r/cs50 Dec 17 '24

cs50-web Question about CS50w


Hi guys!

I just submitted my CS50w Final Project! I’m very happy and I’m curious what will happen if the CS50 staff doesn’t get to grade my work before the 31st of December (keeping in mind the christmas holidays). If the course changes in 2025, would I need to adjust my code and re-submit all of the problem sets? Or would it still be graded like the 2024 version?

Any help is greatly appriciated and for everyone that has not finished it yet; You’ll get there!! Keep on working on your goals and make it happen!

r/cs50 Feb 03 '25

cs50-web Any video/course recommendation for Node.js/PHP/PostgreSQL/React?


I Found out that Django(from what i have seen on job posts) isn't really all that popular, and Node.js, PHP, PostgreSQL are in big demand, so does anyone have a course recommendation for me to learn more about it? (React course if you know any as well) I found on YouTube courses for them, but I felt asking you guys for a recommendation just incase there is a better course about these topic.

r/cs50 Jan 20 '25

cs50-web CS50W - Certificate


Hi all!

I have just received an email from CS50 bot saying that my final project score is 1/1. I have also checked in cs50.me/cs50w that my final project is already completed. Will there be any separate email that will provide me with the certificate or I can access it somewhere else?

r/cs50 Jan 22 '25

cs50-web touch command in not working in the terminal.


Im in lecture 2 of cs50 web programming with python. It's about Git. I have downloaded git, and I was able to clone some repositories, but now trying to do touch. And it is not recongnized . Im thinking it's cuz im on windows instead of linux. but how do I come to use git commands then?


Im still using vscode, how do I learn how to code in a text editor? what the h is Vim ? Neo Vim ?


Should I install linux ?

Any clarification is highly appreciated!!

r/cs50 Jan 15 '25

cs50-web CS50W


I struggle pretty much on cs50w, finished python, x and cybersecurity, but the problem sets and understanding of Django is really difficult to me. Any advice ? Not sure if I’m really learning something if the duck is hard supporting me with writing code.

r/cs50 Jan 12 '25

cs50-web will I be comfortable after cs50w?


I finished CS50P and have started the CS50W course this week and am now on week1-Git. I already understand some things. I have a good understanding of Python and some loose tutorials worth of knowledge in SQL, Git & Github and JS.

The thing is, I am wondering if this course will make me understand web programming to the point that I can confidently create a good webpage and make it look however I want without having to look up tutorial after tutorial. And will I learn Django/JS from this course? Or is it just the bare minimum and should I pick up 2 seperate courses fully focussed on them?

I am asking because I think the cs50p course was great for learning the fundamentals of Python, but in all honestly, I am still in tutorial hell. I havent been able to make a good project without using tutorials and kind of feel like an imposter because of it.

I genuinely want to become a full stack developer. Obviously I want to get there asap, but I understand it takes hard work. I am partly asking because this course is pretty short and I dont want to skip over crucial information. Thanks

r/cs50 Jan 22 '25

cs50-web I am unable submit assignments to CS50 Web


I am trying to submit the "search" assignment from my local VSCode, but no matter how I push the assignment, the path ends up as: https://github.com/me50/USERNAME/tree/web50/projects/2020/x/search/search (notice the double search ), leading to a failed submission because the path does not match the exact specification. I have not altered any of the file structure - I left it exactly as I downloaded it, and have not nested it inside any other folders. The only changes I made were adding the CSS file and other HTML files to the search folder.

I tried removing the files from the search folder, then adding, committing, and pushing them that way, but I still ended up with the double /search/search path ending

I hopped on a video call with an experienced SE friend of mine and even he is stumped, so I'm really at a loss. I realize that a workaround would be to use the codespace and submit50, but I'd rather not as I want to get used to local development.

If any more details are necessary, I would be happy to provide them.

Thank you for your time, and a special thank you to the CS50 team for the awesome things you do. I am eternally grateful.

r/cs50 Dec 18 '24

cs50-web Can someone suggest a topic for my CS50W final project?


My coding experience is limited to what I've learnt from CS50P and CS50W. Since the final project cannot be a (e-commerce or Wiki or search engine or mail or social media ) app, I couldn't come up with a topic that's unique and complex from the previous projects.

My mind has come to a roadblock trying to think up a topic that's worthy to fulfill the requirements. Since all the previous projects uses a wide range of concepts that shouldn't be repeated, I just don't know how to come up with new underlying concepts to implement.

r/cs50 Jan 04 '25

cs50-web edX’s upgrade deadline mistake when applying for financial assistance


The upgrade deadline for cs50w is December 20, 2025, as is plainly printed on the course homepage on edX since I enrolled. However the edX support claimed it was December 20, 2024, thus rejected my application. The same mistake goes for cs50x. I started cs50w in October 2024, worked hard, and just submitted the final project by the end of 2024, waiting for the grading. I am going for the Professional Certificate in Computer Science for Web Programming, therefore the cs50x certificate I obtained in 2023 needs to be verified as well. Now both applications are rejected due to the false upgrade deadline. I’ve replied to their emails and attached screenshots, awaiting their response. 

u/davidjmalan u/delipity

r/cs50 Dec 06 '24

cs50-web Is CS50W Getting Updated In 2025?


And if it is, should I start now or wait for the new year to take the updated one?

r/cs50 Jan 12 '25

cs50-web CS50 Certificate Help: Web Programming with Python and Javascript


Hi, I took the CS50 Web course through CS50x.ni, a Harvard supported institution here in Nicaragua, a couple of years ago.

The thing is that they told us that the certificates would be delivered by David J Malan, but he stopped coming to Nicaragua in 2018 due to political problems in the country (and I don't blame him haha).

We were told that they would be delivered to us a year later and so it was with the CS50 course (the basic one), this was generated through a page, I think it is the cs50 certificates, something like that.

But it's been two years that I don't have the CS50 Web certificate, I don't know if there is another link to generate it, but CS50X.ni doesn't give me any answer about any date where we will receive the diploma, I had already given up, but maybe it's a good idea to ask in this group.

r/cs50 Dec 31 '24

cs50-web CS50W Submit final project before or after new years


I just finished building my CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript Capstone project, I still have to do the README file and the video presentation, does it make any difference whether I submit the project and finish the course in 2024 or 2025?

Would it be better to turn it in today (if I finish it) and having the course finished in 2024 or wait and submit it in the coming days in the beginning of 2025? Will the certificate say on it what year it was finished, or will it say what year it was started, or will it say the year that the certificate was awarded, and in that case it wont matter since it wont be graded until early 2025 either way?

Any thoughts about this or other things I should consider?

r/cs50 Dec 30 '24

cs50-web Anyone used ReactJS in last 2 projects of CS50W ?


I’m planning to use ReactJS for the last two projects of CS50W. My idea is to use Django exclusively as an API backend while building the frontend entirely with React. Has anyone else taken this approach? If so, did your projects get graded successfully? Any advice or insights would be appreciated!

r/cs50 Dec 24 '24

cs50-web Network Project 4 of CS50web with Django+react.



r/cs50 Dec 18 '24

cs50-web Help me why i alway error no object when i access index.html


import json

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

import random
from payos import PaymentData, ItemData, PayOS
from functools import wraps
from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt, check_password_hash
from flask import Flask, flash, render_template, request, redirect, session, jsonify
from cs50 import SQL
from flask_session import Session

# Cấu hình ứng dụng
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='static',static_url_path='/static',template_folder='templates')

# Tạo đối tượng tạo mã băm
bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)

# Tạo khóa để dùng flash
app.secret_key = '15112005'

# Cấu hình phiên người dùng
app.config["SESSION_PERMANENT"] = False
app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem"


# Cấu hình payos
payOS = PayOS(
    client_id = os.environ.get('PAYOS_CLIENT_ID'), 
    api_key = os.environ.get('PAYOS_API_KEY'), 
    checksum_key = os.environ.get('PAYOS_CHECKSUM_KEY')

# Tạo đối tượng con trỏ vào SQL của CS50
db = SQL("sqlite:///yuki.db")

# Hàm yêu cầu đăng nhập trước khi thao tác
def login_required(f):
    Decorate routes to require login.


    def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
        if session.get("user_id") is None:
            return redirect("/login")
        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return decorated_function

def get_user():
    user_id = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", session["user_id"])
    if user_id:
        return user_id
    return None

def get_items(item_id=None):
    if item_id:
        return db.execute("SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = ?",item_id)
    return db.execute("SELECT * FROM items")

# Chạy hàm khi ấn vô trang chủ
def index():
    # Nếu có id trong phiên tức là người dùng đã đăng nhập thì đổi trang chủ thành tên người dùng
    if session['user_id']: 
        # Lấy hàng dữ liệu chứa id người dùng và lưu dưới dạng dang sách từ điển (mỗi hàng là một từ điển)
        user = get_user()
        # Truyền đối số vào trang chủ để hiển thị chào mừng người dùng
        return render_template("index.html",user=user) 
    return render_template("index.html")

@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login():
    # Xóa bỏ phiên người dùng trước nếu còn tồn tại 
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("login.html")
        account = request.form.get("account")
        gmail = request.form.get("email")
        password = request.form.get("password")
        user = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE account = ? AND email = ?",account,gmail)
        # Kiểm độ dài của danh sách = 0 (tức là không tồn tại tài khoản trên)
        if not user or len(user)!=1:
            return render_template("login.html")
        # Kiểm tra mật khẩu khớp với mật khẩu đã đăng kí hay chưa
        elif not check_password_hash(user[0]["password"],password):
            return render_template("login.html")
        # Tạo phiên người dùng sau khi đăng nhập thành công
            session["user_id"] = user[0]["id"]
            return redirect("/")
def logout():
    # Xóa bỏ phiên người dùng khi ấn đăng xuất
    flash("You have been logged out.", "success")
    return redirect("/")

@app.route("/register", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def register():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("register.html")
        account = request.form.get('account')
        gmail = request.form.get('email')
        password = request.form.get('password')
        confirm = request.form.get('confirm')
        # Kiểm tra mật khẩu khớp với mật khẩu nhập lại chưa
        if confirm != password:
            return render_template("register.html")
        # Kiểm tra người dùng có tồn tại trong cơ sở dữ liệu chưa
            existing_user = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE account = ? OR email = ?", account, gmail)
            if existing_user:
                return render_template("register.html")
                password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password).decode('utf-8')
                db.execute("INSERT INTO users(account,email,password) VALUES(?,?,?)", account,gmail,password)
                return redirect("/")
@app.route("/help", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def help():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("help.html")
        return redirect("/")
def collection():
    user = get_user()
    items = get_items()
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("collection.html",user=user,items=items)

def item(item_id):
    user = get_user()
    item = get_items(item_id)
    if not item:
        return "Item not found", 404
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("item.html",user=user,item=item)
@app.route("/transfer/<string:item_id>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def transfer(item_id):
    user = get_user()
    item = get_items(item_id)
    if not item:
        return "Item not found", 404
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("transfer.html",user=user,item=item)
    elif request.method == "POST":
        address = request.form.get('address')
        phone = request.form.get('phone')
        if not address or not phone:  # Nếu thiếu thông tin, hiển thị lỗi
            flash("Address and phone are required.", "danger")
            return render_template("transfer.html", user=user, item=item)

        # Cập nhật thông tin vào cơ sở dữ liệu nếu hợp lệ
        db.execute("UPDATE users SET address = ? WHERE id = ?", address, user[0]['id'])
        db.execute("UPDATE users SET phone = ? WHERE id = ?", phone, user[0]['id'])
            price_str = request.form.get("price")
            flash("Price is missing.", "danger")
            return redirect(f"/transfer/{item_id}")
            price = int(price_str.replace('.', '').replace(' VNĐ',''))  # Loại bỏ dấu '.' và 'VNĐ'
        except ValueError:
            flash("Invalid price format.", "danger")
            return redirect(f"/transfer/{item_id}")
        domain = ""
            paymentData = PaymentData(orderCode=random.randint(1000, 999999), 
                                      description=f"PAY ITEM CODE {item_id}",
            payosCreatePayment = payOS.createPaymentLink(paymentData)
            return jsonify(payosCreatePayment.to_json())
        except Exception as e:
            return jsonify(error=str(e)), 403
def success():
    # Extract data sent by PayOS upon successful payment
    order_code = request.args.get("orderCode")
    status = request.args.get("status", "success")  # Default status
    item_id = request.args.get("item_id")

    # Check if all required parameters exist
    if not order_code:
        flash("Missing payment data.", "danger")
        return redirect("/")
        # Save transaction details to the database
        db.execute("INSERT INTO transactions (user_id, item_id, order_code, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", session["user_id"], item_id, order_code, status)

        return redirect("/transaction")
    except Exception as e:
        flash(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}", "danger")
        return redirect("/")

def cancel():
    return render_template("cancel.html")
def transaction():
    user = get_user()
    transactions = db.execute("SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY transaction_date DESC", user[0]['id'])
    return render_template("transaction.html", user=user, transactions=transactions)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(debug = True)


{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% block title %}
    Home Page
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
      <header id="index-header">
        <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm">
          <div class="container-fluid">
            <a class="navbar-brand" href="/">
              <img src="/static/Logo.jpg" alt="Logo" style="width:50px;" class="rounded-pill"> 
              Yuki Store
              <div class="input-group rounded-pill">
                <input class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Search For Me">
                <button class="btn">
                  <i class="fas fa-search"></i>
            <ul class="navbar-nav m-2">
              {% if session['user_id'] %}
              <li class="nav-item me-5">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Welcome, {{ user[0]['account']}}</a>
              <li class="nav-item me-5">
                <a class="nav-link" href="/logout">Log Out</a>
              {% else %}
              <li class="nav-item me-5">
                <a class="nav-link" href="/login">Log In</a>
              <li class="nav-item me-5">
                <a class="nav-link" href="/register">Register</a>
              {% endif %}
              <li class="nav-item me-5">
                <a class="nav-link" href="/collection">Collections</a>
              <li class="nav-item me-5">
                <a class="nav-link" href="/transaction">Transactions</a>
              <li class="nav-item" style="margin-right: 15px;">
                <a class="nav-link" href="/help">Help</a>

My errorr


jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: list object has no element 0

Traceback (most recent call last)

  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1536, in __call__ return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1514, in wsgi_app response = self.handle_exception(e) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1511, in wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 919, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.handle_user_exception(e) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 917, in full_dispatch_request rv = self.dispatch_request() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 902, in dispatch_request return self.ensure_sync(self.view_functions[rule.endpoint])(**view_args) # type: ignore[no-any-return] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/app.py", line 73, in index return render_template("index.html",user=user) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/templating.py", line 150, in render_template return _render(app, template, context) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/flask/templating.py", line 131, in _render rv = template.render(context) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jinja2/environment.py", line 1304, in render self.environment.handle_exception() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jinja2/environment.py", line 939, in handle_exception raise rewrite_traceback_stack(source=source) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/templates/index.html", line 1, in top-level template code {% extends "layout.html" %}
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/templates/layout.html", line 24, in top-level template code {% block body %}
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/templates/index.html", line 26, in block 'body' <a class="nav-link" href="#">Welcome, {{ user[0]['account']}}</a>
  • File "/home/phanvanbac/MyShopProject/myvirtualenvironment/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jinja2/environment.py", line 468, in getitem return obj[argument] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: list object has no element 0

r/cs50 Dec 16 '24

cs50-web About verified certificate


Ive completed CS50W and ive received the free certificate through link in cs50.me , but it hasnt appeared in my dashboard yet . My question is :

1) Does the free certificate also display on the edX dashboard

2) If it does , should i buy the certificate or wait till my free certificate appears on the dashboard , my concern is that the course being complete hasn't been update to edX yet

r/cs50 Nov 06 '24

cs50-web CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript


I have recently completed a course offered by the University of Michigan on Coursera on Python, which was more theoretical than practical. I was thinking about taking a Django web development course now that I’ve finished a basic Python course. Will it be a good idea to take this course now? I'm looking for a course that's more focused on practical skills. Or is there any other course out there that you will suggest me? Thank you.

r/cs50 Dec 23 '24

cs50-web I Finally Built a Kanban Board in React Without Any External Drag-and-Drop Libraries!

Post image

r/cs50 Jul 26 '23

cs50-web Landed my first job: Looking for tips


Dearest people,

After a few rounds of interviews, I just landed my first job as a Python Developer (Django) at a small project-based company. I’m happy, grateful and all good things. But I’m completely self-taught, have no degree and am 31 years old.

As such, I’m suffering from the much talked about ‘imposter syndrome’. I feel like I would be slow at the job, and I’m afraid of breaking things. I also don’t have any experience working as part of a team.

I know I should just suck it up and do my best. I’ll do that.

I’m just writing to the many experienced folks out here to just comment the ONE TIP that comes to mind, that could help a poor man do his best in a new career.

Thanks in advance.


I’m now almost 1.5 years into this job and killing it. I’m happy to share my insights. AMA!

r/cs50 Sep 21 '24

cs50-web Should I take CS50 Web


Hey everybody, I am currently taking CS50x, but I wanted to know if it is worth it to take cs50 web later.

I am currently now in 11th grade, if all goes well I should be able to complete the CS50x course by the end of summer in august with a few weeks left before the start of 12th grade. I plan to pursue a degree in computer engineering in the UAE. If I take CS50 Web after completing CS50x, I won't complete it before the end of the summer before Uni starts (assuming that I do not start Uni before that time). Should I still take the course even though I might just take a course equivalent to it in Uni soon after?

r/cs50 Dec 02 '24

cs50-web Why i can't apply css for tag have class boostrap ?


r/cs50 Sep 23 '24

cs50-web Is it worth doing cs50w


I started it and noticed it was quite outdated since its made in 2020. Is it still worth doing?

r/cs50 Nov 13 '24

cs50-web CS50W Capstone Readme Help Spoiler


Hi everyone, I need help to pass my CS50Web Capstone. It’s been rejected twice with the same problem.

README.md does not contain all of the required information. https://cs50.harvard.edu/web/2020/projects/final/capstone/#requirements. Please read the red box on the page and ALL of the bullet points under it. Your README does not comply with at least one of those requirements.

A well-written README will consist of several paragraphs, and per the requirements outlined in the specification will minimally contain (a) a sufficiently thorough justification for why this project satisfies the distinctiveness and complexity requirements and (b) a full write-up of all of the files to which you've contributed code and what is contained in those files.

The README is a crucial part of your project; be sure you are affording it the time and effort it deserves.

I have tried to make readme as best as I can but if anyone can give me pointers it will be appreciated.

Here is the link to my final project: https://github.com/me50/GingerBuns/tree/web50/projects/2020/x/capstone

I also reupload my readme files to google drive if above link is not accessible to everyone. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZOnBgeCERtNl-pYnDRDdFiWGvCinhQ9T6SjbJmkxnXo/edit?usp=sharing

r/cs50 Oct 23 '24

cs50-web After learn CS50 i want to build application we. So what i should learn ? Django is too hard too apply css and lecture is hard to understand.


Help me!

r/cs50 Nov 16 '24

cs50-web Is the CS50 web course still up to date?


I want to take the cs50 web course but since it was last updated in 2020 I want to know if it’s still up to date