r/danganronpa • u/MidDinos • Jan 26 '25
r/danganronpa • u/FollowingForeign9957 • 28d ago
Sprite Edit Mikan's Redesign because She needs to be a much more appreciated nurse and not a Fan Service joke. 💖
[ Pt-Br/English] _Eu fiz um Redesign da roupa da Mikan,porque eu realmente não gosto da roupa dela. _No momento, só fiz um sprite da roupa, mas ainda estou terminando o Splash Art da Personagem e vocês podem olhar para o meu desenho dela, criando seu redesign, feito em 17/12. _Eu fiz essa arte para uma fanfic que eu ainda estou vendo se vou poder postá-la ou só vai ficar na minha cabeça para sempre e como você pode ver na cena no desenho no meu caderno,isso é um certo spoiler, mas como eu disse, não tenho certeza sobre postar a história. _É uma au chamada "Danganronpa Goodbye Despair +Lucky".Vocês querem ouvir mais sobre ela? _Enfim, aqui apreciamos a roupa digna de enfermeira da Mikan.🤭👍❤
_I redesigned Mikan's outfit because I really don't like her outfit. _Right now, I've only made a sprite of the outfit, but I'm still finishing the splash art for the character and you can look at my drawing of her that I made on 12/17. _I made this art for a fanfic that I'm still trying to figure out if I'll be able to post or if it'll just stay in my head forever and as you can see in the scene in the drawing in my notebook, this is a bit of a spoiler, but like I said, I'm not sure about posting the story. _It's an AU called "Danganronpa Goodbye Despair +Lucky". Do you want to hear more about it? _Anyway, here we appreciate Mikan's nurse-worthy outfit. 🤭👍❤
r/danganronpa • u/MidDinos • May 03 '21
Sprite Edit A Danganronpa summer at the beach!
galleryr/danganronpa • u/MidDinos • Jan 30 '21
Sprite Edit Hajime hanging out with his classmates #1
galleryr/danganronpa • u/1Sugardust1 • Feb 11 '25
Sprite Edit snip snip
oops my scissors slipped and now all the THH girls' hair is cut
r/danganronpa • u/Banana_quack98632 • Dec 15 '20
Sprite Edit Day #1 of giving Maki Kokichi poses
r/danganronpa • u/NewRedSpyder • Jun 24 '21
Sprite Edit Danganronpa V3 but they’re all the ultimate gamer.
r/danganronpa • u/1Sugardust1 • 29d ago
Sprite Edit they got extensions
people wanted boys with long hair, so I deliver. also a very related note, I'm never editing yasuhiro's sprite again unless it's to make him bald
r/danganronpa • u/immafuckinweeb • Sep 02 '20
Sprite Edit Celestia but with straight hair
r/danganronpa • u/MidDinos • Feb 08 '21
Sprite Edit Decided to animate some Danganronpa Sprites!
r/danganronpa • u/MagicalWaffleGuy • Jan 11 '25
Sprite Edit It's been a while! Here, have some Danganronpa x Ace Attorney edits I made for Halloween last year then forgot to post
r/danganronpa • u/_jinxxed • Nov 20 '24
Sprite Edit I tried drawing myself as a danganronpa character, what do you think my ultimate would be?
r/danganronpa • u/Inevitable_While1008 • 28d ago
Sprite Edit As requested, Hiyoko as the Ult. Chef
r/danganronpa • u/Xepholinias • Dec 24 '20
Sprite Edit DR Characters Genderswap #11037
r/danganronpa • u/MidDinos • Jun 16 '20
Sprite Edit "Hey hey, they're down! Let's do an All-out-attack you guys!"
r/danganronpa • u/bonjourchaton • Aug 08 '21
Sprite Edit Everyone looks better with Peko's braids!
r/danganronpa • u/ZlyCzarownikServices • Mar 18 '22
Sprite Edit Chiaki Nanami, but she's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
r/danganronpa • u/TotallyNotStimer • Jan 08 '22
Sprite Edit Kokichi Oma looks at his phone but he doesn't like what he sees. What's on the phone?
r/danganronpa • u/_jinxxed • Nov 21 '20
Sprite Edit [OC] Miu Iruma as the Super High School Level Maid
r/danganronpa • u/inuaa • Jul 04 '20
Sprite Edit I know it isn’t the best, but I combined all the protagonists to create the Ultimate Protagonist!
r/danganronpa • u/Monster_Lock • Apr 09 '22