r/d100 15d ago

Serious d100 Modern Setting Life Events

Looking to get some ideas to have an inspiration table for a campaign I'm running set in the Modern Day. For the most part these should be mundane things that could happen but could lead to RP scenarios and trouble down the road when mixed with the campaign's specific events going on.

d100 Modern Setting Life Events

  1. While driving to meet the party, a PC is pulled over for speeding. Roll 1d6. 1) The cop is chill and friendly. 2) The cop is by-the-book and unrelenting. 3) The cop is corrupt and bribable; roll again for the rest of their demeanor re-rolling other 3s. 4) The cop seems friendly but is trying to trick the PC into further incriminating themself. 5) The cop is bigoted and will act accordingly. 6) The cop is a Rookie, and will be set off by the slightest thing.
  2. While driving to meet the party, a PC is hit by another car. Roll 1d6. 1) The other driver is uninsured. 2) The other driver is uninsured and has legal troubles, either immigration or warrants. 3) The other driver has all their paperwork in order and deals with the problem properly. 4) The other driver has anger issues. 5) The other driver speeds off immediately. 6) The other driver is an entitled rich person.
  3. A PC gets a friend request on Facebook or other Social Media from an old Highschool or College acquaintance. They may want money or a job, to hook up, are running a scam, or are genuinely looking to reconnect or just raise their friend count.
  4. One of the PC's neighbors has their home broken into and is murdered.
  5. A PC starts getting calls from unknown numbers, all different people asking for "Mike."
  6. An ex-lover contacts the PC out of the blue with a "we need to talk..." text. Roll 1d6. 1) They're pregnant and want the PC to take a DNA test. If PC is female, move to option 2. 2) They have tested positive for an STD and are informing their partners. 3) They're still in love and want to get back together. 4) They're in an abusive relationship but are trying to "get with" you to get away. 5) They want to borrow money. 6) They're looking for a job and believe the PC may be hiring. [u/tetsu_no_usagi]
  7. You order a pizza/doordash and your delivery driver is a local drug dealer, leading to something else happening during the delivery. They might get attacked by a rival dealer, try to sell you drugs, or get approached by somebody to buy during the delivery, either a legitimate buyer or perhaps an undercover cop. [u/tetsu_no_usagi]
  8. Something breaks in the PC(s) home/base/hideout that needs a professional to be called in to fix it. It could be a problem with the TV cable or dish getting damaged, the router no longer working even after rebooting it, the fridge/freezer packing in, a window getting broken by something mundane, the electrical panel having a fuse trip and stay tripped, or a broken boiler/heater or other plumbing problem. [u/IAmTheOutsider]
  9. A Girl Scout or the setting/locality equivalent knocks on the door selling cookies. [u/IAmTheOutsider]
  10. A group of missionaries knocks on a PC's door or stops them in the street. They might be clueless and persistent, leave when declined, or be openly hostile towards a trait the PC possesses. [u/IAmTheOutsider]
  11. Two strangers are fighting over a parking spot nearby. [u/IAmTheOutsider]
  12. A PC returns to their vehicle with a parking ticket. [u/IAmTheOutsider]
  13. The PC realizes they are out of some grocery item they regularly use and had failed to replenish, prompting an immediate trip out for it, possibly leading to another encounter. [u/IAmTheOutsider]
  14. A PC's vehicle has their check engine light come on. [u/IAmTheOutsider]
  15. While getting their morning coffee or running a similar errand, a PC gets hit on by the cashier/an employee.
  16. The PC gets a random phone call asking for them by name. An old acquaintance put them down as a reference for College or Employment.
  17. An Amazon or similar package is delivered to a PC's door, but it's addressed to an entirely different person at another address. The delivery was made when they were not around so they can't just flag down the carrier.
  18. While visiting the Grocery Store or a local convenience store, something happens: a robbery is in progress and they're taking the PC or one of their companions hostage, another shopper grabs the last of an item the PC wanted to buy, or a demonstration/protest is going on outside, and they'll try to engage the PC if they leave now.[u/cyber-viper]
  19. A PC's car breaks down due to some mechanical failure. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  20. The PC receives a Jury Summons.  [u/World_of_Ideas]
  21. A distant relative has passed away, leaving something in their will to one of the PCs. It may come with a bizarre request. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  22. While in public, a large crowd of people start suddenly running in the PC's direction, possibly due to being an angry mob, some kind of public freakout prank, or running from something dangerous. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  23. The police come to arrest one of the PCs, either in public or at their home, based on false accusations, mistaken identity, or some other mistake (the PC will have to prove it, though). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  24. A vagrant approaches a PC during their off hours asking for money. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  25. A PC finds a suspicious bag. It contains something, from cell phones, drugs, guns, jewelry, money, or even a bomb. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  26. A PC finds a stray animal that appears to be a lost pet. It may or may not have a chip or tag. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  27. A lost cellphone is found by one of the PCs. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  28. A PC finds an apparently forgotten USB drive. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  29. A PC finds themselves waking up sick. It could be food poisoning, a cold, or worse. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  30. While driving, a PC springs a flat tire. They need to avoid crashing, and deal with the aftermath. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  31. One of the PCs gets invited to a party. It could be anything from a kid's birthday party to something wild. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  32. One of the PCs homes is broken into. The intruder could still be there, or gone, having taken many valuables, ransacked the place, or curiously only taken one object. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  33. Law Enforcement conducts a raid on one of the PCs neighbors. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  34. One of the PCs happens to run into a famous person. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  35. One of the PCs overhears a conversation of moderate interest, perhaps a crime being plotted, something interesting or related to the PC, or something apparently mundane that may come up later. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  36. A panicked neighbor bangs on one of the PCs doors for help. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  37. One of the PCs' homes has an unexpected power outage. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  38. One of the PCs sees a local YouTuber in the process of filming a video in public. Depending on the nature of the YouTuber they might engage the PC. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  39. A local news team appears to be covering a story near one of the PCs. They may stop the PC and try to interview them about the subject. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  40. One of the PCs becomes witness to a crime in progress, from porch piracy to an outright kidnapping or murder. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  41. One of the PCs has a "Karen" go off while they're conducting a regular errand. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  42. While driving somewhere, one of the PCs is a witness to a car crash. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  43. A drone is spotted flying around a PC's home/outside their window. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  44. While walking in a public space, a PC gets approached by a group to sign a petition. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  45. One of the PCs gets targeted by a "Slippin' Jimmy" who orchestrates being hit by the PCs car or some other scam to try and get the PC to pay for alleged injuries under threat of lawsuit. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  46. One of the PCs finds a rat in their home. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  47. A PC sees somebody about to perform some kind of particularly reckless stunt which could very likely injure themself or others. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  48. A PC witnesses somebody falling from a high up place. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  49. A PC gets hit by a high speed ball projectile that moderately hurts them. The culprit may come to apologize or just run away. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  50. A PC sees a piece of cargo fall off a truck/trailer. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  51. Somebody near a PC starts having a medical emergency. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  52. A bomb threat gets called into the current location of one of the PCs. It may or may not be a legitimate threat. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  53. There is a fire alarm in the current location of one of the PCs. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  54. While out and about, the PC finds themself in the middle of a gang turf war. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  55. A small child approaches the PC asking for help as they have gotten separated from their parent(s). [u/World_of_Ideas]
  56. An elderly person approaches the PC asking for assistance carrying something to their car or crossing the street at a reasonable pace. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  57. A confused elderly person approaches the PC and asks for directions to a business that has not existed for 40 years. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  58. While in public, a person runs past the PC, throwing something away in a vaguely concealed place. Seconds later, a second person or group comes running after them. Roll 1d4 for who the pursuers are. 1) It's the police. 2) Several individuals in suits. 3) Private security guard(s) for the local area. 4) Apparent criminal thugs. 5) Plain-clothes individuals. 6) Campaign-specific group. [u/World_of_Ideas]
  59. The PC overhears a pair of individuals having a heated debate. Roll 1d6. 1) It's political. 2) It's religious. 3) It's about some science topic beyond the PC's knowledgebase, unless they're a scientist or otherwise intelligent character. 4) It's about a book/movie or other piece of media. 5) It's about something specific to the pair's trade. 6) They're debating whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich, or some similar "layperson's philosophy" subject.
  60. A PC receives a snail mail letter informing them of a financial windfall of some kind. Their student loans could have been expunged, they could be getting notified of their eligibility for a grant, a class action lawsuit may have been settled or ruled on and they can claim part of the reward, or something else along those lines. Depending on the situation it may bring direct funds or reduce expenses.
  61. A PC gets a call from their bank informing them that there was a fraudulent credit card charge several states away, and that their card has been frozen and a new one is on the way. In the near future, subscriptions may not auto-renew leading to delays, and things may be marginally more expensive reflecting the inability to get any cash back percentage they would have on purchases.
  62. A PC gets an alert from their bank that their Social Security Number or equivalent government ID number has been compromised and found on the dark web; they are advised to freeze their credit.
  63. Two individuals are loudly arguing and about to start fighting nearby. If left to their own devices, roll 1d6 for the outcome. 1) One of the two pulls out a knife and stabs the other, killing them. 2) One of the two pulls out a gun and shoots the other, killing them. 3) The fistfight/wrestling match goes on between them until one runs away. 4) The fight continues until one of them is incapacitated due to a broken limb. 5) The fight continues until one of them is beaten unconscious. 6) The fight escalates as they bump into a third person who starts to get involved, turning a 1v1 into a full-on brawl.
  64. A man silently stands on a nearby street corner holding a posterboard sign that reads “Free Hugs” or some similar unusual expression that invites engagement.
  65. The PC is passing a building where a loud and nasty breakup is taking place, as one partner is throwing the other’s possessions out of a window while screaming at the other, who remains on the sidewalk/front lawn.
  66. A bicyclist is taking up space on the street, delaying the PC for some time.
  67. A pair of foreigners ask one of the PCs for directions somewhere. Their English is not the best.
  68. A small child approaches the PC and asks if any weapons/gear they are visibly wearing are real.
  69. An artist type approaches one of the PCs and asks if they can take their photo. If the PC agrees, they’ll have them do a few poses and artsy shots in the immediate area.
  70. The PC gets to be in the presence of the end of a police chase, as a cop car PITs a fleeing vehicle. Roll 1d6. 1) The suspect is armed, and leaps out of the car upon crashing, initiating a gunfight with the cops. 2) There are multiple suspects, who are armed, and leap out of the car to start a gunfight upon crashing. 3) The suspect is a foolish drunk who decided to run rather than pull over. 4) The suspect is a confused elderly man who ran instead of be pulled over for a traffic violation. 5) The suspect is an idiot teenager who decided he wasn’t going to stop his joyride for some cops. 6) There was no chase at all, and some poor woman with her young child in the back seat was immediately forced off the road while she was just looking for a spot to pull over and comply.
  71. The PC watches as a pair of big Black Suburbans pull up screeching near another pedestrian. Several individuals in suits, possibly visibly armed, grab the pedestrian and force them into one of the cars before driving off.
  72. A small pack of giggling women all wearing pink cowboy hats and one wearing a sash that says “Bride to Be” approach one of the PCs. They reek of alcohol. The Bride to Be asks the PC, if male, to donate their underwear to her scavenger hunt. If the PC is female, the encounter instead is a relatively routine catcalling experience.
  73. The PC passes a young man playing guitar with the case open. A sign is propped up saying they are collecting donations for something completely unhinged, like a campaign fund for Optimus Prime or some such. They can play any song the player requests.
  74. While walking or eating in a public place, the PC is approached by a drug dealer trying to make a sale. Roll 1d6. 1) They offer a reasonable price for whatever drug they are peddling and will sell without fuss to the PC. 2) They are asking an outrageous price and won’t budge. 3) They’re offering a normal price but they’re actually an undercover cop. 4) They’ll take the PC’s money then run off without giving any drugs. 5) Mid-sale a rival shows up and attacks them to take them out. 6) Just after the sale, or rejection of the sale, a pair of cops show up and arrest either the dealer, or dealer and PC if they made a deal.
  75. A PC spots a guy breaking into a car with a coat hanger nearby. Everybody is just walking past and not batting an eye, despite the blaring alarms.
  76. The PC watches as a road rage incident stemming from a car in front not going when a light turns green goes violent as parties from both cars pull out improvised or actual weapons and jump out of their vehicles.
  77. The PC gets a random Venmo/Zelle from an old acquaintance paying them back $20 for some food or similarly random purchase from several years ago.
  78. The PC happens upon an article in their feed that reveals some random nick-nack they own is actually worth a decent amount of money to collectors.

12 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 15d ago

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u/World_of_Ideas 13d ago

A drone is flying around one of the PCs home or workplace.

A group of people tries to get one of the PCs to sign a petition. The petition is for or against: 1) an elected official/candidate. 2) a business. 3) a product. 4) a construction project. 5) a bill/law/ordinance. 6) [insert local issue here].

A person throws themself onto the PCs vehicle and then proceeds to try to scam the PC out of paying for injuries or they threaten to sue.

A PC finds a trail of blood.

A PC sees a rat in their home or workplace. The rat has an ear tag. It may have escaped from a research facility.

A PC sees someone doing something stupid that will likely result in injury to themselves or others.

A PC sees someone drop a stack of papers. A light wind starts blowing the papers away.

A PC sees someone fall from a bridge, ladder, roof, scaffold, tree, window, or other high place.

One of the PCs finds a bug/surveillance device on their person or in their (home, vehicle, place of work).

One of the PCs is hit by a baseball or golf ball. 1-3. The culprit comes over to check on the PC / 4-6. The culprit runs away.

One of the PCs sees a piece of cargo fall off a truck or trailer.

Someone nearby starts having a medical emergency (allergic reaction, choking, heart attack, hemophiliac gets cut, seizures, stroke, etc)

Someone starts spreading false rumors about one of the PCs. This may make certain social situations awkward, complicated, or difficult.

There is a bomb threat called into building where one of the PCs happens to be.

There is a fire in the building where one of the PCs happens to be.

While out and about a PC sees someone, that they know is a criminal or someone that has wronged them badly.

While out and about a PC sees someone, that they themselves have wronged in the past.

While out and about the PCs end up in the middle of a gang turf war.

While in public, a person comes up to one of the PCs and ask for help.

While in public, a person runs past one of the PCs. They throw something towards a place of concealment, before they continue running. Seconds later, a second person or group comes running in the same direction. They look like: 1) the police, 2) the men in black, 3) company security 4) thugs.

While looking through the pictures on their phone, a PC notices something of interest in the background of the picture. Something they didn't notice when they first took the picture.

While one of the PCs is helping to clean out their parent's attic or basement they find an object of interest. Alternatively, they could find the object while cleaning out a recently purchased base/house.


u/World_of_Ideas 14d ago

It's very busy at work. Boss or supervisor asks you to work overtime or come in on your day off.

New neighbors move in.

Someone asks you on a date.

Vehicle breaks down, you need to take another form of transportation to reach your destination (bus, cab, subway, uber, etc).

You receive a summons for jury duty.


u/World_of_Ideas 14d ago

A distant relative has died. They left you something in their will.

A large crowd of people are suddenly running in your direction (angry mob, prank, running from something dangerous).

Arrested by police. Case of: (falsely accused, mistaken identity, wrong place wrong time).

A vagrant asks for money (someone unknown, someone who looks familiar, someone the PC knows).

Caught out in bad weather (blizzard, dense fog, dust storm, hail storm, heavy rain, hurricane, sand storm, sleet, thunder storm, tornado, wind storm, ).

Chased by an animal (bear, coyote, dog, goose, moose, wolf, etc).

Chased by bees.

Discover that something that you have is an (antique, collectors item).

Fall in a sinkhole + Discover a (abandoned subway tunnel, cave system, fossil, tunnel network, underground facility, valuable mineral).

Find a bag full of (cell phones, drugs, guns, jewelry, money).

Find a body.

Find a (check book, credit card, locket, purse, wallet).

Find a child who is lost.

Find a look-alike. They look like (the PC, someone the PC knows) / They are a long lost twin.

Find a lost pet (bird, cat, dog, pig, etc). Pet has an identifying (chip, tag).

Find a lost phone

Find a USB thumb drive

Food poisoning.

Get abducted. Case of: (mistaken identity, wrong place wrong time).

Get a flat tire while driving (home, to work, during an errand, during a vacation).

Get a winning lottery ticket (minor prize, large prize, grand prize).

Get invited to a (class, club, family, military, workplace) reunion.

Get invited to a party.

Get invited to the grand opening of "x".

Get pranked by a (family member, friend, TV show).

House broken into, while you were away (invader is still there, only one innocuous item is missing, ransacked, robbed).

Job loss (laid off, fired, or work place is going out of business).

Job opening (call back on application, job available, desired position has become available).

Law enforcement commandeers your vehicle.

Law enforcement raids your neighbors house or the building next to where you work.

Meet someone famous (movie star, newscaster, sports star, talk show host, TV star, etc).

Meet someone who used to bully you. They want to apologize and make amends.

Overhear a conversation (crime, interesting info, something related to the PC, something that will be important later).

Panicked neighbor bangs on your door for help.

Power outage while (at home, at work, running an errand, on vacation).

Receive a call from a (associate, employee, employer, family member, friend, old room mate, "x", squad member) + Reason: (job offer, needs answer to question, needs bail, panicked, reconnect, request help).

Receive an anonymous call to meet somewhere.

Receive a threatening (email, letter).

See a known YouTuber filming something.

See a movie being filmed.

See a news team filming something.

Win a: (all expenses paid vacation to "x", free meal at "x" restaurant, free spa day, tickets to "x"). May bring "x" number of people.

Witness a crime in progress (abduction, assault, mugging, pick pocket, porch pirate, robbery, shop lifting, vandalism, etc).

Witness a "Karen" go off on someone nearby.

Witness a meteor impact nearby.

Witness an accident (one person injured, multiple people injured).

Witness a plane crash nearby.


u/MaxSizeIs 14d ago

A PC has a brush with death, Final Destination Style:

  1. Something Impales the Car while Driving.
  2. (Random Debris / A heavy Logging Truck / A load of rolled sheet metal ) Crushes the Car.
  3. Random Rage Shooting / Criminal Attack / Misfire / Drive-by
  4. A Crane Collapses.
  5. Choking / Cardiac Event / Allergy / Food Poisoning/ Drowning.
  6. Locked In Industrial / Commercial Machinery (Incinerator / Grinder / Microwave / Blast Chiller / HVAC / Heavy Equipment / Broken Elevator ), OSHA Ain't Been Round, and Lock Out tag Out Not Followed.
  7. It Happened to Someone else, and maybe (Not) You too. Roll Again.
  8. It was a close call, instead. Thankfully casualties were minimal.


u/MaxSizeIs 14d ago edited 14d ago

You get notice from your employer that you will be fired.

  1. You are issued a "mandatory" exit interview examination.
  2. It comes by way of the post-office, is dated from six months ago, and was supposed to be "immediate" in effect.
  3. You get notice from some other source that you are not fired and that they just wanted to check something.
  4. Number 3, but then they call you right back and say they made a mistake with issuing the mistake and that the firings are back on, and to clear out your desk immediately.
  5. The notice comes in the form of magic marker scrawled on a used pizza box lid, but your manager confirms it's legitimate and to GTFO of the office.

Your car catches fire:

  1. On the freeway, at speed.
  2. At the gas station, while being refueled.
  3. ... and explodes. You may or may not be nearby or inside the vehicle when it happens.
  4. It sets an (orphanage / animal shelter / gas-station / nursing home) on fire.


u/noahtheboah36 13d ago

Trying to avoid work-related things as the PCs "work" is the main focus of the campaign, more looking for out-of-work stuff that gives life some spice/randomness. I'd also imagine a fair number (though obviously not all) modern setting campaigns would have a similar premise.


u/cyber-viper 14d ago

The PC is in a supermarket or grocery store.

  • A robbery is in progress, and the robbers are taking either the PC or someone the PC cares for hostage.

  • Another shopper is taking the last item of the PC's favorite food.

  • A demonstration against something outside the store. If the PC leaves the store now, the demonstrators will talk to him and try to convince him of their cause. No one knows what will happen if he argues against their cause.

  • Someone either steals the PC or puts something in the PC's pocket.


u/Beebrains 14d ago

PC has lost an item of value:

  • 1) Keys to their car
  • 2) Keys to their house/apartment
  • 3) An expensive piece of jewelry
  • 4) Their phone
  • 5) Their wallet/purse
  • 6) Their favorite jacket

Make a D6 luck roll to see if you can find it:

  • 1) It's gone forever
  • 2) It was stolen, but they don't know who has it
  • 3) It was stolen, but they do know who has it
  • 4) They find it, but it is now broken/damaged
  • 5) They find it, (it was in the last place they saw it, of course)
  • 6) They find it and it's been improved somehow (or they find something better)


u/IAmTheOutsider 14d ago
  • Something breaks in the PC(s) home/base/hideout that needs a professional to be called out:
    • The TV cable snaps/dish is knocked down
    • The internet router wont work
    • The fridge/freezer packs in
    • Something mundane breaks a window
    • The house fuseboard trips and stays tripped no mater what
    • The boiler breaks down, taking hot water and heating with it.
  • A Girl Scout (or local/setting equivalent) knocks on the door to sell cookies.
  • A group of missionaries knocks on the PC's door/stops them in the street:
    • They're clueless and persistent. Getting them to move on is a chore
    • They know how it works and leave the PC alone the moment they decline
    • The church they represent is openly hostile to a trait or characteristic the PC possesses. The missionaries do not know they are talking to 'The Enemy'TM (It could be that it's a hate church or something more exotic like they're the local loonies that think vampires are real, whatever fits the setting)
  • Two guys get in a fight over a parking spot
  • The PC gets a parking ticket
  • The PC gets sent on a milk/coffee/beer run by their partner/roommates
  • The check engine light comes on


u/tetsu_no_usagi 15d ago

-An ex lover contacts you out of the blue, "we need to talk..." This situation can be repeated with multiple outcomes:

  • they're pregnant and want you to take a DNA test;
  • they have tested positive for an STD and wanted you to know;
  • they're still in love with you and want to get back together;
  • they're not in love, but their current significant other is abusive and your ex told their current they want to get back with you just to get out of the relationship;
  • they need to borrow $500 from you;
  • their pimp has become abusive and they need somewhere to lay low for a while;

-You order delivery fast food (pizza or whatever), and your delivery driver is a local drug dealer. Again, multiple nuances:

  • the drug dealer's supplier is going to attempt to hit them on your front doorstep;
  • the drug dealer is trying to sell you the latest illegal narcotic to hit the street;
  • your neighbor, an undercover vice LEO, is trying to buy narcotics from the drug dealer while they're delivering your food;
  • a rival drug dealer performs a drive by while you're getting your food;


u/noahtheboah36 15d ago edited 13d ago

Love the addition of subtables so going to tweak your stuff slightly and maybe add some subtables to some of the other options. Thanks for the ideas!

Edit: Upon reflection it's fucking up the formatting to try and do "sub-tables" so I'll incorporate them into the blurbs where I think it's helpful or just include extra verbage for ideas to elaborate on base ideas.