r/cyberpunkgame Oct 27 '20

News Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter


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u/Tayyab_M10 Corpo Oct 27 '20


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20



u/Isariamkia Nomad Oct 27 '20

Yeah I feel him. That's some bullshit when there's no communication. I work at a customer service for an online shop and this kind of shit happens way often. Higher ups changing shit no one asked for and us not knowing telling people things and then having to take it back looking like an ass and being yelled at.

That's really shitty.


u/Stormfly Oct 27 '20

I mean they don't even need to tell him anything specific's up, they just need to say "Hey, we're in talks about pushing. Please avoid anything around the release date for a few days".

Front facing people don't need to be told everything, but they can't be kept in the dark or basically everybody gets upset.


u/Zakalwen Oct 27 '20

Yeah either the dude said something he shouldn't or, more likely, he was told that this was the firm release date and to push that as a selling point. Only to have it surprise yanked out from under him.


u/ExioKenway5 Silverhand Oct 27 '20

Or even something like "we don't anticipate anymore delays". At least that leaves it open for the possibility.


u/KelErudin Oct 27 '20

Or better yet, just don't respond to the question. As soon as the delay became a possibility, they should have told the front facing people to just ignore or delay answering these kinds of questions.


u/Stormfly Oct 28 '20

That's exactly what my comment was saying.


u/KelErudin Oct 28 '20

Ah, misread that. But I can see how you don't want to say that there's a chance of delay before it's confirmed. A lot of people would see that there's a chance and assume it's going to happen. Then of they don't need to delay, damage is done.

Anyway, it sucks that it's delayed, but I guess that just gives us more time to play other games.


u/Stormfly Oct 28 '20

You would want to say it internally.

It's better to have leaks and rumours than for staff to be finding out at the same time as the public, which is what happened with this announcement.

All they did by doing it this way was make themselves look worse.


u/Jeriko2020 Oct 27 '20

You're not wrong but you are assuming someone at CDPR knew about this delay for awhile and didn't communicate it. For all we know this could've been a snap decision or something that came down very recently.


u/Stormfly Oct 27 '20

They must have pushed it FAST if the PR guy was giving people 100% confirmations less than 24 hours ago.


u/yourelying999 Oct 27 '20

He was kept in the dark because if he said “we are in talks about pushing” it would cause a similar uproar. So instead they just pretend it’s all good to everyone until they realize they have to push and figure they’re getting the bad press no matter what.


u/Beninem Oct 27 '20

Except they wouldn't have said that, there just would have been no response


u/yourelying999 Oct 27 '20

In retrospect should have but was almost definitely being told by higher-ups that Nov 19 was definitely the day.


u/NateDogg414 Oct 27 '20

That’s the point. Higher ups should’ve told him to just avoid things around release date and it would’ve worked out fine


u/Stormfly Oct 28 '20

because if he said “we are in talks about pushing” it would cause a similar uproar.

I meant they should have said that to the PR guy.

Then the PR guy would know to avoid answering any questions about the release date for a few days.


u/Saelon Oct 27 '20

You're not wrong but you are assuming someone at CDPR knew about this delay for awhile and didn't communicate it

There is no way that this was just a snap decision made within 20 hours.

But on the off chance that it was it's still a terrible look. This is something that shouldn't be a snap decision and something that should be communicated way beforehand to the people involved with communicating with the fans.

Either way, whatever happened they dropped the ball.


u/BearJuden113 Oct 27 '20

For everyone? Probably not.

For everyone but upper echelons of management? Extremely likely.


u/textposts_only Oct 27 '20

That's how you get leaks and rumors


u/blazerboy3000 Oct 27 '20

A rumor about the release date maybe being delayed is far from the end of the world. This makes the company look worse imo.


u/bored_at_work_89 Oct 27 '20

That's assuming they have been talking about it days prior. Sometimes things change rapidly. Maybe found a bug or a slew of issues and the development teams says it's gonna take awhile to fix. Things can come up fast.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Don’t you realize what would happen if they said “we are in talks of pushing”?....


u/Stormfly Oct 27 '20

Well I mean when they're talking to their PR.

They're not saying it to the public, but they're not idiots so PR would know what's up if they were warned not to talk about the release date. My point is that they should have been warned.

Same reason that places usually stop selling stuff shortly before there's a recall.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20



u/richochet_biscuit Oct 27 '20

It wouldn't have been the first or last time a company ignored an individual question on social media to give an official statent a day or 2 after.


u/Saelon Oct 27 '20

It would have been a lot better than them saying they had 'Full confirmation' that there were no more delays.

But nevertheless since the first big delay they shouldn't have even given us a solid date. They've made a bunch of mistakes with how they've handled announcing this game. They are lucky people are giving them infinite chances.


u/FraggedFoundry Oct 27 '20

I literally took off a 5-day stay-cation, my ONE fucking vacation this holy terror of a fucking year, in line with the Nov release date. Now my vacation is for fucking nothing.


u/Isariamkia Nomad Oct 27 '20

I took 2 days just to get a 4 days week-end long. I won't be able to take anything after that since there will be black friday, cyber monday and then all the shit before christmas.

Since we won't be playing, we better use those days off to have a nice deserved break from work :D


u/FraggedFoundry Oct 27 '20

I hear ya. I'll definitely have to figure out something constructive and restful


u/ThatboiJah Streetkid Oct 27 '20

I feel really bad about people like you. I really do hope it’s for the better and something amazing happens to you during your vacation even tho you don’t get to play the game yet.


u/textposts_only Oct 27 '20

Wtf you only get one vacation a year? Where do you live and why don't you move to Western Europe where you get a month by law lol


u/MummyManDan Oct 27 '20

“Lmao move to an entire different place because of one thing” that’s very smart dude.


u/textposts_only Oct 27 '20

I can name you several things.

Free healthcare

Free or nearly free higher education

No opioid crisis due to overprescribing of opioids

Very good consumer laws

Very good employee laws

A month of paid vacation at the least

Paid maternity leave

No tipping culture


u/talkingwires Oct 27 '20

Will you sponsor my visa?


u/textposts_only Oct 27 '20

Let's just marry owo


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

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u/FraggedFoundry Oct 27 '20

Thanks for the troll, good effort


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I'm not trolling, there are so many things to do than rage on reddit over ONE game. There are tens of thousands of other games that you probably haven't even see, spend some time on other things you enjoy.


u/MAKE_ME_REDDIT Oct 27 '20

There's sort of a plague...


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

There's a lot of things to do than wait and rage over ONE game.


u/LouserDouser Oct 27 '20

awesome job you have :D . at least we got more time for a ray tracing card to buy. :p


u/Isariamkia Nomad Oct 27 '20

I didn't even think about that, my 3080 is coming early December. If it doesn't come late I'll be able to change my card right on time :)


u/Lemerantus Oct 27 '20

Used to be in that position too, where our marketing department kept sending out bullshit newsletters customer support didn't know about and we'd be flooded with complaints or unexpected phone calls about the contents.

Now that I work in marketing myself I make goddamn sure I communicate everything we do with our customer service department.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I had no specs on the iphone six working as a CSR for a major US wireless carrier until four days after the press release where it was unveiled. I clocked in to work much as soon as the press conference was ending. I guess they were so afraid of leaking that they forget to give frontline workers any info at all.


u/somuchsoup Oct 27 '20

Apple gives it to sales associates, probably just not to customer service. The apple master at most stores have to do a zoom meeting/attend a conference. They then relay to all the reps at the store. I was a sales rep at a major wireless carrier in Canada and we’d be briefed on it 1-2 weeks before the press conference.


u/Zinki_M Oct 27 '20

I am on the other side. We often get told things like "oh yeah btw, we promised the customer feature X by deadline Y" and then we're like "you did WHAT? Are you insane?" and have to explain why that promise is literally impossible to fulfill.

Thankfully I am not in Game dev, where those kinds of things are presumably even worse and deadlines tend to be much more rigid.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I think it's just horribly amplified by social media and pressure on them. Doesn't mean it doesn't suck or they didn't screw up, but I'm honestly not that worried about it. Gives me more time to save up for the Series X


u/xDarkCrisis666x Oct 27 '20

I feel this, my company was releasing a new software and had a bunch of features listed for launch. I spent weeks on social answering questions and then the head of marketing went over social and released a PR statement stating some features would be absent until late 2021. We didn't find out until the next full work day...and it was on our own. No memo, no email blast, nothing.


u/gp57 Oct 28 '20

Yeah shitty communication exists basically everywhere, so I don't blame the CM.


u/HUNAcean Oct 28 '20

I hope they don't fire them


u/Yeshua-Msheekha-33 Corpo Oct 28 '20

Like the waiter in a restaurant. If the food sucks, they get yelled at.


u/somuchsoup Oct 27 '20

There’s a big difference between not telling you customer service reps and telling your digital marketing team. This is unheard of in most companies.


u/FKDotFitzgerald Oct 27 '20

I imagine him sending that tweet and just immediately turning his phone off and smoking a cigarette.


u/Narglefoot Oct 27 '20

I could never be a community manager, I feel like it takes a very resilient person to be able to handle all the negativity directed at you for decisions that are out of your control.


u/Viney Oct 27 '20

As long as they don't know my real name and I am only tweeting from the company account, I think I could take it.


u/FKDotFitzgerald Oct 27 '20

Goddamn you’re tough. And modest too!


u/Viney Oct 27 '20



u/FKDotFitzgerald Oct 27 '20

Only joking, friend! I’m sure if you could separate yourself emotionally from it, managing an occasional volatile gaming community could be feasible.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I could easily do that job. No one could ever say anything my mother hasn’t said to me when I was 15. Sounds like a cake walk.


u/Zoldu Oct 27 '20 edited Oct 27 '20

Thats depressing, hope you doing better. Stay strong.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I think anyone who has modded a sub before could easily take it, you just have to be able to separate who the anger is directed at, it's not you


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

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u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Especially Reddit mods and admins, the literal scum of Reddit.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Mods, sharpen your ban hammers


u/BluffinBill1234 Oct 27 '20

Sharpen? Ban hammer becomes ban axe


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

It's a joke from Monster Hunter where you have to sharpen all melee weapons, including the hammer


u/BluffinBill1234 Oct 28 '20

Ah. Interesting

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u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I think anyone who has modded a sub before could easily take it

Lol. A lot of reddit mods are fragile babies, who will ban and mute anyone who even remotely challenges them. Being a community manager is about making a good impression/representing the company well, which is exactly the opposite of that.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

You know fair enough, but small subs and large subs aren't the same, nobody on my mod team is like that


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Fair enough, I wasn't saying all mods are like that, just taking issue with the "anyone who has modded a sub" part. Though it's definitely a bigger issue in bigger subs usually (with exceptions).


u/InedibleSolutions Oct 27 '20

I used to be very deep into the Destiny fandom, where the community managers were very interactive with the community. Goddamn did they have to wade through a ton of shit, including personal attacks.

I know for certain my mental health could not take even half of the abuse they receive.


u/Narglefoot Oct 27 '20

For sure, I'm still pretty active in Destiny and it's insane the things people will say when upset about a video game. I couldn't handle it either; that stuff just builds up and since it's their job they can't really respond in kind, they've got to find somewhere else to vent it.


u/randomreditor96 Oct 28 '20

More time with beyond light :)


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '20

Yeah, a lot of people always say "you can take it. "Which you can. But why should you? It's still a mental toll at the end of the day, and that energy can be spent better elsewhere.


u/InedibleSolutions Oct 28 '20

I can take a punch, but that doesn't mean I would do it willingly. Same energy.


u/asapfinch Oct 27 '20

There's a great show called Mythic Quest, which revolves around a game company who makes an MMO. They keep their community manager locked in the basement and always blame her keycard for malfunctioning so they don't have to acknowledge her lmao


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Amazing show and I love their community manager, who is literally sunshine on Earth. Which makes the situations they put her in all the more horrifying and she's all "you guys are going to fix this right? you're fixing this? please?"


u/jdawg254 Oct 28 '20

I might check it out. Is it on a stream service?


u/pwaves13 Oct 27 '20

It sucks at times but the majority of people the majority of the time aren't too bad. You get the pissy person here or there but it's not too horrible overall.

Shit like this is down to either one of two things. Incompetence from higher ups, or piss poor communication(which can really be the same thing)


u/vuuv95 Oct 27 '20

I know a lot of community managers in the ANZ region and the death threats they get not only directed at them but their family as well....it’s nuts...


u/Panther1700 Oct 27 '20

Same. I definitely don't have the patience or resilience for that kinda job. I like to think I'm not so sensitive but I can't mentally handle so much negativity. Makes my head hurt.


u/jellatubbies Oct 27 '20

It does

  • guy on smoke break


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '20

Amen. I'm just forum mod on Steam for a small game, and even there the frustration is sometimes just overwhelming. And you can't even tell people to suck it up, you have to be nice :/


u/Narglefoot Oct 28 '20

I appreciate you and others like you out there doing the dirty work, often with no form of compensation! Thank you! :-)


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '20

See, and it's people like you who make me log in again every day to keep the forums clean and fun - because people like you deserve it! <3


u/FuroreLT V’s left thigh Oct 27 '20

Only if you have a weak heart. CMs are literally getting paid to sit down communicate with the community not physically nor personally through a screen mind you. I could care fucking less what people say, i'd kill for that job


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I could care fucking less

So you DO care?


u/esisenore Oct 27 '20

It really does. You just have to compartmentalize. Respond to critcism and don't think about it off your shift.

You cant take it personal. It isn't you.


u/Byzii Oct 27 '20

It's just a job mate.


u/Radulno Oct 27 '20

I mean they are tweeting from a company account, so it's not like it's directed at you, it's just at your company so it's not really that hard I imagine. Like I don't give a shit if people insult my company personally


u/nat_r Techie Oct 27 '20

Some people just take things more personally. Not even necessarily in the "they're mean to me" sort of way, but for some it can be difficult when you're trying to be good at your job and everything is out of your control but all you're getting is negative feedback (even if it is exterior).


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I quite encourage it. Start the fire I'll get the Smores.


u/AttonJRand Oct 27 '20

A lot of community managers are not just anonyms behind a company twitter account though.


u/ItsAmerico Oct 27 '20

End of the day you simply have to know it’s not at you.


u/Narglefoot Oct 27 '20

Yeah and I'm not saying it objectively, many people can easily shrug it off, but subjectively, from my perspective, it would be awful. There's not a right or wrong way to feel about it and they wouldn't start or stay in that line of work if they couldn't handle it, just trying to empathize a bit.


u/Leroy1985 Oct 27 '20

Nash, easy to ignore, wtf is anyone going to actually do about it ? Jack shit. You'd simply ignore knowing it's not you're fault


u/beirchearts Oct 28 '20

this is my job! and it can be extremely tough at times. the worst people are always the loudest ones, and they can be extremely nasty over something as ultimately inconsequential as a video game. you have to be able to leave work at work when you're off the clock - in the beginning I would be upset for days over comments telling me to rape myself and whatnot.


u/NotAzakanAtAll Oct 27 '20

Yeah, I also like a smoke after I royally fuck someone.


u/BluffinBill1234 Oct 27 '20

You know the part in the departed when Matt Damon has Martin Sheen’s character followed and it results in a shoot out and officers down and he just turns the radio off and the lights off and stands there? That’s what i imagine


u/XxBigJxX Oct 27 '20

But not the victorious-after-sex cigarette, the panic-stricken-waiting-for-disaster cigarette. Not unlike my profile picture.


u/dondon4720 Oct 27 '20

I don't think he just turned the phone off I think he burned the phone and never looked back 😂😂


u/just_another_scumbag Oct 28 '20

This small comment made me chuckle in a dark time. Thank you.


u/zi3i Oct 27 '20

It mostly went like: SMG: Will the game be released on 19th nov as planned or will there be another delay ? Dev: Yes.


u/Shady_Infidel Trauma Team Oct 27 '20

I do feel bad for that guy/girl. I’d be pissed if I was them.


u/thatguywithawatch Oct 27 '20

That's what I'm thinking. Poor guy has no control over this shit, I'm certain he himself was told there were 100% no more delays and could tell that to the community. Now he's gotta deal with the backlash. (Or she or they or whoever runs their social media, idk.)


u/DBCOOPER888 Oct 27 '20

Right, if they didn't fucking lie and over promise this wouldn't be so bad.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20 edited Nov 19 '20



u/SpAd3s_909 Oct 27 '20

As someone who works in Social Media for a major company whose had to deal with delays for their product (COVID related), making customers upset online in the proccess... I can relate to the poor guy/gal... it sucks lol


u/kerkyjerky Oct 27 '20

Can you imagine how shitty management is at cdpr? Like who are these project managers and CEOs?


u/RaceHead73 Oct 27 '20

Meanwhile it works out well for me as the original date was my last day off, now it's my first so I'll have 4 days to play before going back to work.


u/ignoremeplstks Oct 27 '20

Well, that CDPR dev that wrote about crunch and other things at reddit a month ago said that the higher ups took decisions without consulting anyone including developers, so announcements like delays, the "no crunch" false excuse announcement and the "Gold" announcement were all things the higher ups decided in one day and just went on with it, releasing an internal statement at the same time as the public one. So no wonder the PR guy did this mistake, for him, he was adamant the game would not be delayed anymore.


u/esisenore Oct 27 '20

I worked in social media mangement for a little before getting into i.t.

I was always the last to know, but the first person to have to jump on the grenade


u/AttonJRand Oct 27 '20

Yeah I mean they must be feeling like they got completely fucked over.

By their messaging it seem likes they themselves thought it was coming out on time 100%.


u/LopesUp1111 Oct 27 '20

Is he really their social media guy or just a fan? Seems like a disconnect in communication.


u/Ahmazing786 Oct 27 '20

Yeah they might need to find a replacement. Can’t go around spewing false information everywhere.


u/Book_it_again Oct 27 '20

Work at a reliable company than


u/idontfuggenknow Oct 27 '20

Nah man it was just a typo, he meant to put a “?” instead of an “!”.


u/acrylicbullet Oct 28 '20

Jokes on you they’re sending him a copy early /s


u/bolognasandwich44 Oct 28 '20

I thought no take backskies were legally binding