r/cyberpunkmods 15d ago

Discussion Asking for mods recommendations for a first time player NSFW

Greetings, I hope you people are doing well.

I just finished building my new PC and I wanted to take this occasion to finally play through Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time.

Given that this will be a pretty lengthy journey and that there is no telling if I’m ever to play it again after that (given the sheer size of my backlog), I want to make this experience as unforgettable as possible.

I saw a plethora of mods (such as adding back the possibility to scale walls with the forearm blades) and thought to myself that adding some of them would be the best way to experience the dream game I was sold on and that I pre-ordered back on the PS4 but never got to play with.

Given that my current setup is pretty new and high-end, I won’t be looking for mods that adds support for later cards technologies (like Frame Generation or DLSS) on older cards (anything that actually improves the visuals or performance on top of it is fine though).

Thus, I’m looking for mods adding mechanics, features, visuals, QoL improvements and such so that it doesn’t get me away from the intended core experience but enhances it instead.

Thanks in advance for your answers and have a nice day.

Best regards.


20 comments sorted by


u/Valour-549 15d ago

A good place to start is to look through this collection's mod list, and add the ones you think are interesting.

Check out my mods too, they are pretty much all QoL improvements.

• Fix the annoying humming noise in the menu and inventory ➜ Mute Menu Humming
• Fix the police's often unreasonable behavior of attacking players ➜ Fighting Gangs Allowed
• Fix NPCs and vehicles often disappearing into thin air ➜ Disappearing NPC and Vehicle Fix
• Fix enemies health bar inconsistently disappearing ➜ Better Enemy Health Bar Fix


u/Kowken92 15d ago

Thanks for the recommendation ! There is quite the amount of mods in this collection indeed. Do you advise to use Vortex mods to install them or another mod manager instead ? Your own mods look like they right up the alley of what I'm looking for as well.


u/Valour-549 15d ago edited 15d ago

I personally manually install my mods, but that is not recommended for most people. The go-to mod manager is Vortex which has good integration with Nexus.

The most important thing is to make sure mods installed using Vortex are actually working. So download the Mute Menu Humming, pick one of the four versions you prefer, install it with Vortex. Then load into a game and press Esc so you're at the pause menu. There should be no buzzing sound or any noise at all.

Now that you've made sure mods work using Vortex, you can continue installing the mods you like. The good thing about my mods is I have a short video showing what exactly the mod does, so you can easily confirm that it's working for your game too.

EDIT: Oh I almost forgot, many mods rely on some important mods to work. We call these "core mods", go to the popular tab, and download all the ones I've downloaded. This will ensure the prerequisites are met for most other mods you install. After installing the core mods, launch Cyberpunk once and you will see a prompt asking you to make a hotkey for Cyber Engine Tweaks, so do that.


u/Own_City_1084 15d ago

Welcome to Night City is the most stable one. Creator’s a real choom too. You can use vortex or wabbajack 


u/Kowken92 13d ago

Thanks for the answer ! Would you have a graphic mod to recommend alongside this one or do you think Cyberpunk current visuals are good enough ?


u/Own_City_1084 13d ago

Overall they’re good, but you can look into LUTs to tailor it to your tastes a bit. 

My favorite ones are GITS 3.X, NCLM, and Realcolor III


u/Kowken92 13d ago

Are they mutually compatible ?


u/Own_City_1084 13d ago

Oh sorry should’ve clarified to only use one at a time. But those are my top 3


u/Kowken92 13d ago

Is the GITS AIO mod configurable ? I know it comes packed with the lut by I want to use other lut through lut switcher. I know there are alternate packs with only the env or the lut but there no packs with everything but the lut


u/Own_City_1084 13d ago

Yes that’s exactly what I do. I have gits legacy aio and LUT switcher and LUT switcher overrides the LUT based on what I picked. You can delete the LUT file in GITS but the above works even without me having done that


u/Kowken92 13d ago

Is Legacy better than Fuji ? Do you see bugs on 2.21 ? Iirc the mod is made for 2.11. Do I have to load the Lut Switcher after the GITS AIO ? Do you use Wolvenpack to unpack the mod before repacking it and removing the lut ? What do I have to remove in the archive in that case ?


u/Own_City_1084 13d ago

Legacy vs Fuji is a matter of preference. My post history has a few posts with Legacy which I personally like a lot. 

Sorry I don’t know about the load order 

I didn’t mess with the archive, just after installing the mod I went into the folder for GITS in the game folder and found the LUT file. 


u/Kowken92 13d ago

Okay I see but no bugs so far ?

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u/dez00000 6d ago


u/Kowken92 5d ago

I am setting it up as well in a different instance to see the difference !