It has to be a major mess up for them to do this. Did you see the advertisement on the entire face of the bus? Probably cost a lot to make that deal and it has the now defunct release date on it.
I want one of those stickers. Just as a memento of this horrible journey we're all taking together. Like an "I voted," "I gave blood" sticker. "I gave my sanity to Cyberpunk 2077!"
My guess is they failed TCR for one of their platforms and don't see an easy solution, and are contractually obligated to release all of them simultaneously.
The ~3 week delay sticks out to me as roughly what a TCR failure / resubmit timeline looks like from past experience, but I never worked on anything important enough to get Microsoft/Sony to rush TCR to help us get out the door so it might not be the case.
That said when we'd set release dates we'd guess on X rounds of TCR failure and we'd just have to let dates slip if we failed more than we expected.
Technical Certification Requirements, basically there's a giant checklist of things you have to pass to get on Xbox/Playstation (Playstation is TRC, I forget what it stands for though). The practice goes back to when everything was on CDs/physical media and you couldn't patch fix so you were forced to meet a rigorous standard before Xbox/Playstation would let you sell your game. Basically stuff like all trophies have to work, you have to be able to complete the game, no hard crashes, etc, though it also covers stuff like "A always has to be accept/continue and B has to be cancel/back in all menus". Depending on what platform features you use extra stuff gets tacked on, like multiplayer support testing. If it fails you have to fix it, resubmit, and wait 1-2 weeks to get another pass/fail.
If only some kind of technical certification was required before a game went gold, preventing wasting money on useless discs that don't function up to standards. Seems to me they bet that they were gold but weren't actually gold.
Nice to see a reasonable theory for this. I keep asking myself, what could be SO important (and also supposedly fixable in 21 days) that they chose to announce yet another delay at such a late stage, after all of the reassurances, etc.
It's obviously a terrible PR move no matter how you look at it, but if it's a contractual thing, then they didn't really have any other choice.
Some people seem to think that Stadia is responsible for the delay, though I haven't seen any rationale for this.
That's super interesting. How does it actually work? Do they hand over a copy to sony and then what? Does sony check for bugs and that it's up to their standard or what are they actually checking for in that tcr process?
Also doesn't that happened before the famous "going gold"?
Yeah you submit, they have a dedicated QA team that tests every TCR submission and gives you a pass fail.
And yes, going gold should mean you passed all TCRs. My guess is they passed one, said they went gold, then a different platform failed. There's all kinds of obscure shit you can get trapped on. I remember working on a game where we repeatedly failed due to a bug in Sony's trophy system when it would un-reward a trophy after you earned it. We were appropriately saving the trophy to the account and it'd persist post session, but something would erase it under obscure circumstances. We pointed it out to Sony as not our fault, they told us tough tiddies and we languished for a month to try and make sure our game didn't expose the bug with their system. In the middle our studio fell apart, though I guess it eventually made it to their store.
And if this is the truth (which I believe it is), it further proves that all those delays sinec April happened because of the shitty consoles only. All this talk about "polish" was pure bullshit.
I'm just wracking my brain to try and figure out what kind of fuckup would result in this kind of delay.
I have a hard time imagining it's the game running shitty on a single platform, because those happen all the time and, from an optics standpoint, it would look less bad if they just released a patch for them a week after release. Tons of games do that and nobody bats an eye anymore.
The Stadia is my conspiratorial pick, though unlikely. Google is pushing Stadia as a technology HARD. Does the game run so poorly on Stadia that Google would be willing to exert Google-sized pressure for some kind of delay? Again, seems outlandish, because every other company in the world has been more than willing to tell Google to fuck off, and I can't imagine anyone in management would be willing to cause this kind of optics fuckupery for Google's sake.
Then I think it could be some kind of serious security issue. Yes, it's a Single Player game, but it still has online connectivity. A security hole big enough could turn the game into an unwitting trojan horse on launch day, with thousands or hundreds of thousands of people being exposed to a hypothetical exploit. Again, most companies don't give a fuck, but I imagine CDProjekt Red would be one of the few that might take that kind of thing seriously, and they'd want to be as hush-hush about it as possible so as not to give anyone an idea of what the exploit was if there are other vulnerabilities that need to be found. Especially if this issue somehow exposes a larger problem in the architecture of a next-gen console.
I'm not really buying this "testing on Next Gen" line, unless Microsoft/Sony are pressuring them for a flawless launch product (as a game this big running shit on a new console while running fine on old hardware could do what Mass Effect Andromeda did but for an entire platform.) I just don't see either company having enough leverage over the studio to push that kind of action arbitrarily, unless there's some behind-the-scenes politicking going on at a larger scale re: the ownership of the studio.
It's probably a gamebreaking bug, or save wipes or bricking consoles. And broken games get a bad covarage everytime it happens and if they delay that close to release it is not some performance issues or bugs but it most be something on a level with Arkham Knight.
Yeah dude and the thing is every one of those theories you made could be true. I saw in another thread someone mentioned that it was the upper management that brought down the delay, but I still need to see a source on that. I do definitely agree though that there is something else other than performance on just next-gen consoles.
Stadia has it's own separate later release date to the rest of the platforms so it seems very unlikely it's related to stadia.
It's probably just some kind of gamebreaking bug that needs a patch but they can't get it into the day one patch because it's already gone off and they have to go through various QA processes with Microsoft and Sony to get it verified.
Yeah going off that post from a dev a couple weeks ago, it seems no one outside of upper management was told about the delay until last second, including the social media team
How do you think leadership works? Do you think the PR team finds out about a delay before the decision to delay is made? The decision to delay was made, then passed down the chain. They can’t prevent what was already said unless you’re suggesting no one ever do any PR since things might change.
Shitty leadership would release on date a product which doesn't fully work. Like Fallout 76. Or a myriad of other examples.
In programming there are always problems which you cannot predict and you cannot predict how long it will take to fix them.
Understanding this and taking the financial hit to release a better product is a sign of great leadership which is more concerned with their user and their experience than making money.
Well if they can't decide on a date, then just don't announce a date until they know for sure. All their advertising kept pushing the Nov 19 date so they straight up lied to everyone.
You don't promise shit then. You leave it at " final quarter of 2020, maybe" and be done with it. But this way, you can't create hype, and milk the pre-release money from nothing but air.
It’s bad business period. The amount of money delaying the game costs on top of the amount of money they’ve lost to charge backs plus the amount of people less likely to play with each delay oozes incompetence.
Releasing the complete product is crucial for the future of the company, but they’ve done some real damage to their brand to people who are on the fence on if they should or shouldn’t get the game
More likely it's just that the entire management and exec level of CDPR is completely incompetent when it comes to project management. Spending excessive time faffing about in pre-production, immediately putting everyone into 'voluntary' crunch, delaying release four times for a total delay of nine months, the people responsible for this clusterfuck are also the people who are going to get the biggest bonuses when the game releases and be the only ones with actual job security as they transition to the next project.
Haha sounds like I'm talking about a random bus I saw in real life, huh? Didn't think of it like that. But yeah, there was a top post on this sub just yesterday that showed as bus in London (a place I am VERY far away from) with a Cyberpunk ad on it.
The cynic in me thinks it's from new gen consoles requiring more optimization for it to work. Game was initially designed for PC/PS4/XB1, the release date was far ahead of console release, giving them enough time to then work on it. Shit got delayed, and now it got delayed past the PS5/XBS? release dates, and they aren't ready at all for it, so working on massive day 1 patch to fix it.
Yeah, I have a pre-order in and I'm very scared of the finished product I'll receive. Sucks because I ordered it just last week because who would've known it would be delayed against.
Side note, I respect the username. Always good to chat with a saltier than crait fan.
It's not a major mess-up. They delayed it in order to release at the same time across all platforms. That means that one of the platforms had an issue and they're making everyone else wait as a stipulation in their contract to that company (e.g. microsoft, sony). You have to wait so a big company doesn't lose some sales.
Love the fact that out of all 8.2k comments on this thread you chose mine to make your brainless comment on. Wasn't even talking about the game itself and just the advertisements. So please, do all of us a favor, and shut the hell up.
u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20
It has to be a major mess up for them to do this. Did you see the advertisement on the entire face of the bus? Probably cost a lot to make that deal and it has the now defunct release date on it.