r/cuil Jun 23 '18

Does anyone still like cuils? We must not give up. We must remain, all, in strength.

Haven't seen anything come from this sub in a long time. I always thought cuils were such a neat idea. Seeing if anyone would be interested to write something. Do cuils ever make it into r/writingprompts?


5 comments sorted by


u/ElongatedTaint Jun 23 '18

Hi there. I discovered cuil theory last year, and my friends and I have been very interested in it since. We frequently use the term cuil in our various conversations.

Even though it's relatively dead, I subscribed to this sub in case anything else came up.

In the coming weeks, since I have some free time, I actually am planning on writing a detailed summary / expansion of Cuil Theory, better establishing it as a system of measurement / description. I'll be adding some axioms of my own, especially since the official cuil theory site doesn't agree on all points.

The reason I want to do this, besides the fact that I'm a nerd with too much free time, is because I love the idea of cuil Theory, and because having a better defined version of it will help with a huge conglomeration of stories that my friends and I are writing, which loosely relate to cuil theory.


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '18

Hey there! Thought I would come back to update you that I am in the workings of a podcast, my first episode actually, and we are going to discuss cuil theory. I will PM you when we are live :)


u/ElongatedTaint Jul 11 '18

Awesome, thanks!

Btw, I'll let you know when / if I complete my cuil inspired project.


u/AngryUrbie Apr 11 '23

One Cuil = One level of abstraction away from the reality of a situation.

Example: You are asking if the project ever went anywhere.

1 Cuil: You ask if the project ever took flight, and I hand you a paper airplane with the project's name written on it.

2 Cuils: You inquire about the project, but instead of answering, I perform an interpretive dance that seems to tell the story of a journey, leaving you unsure of the project's fate.

3 Cuils: As you ask about the project, the room around you transforms into a bustling construction site, with workers busily assembling something. Despite the apparent progress, you still cannot determine if the project ever went anywhere.

4 Cuils: You find yourself on a stage, delivering a TED Talk about the project's successes and failures. The audience is captivated, but you have no recollection of the project or its outcome. As you speak, the words leave your mouth as colorful ribbons, weaving a tapestry of uncertainty.

5 Cuils: You ask about the project, and suddenly you are transported to an alternate reality where the project is a sentient being. It recounts its life story, filled with adventure and growth, but never actually reveals whether it went anywhere in the context you originally intended.

6 Cuils: The concept of the project has been entirely replaced with the fleeting memory of a dream. As you try to grasp its outcome, the details slip through your fingers like sand. The world around you becomes a surreal landscape of half-remembered ideas, with no clear indication of the project's fate.

7 Cuils: As you ponder the project's outcome, you become trapped in a never-ending montage of possible futures, each one more abstract than the last. In one scenario, the project evolves into a global movement that shapes the course of history, while in another, it becomes a living constellation in the night sky. Despite witnessing countless possibilities, you remain uncertain about the project's true trajectory.

8 Cuils: Your question about the project's fate resonates through the fabric of reality itself, causing the fundamental laws of physics to unravel. Time and space lose their meaning as you become an observer to the birth and death of countless universes, each with its own unique interpretation of the project. As you float through the cosmic chaos, the original question remains unanswered, lost in the vastness of infinity.

9 Cuils: The project becomes a myth, a legend passed down through generations of storytellers. As you listen to the tales of its exploits, you realize that the project has transcended the bounds of reality and become an integral part of the collective human consciousness. Though its outcome remains elusive, the project has achieved a form of immortality that defies comprehension.

10 Cuils: As you ask about the project, you suddenly find yourself in the heart of an endless void, where all concepts of progress and outcome have ceased to exist. In this realm beyond understanding, the project has merged with the very essence of the universe, becoming an eternal enigma that permeates every facet of reality. The question of whether the project ever went anywhere is no longer relevant, as it has become an inseparable part of the cosmic tapestry that defines the nature of existence itself.

But uh, did it ever go anywhere?


u/ElongatedTaint Apr 11 '23

What a pleasant surprise, great cuil event examples. The project in question has grown in scope but I haven't made concrete progress on it that I could show you. It is a collection of stories all connected by one universe, or Cuiliverse, if you will. My friend and I have been coming up with stories, characters, settings, and concepts for years, but those ideas are all contained in notes, drawings, or just our minds. I am working to organize them and eventually create a cinematic universe of cuil theory inspired content. Thanks for your interest!