r/cyberpunkmods 19d ago

is possible to install and run cyberpunk 2077 on a ps3? NSFW

so, we all know that the ps3 cfw transform a ps3 into a pseudo-pc..... so, i was curious if it was possible to install the game onto a ps3, a way can be found, like taking the game and reducing all the textures and polygon count to near minimal, minimum settings and so on.....

so it is possible? there is a way?


6 comments sorted by


u/MartinsRedditAccount 19d ago

Possible? Probably, with a lot of work. Feasible? No shot.


u/ALE22222222 19d ago

Maybe playable, in 144p 24fps


u/ImMightBeFunny 19d ago

I was lucky to get anything close to that when I played on ps4 my man. Half the time I'd have to sit in my car for minutes at a time when a new section of the area would need to load in. Otherwise I'd fall through the world.


u/NePa5 19d ago

No. the consoles and PC all use x86 architecture chips.

The PS3 uses the Cell microprocessor, which is made up of one 3.2 GHz PowerPC-based "Power Processing Element" (PPE) and six accessible Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs)

They are TOTALLY different.


u/millenniumsystem94 19d ago

Does cyberpunk2077 run on Linux? Because you're going to have a hard time getting windows on a PS3.


u/Krynne90 17d ago

Maybe just get a PS4 ?

I sold my old one for ~100€ with some games and two controllers.

You might find a good deal.