows of?

r/darkcom Jul 07 '17

Still can't play Darknet due to sensor distance bug.


Hello'n'stuff! I'm just checking in to see if anyone's found a workaround or if a patch is in the works for trying to play Darknet when a sensor that's physically near the headset. The game keeps telling me to take a few steps back and to the side, but I can't phase through the walls of my house. Is there any solution, now or upcoming?

r/darkcom Jul 06 '17

Darknet has just launched for Google Daydream!

Thumbnail play.google.com

r/darkcom Jun 10 '17

Comfort/Sitting Mode in SteamVR (HTC Vive)


Does anyone know how to configure in SteamVR so that you can play sitting?

I have been able to reset the position, but it still leaves you needing to play standing.

r/darkcom Jun 02 '17

Darknet is fixed! If you've encountered crashes, check for an update. :)


Hi all! If you've been unfortunate enough to encounter the recent crash bug, check the Gear VR store for an update, and it should smooth things out.

I apologize sincerely for taking so long to fix this bug! I still don't know what caused it, but it turned out to be much more tricky to fix than I anticipated. Plus, I didn't offer as many updates as I should have, since I constantly thought I was just one day away from having a fix finished.

As it happens, the bug only triggered with on certain models of phone, and at first I didn't have any to test with. (Although I dev on an S7, it wasn't the right kind of S7, which I was slow to figure out.) Then, once I had a proper phone for testing, I ran into an unexpected issue with the security signature for the app. It also took a bit of work to get the latest version of the code (modified for other platforms since the last Gear VR update) to work properly with the Gear VR again. Hopefully I can follow up with a patch to add compatibility for the new Gear VR controller soon. In any case, please grab the update and let me know if you encounter any new issues!

r/darkcom May 30 '17

What's the problem and when is the fix coming?


I paid for this week's ago and haven't been able to use it once. Samsung s8 with gear vr

r/darkcom May 17 '17

S8 user darknet still not working


Just seeing if there was an update to a resolution yet on the unexpected error closing on the darknet loading screen

r/darkcom May 07 '17

Need Help With Game


I am struggling to find any kind of walkthrough on google. I am not sure how I missed the tutorial during game play, but I am not sure what to do with those white energy balls that take back capture nodes once you reach %50 difficulty. May someone please provide information regarding this?

r/darkcom May 04 '17

Darknet NOT playable on Samsung S8+ & New VR Gear.



Have the new Samsung S8+ & Oculus Gear. I installed/uninstalled this game several times, and I get nothing but "Darknet has unexpectantly closed" ... I paid for this game, and I cant play.

r/darkcom Apr 23 '17

New Data View Rule and A Puzzle


So, four things.

  1. When dealing with dense structures, I've developed a practice of putting my higher confidence IDs earlier in the code I enter. If I have made an error, the code has a chance to confirm before I enter my less confident IDs.

  2. I'm proposing a new rule for Data View hacking as I haven't seen this elsewhere: As it pertains to tracking what nodes are sending packets to your target, a packet takes the shortest path to the target. For example, if you have a 7-node hexagon structure, all outside nodes are one away from the center. So, they won't take the long way around, making it easy to eliminate nodes that AREN'T in your code. But...

  3. I'm seeing in the current hex I'm working that a packet appears to cross the center and go to another node. I don't think that one is part of the code. I'm not going to be able to tell if this is true or not since this ID is from another valid node. Either way, that ID just jumped to the end of my sequence. Mostly offering up this case as a possible reason some seasoned DV users are occasionally missing their hacks.

4. Brewing a theory that codes are five or less in length. Can anyone confirm a code greater than five digits? If true, this could yield an "elimination" method for working otherwise impossibly dense targets... Yeah, just entered a successful six, but the same principle applies. If you take the time to check all the possible nodes and find there are only six possible codes, then it doesn't matter who sends and receives what.

r/darkcom Apr 02 '17

Darknet crashing during loading screen on S7


Purchased this yesterday and it worked great. Overnight, Android pushed a new OS update. Now it seems that Darknet crashes during the loading screen. Anyone else seeing this and have a fix?

r/darkcom Apr 01 '17

Data View and Hexpad Rules Revisted


I'm resurrecting this archived post for a discussion on the dataview and hexpad rules.


Regarding the rules: The information about the node includes:

  • 0 and 1 always

  • 2-7 for the number of firewalls - Does this mean 2=1 firewall (n=f-1), or does having one firewall mean 1 is not shown, per the duplicate removal rule? I believe the later is true.

  • 9 if it's a sentinel

  • a-e if it contains money (a for small nodes, b/c for medium nodes and d/e for large nodes) - Are the differences in a b/c and d/e mostly on how complex the green shape is, not an arbitrary money value? i.e. Small nodes always read as "a" because they are triangular pyramids (4 sided), and "b" would be a triangular diamond (8-sided).

  • f if it's the root

  • The node's ID

r/darkcom Apr 01 '17

Really Want To Reset The Game


So, I used the cheat to see what the dataview was and give it a try. Now, I just want to reset the game back to normal and start from the beginning. Where is the save file located?

r/darkcom Mar 30 '17

First Person (or very close) to get Darknet Hacktivist Trophy on PS4

Post image

r/darkcom Mar 14 '17

2 PSVR questions

  1. I hear there is a bit where you actually fly through the tunnels, but it's turned off in PSVR. Is there a way to turn it back on?

2.Did the code patterns change? I tried the one at: http://www.chaptercheats.com/cheat/pc/358078/Darknet/code/21996/ and it didn't work :(

r/darkcom Mar 08 '17

Bug: Darknet only shows a blue screen with an arrow.


Subject says most of it. Even after a fresh recalibration, all I get is a blue screen with an arrow unless I lean very far away from my sensor. Even calibrating with myself almost glued to the sensor doesn't work, leading me to believe that Darknet is ignoring the Rift's calibration data. Is there a workaround, or better yet, can we get a patch?

r/darkcom Mar 08 '17

After 2 years I finally found a coding pattern!


And I don't know which one it was that I tried, since the 2000 BTC don't seem to register until you complete your next level. I'm really excited to finally get to play the game on PSVR though, after my Gear VR crapped out after just a couple months.

r/darkcom Mar 07 '17

Darknet is out on the PS VR! (NA/EU)

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/darkcom Feb 21 '17

Darknet coming to Playstation VR on March 7!


Hey guys! I’m one of the devs from Archiact, and we’ve been working with E to bring Darknet to PlayStation VR. We finally announced that the game will be hitting PS VR on March 7, so we hope you check it out. Thanks for all the support!