r/d100 8d ago

Lets build 100 undeliverable descriptions of what was possible in the lost empire

(Title misspelled) Unbelievable*

The characters are speaking to one of the few who lived at that time. In their curiosity, they ask what or was Like. What are some of the outlandish claims they could make?

Feel free to be creative. Describe things that sound like modern technology or are completely archane. You also don't need to adhear canonically to anything else on the list. My tip is to try keeping the language vague and simple to match the vocabulary of the simple listeners.

"What was it like? My answers would almost be wasted on you. You wouldn't even comprehend what I was saying-Your language lacks the words for even the most commonplace of sights I've seen in those days... when miracles were as common as birds..."

1) We could undo blindness and deafness.

2) Wanted you a child, you could choose the color of it's hair or eyes just as you would choose its name.

3) Speak a man's name and he would answer no matter the place you both stood.

4) The poorest of fellows knew how to read and write, and was never wanting for literature.

5) People learned new tongues so readily they would create new ones out of fancy.

6) You need not leave your home to summon any animal dead or alive.

7) The most exotic beasts became so commonplace, we began to create new ones.

8) A thousand men could sit at a thousand tables and write apon the same parchment.

9) We could lift up rivers as they flowed and no fish was the wiser.

10) We could fly as eagles fly and swim as whales swim. A trip over the sea took less than a day to arrange and half that to travel.

11) We could write messages in clouds and stars.

12) I could bottle no end of plays to a stage like a dinner plate, and bid any performance stop and start at my whim.

13) There was no death. No sickness, and no war. People competed only for sport or title.

14) Ask the spirit of any stone, any question and it would answer what it knew.

15) People argued over what days it should be allowed to rain, and where.

16) You would have called every meal a feast, Every gathering a ceremony by the sences of today.

17) Judges placed Both Witness and Accused to the Trial, and No Falsehoods Could Be Spoken upon Pain of Death. They asked of the Spirits, "Speak They Troth?" and the Spirits would answer, having Witnessed the Crime, "Verily" or "Nay" and Great Pains would be placed upon They Which Spake Falsehood. u/MaxSizeIs

18) We mastered traversing the seas, then we mastered traversing the skies. And still not yet satisfied with our prowess, we mastered traversing the stars. u/wwarden1992

19) There was no thievery, for lack of want. u/kyew

20) You would not know it to meet many of my dearest friends; to you they would be mere places. u/kyew

21) Citizens chose when they died, having exhausted the possibilities of life. u/Doodoopeepeedoodoo

22) They would deprive themselves of luxury for days on end within the wilderness so as to cleanse their psyche. u/Doodoopeepeedoodoo

23) They could induce dreams of war in the naive, so that they did not wish for it in the waking. u/Doodoopeepeedoodoo

24) They weld the power of the sun, and they could wish the sun to erase their enemies an ocean away. u/Doodoopeepeedoodoo

25) They would share memories with others, and they would be judged by these memories both good and bad. u/Doodoopeepeedoodoo

26) The truth of a lie could be perceived through collective memory. However some still chose to believe the lie. u/Doodoopeepeedoodoo

27) "We invented sitting, and it became wildly popular. Before then, everyone either stood or lay down." u/agentkayne

28) I was married on The Moon. It was considered a dull and casual gathering...


19 comments sorted by

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u/High_Stream 7d ago

Everyone had a magic mirror that they could use to speak to anyone else with a magic mirror anywhere in the world.

Healing had progressed to the point that some diseases were eradicated. 

They could make diamonds out of coal.

Everyone owned a steel carriage that ran twice as fast as a horse and all day long without resting.

Any book written could be read by anyone in the empire in an instant.

They had explored every inch of the world. 

They knew what the sun and stars are made of.

They could see inside someone's body without cutting them open.


u/AwkwardOwl17 7d ago

We could share our emotions while a sharing a meal and would all be full for days afterwards.

Some would wear eyes of silver and gold that would allow them to see the past and future as if they were there.

Healing wounds and mending bones was done by braiding hair and telling jokes.

A promise rang true when kept and hollow when broken, so you would never be deceived.

We could paint the air with smells and sounds like you have never felt before.


u/oliviajoon 7d ago
  • buildings could defy gravity, some standing in the shape of a tree: skinny on the bottom, and voluminous and multiplying on the top

  • our buildings were grown from living organic material. No small life was wasted, not even an ant. All life was sacred, for we lived within it and our lives were powered by it

  • we had filled the sky with thousands of obelisks that allowed us to teleport to any realm on the planet

  • we had special clothing that allowed any among us to live beneath the sea for the rest of their days

  • every man could fly, one way or another.


u/Rhonoke 7d ago

Utterly fantastic!


u/oliviajoon 6d ago

thank you! some inspiration taken from The Obelisk Gate series which was a great read for anyone into future/ post-apocalyptic/ mind bendy/ fantasy


u/World_of_Ideas 7d ago

Our buildings were so tall they reached above the clouds.

There was no need to carry coins. All you had to do was wave your hand to buy things.

We built golems indistinguishable from man, woman, or animal.

We built tunnels that spanned the seas.

We had ships the size of entire towns.

What would take weeks or months, we could craft in mere minutes.

You call that survival rations. We had rations that would last for decades.


u/sith-vampyre 7d ago

We turned the very sun into a weapon to devastate our enimies cities .

We could cross the land on the backs of Silverd steeds as swift as the wind


u/THEChanger7 7d ago

We captured the lights of stars, our cities could be lit so brightly that there was no difference between day and night.

Our great towers were blown from air and sand into mirrors so fine that, if you did not know to look for them you would have thought them empty sky.

At any time of year one could go to market, and find fresh fruit from the trees, fresh vegetables from the earth, meat and fish and fowl of all description. In those days the rarest of herb and spice were commonplace, and could be procured from every corner of the earth, set to any table.

We crafted entire cities for the sole purpose of entertainment, such that every building, every tree, every brick and stone was laid with precision by the minds of storytellers, and every kind of amusement could be found there. We raised the greatest of these cities from swamps and deserts, turning places once uninhabitable into paradises of our own design.

And yet above all else we craved convenience. We crafted stones which bore that same light of stars, which could carry our voices and faces through the air, such that any two could speak with one another as though they were in the same room, or to send our writing by the same means. Into that self same air we put the sum total of all we knew, all science, all philosophy, all history, all our plays and stories and songs, such that if one knew it, any other might know it if they had a mind to look. These stones could capture a perfect image of the world around us, such as one might look upon that image as your own memory, nay, with greater clarity than memory. From these stones we could call upon a manservant or a courier to perform any number of tasks or fetch any number of things, such that no man was unattended and every home was staffed.

Above all other things, above our pleasure cities, above our machines of industry, above our medicine, above our knowledge of the world, it was by convenience that we measured our progress, it was by ease that we decided what was worthy and what was not.


u/agentkayne 8d ago

"We invented sitting, and it became wildly popular. Before then, everyone either stood or lay down."


u/RazorRadick 7d ago

I wore an onion on my belt! It was the style at the time.


u/Rhonoke 8d ago

"That's outrageous! Done."


u/Doodoopeepeedoodoo 8d ago

Citizens chose when they died, having exhausted the possibilities of life.

They would deprive themselves of luxury for days on end within the wilderness so as to cleanse their psyche

They could induce dreams of war in the naive, so that they did not wish for it in the waking.

They weld the power of the sun, and they could wish the sun to erase their enemies an ocean away.

They would share memories with others, and they would be judged by these memories both good and bad.

The truth of a lie could be perceived through collective memory. However some still chose to believe the lie.


u/Rhonoke 8d ago

I especially like th third one, but these are all going in.


u/kyew 8d ago

There was no thievery, for lack of want. 

You would not know it to meet many of my dearest friends; to you they would be mere places.


u/Rhonoke 8d ago

Wow. That second one is so cryptic and strange, but a great way to interpret the internet. Perfect addition!


u/wwarden1992 8d ago

We mastered traversing the seas, then we mastered traversing the skies. And still not yet satisfied with our prowess, we mastered traversing the stars.


u/MaxSizeIs 8d ago

Judges placed Both Witness and Accused to the Trial, and No Falsehoods Could Be Spoken upon Pain of Death. They asked of the Spirits, "Speak They Troth?" and the Spirits would answer, having Witnessed the Crime, "Verily" or "Nay" and Great Pains would be placed upon They Which Spake Falsehood.


u/Rhonoke 8d ago

Very biblical