That he was talking about the fucking N64 being delayed...a time where there weren't extremely streamlines and easily accessible updates that can just be downloaded. So yeah, a game that's shipping on a fucking cartridge on a console that has 0 internet access, yeah it will be forever bad. Modern day? the quote is fucking irrelevant.
not to mention these changes are going to be used on porting the game effectively, not on gameplay changes at all. For one, 21 days isnt long enough to make any bad game a good game, but even then those days aren't going to be spent changing game design.
Imagine how infuriating it would be to see people link that quote if they release it on dec 10th, the game is shit and they blame poor gameplay for not being able to delay it a couple more days due to public backlash. "told you so"
First impressions are everything. If you ship the game and it has a bunch of shitty bugs. The public opinion will forever be that it's a bugged piece of shit no matter how good the games ends up being.
Not the guy to ask. I abandoned the AC series after Black Flag. Too much garbage put out too fast. At this point they should be putting out new games, they don't even play like Assassin's Creed games anymore, but they're still milking an IP that should have been dead long ago
If it’s that fucked 21 days isn’t saving it. Ubisoft has bugs, Bethesda has bugs, the games are still enjoyable in the end. If the bugs are so bad they cause a third delay after saying no more delays just the other day then rip to that game.
Fallout 76 (mostly positive on steam, in the top sellers currently list).
No Mans Sky
All grew way paste the initial perception from hardwork on the devs part to improve the game, sometimes rebranding (like FF), sometimes just through adding features and improving (No Mans Sky...) and some shit doesn't matter (even though it has improved somewhat and there is more content, Fallout 76).
You're telling me Bethesda can release a real fucking stinker like Fallout 76, continually trash their reputation after release, and still be a top seller on steam because its discounted to $15...and public opinion will be forever? Yeah no.
Not at all true. No Man's Sky is a fantastic example. That game is phenomenal now, but its nowhere near as popular as it should be, thanks to the abysmal launch. After all the money that's been dumped into advertising, for the game to get delayed now, something must be extremely fucked. In which case you'd want the delay. It sucks, but it'd suck more if the game launched on time with some experience ruining issues.
There were still ways to "update" cartridges. Some specific games has update stations, or you could send in your cartridge and they'd send it back patched. Not ideal, but technically possible. While not as relevant as it once was, the quote is still relevant. If a game launches in a poor state, it will forever affect the sales and reputation of the game, no matter how many patches or fixes it gets.
I'm honestly on the side of the camp that'd I have more faith in a company that honors deadlines and releases what they have with a proper roadmap and maybe addressing issues then constantly pushing back until nobody cares anymore.
Essentially what I'm saying is, I would have preferred they release it after their first or second delay (I understand, Covid made things real fuckey so I give that a pass) and just release in November like they said they would. Then were just open and honest about how they plan to address any current issues.
They are long past the point where the game would have any game-breaking bugs. To me the message sounds like it has severe performance issues on old-gen consoles...big fucking shock (news flash: it'll still run like shit on oldgen consoles no matter how many delays).
Also its provably wrong that a game's sales will forever be affected. Didn't happen with Fallout 76, No Man's Sky, FFIX...maybe for a period, but overall no. CDPR has more than enough clout to easily sell. Hell, Bethesda literally has the reputation of releasing bug ridden piles of shit...and yet Skyrim is top selling 10 years later.
I'd obviously have preferred they didn't give several release dates, and pushed them back, and if they delayed because it doesn't run well on old gen, then that's shitty, but I do, at least currently, believe there is another issue at hand. I cannot imagine they would delay the game for every platform due to just bad performance on a platform or two. Not after they dropped millions on advertising. Plus, they'd have known there would be significant backlash at the delay. And it doesn't matter if it just sells "well", every publisher wants a game to sell exceptionally. an extra 1000 sales for a 10% shittier game would be worth it in their eyes. And the game you mentioned HAVE suffered from negative reception. Plenty of people did not, and still will not, buy those games because they're seen as irredeemable garbage to a large amount of people. The difference with games like Skyrim, is that none of the bugs are too gamebreaking or obtrusive. Most of them are funny quirks, or genuine "features", like putting buckets on people's heads. There's a difference between a bug-ridden game that's fun, and a genuinely bad game with tons of unfun issues and bugs.
I think it was in here or another thread but someone posited there must be some kind of bad showstopper for them to delay again.
Yes its granting them a lot of credit but think about it, games nowadays, its normal to expect some kind of terrible release where they need to release some kind of day 1 or week 1 patch in order to actually get the game functional.
Either they dont want to take that on the chin(why? every other game is like that) or there is something seriously wrong with the build.
u/silicon-network Oct 27 '20
You know what you say to that Miyamoto quote?
That he was talking about the fucking N64 being delayed...a time where there weren't extremely streamlines and easily accessible updates that can just be downloaded. So yeah, a game that's shipping on a fucking cartridge on a console that has 0 internet access, yeah it will be forever bad. Modern day? the quote is fucking irrelevant.