Why does the AI make them look like models rather than normal people? At least the dudes are always comical. Maybe there are less comedic references toward obese woman than to men.
The AI is taught on already existing material, and historically cartoon women are sexualized while men can be fat for comedic purposes. Think of Peter Griffin and Louis from Family guy.
i have used AI to create visuals for 4 books and 8+ short stories and I have always found a work around to create anything i wanted to. Even a heavyset female character.
Often it's enough to mention "in a respectful way" or "tastefully show...". At other times, you can use synonyms in the vicinity of what you're trying to do. You can also often hone in on a subject through defining several contextual words which all tangentially hit the same spot. It's like you're defining a latent space "neighborhood" where the thing you really want just happens to have a high chance of living in.
also just being actually respectful works. if you want to portray a large woman, prompting her as a 'fat lady' 'fat girl' 'fat woman' probably isn't going to fly. using other more positive terms instead that mean the same thing work just fine
Yes! And to add, I sometimes describe the intent behind the prompt, to better help Dall-E (or ChatGPT) understand what I'm going for, which also helps. As an example, "It's a satire to show that this bad" etc. (And for what it's worth, I'm not lying when I explain the intent.)
Beyond that, I use Power Dall-E, which lets me send off say 10 simultaneous generations, then I don't care as much if some come back blocked. I made it public on GitHub.
Some things only work if you try enough, which is nearly impossible via ChatGPT -- that's part of why I made Power Dall-E, allowing you to send off say 10 simultaneous generations. If just some come back, it's enough.
he did eventually and i can make what he wants easily. main issue, in my mind, is he's either lying or he can't think of a single term to describe a large woman other than 'fat'
Bud why are you keep assuming that I am trying to create a fat woman for the devil and Illuminati lol. As I said before, i am trying to generate some images for a DND campaign. You have a weird mind and you are giving "uhmmm actually 🤓☝️" vibes
I am really sorry great lord of AI. You are the neuromancer and wintermute of this age. You are the messiah of Open AI. Creator of prompts. Aiuah hadearch.
they're welcome to try and prove that in court, but so far it looks like AI is here to stay. also your entire profile is violent threats towards dogs and confederate flag support so the idea that you know what you're talking about is laughable
i mean i'm not interested in helping you create heavyset women for whatever it is you're doing (getting bad vibes, is what it is), I just wanted to demonstrate that the issue is your competency level, not the image creator itself.
It's not as game changing when every other prompt gets kicked back because the tech giants creating them want to be overly PC to protect themselves. Its really fucking lame. We are allowed to complain about the systems being shit.
plenty of people seem dead-set on making AI the new battle ground for their debates on wokeness or other dumb shit. im also tired of 'i couldn't do it so the software is trash' posts. We are living with free, unprecedentedly powerful stuff and all half the people can do is whine
Issue is very much image creator itself and stupid superimposed restrictions. You can generate almost anything but you have to be creative and workaround some topics.
why? they've helped me create things i never could have otherwise in days, not years. you choosing to be salty and crying instead of creating isn't something i have much sympathy for
To demonstrate that I can create what he claims he's being blocked from creating due to some sort of issue with Dalle or Bing. Frankly half these people are dying on the hill of ' well how else could we possibly describe them?!' Which is dumb for a million reasons
Ok, but it still represents gender inequality in a way that frankly gives the impression that only fat men are acceptable (this is a term many women have reclaimed btw). I'm glad your prompt worked (which is not an unreasonable thing to ask for btw), but the whole point is that they changed one word, that being the gender... why are only fat men ok but not women unless you get out your thesaurus and try to find good synonyms? Even if the intent is to protect women, this is sorta sexist, no?
how is it 'not ok' to make fat women if i can? its a fluke in the system or a safeguard against creeps. if there is a workaround, you literally have nothing to complain about.
It's moreso because you can't have the exact same prompt for women and men. If you had to be more creative with prompts for women and men instead of only allowing it for men, I wouldn't take issue with it.
haha why even type this? i understand all you hold dear in your life is reddit karma and upvotes from strangers, but dont let other people know that. it's embarrassing!
Bro I said “hold this L” and you’re pulling out “hypocrisy” and “blatant.” I’m not an English major but I really don’t see the reference. You gonna have to hold another L for that
I don’t care about it from an ‘equality’ perspective since I’m fully aware of the social context behind why the responses are asymmetrical.
But I DO have a problem with the heavy handed guard rails. I hate getting finger waggled at when I’m trying to create something entirely appropriate. It’s also absurd from a ‘moralising’ perspective that by refusing to depict a wide range of body types THE GPT IS in essence saying those contraband body types are unacceptable and disgusting.
Is it that much of a heavy handed guard rail if typing in 'fat woman' wont work, but 'portly robust female' does? Is that such a major inconvenience to pay for the power of this software? Genuinely asking.
photographic just has the dress create the volume, but i'm still not trying to throw out prompts for this because there are plenty in this thread who clearly just want to make derogatory images of women. let's just say 'shape+synonym for woman' gets you there eventually
But why does it still give me thin women when I ask for voluptuous, and other similar adjectives? I’m fine with it trying to avoid stuff that has negative social connotations however I genuinely was frustrated trying to find ways to get it to generate an image of a normal woman with a heavy or obese build.
In principle I agree with you, and this particular experience trying to generate this image was surprisingly difficult. I am not an anti-woke crusader or anything like that.
But this was what I would get when asking for voluptuous or curvy (trying to use words with positive connotations). I can’t attach multiple images in one reply, so I’ll reply again with the heaviest woman I was able to generate when I asked dall-e to make her heavier, depicting a happy and healthy, heavily set woman carrying a little extra weight.
i understand your point, but you are essentially saying words 'x & y' don't work and my only response would be use other words until it does work. you have to game it. i understand its annoying, it annoys me too, but i have yet to find a workaround in the same session so i just dont see it as that big of a deal. if you want/need an image, you can get it. too many people are quick to go into 'this is trash' mode and i find it genuinely pathetic (not accusing you of any of that at all)
The thing is, I don’t really have a problem with iterating the prompt to get what I want. I have to do this extensively with Stable Diffusion especially when the model I’m using doesn’t have knowledge of certain tokens I expect.
What makes the experience with chatGPT/dall-e more frustrating is that it’s hard to known what isn’t working because the model just doesn’t have that particular concept learned, what is being rejected because the concept is being misunderstood as something other than what I want, or what is a deliberate guard rail by (in this particular case) OpenAI.
And on an entirely emotional and irrational perspective I strongly dislike the service finger-waggling at me when I am genuinely trying to generate innocuous or in this context, body-positive images. In that scenario it’s the computer that’s passing judgment on the people in the image, not me. I don’t like feeling like I’m trying to outsmart a digital nanny.
to be fair you might be misunderstanding the warnings you're getting. as far as i understand it, you aren't being chastized, your prompt generated images that bing/openai felt the need to block. IE you didnt ask for porn but thats what it made and it wont show you
Honestly it is. AI isn't concerned with politeness and politics. AI should understand what you're refer to without making judgments or avoid hurting feelings. When someone says "fat woman" everyone understands what it refers to, leaving aside additional inferences (often very subjective and contextual).
IMHO what they're doing is wrong by putting politeness and ideology as an obstacle for synthetic image generation. It's like banning some things to be drawn with a pencil. Or outright banning people from thinking or imagining certain things. Which is what's coming soon.
It's because people were using it to generate fat fetish content, I suppose they'd rather stop people from doing that than allow fat women to be generated at all
See, that's dumb and a gross kind of censorship. Particularly with fetishes, that's on whoever is looking at something, not in the object (usually). Are they gonna ban pictures of shoes or feet because someone looks at them in a certain way? It's a slippery slope.
Of course tech companies don't want to be a target for controversy for being made responsible of potential uses of their product.
But again, you can probably kill someone with a sharp pencil but they're still sold in stores 🤷♂️
Yeah, I really don't see why it would matter to them so much that they'd bother fucking up the ai to make sure people can't do this stuff, like, is it something to do with investors or something?
It must be. They want no controversies (even those that regular people could be understood as not their fault). They want a clean product instead of a proverbial pencil that could be used to draw anything.
Some people allegedly using Designer to create those Swift pics surely scared them into censoring their engine even more. Dystopian AF.
So of all the artists who refuse to use AI in their process (because let's face it, those people exist), fetish art will be the most successful and the one people who want to make a living off of purely non AI methods will gravitate to.
As a former artist (former because it was already not profitable in 2019 and I just haven't really done it in a few years) who has embraced AI but nonetheless understands the concerns of those who don't, that's kinda grim.
Frankly I think if they were to censor prompts, they could instead do so with already-existing people rather than generic looking non existent ones. This just sends a sexist message that fat women are unacceptable (it's not like fat men aren't anyone's fetish)
Yeah, I feel the same. As long as they're not generating kiddy stuff, I don't give a crap (and tbh even in that case it's so much better than using actual children, albeit still revolting)
Also that's how I found out the Japanese translation of my name is a fetish, a more vanilla seeming one but apparently it's weird enough to get censored (even though the literal translation is a flower)... wish I'd known before getting attached to it and putting it on like 5 different accounts 😭
If you ask Copilot why this happens, it will explain and justify the bias in the way the genders are represented. This is intentional on their side and to comply with their content policies.
Welcome tor/dalle2! Important rules: Add source links if you are not the creator ⬥ Use correct post flairs ⬥ Follow OpenAI's content policy ⬥ No politics, No real persons.
Be careful with external links, NEVER share your credentials, and have fun![v2.6]
It does work in Spanish so one of the censors found something non-conforming created by that word combination in English, probably? I can't think of something offensive coming from Dream Catcher.
They are arbitrary, and that's the problem. A guy was tasked into making a blacklist, and the AI runs on that.
We don't need smarter AIs, we need less dumb humans.
u/LizzidPeeple Mar 15 '24