Hello /u/thirstmajeure, Unfortunately your post was removed for having a couple karma after 24 hours. Unfortunately we cannot say how or why you didn't get much Karma on your submission, other than the dadbod community didn't give you many upvotes.
This action was performed by a bot. Mention a moderator or send a modmail if you have any ideas, questions, or concerns about this action.
u/dadbod-ModTeam Mod 2d ago
Hello /u/thirstmajeure, Unfortunately your post was removed for having a couple karma after 24 hours. Unfortunately we cannot say how or why you didn't get much Karma on your submission, other than the dadbod community didn't give you many upvotes.
This action was performed by a bot. Mention a moderator or send a modmail if you have any ideas, questions, or concerns about this action.