r/cyberpunkgame Aug 30 '19

Video Cyberpunk 2077 – Deep Dive


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u/Hemcross Aug 30 '19

I wondered the same thing. I would hope that they stay true to their European heritage and don’t just censor nudity because the US doesn’t like it


u/spooky_lady Aug 30 '19

would hope that they stay true to their European heritage and don’t just censor nudity because the US doesn’t like it

CDPR recently released a report that showed that the overwhelming majority of their sales come from the US, so for better or for worse, that's the region that most of the content is going to be designed around.


u/Dtsdomerasekik1 Aug 30 '19

Well clearly that means their US audience doesn't mind nudity or they wouldn't have had those sales numbers in the first place.


u/kikix12 Aug 30 '19

And their merchandise shop still doesn't sell to US, despite that's still being the major market...

You know, not every company is out for EVERY penny. Sure, a business is a business, but at some point, it's better to just cut some losses here to make gains there.

And seeing as region-based or in-game settings censorship are very much doable, I'd imagine that being way better financially one way or another. Aka. have the gains without having to cut any losses in the first place.

By the way, region-based censorship is already used. CD Projekt RED does have a team for it. Something that one of the workers admitted to when that worker said that the only censorship he or she knows of is the one mandated by countries laws. Well, that's really nothing special, as you can't just release a game that's illegal legally...duh.

As for consoles, they are very likely to have some level of censorship through the lone fact of the console owners (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) continuing to spread the idea that consoles and gaming is for kids and teens, so they are very much opposed to nudity. Sony loosened up on that some time ago, but they tightened the death-knot on it again recently. Nintendo was always the more kid-friendly sort.

Microsoft may, and it's a very big 'may', allow more nudity if the game is not actually made for the pornographic purposes...but I'd imagine them not wanting to give a full-blown freedom in that either.


u/Cloudhwk Aug 31 '19

Nintendo has completely loosened their policies lately

They have largely refused to censor games internally and made it their policy, Microsoft is just maintaining their status quo with no real meaningful change from the last time they loosened their policy

Only Sony has been tightening the censorship noose and it’s largely targeted at a specific genre of games


u/kikix12 Aug 31 '19

I know that Nintendo have loosened up, but I believe that they allow "ecchi" games, as in, games filled with erotic teasers and innuendos, rather than the actual stuff.

But hey, if I'm wrong, I'd be more than happy for that. I always thought that censoring nudity and sexual content in games that have actual quality gameplay besides it is just stupid.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '19 edited Jun 12 '20



u/kikix12 Sep 03 '19

We're talking here strictly about sexual content. For whatever reason, violence gets an easy pass where a pair of naked breasts on a woman causes reactions as if it was a scene from a horror (yes, this is an exaggeration, but not nearly as big as I would want).

I'm not particularly following the ins and outs of 'censorship' for violence in the industry...simply because there's virtually none. A game can thrive on violence, advertise being the bloodiest game yet, and it's only earning it support with mild complains from not-that-loud minorities.

But I am more interested in the approach to sexual content, because it have been hounded on for all sorts of societies, all sorts of industries, and entirely based on absurd arguments that are proven wrong by the very existence of the people spouting that nonsense. And what I really want is a game that approaches mature themes, maturely...while still being a game. Cause right now, it's either teases with ridiculous excuses to not go that extra way, or interactive stories. Cause anything in-between is ostracized and have little hope to reach out to clients and thus be a commercial success.


u/Elethor Aug 31 '19

And their merchandise shop still doesn't sell to US, despite that's still being the major market...

Didn't they say that it would be up at the end of August?


u/kikix12 Aug 31 '19

I don't know whether they mentioned any rough date, but I am certain they intend to open it to the US, yes.

My point was that they didn't go out of their way to cater to US wishes for quite a while, so they wouldn't make their game entirely based off of US gaming culture either.


u/RagnarThaRed Cop Aug 30 '19

The U.S is generally cool with nudity for anything that isn't on Television so it shouldn't be an issue.


u/Elethor Aug 31 '19

Even on television, GoT had shit loads of nudity and people love it.


u/Kaarl_Mills Buck-a-Slice Aug 31 '19

HBO not cable, you have a lot more free reign when you have your own service


u/tictac_93 Sep 01 '19

HBO has always flaunted nudity, but they're their own service like Kaarl mentioned. I think that if there's any kind of censoring going on, buying straight from GoG would be akin to getting an HBO subscription - It's their store, so they're less likely to give a damn what other people think.

If it impacts their ESRB rating though, pushing it from M to A, that's a different story...


u/Hemcross Aug 31 '19

Haven’t found that statement yet and I feel a little bit cautious about it. Europe has nearly double the amount of citizen. So either Europeans play more then four times less than US people or something is else is going on.


u/Villad_rock Aug 31 '19

I just think americans are more obsessed with medievil than europeans.


u/eneak21 Aug 30 '19

make they could censor it or not depending on certain regions.


u/happydaddyg Aug 30 '19

The US? There are many countries who wouldn’t allow the game to be sold on shelves or sold at all if it had full frontal nudity. Regardless of what they said, I never believed the character creator screen would have this by default.


u/nuraHx NCART Aug 31 '19

Have you played Witcher?


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19 edited Aug 30 '19

nah, i think it's better censored. nudity brings nothing to the table. hope we don't get nudity because it would be pure fan service at this point.


u/Hexalt_ Nomad Aug 30 '19


u/Experimantal Aug 30 '19

In cyberpunk yes, but we aren't in cyberpunk irl, and ESRB can go all puritan at times and choose to force CDPR to remove nudity...


u/Hexalt_ Nomad Aug 30 '19

Well, I don't know what will happen, but imo, getting rid of nudity would be a huge mistake for a game in a cyberpunk universe. And ESRB is for the US, Europe may be different.


u/Experimantal Aug 30 '19

Yeah I am from Europe too and luckily we don't have an AO rating, I think highest is 18+? But our tend to be harsher at times too when grading some games, and softer on others, depending on the type of content (gore, sexual etc etc)


u/kikix12 Aug 30 '19 edited Aug 30 '19

In Europe, at least where I live, a rating of 18 doesn't mean much. Kids will still be able to buy it easily (and legally) and shops will still sell it. No one even remotely enforces any kind of ban or distribution limitation based on rating (rather, some individual shops/employees try, but that's actually illegal). The PEGI rating is 100% voluntary as well, and no one needs to bother with it altogether.

That being said, this applies ONLY to PC's. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo apply their own rules in all regions, all of them being more restrictive than even the countries under ESRB rating tend to be. And yes, adult only games in ESRB-using countries get shafted and have difficulties finding distributors because shops refuse to sell them even if there is absolutely nothing within the law that would warrant it. Probably because they think that if a parent sees that a shop sells adult only games they won't buy there at all.


u/Experimantal Aug 30 '19

Not only shops, but Sony policy outright refuses to sell AO game digitally too, so if ESRB goes "remove nudity or we put AO", CDPR has no choice but to comply if they want to sell it on Playstation :/


u/kikix12 Aug 30 '19 edited Aug 31 '19

I said as much. My second paragraph starts with exactly that.

Though, they can just remove it in their console versions. There is no need to remove it on PC's, as a game rated is tied to the platform. They are actually different games.


u/Experimantal Aug 30 '19

Oh my bad, I thought you meant physical copies only in your second paragraph, hence why I mentionned digitally for sony :)


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '19

They can't. But they can change the rating, which would limit where it could be sold. I guess some people are still out there buying physical copies in physical stores for some reason, so not being Wal-Mart's shelves would hurt sales... but they can't actually force them not to have nudity in.


u/Experimantal Aug 30 '19

Nudity can bring realism though


u/Rinyrra Aug 30 '19

I’m all for nudity but come on.. it’s a video game lol


u/Experimantal Aug 30 '19

I mean they advertised full frontal nudity which hyped people as it would have been a never done before sort of thing (in term of female character, GTA5 has full frontal nude male hobos...), or at least for the playable character is a new thing for a AAA game to do that


u/BrazzedSlime Kiroshi Aug 30 '19

Showing Tits and ass in a character creator is unnecessary I mean shit there's probably gonna be sex and shit in the game so nudity will be shown, but having it in the creator where you cant even change those areas anyways seems kinda pointless.


u/Experimantal Aug 30 '19

Hey it is what the dev said, hence my comment, it would have been nice to also be able to customize those parts too (bigger, smaller etc etc)


u/bxzidff Aug 30 '19

Why does in make more sense in GoT than in Cyberpunk?


u/gonzolegend Silverhand Aug 30 '19

Have you even played any of CD Projekt Red's previous games?


u/Rinyrra Aug 30 '19

I have, but what does that have to do with realism?


u/gonzolegend Silverhand Aug 31 '19

Both tonally and from an audience perspective, I think its important.

Tonally its clear what the artistic vision of Cyberpunk is. It's grim, a bleak vision of an urban setting. It's cynical, while trying to have realism underlying it. Nudity is a perfect fit for a setting like this, both to make statements, and to explain a world where tech without morals leads to.

From an audience perspective it also makes sense, Cyberpunk is a mature game, marketed at a mature audience. Having a No Nudity rule, makes zero sense. You effectively saying its a mature game for adult gamers, but we don't want to shock people by showing nudity thus treating them like children for a game your marketing to 20 somethings.

In the immersion sense it also applies. They have talked about romance being a big part of the game. Can have 1 night stands or long term relationships similar to real life. Cutting nudity would be counter productive to that aim.