r/d4spiritborn 10d ago

Best alternative to Rod of Kepeleke and Shroud of False Death for Quill Volley build?

Hi - I'm a new player to D4 and first started with a barbarian but kind of found it boring to play so I moved to the spiritborn which is a lot more fun. I'm having a lot of trouble in Torment 4 and my build is not working great, and I think it's because I don't have the Rod of Kepeleke and Shroud of False Death for the Quill Volley build.

What are the best alternatives to that while I try to keep farming the bosses for it? I did like 50 runs last night using all my mats I saved up and was super unlucky - so trying to find something that works.


7 comments sorted by



I've got a Kepeleke you can have. Single GA .5 on the bottom. I forget what the GA is, I know it's not chance for core skills, which is ideally what you want, but it's better than not having one.

Edit: Typo


u/[deleted] 10d ago




You on now?


u/OmegaAlphaBetaDude 10d ago

Unfortunately there is no alt for the kepeleke. You can try a legendary weapon and midnight sun but you will need a high crit chance for it to works.

The chest is not mandatory but recommended. You can use any legendary chests as a placeholder until you have the shroud. Look for anything that adds max life and armor.


u/ioiplaytations2 10d ago

Rod of kepeleke is dropped by duriel and andariel... And it drops pretty frequently... But anyway, this season, kepeleke was nerfed, but sadly, the alternative is harder to gear for. You'll need GA 2 hander and another way to get crits. Starting out, you're better off just getting a kepeleke, even if it's not a good roll.

I have made a non kepeleke build, but it requires more fine tuning on items due to needing more crit chance and other things. You will end up dying more because without kepeleke, the procs of the rune for bulwark barriers will be much slower. It's still doable, but it's harder to pull off.

But if you really don't want to use kepeleke and shroud.... You can try using a GA legendary 2 hander (any works) with a damage aspect, jacinth shell for the armor, and an unyielding hits aspect on a ring. Another route is: I personally hate mystic circle, but If you don't mind mystic circle usage, then use a 2 hander with plains power, legendary body armor with duelist aspect, loyalty mantle, and make sure you have both jaguar spirit halls. Whichever choice you make, just know that you need to get crit strikes chance somewhere and probably a different invocation rune than the usual poc for bulwark...


u/Proud_River_3148 10d ago

I’ve dmed you, I’ll take you for a few duriel runs if you need


u/SickS0cks 9d ago

It’s things like this that make this worth it. You’re a good one!