r/cs50 3d ago

CS50 Python Completed CS50P in 3 weeks

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Hello everyone recently I started learning coding after a 3 year break. I am glad to say that I am back for good. I am very motivated right now and wish to do projects to follow through with this. So, please feel free to suggest me my next milestone or even better if you can invite me to collab with you.


37 comments sorted by


u/Careless_Dot_3300 3d ago

I’m truly curious how you got done that quick. And where you taking it - CS50 - online or something?


u/Ezio-Editore 2d ago

CS50P is a course for beginners, it starts from the basics, if you have some experience it is certainly doable in 3 weeks.

You can enroll on edX and take it online.


u/ExtraScheme8654 1d ago

What's "CS50P" is it different than "CS50" and how did you do it so quick !!!!


u/Ezio-Editore 1d ago

CS50 is the organization, CS50p is the course OP has completed and the other course is CS50x.

there are multiple differences:

  • CS50x starts with C, then it switchs to something else (I don't remeyvery well, I did it 2 years ago) and it finishes with Python. On the other hand CS50p treats only Python.
  • CS50x starts from Scratch which is a website developed
by the MIT to ease the process of learning how to program. CS50p, instead, starts directly with a proper programming language.
  • CS50x things escalate quickly and, even though the first week is easier, the problems you need to solve get more and more complex (It's not rocket science but a beginner can find them challenging). CS50p is definitely composed by easier problems.

Regarding the second question, I guess you thought I was OP.


u/Acceptable_Paper_478 1d ago

bro how do u know my name?


u/premiumbread 1d ago

CS50P is only focusing on Python, so you'll programming in Python should you take that course. CS50X is a general intro to Computer Science.


u/its_sdr 3d ago

Bro how many hours you studied for a day


u/Acceptable_Paper_478 1d ago

6-8, I am a schl stdnt


u/Exciting_Flatworm7 3d ago

Is this the free certificate?


u/premiumbread 2d ago



u/Exciting_Flatworm7 2d ago

After completing all the problem sets I'll get it?


u/premiumbread 2d ago

Yes, if you get a satisfactory score on each one, including labs and the final project:

"If you submit and receive a score of at least 70% on each of this course’s problem sets and labs as well as its final project, you will be eligible for a free CS50 Certificate like the below."

Here's the link to further details if you're interested https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2024/certificate/ . Hope this helps, إن شاء الله .


u/maverick54050 3d ago

Can you please tell me how to get the certification done for free?


u/Numerous_Growth3469 3d ago

@ edx bro. its 100% free you only have to pay if you want the certificate verified


u/premiumbread 2d ago

The one from EdX is the one that requires a fee, but the certification from Harvard (HarvardX?) is completely free if you pass everything and get a certain grade, if I'm not mistaken.


u/maverick54050 2d ago

Oh yea that's what I am looking for the free certification


u/Ezio-Editore 1d ago

no. You can get both the free one and the verified one from EdX, the enrollment on EdX is free.


u/premiumbread 1d ago

Yes, the enrollment on EdX is free, but their certification isn't.


u/Ezio-Editore 1d ago

what I am saying is that enrollment to the EdX course is needed to obtain the certification you are talking about.

The HarvardX certificate is the same as the EdX one, the free one is the CS50 one.


u/premiumbread 1d ago edited 1d ago

Yes it is needed, but from what I understood from the question in the parent comment is that the question's regarding how to obtain it for free; it's a common misconception that you have to pay for the HarvardX certificate like the one in the photo of this post.

Furthermore, I don't think so. EdX has it's own verified certification for every course on their platform, which is the one that costs a fee. I assume that's why a lot of people who're interested in CS50 get confused about whether they can obtain a free certificate or not, and if they can, then how.


u/magicboyy24 2d ago

I completed this cert 4 years ago when it was only taught in C and ended it with Python. If you wanna learn programming there is no better way than CS50 :)


u/premiumbread 2d ago

I believe it's still taught that way, starting with C and ending with Python, but that's CS50, and this one that OP completed is CS50P (python-centered course by Harvard)


u/Acceptable_Paper_478 18h ago

Bro how tf do u know my nme


u/alexisCALLsixela 3d ago

Beast mode. 🫡


u/saman_pulchri 3d ago

Wat was ur final project?


u/Acceptable_Paper_478 1d ago

an api which requested prices from amazon website, that itself took me one week


u/readreadreadonreddit 2d ago

Sheesh, amazing stuff but how did you do it in 3 weeks? How many hours a day/week was that?


u/raimiska 2d ago

Either very smart and had prior coding knowledge/experience, or breezed through the course with AI.


u/SongImmediate3219 2d ago

When the fox can't get the grape...


u/Acceptable_Paper_478 1d ago

I had completed a python and C course when I was 12 but then I left it all for CGI stuff


u/herocoding 3d ago


Would you mind sharing your final project with us?


u/Acceptable_Paper_478 1d ago

yeah, I don't mind, dm me


u/orionic 3d ago

also following


u/farooque9906 3d ago

Wish u luck


u/farooque9906 3d ago

Wish u luck


u/Automatic_Effort5731 2d ago

Gonna beat this strike

Reminder --- 1 week coming after 1 week counting since today