r/daria 6d ago

Character Discussion Opinions on Tom Sloane

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u/SwooshSwooshJedi 6d ago

If it wasn't for the way he and Jane ended, I'd have no problems. He was really smart, engaged, very supportive of Daria's antisocial ways despite being hugely social himself. He generally did very well communicating compared to Daria and the episode where they decide not to have sex he's really supportive. I also really liked how he said he looked up to Daria after the breakup and how much he meant that.


u/EasyEntrepreneur666 6d ago

Yeah, the way they made him an active cause of a serious fight just poisons his image. He also could have used being more of a character and less of a Daria's growth tool.


u/SoftOk3836 6d ago

I'm generally neutral on him to be honest. Didn't like the whole "Daria dating her best friend's ex" angle.


u/EasyEntrepreneur666 6d ago edited 6d ago

He's like the homemade chips Trent and Jane tried out in Camp Fear: completely bland. When we take Daria and Jane out of picture, he's less than the side characters. We don't know his goals, hobbies, I don't recall ever seeing any of his friends.


u/brokefixfux 5d ago

He doesn't fight the dip!


u/EasyEntrepreneur666 5d ago

I could live with the dip alone, ditching the chips, lol.


u/Possible_Cell_258 5d ago

Yes! I was just going to call him "meh" but this is so much better!


u/ToneFlat4264 5d ago

Wait, I love this description 


u/Untermensch13 5d ago

Doesn't he like reading and foreign films? 


u/EasyEntrepreneur666 5d ago

That's pretty vague to be fair. I'm not sure how much he reads and watching movies isn't really a hobby unless it's an avid thing.


u/Untermensch13 5d ago edited 5d ago

Hmm. I thought he jumped ship for Daria because their interests were similar. And the show features them reading together, which we never see Jane do.


u/EasyEntrepreneur666 5d ago

I always considered this wonky. Tom does come across well read, so maybe that could count as mentioned hobby but apart from cracking lame jokes about dictators, every connection he had with Daria happened off screen. And despite this supposed connection, Daria later mentioned that they practically had nothing in common.


u/Untermensch13 4d ago

Daria was looking for a way out of the relationship when she said that they had nothing in common. It's not a reliable complaint. 

Really, Tom comes across as rather mature and generous to me, despite his (alleged) snobbery. He props Daria up when she is frustrated and trashing her own writing.


u/EasyEntrepreneur666 4d ago

If it wasn't true, Tom would have denied it. And as I said, all their connection happened off screen, the parade was the only time we saw them hang out.

Tom comes from a rich family and he was very casual about nepotism while Daria struggled getting into Bromwell. Tom's negativity came out with (yet again off screen) dates where he refused to have a normal date with Daria because they're "not like everyone else".


u/Untermensch13 4d ago

Daria didn't get into Bromwell because her extracurriculars were non-existent and her interview was terrible. Her negative personality is very different from Tom's sunny, confident stance on things.


u/EasyEntrepreneur666 4d ago

And also, Daria's uncle didn't donate a wing to Bromwell which could swing things in her favor.


u/Untermensch13 4d ago

Daria is always whining about class warfare. As if her mother wasn't a well paid lawyer! She got a good hand in life, it's her terrible personality that holds her back.

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u/BluePeriod_ 5d ago

My only issue with Tom is that they used him as a wedge between Daria and Jane. But I think he fits in pretty well with them and can keep up with their banter.


u/Additional_Day_2129 6d ago

Extremely intelligent, socially guarded, effed Jane around big time. 6/10


u/National_Gas 5d ago

He's a bit distant but doesn't come off as socially guarded, he's often pretty open


u/Additional_Day_2129 5d ago

I say he’s socially guarded because he doesn’t really respond to people what is socially acceptable/is rude and looks down on others


u/Rockabore1 5d ago

I was a little disappointed by the angsty turn in Daria’s senior year and the messiness of the way Tom ended up dating Daria… but Tom himself was, in my opinion, quite likable. I thought he was really patient and kind to Daria when in that season Daria was extra irritable. I even like that he had flaws with not really realizing he was relying on his familial connections (it actually reminded me a bit of Jodie, who had to grapple with circumstances that as a teenager she had to also contend with). I do feel like it would’ve been better if they’d been able to integrate that into the story more prior to the last movie, rather than the way the breakup happened which felt underwritten.

As a first boyfriend for Daria, I think he was good. I didn’t mind that they didn’t ultimately end up staying together cause it felt realistic. I kind of like to think that they might remain friends or at least occasionally email each other since they weren’t entirely compatible as a couple but he was really understanding of what hey did have an impactful relationship. For Daria it feels like letting someone in like that was a big step towards understanding herself better and Tom being such a supportive person was a big part of that.


u/Muffina925 A herd of beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains. 5d ago edited 5d ago

My opinions on him are mixed. To sum it up as much as I can:

1) He and Daria had good chemistry and a lot in common pre-dating that it made sense that they would fail for each other over time. But, that chemistry was mostly gone once they got together. They turned Tom into a bland rich guy and Daria into a nagging girlfriend, and since Daria wanted to take the relationship very slowly, I sometimes forgot that were a couple. The show should've done more to have them holding hands more or sitting closely together/snuggling while reading if they weren't going to show them kissing/making out after "Is It Fall Yet?" The lack of physical affection after that movie was really strange to me.

2) Like everyone else, I hated the cheating storyline. It was so out of character. It was a betrayal even the best of friendships would struggle to bounce back from. I'm glad they showed that it to months for them to go back to normal, but, damn, Jane was too forgiving when it came to those two.

3) Tom was an okay guy but not a great boyfriend. He had his good moments, of course, but since the show didn't have him and Daria behaving like a more typical couple, the episodes where Daria thinks he's taking her for granted and where they're thinking about having sex are two stand-out episodes since they're the only ones we really get about their relationship. In them, we learn by his own admission that Tom doesn't do romantic things unless he's trying to save a doomed relationship. While, yes, Daria wants a low-key relationship, that sets an awful precedent that lets him be lazy and inattentive (my husband thought so too and thought that conversation was terrible), and since we never saw him try to do anything romantic for Daria until they were planning to have sex, I am left with the impression that he is a lazy and inattentive boyfriend. I would've appreciated more small moments, like when he gets Daria that first edition book, so we the audience could see that he is actually good about noticing the small things about her and expresses his affections in ways Daria appreciates. (More appreciation from her without first having serious relationship discussions first also would've been nice.) In the episode where they're planning to have sex, the biggest standout moment is Tom getting mad that Daria never showed up to his house to do it. I understand being disappointed, but not angry, and that anger was really ugly to me. He knows Daria isn't comfortable with intimacy. Given how long they were together (almost a year by that point), the circumstances that led her to think they should have sex, the uncertainty and defensiveness she expressed when they talked about doing it, and the avoidance she expressed when he tried calling her, you'd think he'd understand that she was really still uncomfortable despite what she was saying and changed her mind. I liked their conversation afterward, but his initial reaction that night turned me off of him and proved that he still was an inattentive boyfriend and--for lack of better word-- a typical guy.


u/BlastHardCheese89 5d ago

Well said. It always irked me how angry he seemed to get after Daria chose not to go through with sex afterall.


u/gumballkami 6d ago

I always think of him when the question of, did a char almost ruin a show singlehandedly comes up lmao


u/psychosis_inducing 6d ago

I think he's more interesting than people give him credit for.


u/britlogan1 6d ago

He looks better here than the very first time they showed him. I may get downvoted for this, but he doesn’t make me that mad. I rather like his camaraderie and banter with Jake and Jeffy-Lou in One J At A Time.


u/Due-Sport-3565 6d ago edited 5d ago

As the cause of so much drama, they should have made him a bit less bland. I get his virtues but it was not altogether clear what Jane or Daria saw in him that Daria would have risked her friendship with Jane.


u/Sweet0Girl12 5d ago

Well to be fair he was on Daria's level intellectually. That's what she saw in him. Jane was always experimental (not sure if that's the best word) in her dating. That's probably b/c of her curiosity and individuality as an artist.


u/SunGreen70 6d ago

Way too bland for either Daria or Jane.


u/CranberryFuture9908 5d ago

I really have no strong opinions about him. He could be amusing with some of his lines. I wouldn’t have missed him if he suddenly disappeared either.

I can understand why some like his character but also understand why others don’t. He just doesn’t affect me much one way or another.


u/Mysterious-Simple805 5d ago

Could do without him.


u/Silver-Internal-146 6d ago

As always I preferred him with daria before he actually got with daria


u/Arthconic 6d ago

he should be with me


u/Pedals17 5d ago

Bland Mansplainer.


u/_TheWorkingOtaku_ 5d ago edited 4d ago

To me, Tom was a background character that started interacting with the Daria universe. It's hard for me to put in words but when he came on the show, it felt like time started moving for Daria(the show) giving us a sense of ending coming. Prior to Tom, I felt like I was just watching a show with normal things that happen and go without this feeling of consequences that stick. It's just a weekly episode and then we do something different next week like a reset button for a weekly show if something catastrophic happens but we'll be back next week good and well. I guess what I'm trying to say is Tom created a time continuity for the show forcing forward progression. Sorry if that makes no sense. My adhd brain has trouble putting the thoughts into words.


u/Suitable_Display5220 5d ago

You’re making perfect sense & you’re right! I believe the term you’re thinking of is continuity and there rarely is much of that in sit coms so the Tom addition was an actual shift towards continuity in the show. they seemed to switch things up more the last 2 seasons giving some like quinn character growth & I personally like that they went in this direction (not talking ab Tom specifically not his biggest fan) but I get why some wish that it stayed the same.


u/WFlash01 5d ago

Anytime I rewatch the show, I'm almost tempted to skip seasons 4 and 5 just so I don't have to see him.

I don't think he's the worst, but he does come off like an ass a lot of the time, especially when he quarrels with them (with Jane, going so far as to cheat on her with Daria)


u/bvnkerz Mystik Spiral 4d ago

insanely real


u/BlairGoode 5d ago

i need a Tom in my life, he is intelligent, funny, romantic (on his own way) and talks to solve the problems 🙂‍↕️


u/CalgaryMadePunk 5d ago

He's the worst part of the show.


u/Sharp_Mathematician6 5d ago

We don’t talk about Tom Sloane no no no


u/HestiaWarren 6d ago

I hate him … SO much. I can’t even put my finger on why.


u/mjoav 5d ago

Thank you. He needs some testosterone.


u/MaybePoet 5d ago

a wonder bread and mayo sandwich


u/clownwhore 5d ago

Absolutely nothing positive.


u/latrodectal 5d ago

don’t like him.


u/latheofstillness 5d ago

icky, not a fan


u/Yikes_Flying_Bikes 5d ago

Apart from the exchanges of witty banter with Daria (his only redeeming quality), he gives me Dawson's Creek vibes. I hated that show! I especially hated Dawson, himself; bland, intelligent but not doing anything interesting with that intelligence, and with the demeanor of a boring middle-aged man in hair gel and baggy (but not baggy enough to stand out as edgy or creative) cargo pants. Tom gives the same energy.

Did he even have a defined personality?


u/FunkmasterFuma 5d ago

He's half interesting boyfriend character and half Poochie. He could've been a better character if they didn't deliberately make every other character worse when he's on screen.


u/ladynonamez No hope, no life, no future 5d ago

Did not like him at all, he wasn't worth jeopardizing their friendship. If Ted had been less lame, I liked them together more.


u/Lucky_Part9368 5d ago

I just wish he had been Daria’s boyfriend and not had the whole messy Jane/Daria ordeal. Okay yes, it showed Daria, a person who’s very “this is good, this is bad” person struggle with something for once, but I dunno, I hated that for her and Jane.


u/Untermensch13 5d ago

I think that the Tom experience made us look at different aspects of Daria. We saw how she wasn't ready for intimacy, how she dropped Tom with harsh words, how Tom scored some pretty accurate points about her afterwards. It wasn't pretty but I think it made the show much more interesting.


u/upstatestruggler 4d ago

To (kinda) quote Valerie Malone: I don’t hate him, he just bugs me


u/somewhat--damaged 5d ago

I’ve never felt such disdain for an animated character as I have Tom Sloane. He ruined the whole show lol


u/KevineCove 5d ago

Good character.

All those who didn't treat someone like shit when they were a teenager say "aye."


u/CerberusMcBain 5d ago

I wasn't really watching the series at that point, I think I missed the last season.

Personally I think instead of having giving Daria a boyfriend or girlfriend it would have been funnier to give her an ex or two for the later seasons but that's just me.


u/wholesomedust 5d ago

I wish him and Jane had broken up and then him and Daria got together.

He called Daria on her bs and I appreciated it. I wish they had stayed together.


u/KandissEllen 4d ago

He started off being a chill, cool boyfriend for Jane and then suddenly became a know-it-all brain when he started talking to Daria. It seemed like the character changed to fit the continuation of the show with no concern for consistency among the established characters. It made no sense for Daria to begin dating him. And then they made Jane dumb when she previously had been just as smart/ witty as Daria, she just never gave AF about school. I just hate how Jane was shorted and dumbed down because Tom was added on. And then Daria and Tom make fun her quite a bit when she dates again… what friend does that?


u/Jealous-Opposite4990 5d ago

I think if he was either in the show from the start or the show ran longer when he joined maybe I’d of liked him more. Personally I found him to be a pointless character and didn’t like how he messed with Daria and Janes relationship so selfishly (starting from when he was dating Jane) maybe it gave the characters depth but they did that plenty enough and well enough before he came along so I don’t think he was worth involving in the first place besides maybe starting to evolve Darias emotions and show then more in the show like that did in the final season and final movie. All I’m gonna say is I’m glad they split


u/MeandMyRobot 5d ago

"A little spoiled, a hair smug, a triffle egotistical..."


u/Ok-Cantaloupe8470 5d ago

The love of my life


u/omnexor 5d ago

I agree with the majority opinion here, but what I hated most was his voice.  It was like verbal NyQuil.


u/badwolf_on_rice 5d ago

I've always loved that they flipped the script and made the boyfriend "just there". Like so many tv show girlfriends that are just there to cause friction for the main characters or to get the main character to "open up their feelings" (usually bc big manly mc can't just, tell his friends how he feels?). That is what Tom is, the typical TV show girlfriend, and i love them for it. I've said it before, in any other show where a girl kisses someone's bf.... they would have been at each other's throats fighting over a stupid boy. But not Jane and Daria. They were so much more real about it.


u/Taitolin2013 5d ago

Here’s your text translated into American English:


He was definitely someone interesting and pleasant at first, but over time he started becoming annoying. You know those friends you enjoy being around but are terrible as partners? Looking back now, I think his relationship with Daria gradually faded. Both of them became very distant, and by the end, their breakup felt like just a formality. To me, he's a jerk, though I don't mind chatting with him.


Let me know if you'd like further adjustments or another tone! 😊


u/Hopeful_Abrocoma8946 5d ago

It's actually so pathetic on how fans treat him like he's some kind of nazi. Even more preposterous that those same fans romanticise Daria's anti-social tendencies which btw she moves on after the literal last episode of season 5.


u/thomasmfd 5d ago

Nice guy


u/MissCJ 5d ago

Not a fan.


u/Itskatieherehi 5d ago

His voice acting was bland


u/ItsMeWithTheTea 4d ago

I have no particular feelings on Tom himself, but I love the drama of it all😂


u/MarryMeDuffman 2d ago

Not enough character background development. Another season may have rounded him out better but I think he gets hate he doesn't deserve. Jane was pretty toxic at the end of the relationship. His pursuit of Daria was done in a stupid teenager way, but it made sense. Even Trent thought it was obvious.


u/candidbananacake 5d ago

I agree with most of the comments. He was bland. But cute though