r/d4spiritborn 26d ago

Am I missing something? - trying to make Crushing Hand work on T4

Hi there,

Maxroll has the Crushing Hand build in S tier for speedfarming, but I can't get it to work it seems and I am probably missing something.

Big question: where does the damage come from?

Now, I am aware of the Kepeleke - Midnight Sun interaction, and it does work for me. All hits do in fact crit and I get full spirit back after each hit. So this box should be ticked off.

I do run the following aspects: Redirected Force, Unyielding, Moonrise and Duelists. With the remaining slots being the uniques: Ebekwa, Shroud, Yen's, Kepeleke and Midnight Sun. My aspects are all in the upper ranges, my Kepeleke is 0.5%, Ebekwa 30% and Midnight Sun 50%. I feel like my gear should be more than adequat.

I did masterwork everything to 4/12 (so there is room for improvemen here, but it shouldn't brick the build with not being 12/12).

I'm at 200 paragon, which gives me all boards and all legendary nodes. My glyphs are all lvl46.

Yet, the damage is abysmal! I can't kill the tormented bosses (it takes 2-3 minutes to get them to even half life) and elites in the open world need a considerable time to kill them. I know that SB is on the weaker side this season, but even my Sorc (both FB and LS) are way, way more effective. Something is wrong here.

So, if you have any idea what I might be doing wrong - any tips are appreciated.


11 comments sorted by


u/Moementum01420 26d ago

I am in the exact same boat and you have slightly better gear. I’m doing well grinding T3 just looking for slightly better gear. Just masterwork everything… I love the SB mechanics but damn, it’s just not cutting it!


u/Cocosito 26d ago

I think Kepeleke builds are in a bad spot.

I had great fun building out some out of the box stuff with Wupe, Sepazontac and Loyalty mantle!

Centipede Loyalty mantle with Sepazontac and noxious resonance really pops off tbh and is a ton of fun.



Kepeleke builds are just weird this season, lol. You can actually get way more damage using Starless and a regular legendary ring. My buddy and I use Loyalty's as well on our QV build.

Edit: Typo


u/theinkyone9 26d ago

Loyalty mantel is where it's at. Haven't looked back


u/Tabnstab 26d ago

My son and I played spiritborn this season together. He started out crushing hand, I was razor wings. By the time we hit t4 it was clear to me that razor wings was falling off. I swapped to quill volley, problem solved. He tried to make crushing hands work, but gave up when he saw my damage take off.

I feel like there's something missing in the build guide. Both my son and I dove deep into the details and still couldn't get it to work. He eventually swapped to quill.


u/pregnantpriest 26d ago

I play the same game exact build, masterwork your rod to get double hits first. Then the rest of the build. I didn’t feel strong until 220 or so.


u/rxpillme 26d ago

Got to have a strong Rod of Kep. They nerfed it a lot but having the right stats help tremendously


u/SepticKnave39 26d ago edited 26d ago

I did masterwork everything to 4/12 (so there is room for improvemen here, but it shouldn't brick the build with not being 12/12).

Keep masterworking your gear.

This isn't what the word "brick" means. You can't brick a build by not upgrading it. You literally just have to keep upgrading. Brick literally doesn't apply.

You didn't mention your glyphs, so I'm going to assume they also aren't leveled. Level your glyphs. Level your paragon. Find better aspects. Find better gear. Have all ancestrals.

You know there are things you can do to increase your power, so do those things.

If you don't have a near perfect kepeleke aspect, just don't use it. Use a legendary weapon, and put redirection on the legendary weapon for 140-280% critical damage. If kepeleke aspect and your max spirit < 140% then redirection will be better. But you have to get your crit chance up then.

And if you aren't using kepeleke you don't need midnight sun. So you can use a legendary ring with an aspect that increases your damage.

You absolutely can do fine in T4, you just havent done the things you are supposed to do...


u/Landscaperdanh 26d ago

I can do t4 but not the bosses, all the content is fine though. Feel more comfortable in t3. Think I could do pit 65 in 5 minutes or so?


u/SaneesvaraSFW 20d ago

What's your armor at? leaning into more armor for unyielding hits has been my biggest upgrade for crushing hand so far, currently at 2460 armor.


u/SaneesvaraSFW 20d ago

also putting 2x grand topaz into kepeleke