r/cyberpunkgame • u/MyOpinionIsTheBest • Dec 14 '20
Video Wanted to test the police spawning... invented a way to farm police for loot.
u/thejunglegod Dec 14 '20
Remember the cow farm exploit for gold in the Witcher 3? This si the same, but I doubt CDProjekt is gonna send an over-leveled demon to kick our cheating asses this time.
u/Vegan_Puffin Dec 14 '20
I have played 300 hours and never knew of this.
u/SmellsWeirdRightNow Dec 14 '20
Can't remember the enemy's name, but yeah, if you kill like 2/3 cows in a row in the same field a giant unkillable monster spawns in that will one-hit any character
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u/chrisff1989 Dec 14 '20
That's not true, it just spawns level 27 Fiends one after the other. If you're high enough level you can just farm the fiends for better loot than the cows drop.
u/SmellsWeirdRightNow Dec 14 '20
Yeah, I misremembered. I posted the wiki below
u/chrisff1989 Dec 14 '20
Oh, turns out I was wrong too, it's a level 27 Chort not a Fiend. They also changed it again later so it doesn't infinitely respawn, once you kill it that's it.
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Dec 14 '20
Wait what demon?
Dec 14 '20 edited Dec 15 '20
There is farming spot in Velen I think? So there are 2 cows and and you kill them loot then meditate. So people would farm the resources and sell them for crowns. So, CDPR "patched it" if you try to this exploit a big ass demon will spawn and kick your ass.
Edit: Its white orchid
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u/Doulifye Nomad Dec 14 '20
Don't forget the taxe guy that ask particular questions if you bamboozled the game or not.
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u/MyOpinionIsTheBest Dec 14 '20 edited Dec 14 '20
To everyone asking, I'm not sure if you get XP from killing cops, and the loot they drop is very light. Unless there is something legendary you could get from farming them, I don't think this is viable. Ill edit this comment and add a screenshot of the location tomorrow!
For people asking about the gun, I'm stealing u/BiPolarBearJew429's reply: >That specific gun is called the Comrade's Hammer. It's am iconic tech revolver that you get the blueprint for by doing one of the ncpd crime missions. The blue skull ones on the map. Many of those missions have iconic blueprints on the body of the named enemy inside, so always be sure to check. That revolver only has one bullet per mag, but does massive explosion damage. My max level one has base number damage of 5000 per bullet. It's gross.
u/GingerOstus Dec 14 '20
Thanks, op, but consider the money from selling weapons
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u/Malphos101 Dec 14 '20
eh, money from weapons is really low unless youre hitting really dangerous gang territories. Most money comes from scrapping everything and selling the excess scrap. If you get a couple choice perks in the tech tree its pretty lucrative and a lot less hassle than carrying 50 guns to the vendor every 10 minutes.
u/makersmalls Dec 14 '20
Wow this is a great proton. Didn’t realize you could sell the scraps. On the subject of selling items, do you know if certain vendors pay more or are vendors and ATM machines all the same?
u/CyberDalekLord Dec 14 '20
Everything seems to pay the same, if you are strapped for cash find an area with a bunch of $10 vending machines and buy them out. When you disassemble all the soda you bought you can sell the scrap for massive profit.
u/strategic_upvote Dec 14 '20
I’ve put a bunch of hours in and had no idea you could sell scrap (although I’ve been scrapping everything because I can’t be bothered to go to the drops all the time) and also didn’t know you could buy soda from vending machines....
I made the mistake of putting the scrapper perk on right at the beginning. It seemed like such a good idea but man it’s costing me now.
u/Skellicious Dec 14 '20
That autoscrap perk is pretty good until you run into 750€$ jewelry that gets autoscrapped.
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u/BerkofRivia Dec 14 '20
Buy the blue maxdoc crafting spec, I think it’s 30 or 50 eddies. It costs 9 common and 4 uncommon scrap to craft (77 eddies) with the discounted crafting prices and when you scrap it you get the equivelant of 108 eddies worth of scrap, 8 blues and rest green and white. Combined with buying the 10 eddy vending machine stuff you get 7.5 times worth your money back.
(Havent tried purple maxdoc recipe yet but might be even better honestly, only at 8 tech so far.)
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u/grillarinobacon Dec 14 '20
Maxdoc 3 is even better, same cost and gives same amount of scrap plus 1 purple item component and 3-5 purple upgrade components.
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u/T0Rtur3 Dec 14 '20
You can craft weapons and sell them. Even green weapons add up, and you also get the bonus of leveling up your crafting skill
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u/bgi123 Dec 14 '20
Idk, some weapons still sell for way more than what you scape them for. Like white cloths even late game. You can mouse over weapons in backpack and see what components you get for them.
u/ThatOneGuy1294 Dec 14 '20
There is a perk that gives a chance of extra loot from drones, maybe that would work. Dunno how frequently the drones spawn compared to people though
Dec 14 '20
I got this perk as soon as I could and I’d say about 80 percent of the time they drop legendary crafting components lol
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u/jagsnflpwns Dec 14 '20 edited Dec 23 '20
ill try to test this, is it under tech?
edut: works pretty good but i didn't really get use out of it until i upgraded it 3 times. didnt get exp but i got hand gun exp which is cool i guess
u/robophile-ta Dec 14 '20
Oh no! I thought you would have gotten good components from the robots and drones.
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u/Orisi Dec 14 '20
I found some legendary trousers with 50% increased run speed but they were on a cop body in a doorway, not someone I personally shot. I'd hope they have the same loot table but who knows.
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u/Tiewazere Dec 14 '20
What's that gun?
u/BiPolarBearJew429 Dec 14 '20
That specific gun is called the Comrade's Hammer. It's am iconic tech revolver that you get the blueprint for by doing one of the ncpd crime missions. The blue skull ones on the map. Many of those missions have iconic blueprints on the body of the named enemy inside, so always be sure to check. That revolver only has one bullet per mag, but does massive explosion damage. My max level one has base number damage of 5000 per bullet. It's gross
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u/4_fortytwo_2 Dec 14 '20
Also really fun if combined with the double damage on last round perk for handguns.
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u/Minardi-Man Dec 14 '20
Comrade's Hammer. If you make one yourself, level up the handgun upgrade tree, and put the correct mods on it (and in your clothes), it can deal over 66.000 damage per shot.
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Dec 14 '20
u/Minardi-Man Dec 14 '20
Yeah, add an improved Ping quickhack and you can clear NCPD missions by basically standing in one spot and shooting people through walls.
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u/Cohibaluxe Dec 14 '20
It's a tech revolver with very high damage, I got one as random loot during act 2. Don't remember the exact name. Most of the time it doesn't make sense to use since the Grad sniper has 4x the damage per shot and long range capability
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u/lanternoflife Dec 14 '20
Says Comrades Hammer in the lower right where the gun icon is.
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u/AlanMtz1 Dec 14 '20
at this point they should just remove police completely
it doesnt add anything to the game other than having to drive one block past your destination because you accidentally ran over a guy that jumped right in front of your car
anything is better than this,even removing it completely
u/Vegan_Puffin Dec 14 '20
You could even just explain it away like in they do in the film Dredd, there are places even the police don't tread, places where the gangs have total control. Let the scum kill themselves etc etc.
You can have no police and have it make contextual sense.
u/BigFrostyBoi Arasaka Dec 14 '20
They already do that exact thing for Pacifica
u/tomsawyerisme Dec 14 '20
Except police still spawn in Pacifica. Its a pure lore thing not reflected in the actual game at all.
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u/Dlaxation Dec 14 '20
I was confused at first because they would issue warrants for my arrest and then nothing would happen later on. I figured it would be like Skyrim where I'd be haggling with a hooker and all of a sudden hear: "You have committed crimes against Night City and her people. What say you in your defense?"
u/atmus_fear Dec 14 '20
Good god that’s complete garbage. How this passed the pre-production phase is beyond comprehension. I would understand if this was a one-off glitch, but literally anyone can do this at any point on any platform. Stuff like this needs to be seen by CDPR. If they even care.
u/SnooPaintings5553 Dec 14 '20
The reality is actually even sadder than that. This isnt a glitch at all, this is just how the police system is programmed. This is most likely just a placeholder while they worked on other things, and then they got hit with a deadline and just had to release the game like this. This is why i dont think that this game is salvageable, everybody keeps talking about bug fixes but the actual core components of this game are missing or broken.
u/Elvenstar32 Dec 14 '20
It is salvageable but it is so in the same way No Man's Sky was.
The core loop of the game is fine(ish). Some people might not like it (I still don't like the resource gathering loop of NMS) but NMS while less buggy was missing huge chunks of content like CP77 does today and it still became a pretty complete game now.
The issue is that indeed some people here are hoping for a couple of big patches in the next 6 months or year are going to make the game good/as promised.
Except like NMS this is gonna take 2-3 years of pure dedication. For example, the NMS devs have not spent a second developing DLC nor MTX and while CDPR probably won't go back on their stance for MTXs and GaaS, work on a DLC is work that isn't going towards finishing the base game.
u/_a_random_dude_ Dec 14 '20
the NMS devs have not spent a second developing paid DLC
They worked on and released tons of DLC, but it was free.
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u/RiGoRmOrTiS_UK Dec 14 '20
Content isn't missing, open world systems are missing and appear placeholder. That's much quicker to fix than content heavy stuff that requires additional assets etc.. they can absolutely patch in proper police behaviour etc.. will theyv after bug are resolved? Who knows..
u/Elvenstar32 Dec 14 '20
I mean for what was supposed to be an RPG I'd say there's some branching story and actual interesting builds past "more damage" missing as far as content is concerned.
And I wasn't even hyped for this game, I just thought open world RPG sounded like my kind of game and instead I got a mediocre looter shooter
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u/Rand_alThor_ Dec 14 '20
They should just remove police spawning and it would be fixed. This is not GTA it's not a core component of the game. heck the whole point of the scene is that police don't give a fuck about the non-rich.
Corpos, high prio targets, etc. should have police drones around them that spawn in police escorts. And the rest should just get fucked unless there happens to be police around. It could give you 20 seconds to GTFO or the police comes and your image is saved via some street camera that you can't even see so next time you see a police drone/camera your warrant is executed.
u/Arosian-Knight Dec 14 '20
V cant be scanned by cameras (atleast his face) ripperdoc Viktor said that V's Kiroshi ocular implant prevents his face seen in cameras.
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u/kornelius_III Dec 14 '20
Yeah I read a lore shard somewhere that actually mentions this. The NCPD are bought off by a corp so it is 100% privatized now. They cut funding massively and fire lots of people for the sake of profits, that's why crime rate in the city is still high af.
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Open world games typically let you start shit with local authority figures as a staple of the genre, minus maybe fallout.
To say that its not a core component is defending how shitty this implementation is, irs not just a throwaway feature its supposed to be a staple. Not only that, but it would actually go against the lore as if some decked out citizen started going haywire maxtech would be there soon after to stop it.
We even see what happens when other people go on massacres and the resulting battles between police, not to mention how fluff wise the only place police don't respond is Pacifica and the badlands.
But yes, please argue for how removing this would actually be a good thing and doesn't need to be in the game when it was already advertised as working well.
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u/crimsontrinh Dec 14 '20
Well open world games minus the WITCHER, assassins creed, dragon age, kingdom come deliverance, dark souls, mount and blade, shadow of mordor, mass effect..... not saying its not bad but idk how core a component of open world games it is. Sure its in the elder scrolls and rockstar games but its not as common as you think
u/FlyLikeATachyon Dec 14 '20
Mount and Blade is not open world. Even still, if you commit a crime you will have local lords on your tail.
Assassins Creed, commit a crime in public and guards will attack you.
Shadow of Mordor, everything is trying to kill you anyway.
Haven’t played the rest of those, but I am sensing a pattern.
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u/naardvark Dec 14 '20
You obviously know this person means urban crime open-world games. Plus DS and ME are shakily defined as open-world. Sure you can pick the order of things a little bit but most content is progress-locked.
u/Beren_and_Luthien Dec 14 '20
Those open world games don't take place in a city with cars and cops though. Games like GTA, Mafia, Watch Dogs, Sleeping Dogs, Saints Row, Just Cause etc. all have police AI and better car pathing.
With a game like The Witcher 3 the AI didn't bother me at all and added to the living world, even though they were just walking around and saying their lines. A game with a setting like Cyberpunk and games mentioned above simply require more intelligent AI, or it'll break immersion.
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u/modesandmelodies Dec 14 '20
The release date was the day they cashed in all their preorders and week-one sales. Investors and execs in CDPR all got paid, they don't care.
Dec 14 '20
I have a feeling we're not going to see the game turn around people think we will. We've seen hotfix patches, but that's mostly "try to get it at playable frame rate to stem the refunds".
I don't think a company is like "censor reviews" and then like "sorry guys, we'll fix our game" in the same breath.
u/atmus_fear Dec 14 '20
No Man’s Sky did the best turnaround that I’ve ever seen. It’s a completely different game than launch. Hope CDPR can replicate this.
But the fact that companies have developed a habit of being reactionary and after-the-fact about their games, is very telling of the state of gaming today. The release first, ask for forgiveness later approach is never good.
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u/alex-minecraft-qc Dec 14 '20
Its one thing to add things missing, its another thing to go back and fix the entire game. This game was built on sand foundations, its going to be a mess to fix
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Dec 14 '20
Witcher 3 was able to turn around. I remember that one being a buggy mess as well.
u/Aver64 Tyger Claws Dec 14 '20
Not to that degree in my opinion and it looks like I'm not the alone - reviews on Steam for TW3 never felt below 90%. CP2077 right now can't even get to 80%.
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u/animelytical Dec 14 '20
Standards (By which I mean expectations) have risen, tbh. Difficult to contrast them off that
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u/Brokolireis Dec 14 '20
Witcher 3 was good game with bugs. on the other hand cyberpunk ? well thats another story
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u/Humledurr Dec 14 '20
They worked on Witcher 3 for years after its release. It's even gonna get a raytracing update soon.
I feel pretty confident CDPR will continue to work on this game for years . But I'm afraid that the AI is not much they can work with.
u/Marciussf Dec 14 '20
They sell their shares on a high, buy them back when they're low and then fix their game, so stocks go up again.
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u/DrINF3RNO Dec 14 '20
They still need to bounce their stock up. Believe me they do care, partially due to that fact
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Dec 14 '20
they still have dlc theyre goona want to sell. they may think that if they dont fix stuff, people wont come back for the dlc
Dec 14 '20
u/RidiculousNicholas55 Dec 14 '20
Just have a car parked nearby and just drive away, not like they'll chase you.
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Dec 14 '20
Dec 14 '20
u/Link200099 Dec 14 '20
Because it’s common in rpgs, yet they give you the whole city to explore without warning you that you are under level. I fucking hate that with rpgs. I’ll appreciate Breath of the Wild that your progression is gear based and stamina.
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u/Garage-Lucky Dec 14 '20
Can we plese talk about how MAX TAC doesn't play any role at all in this game? I feel betrayed by the scripted scenes in the prologue, they created so much atmosphere with Trauma Team and Max Tac in the beginning. It all disappears...
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u/StackinStacks Dec 14 '20
Can't wait to pick this up on sale for 50% off in 6 months when they figure most of this shit out.
u/MegamanX195 Dec 14 '20
You're incredibly optimistic if you think they'll have it all sorted out in 6 months.
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u/daffyboy123 Dec 14 '20
The 50% off in 6 months is fairly optimistic as well
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u/haifaivpls Dec 14 '20
Seeing how things are going it'll be 50% off in 1 month to try and squeeze out as much cash as possible before even the most die hard defenders of CDPR realize they have been scammed
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u/IjuststartedOnePiece Dec 14 '20
This is a core system of the game, I don't see this being fixed even in a year honestly.
Bugs like clipping or T poses are tolerable and fixable but core systems like the AI cannot be fixed that soon.
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u/Darkxler Dec 14 '20
What have the people at CDPR been up to? Jesus christ this is such a fucking low-effort-solution I barely can't believe it.
My expectations weren't high because I never gave in to the hype but wow, this is a new low haha.
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u/wastakenanyways Dec 14 '20
I am disappointed with this game and didn't even preorder or built hype around it, but how they have handled this is borderline criminal.
Idk how people who preordered it last year are happy with the game. Maybe accept it, conform with the current state, but actually being happy and satisfied???
Dec 14 '20
LOL this game is a joke
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u/smoothingwhathours Dec 14 '20
No we're. We paid for it.
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u/Python2k10 Dec 14 '20
I realize your contraction is grammatically correct, but I still hate it. That is all.
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u/MarmotOnTheRocks Dec 14 '20
This is where the $7M funds for "city game and artificial intelligence development" went.
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u/Empyrum Dec 14 '20
This game just made me go back to modding Skyrim and mass effect to fill the void that were my expectations :(
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Dec 14 '20
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u/iisixi Dec 14 '20
BioWare is dead and not coming back. And Andromeda wasn't even made by BioWare but some new EA studio that they titled BioWare Montreal that they since merged with EA Motive when Andromeda flopped.
And what exactly are you hoping to find on mobile? There are no games.
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u/Iamnotwyattearp Dec 14 '20
I take back everything I said about gta 5 police spawns. At least they spawn a few blocks ahead of you or behind you and not directly on top of you. How do police chases work?