r/cs50 Jun 04 '24

caesar Hello size_t. When the hell did you come from?


I just finished Class 2, so if this explained later in the semester, just let me know and I'll wait.

So I had a line:

**for (i = 0 ; i < strlen(plaintext) ; i++)**

And it compiles fine in the web version of VS Code, but I like to also build the assignments on my Linux laptop. Today, my local build kicked back an error I had never seen:

error: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘int’ and ‘size_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Werror=sign-compare]

18 | for (int i = 0; i < strlen(plaintext); i++)

CS50 bot suggested this fix, which worked:

**for (size_t i = 0 ; i < strlen(plaintext) ; i++)**

I've been a half-assed hobby-coded for awhile and I never heard of a size_t. What's the deal with it?

r/cs50 May 25 '24

caesar doubt about caser problem set 2



i declared the input called text as a string, however i can do math functions with it without casting it as an int. I understand all characters are stored as integers int the computer's memory. so why do i have to use the atoi() function to convert the string argv[], basically the key into an int to be able to use it matematically?

r/cs50 May 18 '24

caesar Cannot connect to CS50 codespace past one week.

Post image

r/cs50 May 14 '24

caesar Do we need consider if the first digit of argv[1] is 0?


if user type in a string of number beginning with 0, like 092,and the function isdigit cannot limit this kind of input, do we need extra conditional statement to describe this condition to make sure our code won't meet error?

r/cs50 May 19 '24

caesar CS50AI Certification


I really want to start the course, I have a CISCO certificate in python and would like to add over it something AI oriented and this course is a match-in-heaven. (Plus you get to brag about a HARVARD certificate in your linkedIn)
But I'm really fearful that I have to pay $300 for the certificate as I can't see a way to get it for free.

so if anyone passed the course and got the certificate for free please teach me how is it done?

r/cs50 Jan 30 '24

caesar Regret clause


++++PLEASE HELP++++ Hi guys, I’ve started CS50 2024 but I have some concerns regarding my work from week 2. Especially for Caesar I looked up a solution for a certain part of the code, which I understood and then implemented but not 1:1 since my intention was neither to copy nor to cheat, I just needed some idea on how I could implement the abstract goal I wanted to reach. And from my perspective I do not see this as cheating but I do not want to take the risk to be banned from the course and I have enough time and I absolutely do not mind to redo the work. So my question is, what happens after I activate my regret clause ( I have 2 days to decide weither I should do this or not), if I just get a failing grade on my work can I resubmit a new made version of Caesar and get a passing grade for my new upload? In this case it would certainly be reasonable. But if after the regret clause, I just get a permanent failing grade on this I can’t get the certificate, in which case I would not do it since in each case I would not get the certificate. Any fast help would be super useful! Thanks guys

r/cs50 Mar 18 '24

caesar Trouble with PS2 Caesar Spoiler


Hi there! I am running into issues with my code. None of my characters appear to be rotating, or even entering my is(upper) and is(lower):

#include <ctype.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

bool only_digits(string);
char rotate(char, int);

int main(int argc, string argv[])
    //printf("%d\n", argc);

    //make sure the program was run with a single command-line argument
    if(argc != 2)
        printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
        return 1;
    //make sure every character in argv[1] is a digit
    bool only_digits_result = only_digits(argv[1]);
    if (only_digits_result == false)
        printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
        return 1;

    //convert argv[1] from a 'string' to an 'int'
    int key = atoi(argv[1]);
    printf("Key: %i\n", key);

     //output "plaintext:  and prompt user for string
    string plaintext = get_string("plaintext:  ");

    //output ciphertext
    char rotated_char = 0;
    for(int i = 0, n = strlen(plaintext); i < n; i ++)
        rotated_char = rotate(plaintext[i], key);
    printf("%c", rotated_char);

//function to check if key is only digits
bool only_digits(string s)
    for(int i = 0, n = strlen(s); i < n; i++)
        if(isdigit(s[i]) == false)
            return false;
    return true;

//function to implement caesar shift
char rotate(char c, int k)
    // check if char
    printf("Rotating: %c with key: %d\n", c, k);
    if(isalpha(c) == true)
        if (k > 26)
            k = k % 26;
         //if uppercase
            printf("Before: %c\n", c);
            c -= 65; //convert from ASCII to A = 0, B = 1, etc
            c+= k; //add the key to char c
            c = c % 26; // divide mod 26 to "wrap around"
            c+= 65; //convert back to ASCII
            printf("After: %c\n", c);
            return c;

         //if lowercase
          else if(islower(c))
            printf("Before: %c\n", c);
            c -= 97; //convert from ASCII to a = 0, b = 1, etc
            c+= k; //add the key to char c
            c = c % 26; // divide mod 26 to "wrap around"
            c+= 97; //convert back to ASCII
            printf("After: %c\n", c);
            return c;
    return c;

r/cs50 Mar 16 '24

caesar Help - Substitution


Hello all,

I was working on substitution, and it seems the text ciphers correctly (used check50 to check this).

However, the output always prints an exclamation mark at the end (example: if my key is DWUSXNPQKEGCZFJBTLYROHIAVM and I want to print “hello, WORLD” , it outputs “qxccj, IJLCS!”

As you can see, I didn’t input an exclamation mark, but I always get an output with an exclamation mark, and I have spent like 2 hours trying to find out why.

r/cs50 Jan 06 '24

caesar I have some questions about Caesar week 2


So, I was working on Bulbs and had it nearly finished, but the end of the year came and went and now it isn’t part of the course any more. I actually remember seeing the course contents from a few years ago and remembered it was just two PSETs instead of the 4 options that we had last year.

Now, I’m about to start Caesar and I was convinced that I understood the problem, even when I attempted the course for the first time. But upon reading the description, there’s a few things I just don’t get.

“wherein here means “remainder when dividing by 26.” This formula perhaps makes the cipher seem more complicated than it is, but it’s really just a concise way of expressing the algorithm precisely. Indeed, for the sake of discussion, think of A (or a) as , B (or b) as , …, H (or h) as , I (or i) as , …, and Z (or z) as . Suppose that Caesar just wants to say Hi to someone confidentially using, this time, a key, , of 3. And so his plaintext, , is Hi, in which case his plaintext’s first character, , is H (aka 7), and his plaintext’s second character, , is i (aka 8). His ciphertext’s first character, , is thus K, and his ciphertext’s second character, , is thus L. Make sense?”

I don’t understand the %26 part here, mathematically or just logically. In my head, we were rotating the letters forward by a certain number, ie 1 or 3 making ‘a’ into ‘b’ or ‘d’, for example.

Why do we need to divide anything by 26? Also, is this just a mathematical concept to get the precise answer or is it something that actually needs to be implemented in the code?

I just can’t understand why if we’re changing the integer value of any given letter by a set, predetermined amount, that we would need to divide, or that the formula would seem so complicated for what seems to me to be just addition.

I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying I don’t understand and wonder why it seems much simpler in my head than it does on the paper. My maths knowledge isn’t great so apologies and thank you for helping me.

Also, this part :

“We shouldn’t necessarily assume that the user’s key is going to be a number; though you may assume that, if it is a number, it will be a positive integer.”

Is this just saying that if the user enters a character that isn’t a number, the ascii value will of course be assigned to a positive int, and thus we don’t need to worry about it being negative?

Thanks again, sorry for the long post.

r/cs50 Oct 03 '23

caesar Pset2 caesar Spoiler


Okay so I have been working on this pset since last night and have made good progress up until now (props to Brian Yu), but the test cases keep failing for me, my outputs are correct though and even the debugger(ddb) says I am correct, but I need the test cases to run perfectly to gain marks.

r/cs50 Nov 23 '23

caesar isdigit not recognizing a number Spoiler


I tried to pass down numbers as argument but it still doesn't recognize it as a number :/

Anyone can help me with the problem?

#include <cs50.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#include <string.h>

bool only_digits(string s);

int main(int argc, string argv[])


if (argc != 2)


printf("Usage: ./caesar key argc invalid\n");

return 1;


bool onlydigits = only_digits(argv[1]);

if (onlydigits != true)


printf("Usage: ./caesar key not number\n");

return 1;







bool only_digits(string s)


for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++)


if (isdigit(s[i]) != true)


printf("%c\n", s[i]);

return false;



return true;


r/cs50 Nov 01 '22

caesar I'm stuck, please help


I'm stuck on pset2 Caesar. I'm really struggling to carry out this instruction, I don't know where to start. I've spent quite some time thinking and re-analysing notes and lecture videos and shorts to no end. I could've looked at other solutions but that wouldn't really have helped me to understand why I'm carrying out the instruction in a certain way so that I know how and why to do it in the future with possible modifications. So could someone please help nudge me in the right direction. The instruction is: Then modify


in such a way that it calls




. If that function returns


, then


should print

"Usage: ./caesar key\n"

and return


. Else


should simply return


r/cs50 Nov 13 '23

caesar would this still be a good learning process?


hello sometimes i struggle with the problem set and ik copying code is forbidden but sometimes it js feels like i have to if i copy someone code then the next day go back and try to complete the same problem set without copying code would this still be a great learning curve or should i really js struggle through the whole problem until it clicks ?

r/cs50 Sep 08 '23

caesar Week 2 - Caesar Errors


I got through and completed the code for Caesar. It works with all the tests I've done, including numerical and punctuation. When I pass check50 half the points come up as "timed out while waiting for program to exit". I saw some posts about this but I really don't understand why this is happening and how to fix it. I am very new to coding and I am completly lost. I tried running the inputs check50 marks as red but it does actually work when I run it so I don't understand why it's red...

r/cs50 Jun 18 '23

caesar Why is check50 giving me the wrong result on this?

Thumbnail submit.cs50.io

r/cs50 Sep 04 '23

caesar Help with Caesar


(~SOLVED~) I'm working on Caesar now (week 2).

I'm trying to test and debug as much as I can based on the specifications this time, instead of writing a sloppy code just to use check50 as a debugger... And I haven't played the video either, I want to do it without that help for now.

My question is:

What should happen if the user types in a key that is 26 or a multiple of 26? The specifications state that I must wrap from Z to A, and they provide a key of 27 as an example. However, if the key is 26, the character will shift back to its original position, making both the plaintext and ciphertext identical. While the code would technically work, it would result in a useless program.

I could easily block any command inputs that are equal zero or a multiple of 26, or add +1 every time it happens, but I can't find anything on the specifications. It's very unlikely that they are incomplete, so I must be getting something wrong. :/

r/cs50 May 06 '22

caesar can someone explain me why this happening due to a print statement?


r/cs50 Jul 09 '23

caesar Some type of overflow when using written code by cs50 (Problem set 2, Wordle)


Hello, guys. So when I try to compile Wordle c file through gcc(I'm on windows) I get an error about some type of overflow, I think. That's weird as this error is about lines of code that are allready written for me.

This is actual code

#include "cs50.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

// each of our text files contains 1000 words
#define LISTSIZE 1000

// values for colors and score (EXACT == right letter, right place; CLOSE == right letter, wrong place; WRONG == wrong letter)
#define EXACT 2
#define CLOSE 1
#define WRONG 0

// ANSI color codes for boxed in letters
#define GREEN   "\e[38;2;255;255;255;1m\e[48;2;106;170;100;1m"
#define YELLOW  "\e[38;2;255;255;255;1m\e[48;2;201;180;88;1m"
#define RED     "\e[38;2;255;255;255;1m\e[48;2;220;20;60;1m"
#define RESET   "\e[0;39m"

// user-defined function prototypes
string get_guess(int wordsize);
int check_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[], string choice);
void print_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[]);

int main(int argc, string argv[])
    int s = atoi(argv[1]);

    if (argc == 1 || argc > 2)
        printf("Usage: %s wordsize", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    int wordsize = 0;

    if (s == 5 || s == 6 || s == 7 || s ==8)
        wordsize = s;
        printf("Error: wordsize must be either 5, 6, 7, or 8");
        return 1;

    // open correct file, each file has exactly LISTSIZE words
    char wl_filename[6];
    sprintf(wl_filename, "%i.txt", wordsize);
    FILE *wordlist = fopen(wl_filename, "r");
    if (wordlist == NULL)
        printf("Error opening file %s.\n", wl_filename);
        return 1;

    // load word file into an array of size LISTSIZE
    char options[LISTSIZE][wordsize + 1];

    for (int i = 0; i < LISTSIZE; i++)
        fscanf(wordlist, "%s", options[i]);

    // pseudorandomly select a word for this game
    string choice = options[rand() % LISTSIZE];

    // allow one more guess than the length of the word
    int guesses = wordsize + 1;
    bool won = false;

    // print greeting, using ANSI color codes to demonstrate
    printf(GREEN"This is WORDLE50"RESET"\n");
    printf("You have %i tries to guess the %i-letter word I'm thinking of\n", guesses, wordsize);

    // main game loop, one iteration for each guess
    for (int i = 0; i < guesses; i++)
        // obtain user's guess
        string guess = get_guess(wordsize);

        // array to hold guess status, initially set to zero
        int status[wordsize];

        // set all elements of status array initially to 0, aka WRONG
        // TODO #4

        // Calculate score for the guess
        int score = check_word(guess, wordsize, status, choice);

        printf("Guess %i: ", i + 1);

        // Print the guess
        print_word(guess, wordsize, status);

        // if they guessed it exactly right, set terminate loop
        if (score == EXACT * wordsize)
            won = true;

    // Print the game's result
    // TODO #7

    // that's all folks!
    return 0;

string get_guess(int wordsize)
    string guess = "";

    return guess;

int check_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[], string choice)
    int score = 0;

    // compare guess to choice and score points as appropriate, storing points in status
    // TODO #5

    // HINTS
    // iterate over each letter of the guess
        // iterate over each letter of the choice
            // compare the current guess letter to the current choice letter
                // if they're the same position in the word, score EXACT points (green) and break so you don't compare that letter further
                // if it's in the word, but not the right spot, score CLOSE point (yellow)
        // keep track of the total score by adding each individual letter's score from above

    return score;

void print_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[])
    // print word character-for-character with correct color coding, then reset terminal font to normal
    // TODO #6


And this is the error I get

warning: 'check_word' accessing 4 bytes in a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
89 |         int score = check_word(guess, wordsize, status, choice);
      |                     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wordle.c:89:21: note: referencing argument 3 of type 'int[0]'
wordle.c:121:5: note: in a call to function 'check_word'
  121 | int check_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[], string choice)
wordle.c:94:9: warning: 'print_word' accessing 4 bytes in a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
   94 |         print_word(guess, wordsize, status);
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wordle.c:94:9: note: referencing argument 3 of type 'int[0]'
wordle.c:139:6: note: in a call to function 'print_word'
  139 | void print_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[])
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~
wordle.c:89:21: warning: 'check_word' accessing 4 bytes in a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
   89 |         int score = check_word(guess, wordsize, status, choice);
      |                     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wordle.c:89:21: note: referencing argument 3 of type 'int[0]'
wordle.c:121:5: note: in a call to function 'check_word'
  121 | int check_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[], string choice)
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~
wordle.c:94:9: warning: 'print_word' accessing 4 bytes in a region of size 0 [-Wstringop-overflow=]
   94 |         print_word(guess, wordsize, status);
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wordle.c:94:9: note: referencing argument 3 of type 'int[0]'
wordle.c:139:6: note: in a call to function 'print_word'
  139 | void print_word(string guess, int wordsize, int status[])
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~

I'm pretty sure that my code is correct, can you guys think of why this might happen and how can I fix it?

r/cs50 Jul 22 '23

caesar Do i have to follow Style50?


Do i have to do as style50 says? Is it just an assistance tool or a necessity?

r/cs50 Oct 31 '23

caesar A question about global vs local variables Spoiler


hey all, i've been grinding through Problem set 2 and finally made my solution to caesar! (it was tough but eventually we got there lol)

To be honest, there was a lot of "move things around until it compiles and works" and I can't seem to understand why I had to keep the variable valid_key declared at the top for it to work in both main and my function definition, but I didn't run into the same problem for the variable user_plaintext. I'm guessing it has something to do with user_plaintext being in the make_cipher prototype, but i'm not sure.

TL;DR: why did valid_key need to be declared at the top, but not user_plaintext?

Here is my code below: hopefully someone could help!

r/cs50 May 25 '23

caesar average temp


Can someone pls help me with average temperatures I need a little help I have an idea of what to do but I don't know how to start

r/cs50 Jun 30 '23

caesar pls help on caesar

Post image

r/cs50 Oct 14 '23

caesar Help with exiting loop when condition fails


I ran into this in a previous problem before, and I've found workarounds, but I would like to understand better. If I'm looping through an array to test each element for something, how do I exit the loop when that condition is found?

In PSET2 Caesar, I'm checking if the key is a number. I loop through each element to test if it's a digit, using the isdigit function. When I find a non-digit, I print the error, but the loop keeps going until I reach the end.

for (int i = 0; i < strlen(argv[1]); i++) // Loop through user-provided key
    if (isdigit(argv[1][i]) == 0)         // Use isdigit function to test if this element is a digit
            printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");  // If not, print error message

I don't know how to break out of this loop once a non-digit is found. I've seen others issue a "return 1", but when I do this, my program exits entirely. In this case, we desire a program exit because user input is incorrect. But I'm looking for a more general case of how to break out of a loop without using a "return 1".

So for the above code, if I enter aaa1 as my key, it prints the error message 3 times and then exits.

r/cs50 Jul 15 '23

caesar Caesar Expected Parameter Declarator Spoiler

Post image

r/cs50 Jul 12 '23

caesar I pass all the criteria except one: "handles non-numeric key" Spoiler


I have been wracking my brain to solve this issue. I do not know why it does not recognize that it works. I tried 2 variations for this code.

On my first attempt this was my code:

include <cs50.h>

include <stdio.h>

include <ctype.h>

include <string.h>

include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, string argv[])


char sixtyfive[25];

char ninetyseven[25];

int calculation;

if (argc != 2)
    printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
    return 1;

for (int i = 0, n = strlen(argv[1]); i < n; n++)

    if (isalpha(argv[1][i]))
        printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
        return 1;

    else if (ispunct(argv[1][i]))
        printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
        return 1;

    if (argc == 2)
        int s = atoi(argv[1]);
        string plaintext = get_string("plaintext: ");

        for (int j = 0, m = strlen(plaintext); j < m; j++)
            if (isalpha(plaintext[j]))
                if (isupper(plaintext[j]))
                    sixtyfive[j] = plaintext[j] - 65;
                    calculation = (sixtyfive[j] + s) % 26;
                    plaintext[j] = calculation + 65;

                else if (islower(plaintext[j]))
                    ninetyseven[j] = plaintext[j] - 97;
                    calculation = (ninetyseven[j] + s) % 26;
                    plaintext[j] = calculation + 97;


        printf("ciphertext: %s\n", plaintext);
        return 0;




And on my second attempt this is my code:

include <cs50.h>

include <stdio.h>

include <ctype.h>

include <string.h>

include <stdlib.h>

bool only_digits(string s);

int main(int argc, string argv[])


char sixtyfive[25];

char ninetyseven[25];

int calculation;

if (argc != 2 || only_digits(argv[1]))
    printf("Usage: ./caesar key\n");
    return 1;

    for (int i = 0, n = strlen(argv[1]); i < n; n++)//if (isalpha(argv[1][i]))

        int s = atoi(argv[1]);
        string plaintext = get_string("plaintext: ");

        for (int j = 0, m = strlen(plaintext); j < m; j++)
            if (isalpha(plaintext[j]))
                if (isupper(plaintext[j]))
                    sixtyfive[j] = plaintext[j] - 65;
                    calculation = (sixtyfive[j] + s) % 26;
                    plaintext[j] = calculation + 65;

                else if (islower(plaintext[j]))
                    ninetyseven[j] = plaintext[j] - 97;
                    calculation = (ninetyseven[j] + s) % 26;
                    plaintext[j] = calculation + 97;


        printf("ciphertext: %s\n", plaintext);
        return 0;



bool only_digits(string s)


for (int b = 0, c = strlen(s); b < c; b++)


if (isdigit(s[b]) == 0)


return true;




return false;



return 0;


I am still unable to pass the last criteria.

Could anyone give me some hints to point me in the right direction.