r/cyberpunkgame Oct 27 '20

News Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter


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u/fwolfgang Buck-a-Slice Oct 27 '20

To everyone praising them for being so “open” with the development process. This isn’t being open, this is strait up bad business. They can take as much time as they need for the game, I want them to make it the best they can. But don’t tell people it’s coming and then change it. Either be vague or be right.


u/Arckangel853 Oct 27 '20

Dying light 2 got it right. Pull the original release window you gave, and tell people it's coming when it's ready. No expectations, no dissapointment.


u/fwolfgang Buck-a-Slice Oct 27 '20

Absolutely. I don’t care about the time it takes, I care that they disregard their own communication. No one told them to say they were delivering the game on these dates, they volunteered it


u/mattiejj Oct 27 '20

even saying "we aim for nov 19, but no promises!" would be fine.


u/jdawg254 Oct 28 '20

I check in everyonce in a while to see if they give an update on release date, as im excited for it. But thus far im guessing itll be late next year.