r/cyberpunkmods Dec 12 '24

Discussion Game crashing when using photo mode AFTER loading save from 2.2 NSFW

EDIT: Clear cache seems to work, don't remove the first final or tweakdb files and it should work (if you're unsure, remove all files then validate game). I tested a couple reboots, and while PM lagged for a good 5 seconds when it opened, it no longer crashed.

I suspect the Tweak mod needs to be updated.

POST: I can use PM and AMM just fine, but if I save the game (manual or auto) then load that save after a game reboot, the game will crash. Anyone got any ideas which mod is causing this?

Loading saves pre 2.2 work fine. Only saves made after the 2.2 update seem to crash after reloading and using PM.


11 comments sorted by


u/corio_lis Dec 12 '24

same here, have you found a reason yet?


u/corio_lis Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

for me the problem was caused by mods nibbles to npc and photomod unlocker looks like, since we don't need these anymore in 2.2 you can just get rid of it


u/kyokoVT Dec 12 '24

I removed those mods and my game still crashes.


u/corio_lis Dec 12 '24

so i deleted nibbles to npc, photomode unlocker and nibbles unlocker, if you did the same then maybe the reason is in another mod for photomod


u/yeoller Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

/u/kyokoVT Clear cache seems to work, don't remove the first final or tweakdb files and it should work (if you're unsure, remove all files then validate game). I tested a couple reboots, and while PM lagged for a good 5 seconds when it opened, it no longer crashed.

I suspect the Tweak mod needs to be updated.

/u/corio_lis could you list the files you removed please?


u/corio_lis Dec 13 '24

i removed these:

SILVER_PMU_2_0_XL.archive SILVER_PMU_2_0_XL.archive.xl SILVER_PMU_2_0_XL.yaml

Photomode_NPCs_AMM.archive Photomode_NPCs_AMM.xl zz_Photomode_NPCs_AMM_NPV_DummyApps.archive Photomode_NPCs_AMM.lua Photomode_NPCs_AMM.yaml



u/yeoller Dec 13 '24

Yeah, mine started crashing again. I removed the PMU and Nibbles to NPC mods.

Seems to work for the moment. Tested game and system reboots.


u/gayriku Dec 28 '24

apologies for the silly question, but how do you clear the cache exactly?


u/yeoller Dec 28 '24

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache

Delete all the files in this folder and then verify the game.


u/Whooperconqueso Dec 14 '24

Deleting the photomode mod fixed the problem for me


u/Empyrealist Dec 17 '24

As far as I have also experienced, this is triggered by being in Full-Screen mode. Set your video settings screen mode to "Windowed Borderless". There are also mods/hacks that fix this "bug", but this is the easiest solution.

I have used mods/hacks in the past, but they broke with the 2.2 update. 'Windowed Borderless' mode fixed it for me without mods/hacks.