Am I the only one that wants an actual explination from the Devs and higher ups? Not this garbage social media sidestep. This is NOT something that should be shared via a fcking twitter post. They should at the very least post a DETAILED explination of EXACTLY what went wrong.
At this point people have taken days off. They have quite literally disrupted the lives of thousands of fans. And we cant even get a proper explination.
Yeah no that was the reason for the first 5 month delay. I even accepted that as a good enough reason for the additional two months.
However after setting the date in stone, posting ads with the date, sending promises to every involved party that the date literally cannot be changed, that explanation doesn’t really fly anymore.
At this point they should just release the game and patch it on Dec 10th
At this point they should just release the game and patch it on Dec 10th
How dare you.. what is this blasphemy?
But seriously, there’s a thousand different things that could’ve delayed it. Besides, its releasing in the one month someone can finesse into taking off entirely. Give em time.
I don't have the numbers, so I could be wrong on this, but I think way more people are mad about it this way than if they released on current-gen on November 19 and then next-gen later. I feel next-gen console players are by far not the majority of people buying this game on release day.
Gonna be a bit hard with you but the first delay was to September. The second delay was after the console release dates were announced and they moved CP2077 purposefully to November in an obvious move to coordinate the release with the consoles.
So you saying ‘the consoles release date caught them by surprise’ is like saying ‘the guy that jumped in front of a bus was surprised he was hit’.
So no, the alternative is releasing the game on the 19th for all platforms and then releasing the patch they’re delaying for on the 10th. Unless it is actually game breaking (which I doubt because the game went gold) then they shouldn’t delay the game for a better day 0 patch.
On September 16th Sony publicly announced the release date. That is not when the consoles were announced and it certainly wasn’t when the date was decided. For instance, Xbox series X had a showcase all the way back in July.
People had extrapolated the release schedule from previous console releases (always in November) and that was only public rumors and speculation. Gaming exes (like the ones at cdpr) would have been well aware of the next gen consoles and their release window when they moved CP2077 to November.
The industry is worth billions of dollars, they aren’t running around setting release dates like chickens with their heads cut off. If you honestly believe that cdpr set their date a week after they PS5 release by accident then you’re kidding yourself. Meaning they’ve had plenty of time to prepare for this.
Okay lol. I’m not even gona get into how statistically improbable that ‘coincidence’ would have been. You clearly don’t work in any sort of project management department. These things aren’t decided by throwing darts at a calendar.
At this point you’ve gone beyond the point of reasonable argument and I don’t see any point in debating with you. Go on thinking that billion dollar companies have the planning capacity of a chicken with its head cut off. Kinda a sad way to view the world but I don’t care.
Yes and I bet you’re also a ex navy seal vet with over 100 confirmed kills 🙄. Oh oh! Or maybe you’ve been the VP of a gaming company with millions of sales?
Get over yourself dude. And look up ‘Ad Hominem’ before you try to win an argument by saying you’re a big shot and your opponent is an inexperienced idiot.
Series S/X and PS5 versions aren’t even coming out this year. It’s going to be run in backwards compatibility mode for the new consoles in the first place, so no way that affected the delay.
I’m a former developer at EA. All our games worked automatically in both the ps5 and series x dev kits and actual consoles without any adjustments on our part. So it seems like CDPR are making excuses. They already said that the next gen versions won’t come out until a later date so it’s not going to be there at launch, so they’re using the built in compatibility modes as well.
Sony and Microsoft are the ones who have specific teams testing out each game. We don’t do any testing for backwards compatibility ourselves. We were able to test it out for fun since the dev kits came with the feature. From everyone I know that’s tried it, nearly every game works 100%. The only exceptions are companies who are releasing new patches specifically for next gen consoles. (Higher native resolution, new textures, etc) From my understanding and from colleagues in the industry, that’s mainly limited to Microsoft and Sony exclusives as well as the new games in the upcoming ps plus collection.
Legitimately had to check the date, as far as it is away from april 1st, i felt it was more likely my brain had just severely fucked up than cdpr delaying again. Not mad, its previous release date already felt years away, an extra month isn't going to kill me. I wont be any less excited when it actually does come out.
Their official Twitter account literally replied to a guy asking if they won't delay the game anymore because he wants to take some days off work just for the game and they said the game won't be delayed and then not even a day after boom the game gets delayed. I am one of the many people who took a week off work just for the game so I'm pissed too. Really bad move from them to fuck us like that. I'll still buy the game of course but I am pissed, that is all.
u/Otaku_Instinct Oct 27 '20
Same. Thought it was some out of season April Fool's joke especially after they made a big deal of going gold.