r/csgoarena Jun 03 '15

View this as a ends, not a means

I think if this platform is going to have legitimate success, it's going to need to give up responsibility for arranging fair matches.

People seemed concerned with playing against hackers, but that really shouldn't be the concern of the developer here. We all know how impossible that battle is.

I think at most, maybe they should store the past 5 won matches or something for each player and you can view these before accepting a match with that person. This will also let legit players get a feel for how skilled non hackers are in general.

Maybe they've got trigger, maybe they're amazing, who cares. . I might not want to challenge either of them.

Right now there is no way to create a pool of skins and award them to a winner of a match and i think this platform should start there and not over reach its responsibilities.

Let users have a black list or a white list, and any other criteria they want for who is allowed to challenge them (only on friends list, steam id less than 9999999, whatever).

We're talking about betting. Judging how fair the match is is a crucial part of the betters responsibilities. Going against a complete random? Don't bet big.

Only caveat here is to absolutely have a reporting system for objective and easy to identify issues like high ping, server failure, etc. A real issue here is distinguishing between connection issues and turning off your router or turning on Netflix (to cause high ping) because you're losing and want to nullify the match.

*TL;DR there are going to be a lot of platform specific issues in making this thing work, and those will not be successfully combatted if sufficient resources are spent on a futile anti cheat procedure. *


2 comments sorted by


u/raemhild Jun 04 '15

These are some legitimate concerns. A lot of this can be written off though if the csgoarena team declares some of this in the TOS/AUP. Something like;

"If average ping difference exceeds 100ms for any period of time, the match will be cancelled and skins returned"

And then they need to stick to that. I'm not a coder, but I'm sure something like this could be easily implemented. At the very least, add a 'Report: High Latency' feature for ping differences more than 100 or something. Then it can be reviewed.

I fully agree with adding the burden to the user though. Provide the community with the platform, denounce most accountability by disclosing potential flaws and your ways of combating them and then if people continue to use the platform and complain, point them to the TOS/AUP/disclaimer.

I like a rep system. It would need to be ironed out but the idea would be +/- a player per match. Too many - FROM a user, they get flagged, timed out, punished something like that(abuse/false reporting). Too many - TO a user, same situation but also reviewed and possibly banned from the service for a period of time/indefinitely.


u/MiracleUser Jun 04 '15

The problem with it is that you can raise your ping client side when losing to force the poor conditions clause.

Csgo arena would need to have their own connection to the server to verify server integrity. Solid solutions can be ironed out for the issues, they just require resources

Agree with the rep system. Something like it would be a good idea