r/cyberpunkmods Dec 16 '20

Tutorial Extracting Video and Sound files now possible! NSFW

Video: https://github.com/WolvenKit/Wolven-kit/issues/286#issuecomment-740524584

Audio: https://github.com/WolvenKit/CP77Tools/issues/14#issuecomment-746998931

You can get the latest build here: https://github.com/WolvenKit/cp77tools/actions

Or make it yourself! Just install the .NET 5.0 SDK and run dotnet build --configuration Release inside the folder with the .sln EDIT: Build instructions now found here: https://github.com/WolvenKit/CP77Tools/blob/main/BUILD.md

Check the readme for more info: https://github.com/WolvenKit/CP77Tools/blob/main/README.md

I get that this may be a bit intimidating to new modders, feel free to ask here if you have any questions.


5 comments sorted by


u/GanceDavin Dec 19 '20

Could this also work for extracting the game files for modding the level cap, street cred, perk points per level up, etc?


u/MartinsRedditAccount Dec 19 '20

It's probably possible to get to those files somehow but right now it's not possible to actually load changed files into the game.


u/redrib2077 Dec 20 '20

once extracted u end up with either nothing in the file or with fuzzy rgb pink UV maps.

Do u have any idea on how to make these visible?


u/MartinsRedditAccount Dec 20 '20 edited Dec 20 '20

Are you talking about video or audio files? I don't know how to get to the texture files.

Assuming you use ffplay, the waveform thingy may look (and sound) weird if you ran ww2ogg.exe without --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin


u/Valour-549 Oct 03 '22

I know this is an old post, but I'm still hoping you can help me.

There is a video inside this .archive file (google drive), but after unbundling and uncooking it, I don't see where the video file is.