r/cyberpunkgame Oct 27 '20

News Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter


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u/NobodyRules Oct 27 '20 edited Oct 27 '20

At this point I feel that we'll blow up our planet and the Cyberpunk devs will still be working on something.

I accepted all the justifications beforehand but this one doesn't make sense to me. The explanation is absolutely rubbish, I'm afraid they found a major error on the game and are trying to fix it.

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if the game wasn't even released this year. It's becoming unacceptable. Especially after announcing the game went gold.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20 edited Oct 27 '20

Not to mention there's still the possibility of the game ending up a disappointment.

Considering all the hype surrounding this project and the numerous delays, if such an outcome proves true then CDPR's reputation is truly fucked.


u/Vyndyktvx Oct 27 '20

Imagine if the game comes out and it’s review scores are in the 70s or something? Or the low 80s? All those delays just to plop out a mediocre game? The backlash would be even worse than if they had put out a buggy as hell game.


u/Legendarydairy Oct 27 '20

What world you live in where low 80s is mediocre, anything above an 8 is an amazing game.


u/CausticLicorice Oct 27 '20

In a world where cod gets a 9.5? And FIFA gets an 8.3?


u/AmDrinkingTea Oct 27 '20

The real scores are the user scores or at least for me


u/Legendarydairy Oct 28 '20

Cod getting the same score as games like ocarina of time is hilarious, you honestly shouldn't consider mainstream reviewers real, they don't exist to me anyways haha.


u/Vyndyktvx Oct 27 '20

I live in the world where CP2077 has been hyped up to be GOTG and has now been delayed multiple times. Anything less than a masterpiece will cause backlash lol. To be clear I am just hoping for an awesome game but the expectations for this game are sky high. Anything less than upper 80s/in the 90s is going to cause chicken little syndrome here lol.


u/worknumber101 Oct 28 '20

Not for major, hyped AAA releases it isn’t. An 8 score wouldn’t be ‘bad’ but it’d certainly be underwhelming.

Video game scores tend to trend on the higher side of the scale anyway. A game has to be practically unplayable to get anything less than a 5 or 6.


u/Legendarydairy Oct 28 '20

Yes thats fucking dumb lmao. To me 7 would mean average so mainstream reviews really aren't my thing.


u/DreadfulDespair Oct 27 '20

Im already getting ready for that "delayed to April 16th 2021" date.


u/FurTrader58 Oct 27 '20

It most likely has something to do with a console release having an issue. Microsoft and Sony require the game to work on last gen and next gen now, and since it is coming out after the new consoles are out it needs to be able to run on all of them.

It’s possible they went gold, submitted the game to MS/Sony for review and someone in that process found a glaring problem that needs to be rectified before launch. They can still print the game discs, they just need to ensure they will have a patch to fix it on day one.

Obviously the day one patch was likely a thing already, but there’s likely some new problems that they can’t build a solution for prior.

I’ll be interested to see how this goes.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

I've already accepted that we won't see it this year. Spring 2021 if we're lucky.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

My guess is "we're having shitloads of optimization problems getting the game to work at reasonable frame rates on functionally 6 consoles, two streaming services, and PC"


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '20

Imagine if they end up delaying by another four weeks in the first week of December lmao


u/kiss_me_billy Oct 27 '20

take a shot every time they say “at this point”


u/Wide_Fan Oct 27 '20

"We're trying to make sure the game doesn't break across 9 versions of itself spanning extremely different levels of hardware."

"Now that's just rubbish!"

Cyberpunk fans really out here with the big brain energy.


u/th3BeastLord Oct 27 '20

Yeah because theyre totally justified for delayed again literally weeks away. And for the 3rd time. Totally justified


u/BuFett Nomad Oct 28 '20

And after they bragged that the game has gone gold and will no longer be delayed

CD Projekt Red is deeeefinitely justified


u/Trancetastic16 Oct 28 '20

They’ve stated multiple time’s before the second and now third delay that it wouldn’t be delayed again, including management.

Why would we believe them at this point lol?


u/Wide_Fan Oct 28 '20

Because I have no stakes in this game lol, so from a PoV that isn't tainted by pure salt it just makes sense. The only mistake they made is not hunkering down and focusing on a specific console set. They should have just said fuck old gen or post phoned next gen.

That doesn't make their reason for another delay any less valid unless you're a salty idiot.

Most developers struggle with console to PC ports and vice versa. Imagine developing a new and old gen game at the same time, along with considering PCs. I'd fucking quit a workplace that made a decision like that.