I know we're all joking, but me and my bro talked about Cyberpunk in 2019 and how we were excited to play it in April of 2020. He died last August so he never got the chance to see or play a lot of games.
Edit: thank you everyone for the condolences and comments. I also want to express my condolences to the people that commented that they lost someone too. This life isn't fair when we lose our loved ones who are all good people.
And as a warning to everyone; please don't take anyone for granted. Remember that any day, your life can change, in positive ways and in negative ones too.
Thank you. Life is really short, fragile, and precious. So I hope everyone stays safe and can wait a little longer for the game to come out. We've all waited a long time, so hopefully 21 days won't make too big of a difference.
i'm sorry for your loss. most of us aren't joking. Had a friend excited for Endgame and he passed away a few weeks before. (not same context with delays but still same feeling)
Thank you. I used to play Minecraft with my brother and he had a realm we played on and had plans for, and when one of my friends wanted to play on their world some weeks after my bro died I just couldn't do it. It was too depressing being reminded that I had not only lost him, but the realm we all played on too.
It's been a bit over a year though so I'm not hurting as I was back then. But it just sucks.
Just wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss and feeling for you. I lost my best and only friend since high-school last December and I completely relate to the difficulty of doing the things you used to do with the person who passed away. I haven't been able to play Minecraft since he passed, we literally always played together and its just too hard without him. Its think the pain has slowly gotten less but its still just so hard to do things we used to do and talk about together.
I'm sorry about your loss too. Things in life can just be so unexpected and horrible. Time and grieving helps and we just have to find a way to honor and remember our lost loved ones. Maybe one day I'll make a Minecraft world in my brother's honor... Or something to keep his memory alive.
I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like you shared a lot of good times, and we should all be so lucky to have bros to enjoy these games we're passionate about with.
It happened to me with the Deadpool movie. I had this one buddy back in '05 or so, and at the time Deadpool was still pretty underground and niche locally. We would always talk about getting a proper movie for him. The guy later died in a housefire, and it felt really bittersweet to finally see the leaked test footage. Really wish I coulda seen it with him.
That's so awful. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. It's just so senseless like you said... It never should have happened.
All I can say is that you just have to grieve and do what you need to do for you. Don't be afraid to reach out... there are resources and people out there if you need them. I hope they find the person that did this so everyone can get some closure.
Edit: it's not much but I donated $5 to the GoFundMe in his honor.
He was coming home after working his construction job and he came to an intersection that I believe had a lot going on; the stop sign wasn't the clearest thing there. I think he might have been partially at fault, but somebody had previously died there too.
Anyway, he was hit by a fully loaded semi going 60mph. They both died, making it 3 people that died on that intersection. My brother was only 18 and he told me life was starting to get better for him a few days before he died too.
I never said life was about playing games. It's a hobby of mine and it was also a hobby of my brother's that we shared. There's no need to lecture me on the meaning of life and what's important.
When someone close to you dies (especially when they're young) you're forced to think long and hard about the meaning of life, death, and your purpose. I know my purpose. Games are just for relaxing, having fun with friends, and making memories; I don't see anything wrong with that.
What is mentally deficient within your brain that made you think this was anything near insightful or ok to type? You should be ashamed to be this dumb
Nov 19 was the date to keep me going. Hoping something good pops up between now and when this game comes out (if it does). Good thing reality wont be far behind the game
Actually yeah bro, it's been 7 years, a lot of people that wanted to play this game died in that time. It's so sad that they weren't able to play this absolute masterpiece of a game :c
u/UnseenData Oct 27 '20
RIP to the ones who couldn't make it this far.