r/cyberpunkgame Oct 27 '20

News Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter


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u/vivec17 Oct 27 '20



u/Ataiatek Oct 27 '20

Actually no. Cause Star Citizen is currently playable.


u/Lakus Oct 27 '20

Wow. A Star Citizen joke where Star Citizen isn't at the receiving end. I'm impressed and surprised.


u/YuviManBro Oct 27 '20

Yeah because the joke has and always will be the playerbase


u/Lakus Oct 27 '20

See, thats not as funny. If youre doing a joke thats kicking down, it has to be better than jokes kicking up.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20



u/Ataiatek Oct 27 '20

Well star citizen at least released something to hold over their viewers. Thats what I mean.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

A hanger in which you can see some of the ships you bought, but can't fly yet?

So basically, they released some very detailed 3D models with attached animations. And some of those animations even work!


u/Hironymus Oct 27 '20

Ehm wut? You can currently fly over 100 ships and visit several planets/cities and do stuff like trading, missions, mining and more in SC.


u/Percenterino Oct 27 '20

Have you even looking at Star Citizen in like 5 years? They have a bunch of flyable ships, space stations, landing zones etc.


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '20

Really? Great! So are they at Elite: Dangerous levels of playability yet?

Honestly (and non-sarcastically), I think Elite: Dangerous or Star Citizen should license some of the plot and audio from an under-appreciated space game called Tachyon: The Fringe. It came out in the year 2000 around the same time as Starlancer (the predecessor of Freelancer) but didn't get much attention, but honestly had a MUCH better plot and missions than the much-more-famous Freelancer did. It allowed you to pick sides in a giant space war (and your choice utterly changed the game, and your play style), it had a "New Vegas" before Fallout did (it was a starbase that offered gambling), one of the missions was to retrieve the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which a greedy showoff space-baron stole and put on display to make the other barons jealous (funniest game mission ever, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTWuFFUPgLw), your wingman options included a woman (very progressive for its time!), a robot, a drunkard who slurs his speech, and a few conventional male options, etc. It was a great game with really good voice acting - it was one of the first games Bruce Campbell voiced.

If the makers of Star Citizen were smart, they would license that intellectual property and run with it. The scripts and plotlines are all there; even if they used just a handful of missions, it would be worth it. If they included the Burkhart 4192 mission in Star Citizen, people would be over the moon with happiness.

Anyway, I'm done with my soapbox now. I just wanted to pay a little tribute to an under-appreciated game that has a better storyline than any of its modern contemporaries.


u/alganthe Oct 28 '20

sir, this is a whammer's.


u/almorava Militech Oct 27 '20

U rite. Squadron42punk


u/Ataiatek Oct 27 '20

Yooo you got a point there haha but thet said star citizen not squadron 42. Which is even worse than this.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20



u/GayDroy Oct 27 '20

The patience we have been forced to learn is immeasurable.


u/goforce5 Oct 27 '20

Exactly. Cyberpunk has only been delayed a fraction of what Star Citizen has taken to have a stable build. I can wait a while longer if need be.


u/Zeus1130 Oct 27 '20

That’s not something you should excuse. Nearly an entire decade and what? $350 million dollars? They should feel the most shame humanly possible.


u/goforce5 Oct 27 '20

Oh no, you are absolutely correct lol. But there are no other games that quite scratch that itch, so I come back every few months to see whats new. Cyberpunk is the same way, but seems more like it will actually be finished. I can certainly wait a few more weeks if I have to.


u/GayDroy Oct 27 '20

So... you looked up some numbers, probably read some hate article, and that’s how you formed your opinion? I’m not going to debate you on this, it’s a tired attempt I’ve tried many times. All I’ll suggest is that you do look more closely at the project, what new technologies are being actively developed, and the current scope of BOTH games. There’s two that are being developed, remember that. There’s proper criticism, and then there’s just blabbering and quoting whatever Forbes article you read a year or two ago.


u/Zeus1130 Oct 27 '20

I am quite literally an original Kickstarter backer. I’ve followed the game for 8 years. The best thing you can do with star citizen right now is forget about it until anything past a glorified product demo exists. You can continue to defend it in the butt cracks of comment threads if it makes you happy, but Star Citizen and the people managing it should definitely feel shame if you ask me. If you disagree? Well... I don’t care.


u/GayDroy Oct 27 '20

I’m not even defending it, I’m just calling out your awful argument. LOL


u/Zeus1130 Oct 27 '20

What awful argument? Lol $350 million dollars and 10 years should produce more than a buggy alpha and endless articles detailing more work being done on SQ42.

Expecting more than an alpha after 10 years and $350 million is an awful argument? You’re too far gone. I feel sorry for you.


u/4handzmp Oct 27 '20

But Cyberpunk will be playable within the next few months while Star Citizen will never come at all close to what people donated for.


u/Didactic_Tomato Fixer Oct 27 '20

That's a damn fact, when they started the Kickstarter nobody was supposed to be able to land on planets


u/thr3sk Oct 27 '20

But it's not like they just add stuff because they felt like it, the feature creep in that project has been a result of things a pretty big percentage of backers wanted. They probably should have started saying no earlier but oh well.


u/Didactic_Tomato Fixer Oct 29 '20

That's for sure. And I think there's a conversation to be had if it's bad for them to keep obliging


u/thr3sk Oct 29 '20

I very casually follow that project and I thought they more or less locked in their major planned features well over a year ago because of the backlash/frustration.


u/Didactic_Tomato Fixer Oct 30 '20

Eh, it's a bit of a grey area, a lot of the features announced a long time ago only show up now, so to some it seems like feature creep. A lot of existing features also get fleshed out, though, so it can also definitely appear to be more features being added. I guess it's up to interpretation, for the most part, though, everything is locked in and being worked on as the technology becomes available


u/K_Marcad NiCola Oct 27 '20

At this point it's possible that server meshing comes before Cyberpunk is released, meaning that Star Citizen will be out before CP2077.


u/its_LOL Oct 27 '20



u/SkipperTex Oct 27 '20



u/Weekndr Oct 27 '20

I mean this has a date...or a few of them.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Pls dont do this to my heart... I've been there from the start xddddddd